Last Factory Closes Thanks to EPA

Thanks go to RHT for this heads up…

The final source for lead in the United States will be forced to shut down thanks to the new EPA standards that the Obama administration is mandating. Apparently the facility would cost $100 million to bring up to code, and the company that runs it would rather strip the site and sell it than spend the money to refurbish it.

Wonder who is going buy up the company, the Chinese? If they do, we will have handed over our last source for making bullets to China, ain’t that dandy? You people should be very alarmed at what Obama and the liberals are doing to us. The healthcare, the reckless spending, the depressed economy, the gun grabbers, this is all serious stuff and it’s putting us at risk.

The lead factory shutdown could spark another run on ammo and drive the ammo prices up again.

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5 Responses to Last Factory Closes Thanks to EPA

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Oh, just great.

  2. Harold says:

    Just another “glitch” in Obamas thinking, I don’t think so

  3. dbueno says:

    How much profit do they make? How much will taxpayers pay for the cancer treatment? Why did china have to shut down a whole city due to pollution and how long before their workers revolt? Oh they are already!

    I feel no sorrow for corporate games and their phony politics. They have the money. China no longer gives them free oil Vietnam is the new pollution playground.

    The hate for Obama and the Koch talking points blind the TP.

    How about all modern presidents have drank the trade Kool aide. Party had nothing to do with it. Being Black had nothing to do with it.

    Care about America, help us fight the TPP, melt the phone lines on “NO FAST TRACK”

    All stopping the fast track does is allow Americans to see it and debate it.

    They passed NAFTA fast Track and it hurt the US economy. Put a majority of Chinese goods in our stores and now our food. Read the labels folks.
    We eat foreign food!

    Where is the Tea Party on this? Waiting for marching orders? The Koch’s will not give them. The TPP gives the Koch’s the right to do whatever the want.

    No American will support the TPP where a tribunal Court rules over the USA for corporate profits. If my company wants to take your home and drill, I can sue for lost profits without even knowing what is really under your home?

    Ross Perot said NAFTA will suck the jobs out of USA.
    It did.

    The TPP is described as NAFTA on steroids…It is!

    TPP will destroy our sovereignty and more Jobs will leave. They will tear up our land then when the water is gone they will make us buy poison water from china or?

    An American has no party and marches to not a single drummer. Americans are suppose to be smart enough to see through the Washington Machine where Citizens United $$$$$ rules the country.

    Independents are the true patriots where all facts and views are discussed. No hate or wanting to eliminate a whole group of people as Hitler did.

    Help us Fight The President on the TPP !

  4. Tina says:

    Alas it will not be the last factory the EPA closes.

  5. dewey says:

    Hey maybe Georgia pacific would move here if we let them dump in the rivers! I hear Georgia is getting too much cancer from the pollution. Maybe that would be a great company for the state of Jefferson.

    What ya think?

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