Boehner’s List of Bills that Harry Reid Won’t Let Senators Consider

Posted by Tina

Speaker Boehner stood on the floor of the House this morning to highlight 150 bills passed in the House of Representatives that have been blocked even from consideration by Harry Reid in the Senate. His comments are in defense of recent accusations by Democrats and media that the 113th Congress is “the least productive in history”. House bills include legislation that would reform job training programs, boost protection from cyberattacks, and help schools recruit and keep good teachers. Two Republican Senators have attempted to influence Reid to no effect:

Boehner added that the GOP is now trying to work out differences with Democrats on the budget and the farm bill, but indicated little progress so far.

“Chairman [Paul] Ryan and Chairman [Frank] Lucas have made serious, good-faith efforts to Senate Democrats,” he said. “When will they learn to say ‘yes’ to common ground? When will they start listening to the American people?”

I don’t mind that Republicans are criticized as long as people understand what’s actually going on in Washington DC under the overly ambitious Obama administration and the radical leftist leadership of Harry Reid…as long as we all understand who is playing the obstructionist roll.

By the way, CNN reports today that Reid’s staff will be exempted from Obamacare because he can’t afford to pay them enough to afford the high premium that would give them an equivalent plan on the Obama exchange.

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6 Responses to Boehner’s List of Bills that Harry Reid Won’t Let Senators Consider

  1. Dewey says:

    LOL The more tax cuts for the 1% by diverting any social safty nets to their pockets bills? LOL

    That is right they are a bunch of corrupt bills.

    And we now have 150 in congress signed against the TPP….not a peep from the tea party on having a world corporate court that supersedes the USA law

    There was an election the 2 main issues were the paul Ryan plan in which prompted the nuns on a bus to travel around the country speaking about how it was a sham for the 1%. And the ACA.

    The GOP lost, but they sit around all day writing bills for their Donors for more 1% tax cuts and divert more tax dollars to them to profit. Refusing to rebuild America and cut every single program for the people.

    Unless a person only watches Fox news they would have to be an embosol not to know what is going on

    Epic fail!

    1 out of 4 corporations pay no taxes and we feed their employees…now they want to take that away from them

    America where min wage Walmart is the #1 employer is not enough like China yet for the GOP.

    Ever read the so called contraception bill? The Blunt/Rubio bill? Well it was not just about contraception it was putting the employer in charge of whether a health ins police paid for anything male or female down to a blood test.

    really is fox news the source here. Do you guys really think you are telling the truth?

    Thanks Obama it is all your fault

  2. Peggy says:

    Three cheers!!!

    Now the free market will kick in. Advertisers will pay more to Fox to reach more people and drop CNN. Bye bye CNN. Say hello to the Hudson, the Edsel and the Hupmobile.

  3. Dewey says:

    LOL Real media is moving off the main stream corporate donor circle of money media! Corporate TV lost 30% viewership to citizens media….

    The people are not watching the propaganda on TV.

    We have our own streaming media, cameras in the meetings, real people.

    The fact fox tells them what to say for the GOP and they get fired if they do not obey is OK with you guys? LOL

  4. Tina says:

    It seems to me that control over what is said has been unnecessary in old media outlets…that’s the way indoctrination in the school system works.

    Also, two people at MSNBC recently vented with uncivilized, gutter mouths. Is that more preferable to you?

    Do you watch FOX?

    Thought not.

    “Citizen media”…is that Al Gores latest venture? A gathering of the 99%? Cameras in the meeting? Useless when they simply record the same, tired, old distortions and propaganda.

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