Update: Flight Training – Pensacola

Posted by Jack


For the friends of my grandson Miles (USN),  he just called and he wanted you to know that his physical fitness training is going really well.  He says it is among the best of all the services, they work out with Marines and are in better shape.  They (Navy) do long runs at least once a week and short runs and workouts every day.   Gym sessions can last 4 hours.   He says he’s never been in better shape!  

Officers and enlisted often train together as a crew, unlike the rest of the classifications where there is a big divide between enlisted and officers.  Yesterday he was greeted by a Lt. General who just wanted to know where he was from and a little about himself.    He was complimented on his polished work boots!  Miles says such encounters are not too unusual.   Pensacola is a joint forces training center as well as a multinational training base that oftens Isreali, Russian, British and Egyptian and other forces.

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One Response to Update: Flight Training – Pensacola

  1. Tina says:

    Is this the grandson that used to help you plant trees? sounds like a great guy. Wish him well.

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