Chico Bike Thefts

by Jack

As most of us bicycle riders are aware, bike thefts in Chico have skyrocketed.  Here’s an idea for Chico PD.  Set up bait bikes and watch them.  But, don’t use police officers, use civilian volunteers ready to call in a theft in progress.  It would cost nothing for the police to do this and just the thought that bait bikes are out here would have a deterent effect all on it’s own.   Bait bikes could be rigged to give officers time to respond.  I’ve done this before and it works.   By the way, have you noticed all the nice bikes the transients are riding, I thought they were broke?   Wonder where they are getting them?


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9 Responses to Chico Bike Thefts

  1. J Soden says:

    Great idea, Jack. Same thing has been used by various police departments in areas with high numbers of car thefts.
    Next trick is getting the thieves punished with more than just a slap on the wrist.

    • Post Scripts says:

      J.Soden – thanks. However, I’m not optimistic anybody at the PD will do it. Law enforcement is not known for being pro-active, they’re geared more towards taking reports after the fact. This is not to say a lot of the police, especially the younger ones, would not like to be busting these guys… they are just stuck with a system that doesn’t like to try thinking outside the traditional box.

  2. Libby says:

    Jack, yer nutsy. You don’t use expensive public resources like that. Honestly, one minute you’re grousing about their exorbitant salaries and pensions, and the next minute you want to set their expensive hineys to staking out bike racks?

    And you can forget about your citizen volunteers. We’ll be up to our elbows in dead bike thieves.

    There’s a very simple way to deter bike theft. Register the things. But nobody wants to do anything so simple and sensible.

  3. Tina says:

    Chico already registers bikes…doesn’t stop thieves. Catching their sorry butts would. Letting it be known that eyes will be on the lookout can’t hurt…I doubt the volunteers would carry signs identifying themselves, Libs. They’d be working under cover and reporting to police.

    Super idea Jack.

  4. Libby says:

    “Chico already registers bikes…doesn’t stop thieves.”

    No, Chico keeps a bike registry, which only works if the citizens register their bikes, which they don’t.

    You know, most of your griping about government is actually griping about your own unwillingness to exert yourself as a citizen.

    Well, not you, yourself, or Jack. Running this venue is no small exertion, but the conservative milieu in general.

    And waiving pointless placards in the town square don’t count. Volunteering at the local public school, registering you bike, hiring a vagrant, these are the sort of things that count.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby: ” most of your griping about government is actually griping about your own unwillingness to exert yourself as a citizen.”

    Wrong. We are the ones who comply and pay!

    You like to take our dollars and give them to people who don’t comply and don’t pay but a lot of them sure learn how, and have the free time, to thieve.

    “…the conservative milieu in general.”

    Are you insane? It is the essence of conservatism to do the responsible thing!

    ” Volunteering at the local public school, registering you bike, hiring a vagrant, these are the sort of things that count.”

    Excuse me but the left invented placards! And they don’t hold a monopoly on volunteerism or hiring…in fact I’d argue they are less likely to do any of these. Liberals serve on the boards of non-profits where they award themselves fat salaries and spend other peoples money. they join activist organizations where they learn to bully and harass their fellow citizens. they are socialist and political. What they do isn’t service oriented or productive…tit for tat dear girl, tit for tat!

  6. Thomas says:

    I may be new here but that last comment does not read responsible to me. Just Sayin…

    Why are all so called Liberals the enemy? My family consists of many diff political affiliations and we all are responsible. We never talk politics that’s all.

    May I suggest that if you would like to watch bike racks for thieves and call in reports that would be very nice of you. I however just do not have time to work for free nor do I leave my bike unlocked. While it is never full proof it is locked. I also have a tracking device on my bike I can access by cell phone.

    I find that taking responsibly for my own bike has worked well.

    Just my 2 cents


    • Post Scripts says:

      Thomas, in the most honest of terms I think we know that liberals are the enemy, they’re just frequently guilty of voting for the wrong things and that’s annoying, but it’s not like they are evil. Then again, I’m sure they think the same about conservatives, but one of us is mostly right…which is where I our name comes from! lol

      Just my 2.5 cents worth. -Jack

  7. Tina says:

    Hey Thomas being new to Post Scripts is cause for celebration, especially when you make good sense!

    To answer your question, it isn’t that they are the enemy. It is that they are the competition. The struggle is ideological. The question has to do with the degree that individuals take personal responsibility in their lives (conservative) to the degree to which the government should have more responsibility and control (liberal). The degree to which we think of ourselves as a nation of independent individuals (conservative) as opposed to a collective of dependent members of a group (liberal).

    There are many responsible people in families all over America who claim the liberal mantle but they often live their own lives quite conservatively and responsibly. Although I might not agree with them over every issue, I would not them as my own enemy or an enemy of freedom.

    I believe the Democrat Party, a once proud party of liberal Americans, has been taken over by a much more radical thinking group that believe in big a federal government that has control over all aspects of our lives and our businesses.

    We’re happy to include your two cents any time Thomas. Feel free to come on back anytime you get the urge to express yourself.

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