More Crooked Democrats – Justice Department Won’t Prosecute for Voter Fraud

MeloweseLast week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama’s reelection.

Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President. In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama.

The lack of DOJ action against an unrepentant federal vote fraudster combined with Richardson’s lionization by Sharpton and the organization that sponsored the rally demonstrates how the Justice Department is facilitating a culture of brazen criminality on the eve of the 2014 midterm elections. The failure to indict Richardson is the latest example of Holder’s department excusing lawlessness in federal elections and abandoning law abiding Americans.

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12 Responses to More Crooked Democrats – Justice Department Won’t Prosecute for Voter Fraud

  1. Peggy says:

    I wonder if she has a brochure explaining how she was able to vote so many times and got away with it. I’d like to pass them around and take back our state from the corrupt Democrats.

    Hey, it worked for her why not equal treatment for the rest of us? Voter fraud be damned along with all of the rest of our laws this DOJ and president refuses to uphold.

  2. Tina says:

    “Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati.”

    Could the Democrat message on voter fraud be any clearer?

    It’s a wonder they haven’t yet dreamed up an award for the most prolific fraudster in an election cycle…maybe a giant ass atop a fake ID or a ream of ballots?

  3. Harold says:

    “It’s a wonder they haven’t yet dreamed up an award for the most prolific fraudster in an election cycle”

    I think they have a boon already, currently it is unlimited use of Air Force One.

  4. J. Soden says:

    Dingy Harry Reid was last re-elected due to ACORN voter fraud in Las Vegas. The ACORNs were prosecuted by the State of NV, and convicted.

    Given so many other examples of malfeasance in DC, it’s WAY past time for the States to step up and protect their residents from the Foolish Feds in ALL the alphabet goofernment agencies!

  5. Tina says:

    The gossip journalists have also exposed a lawsuit involving convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a former former Bill Clinton pal. The transcripts include numerous references to Bill Clinton:

    A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton’s friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute.

    Bill Clinton’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire’s private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves.

    The National Enquirer has released new details about the two men’s friendship, which seems to have ended abruptly around the time of Epstein’s arrest.

    If this lawsuit gets nasty it could hurt Hillary’s chances for the presidency. More likely, given the bucks this guy has, it will quietly go away. It does serve to remind what it was like with the Clintons in the white House…not what America needs now.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson — toxic criminal racist extortionist hate mongers. Revoke citizenship and deport to France.

  7. Cindy says:

    I find it troubling one would say to revoke a persons citizenship because they disagree or do not like a This is America and we need to get back to embracing our diversity and bringing back Democracy.

    Al Sharpton annoys me but I just never see him cause I do not watch his show …..That is the beauty of America he lives his life and I live mine in peace together

    • Post Scripts says:

      Cindy inclusion is always better than exclusion that’s for sure! Please don’t take things said here too literally, when posters are angry. People vent. It’s okay for folks to vent here too, so long as that’s not all they do.

      We stress sharing ideas and opinions and brining interesting things to the table for discussion. We are strong advocates of democracy and free speech.

      The more you follow the topics here the more you will understand why we do what we do… we’re all about being good citizens and protecting our country from those who would abuse our freedom and violate our constitution.

  8. Libby says:

    “… we’re all about being good citizens and protecting our country from those who would abuse our freedom and violate our constitution.”

    And six fraudulent votes in a national election is certainly enough to bring the country down. Please. You wanna be incensed? Read about LBJ’s early campaigns. Ooooh, Mommy, he was a bad boy.

    And I have to say … again … it’s becoming really obvious that, while you claim to be campaigning against voter fraud, you are really campaigning against brown voters.

    And it’s a stupid campaign. Brown voters have long been notorious for their apathy. All this persecution is going to change that. Yer shootin’ yerselves in the foot, you are.

  9. Tina says:

    Libby whenever the party you support is up to it’s eyeballs in corruption and failure we suddenly become bigots…shame on you. Do brown people have to obey our laws or not? Should they pay the price when they don’t are not? that’s what it comes down to and if you say they don’t then you are the real bigot. Brown people are not equal unless they are treated as equals in every way.

    “Brown voters have long been notorious for their apathy. All this persecution is going to change that.”

    Persecution? Expecting this woman to behave like a solid upright citizen is persecution? Are you daft?

  10. Tina says:

    Cindy I’s like to see people like Melowese Richardson embrace our democratic process, follow the rules, and vote only once. I’d like to see the powers that found her guilty of voting six times treat her in the same way as they would any citizen regardless of party, religion, age, race, or class…that is America. When someone is treated by our government differently than others because of their race or age or class or religion or party we have lost America.

    Something to think about. Peace is not the natural state and can’t be without divine intervention. Human beings are capable of both good and evil and all of the nuances between. the world is both calm and fierce. Most of us are doing the best we can every day in a hostile, contentious world. We settle differences through the tug and pull of discussion. We at Post Scripts invite diversity of thought and we think of everyone as a friend, even when we disagree.

    Thanks for posting your thoughts. We hope you will join us more often.

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