Affidavit From FBI



This is the official 137 indictment, so when you click on it be prepared to wait about 5 minutes for it to appear.

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7 Responses to Affidavit From FBI

  1. Pie Guevara says:


    On an entirely separate note —

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    … ooops …

    On an entirely separate note –

    Mistrust overshadows Obama’s Saudi trip (via Drudge via Yahoo!)

    On his return would it not be appropriate to find the following headline?

    Mistrust overshadows Obama’s return to USA

  3. Harold says:

    So the bottom line in this issue is Democratic misuse of power and the philosophy of Liberal Anti-gunners taking away legally owned weapons by any means, through corrupt and most likely illegal new laws and then they turn around and supply illegally and fully automatic weapons to criminals is MONEY!
    Yee and the rest caught seem most willing to trade human lives for dollars, and it was simple enough for Yee and the rest of them to gather support from people like those easily swayed Liberal party members and anti gun supporters like Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein and especially the Majority of Democrats in the California Legislature.

    Corrupt regulation solely for profit, just for money that they could realize from an weapon shortage Yee and those same lawmakers were creating, and all the while all those Liberals and their “follow the leader” ideology was putting all of California’s populous in danger.

    And I’ll point out these weapons are by their vary nature were illegal to begin with and intended to go go to gangs and criminals that a potentially unarmed public would not be able to defend themselves from.
    An Unarmed public created through corrupt legislation and the unthinking knee-jerk acts of Liberal lawmakers.

  4. Harold says:

    California Senate suspends 3 Democrat lawmakers

    Associated Press

    Posted: 03/28/2014 12:07:58 PM PDT

    SACRAMENTO — The Democratically controlled California Senate has voted to suspend three Democrats who face charges in separate criminal cases, after the latest lawmaker to be hauled into court refused to step down.

    Today’s 28-1 vote in the 40-member chamber came amid one of the most severe ethical crises in modern times for the Legislature in the nation’s most populous state.

    The resolution prevents Democratic Sens. Ron Calderon, Leland Yee and Rod Wright from exercising any power of their office until the pending criminal cases against them have been resolved. Even so, they will continue receiving their $95,291 annual salaries.

    Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento acknowledged the public criticism of the chamber but defended his leadership and the integrity of the 37 senators who have not run afoul of the law. Nevertheless, he said he has been shocked by having 7 percent of the chamber face felony charges this year, which will be his last as leader.

    “One is an anomaly, two a coincidence, but three? That’s not what this Senate is about,” Steinberg said to his fellow lawmakers before the vote.

    Yee, who had championed gun control legislation and bills targeting violent video games sold to minors, is the latest of the three senators to be charged. The San Francisco Democrat was indicted this week on federal charges that included accepting bribes and coordinating an international gun-running operation.

  5. Peggy says:

    The vote should have been 40-0 in favor of suspension without pay, benefits and lose of any pension if found guilty. If found not guilty pay and benefits would be paid retroactive. The punishment should reflect the crime and not be rewarded. A bill needs to be submitted asap to make future illegal actions an major offense and not a minor hiccup.

    Yee’s gun running appears to be similar to Holder’s Fast and Furious. Yee must have thought he77 Holder got away with it, so I can too.

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