Question: Would You Fall for This?

by Jack

Well the election season is upon us once again and the signs are going up all over.  Every vacant lot is getting filled up with sign litter.   Only the signs don’t say much compared to past years.  Seems like the verbiage on political signs gets less and less every year.  I remember in years past, there were at least some semi-clever slogans and it was standard to show your party affiliation show even on lowly yard signs. But, today it’s mostly just the person’s last name, you’re luck if it says what they are running for!  And rather than say Republican, they say conservative.  Are they that ashamed of being a republican?  If they are, they should be running as an independent.   Have you noticed what I’m talking about here?   Republican is like a dirty word in elections, candidates want to avoid calling themselves republicans, especially in Blue State California., However, I wonder if calling themselves a conservative is really going to get more votes? &#160?

I understand the idea is to get a candidates name out there as much as possible so you, the (assumed dimwit) voter will walk into the voting booth and remember their name like it’s an old friend and cast your vote for him/her.    But, would you? Are you really as dumb as they seem to think you are?  Would you really vote for a candidate based on the popularity of their signs that say nothing about issues or the candidates background?   Apparently the campaign managers believe it because they will spend a lot of money on tons of signs.  And those slick and sometimes very deceptive mailers that are crafted by the same consultants to create this perfect imagine of their candidate.   To me it looks like one big con job up to this point.

The public forums or debates, are where you have at least a chance of finding something truthful and meaningful about the candidate. Yet, not many people ever watch them. They tend to get attended by about 1% of the voter base, if that!

I’ve served on many campaigns as a volunteer and staffer and even as a candidate, I’ve hosted voter forums, helped craft signs and done all those things campaign pros will do to win your vote and it makes me sick to think this is how we run a republic!   I won’t do it anymore.  It’s become too close too a fraud.  In truth, it’s become too deceptive and too manipulative to be tolerated.  There are better ways to elect candidates…. and in my next post I am going to suggest a few and hopefully get your feedback.



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6 Responses to Question: Would You Fall for This?

  1. Tina says:

    Okay I’ll wait for the suggestions before saying much…however…

    Signs that say “conservative” rather than Republican and use only a last name don’t bother me. Most of those signs are small with limited space. If they are to be read and the information retained the use of the most important words makes sense. A Republican, Democrat or Independent should be putting out this information in many other ways.

    I’ve seen signs that tried to say so much they weren’t readable from a car.

    Anyone interested in knowing the candidates before voting will seek out information beyond the signs and pamphlets. As long as candidates participate by doing whatever they can to let the people get to know them I don’t see how a sign that says conservative is being “deceptive”…unless of course he isn’t.

    Low information voters who don’t bother to get information, voters who vote as they are advised, voters who vote on the fly or by whim are the ones fouling the process.

    Voters (always) have to be more responsible about getting information. If they suspect deception they should dig deeper.

  2. Chris says:

    Jack: “And rather than say Republican, they say conservative. Are they that ashamed of being a republican?”

    This is interesting, as Democrats seem to have the inverse problem. Republicans have absolutely no problem calling themselves “conservative” in their ads, and like to tout how they are more conservative than their opponents, but Democratic politicians almost always avoid using the word “liberal” to apply to themselves, as if that is considered a dirty word.

  3. Harriet says:

    perhaps “Conservative is used rather than Republican because so many Republicans are not all that conservative.
    McCain, Boehner, Christy, are three examples.
    Signs are not noticed all that much as we are driving by, I will investigate a candidate if not familiar with them especially if conservative is their identity.
    I for one am tired of the so called rinos.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Harriet you make a good point, and it was one that I should have made! But, at least you caught it.

      No, not all republicans are conservative are they? Many candidates are RINO’s and I’m fed up with them just as much as you are. But, they never say they’re RINO’s or moderates…. they refer to themselves as conservatives.

      Maybe we should be calling this time the deceptions, instead of the elections?

  4. Peggy says:

    Being an informed voter mean reading anything and everything about candidates before voting.

    Road/yard signs are only good for letting people know who’s running. Voting records and who their supporters and backers are takes a little elbow grease.

    Recently I received a fund raising request letter from Judge Sandra McLean where she listed Jane Dolan as one of her honored supporters. You all remember Ms. Dolan who was/is friends with Hanoi Jane Fonda. Her name came up too with property developers.

    Now I know for sure who won’t be getting any money from me, nor my vote. I don’t want a judge on our county bench that has connections to someone who dishonored this country and aided those who were treating our soldiers far worse than anything done at GITMO.

    Jane Dolan’s legacy for Butte and Chico.

    Lots of time to do some research before voting. Plan to spend my time wisely, how about you?

  5. Tina says:

    The “2014 Deceptions”…good one Jack. This is probably one of the greatest deception periods of all time!

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