Pew Poll: Toss Obama’s Polices

Posted by Tina

My first thought upon reading this is that if the public wants Obama’s policies thrown out they had better be in the mood to throw democrats out in general. Obama’s radical left polices represent the bread and butter policies and politics that have driven the Democrat Party for seven decades or more!

The Washington Examiner has the details from the poll:

The April 23-27 survey of 1,501 adults nationwide found that 65 percent wanted the next president to have different programs or policies from those of the Obama administration, versus 30 percent who wanted similar ones.

The American people need to grow up. We won’t maintain our freedom or preserve the republic by watching Dancing With the Stars and Game of Thrones while incompetents run the nation. Somehow we will have to get smarter about who we elect and what we want our leaders to do…and not do…if we expect to continue being able to enjoy living in the land of the free. We have to know how things work if we are going to know whether our choices for leadership will know how things work and will serve therefore us well. Our choices are never perfect but the total disasters can be weeded out.

Wake up America…and get educated! Then vote wisely…always!

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5 Responses to Pew Poll: Toss Obama’s Polices

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    I certainly hope this poll is a bellwether tolling the self destruction of the Democratic party at the federal level.

    On the issue federal land grabs, this is a must read from The Washington Times —

    “This is so much bigger than one rancher in Nevada,” Utah state Rep. Ken Ivory, who heads the American Lands Council, said in an April 23 online debate sponsored by The Salt Lake Tribune.

    How much land does the federal government own? A 2012 Congressional Research Survey said the federal government owns about 640 million acres, or 28 percent of the nation’s land mass. Roughly 90 percent of that property is in the West.

    Put another way, one out of every two acres in the West is federally owned. In Nevada, the figure is 81.1 percent; in Alaska, 61.8 percent; in Utah, 66.5 percent; in Oregon, 53 percent. In Connecticut and Iowa, the federal government owns 0.3 percent of the land.

    “The federal estate is larger than France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom combined,” said Robert Gordon, a senior adviser for the Heritage Foundation.

    Also required reading is this story about a Nevada Democrat dirt bag who calls for the removal of so called “armed separatists”. If you are a Democratic party leader, the first requirement is to be a flame throwing pompous ass claiming to represent your constituency.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    DamnRatCare threatens cancellation of as many as 90,000 health care policies in Nevada —

  3. Harold says:

    The Beginning Of The End For Barack Obama Could just be Benghazi:

    Retired General Paul Vallely went so far as to use the “I-Word” to NewsMax: “What we have now basically is an invitation to seriously defraud the voting public, which in my opinion is just another indication that we need to impeach President Obama….”

    Vallely’s not the only one. People have been saying that the bell is tolling for Mr. Obama on Benghazi for some time now:

    Former Governor Mike Huckabee has said: “The highest levels of people in the United States government all the way up to the president knew that what they did tell us was not true. … And when the facts come out, they will not be able to stand. They will have lost the right to govern.”

    Former UN Ambassador John Bolton: “This could be a hinge point for the Obama administration. It’s that serious for them… And what we’ve seen leaked already… is DEVASTATING.” [Emphasis Ours]

    Political pundit Dick Morris: “[I]t is only a matter of time until the blame filters up to Obama and Clinton, ruining one presidency and possibly preventing another. … They will not be able to free themselves or save themselves. The die is cast.”

    So now the question is this….. now that a better accounting of information is coming to the surface, What are you going to do to motivate our elected officials to do what must be done to finally uncover the truth and expose the Obama/Clinton machine accountable for the lies and deception?

    I summit, The ultimate answer to that question is up to us who vote and you can’t complain that our elected officials don’t listen to you if you don’t bother to communicate with them. Emails, Letters ,Calls and faxes. Our elected officials wont do anything unless they hear from you now.

  4. Tina says:

    The person in Nevada that labeled concerned citizens “armed separatists” is right Pie…they want to separate themselves and our country from the phony radical land grabbers who seek money, power and control for themselves and their cronies.

    Patriotism is standing for our freedom and property and is backed up by the Constitution. Part of the Constitution gives those citizens the right to be armed.

    The left radical leadership are alien to those principles and ideals. We see it as they express themselves if we bother to notice. It’s a shame people didn’t believe Obama when he told us how he would lead this nation.

    Some of it was pure fabrication: Most transparent administration…blah blah blah!

    Some of it was lies: …will post proposed laws for x days on the internet for everyone to see…blah blah blah.

    Some of it was simply the truth: Fundamental transformation, for instance, or regulation that will put coal companies out of business, or high fuel and energy prices and redistribution: spreading the wealth!

    Tossing Obama will happen, one way or another.

  5. Peggy says:

    Another reason Obama’s polls are dropping is because he has surrounded himself with individuals who make statements that are contrary to the majority of voters.

    Kerry said:

    This is a time here in Africa where there are a number of different cross-currents of modernity that are coming together to make things even more challenging. Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation of something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago. That’s not the way I think most people want to live.

    Kerry was only echoing his boss, Barack Obama, circa 2008:

    Democracy demands that the religiously-motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values.

    Our Constitution was based on the Judao/Christian beliefs set forth in the Bible.

    Is Mr. Kerry saying he no longer believes in our Constitution or its foundation written 2,000 years ago?

    If he’s not going to uphold our Constitution he and his boss need to go. Now!!

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