The Pub Encounter (humor)

I was at the pub the other night and overheard three very hefty women talking at the bar. Their accent appeared to be Gaelic, so I approached and asked, “Hello, are you three lassies from Ireland ?”

One of them angrily screeched, “It’s Wales. Wales you bloody idiot!”

So I apologized and replied, “I am so sorry. So, are you three whales from Ireland ?”

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15 Responses to The Pub Encounter (humor)

  1. Peggy says:

    I’ll bet he crawled out of the pub with his mouth where his ears used to be.

    Here’s another dumb male joke.

    One day a housework‑challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to his wife, “What setting do I use on the washing machine?”

    “It depends,” she replied. “What does it say on your shirt?”

    He yelled back, “University of Oklahoma.”

    And they say blondes are dumb…

    • Post Scripts says:

      The joke actually shows a cartoon of the Irishman in the hospital in a full body cast, but since the ER has not fixed our ability to upload pictures I couldn’t post that part.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Headline: Google car has no steering wheel — or brakes!

    Interesting. Google is designing cars like Microsoft designs operating systems.

  3. Pie Guevera says:

    Online Alert!

    A new and valuable resource center from my hero, mentor, and friend David Horowitz —

    • Post Scripts says:

      David Horowitz is someone I respect very much. I had a brief conversation with him once about 4 years ago. Nice person and brilliant.

  4. Tina says:

    Thanks Pie!

    Mr. Horowitz has amazing energy in addition to his brilliance. We should listen to his advice he knows how to defeat hard core lefties.

  5. Peggy says:

    Here’s another laugh.

    Obama Administration Is Considering Using Executive Power To Enact Racial Segregation In Hawaii:

    “The Obama Administration is once again preparing to use the power of the pen to create new law. It’s a move that could wreck havoc on race relations in the United States.

    Fifty years after the end of Jim Crow, a law which enabled racial segregation in parts of the country, the Secretary of the Interior is considering creating a separate racial state for Native Hawaiians. From the Cato Institute:

    In a classic Friday-afternoon news dump – and on the eve of a holiday weekend, no less – the Interior Department issued an advance notice of proposed rule-making (ANPR) to “solicit public comments on whether and how the Department of the Interior should facilitate the reestablishment of a government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community.”

    This would be an end-run around both Congress and the Constitution, marking the first step toward the creation of a race-based government in Hawaii.”

  6. Peggy says:

    Time to laugh at liberals who hate blacks that have different views.

    And then we have this to cheer about. It’s so nice to see people waking up from the hypnotic stupor they’ve been in.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #9 Peggy :


    God, I hope they don’t vote.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Is there a free (taxpayer funded) condom to protect the US from Sandra Fluke?

  9. Tina says:

    Peggy interesting article about Obama and the native Hawaiians but the part about segregation is a joke. There is a small island off the west coast of Kauai where only pure native Hawaiians can live…they self segregated. I couldn’t tell if this small island of people want nation status or exactly what this would mean if it stood up. sounded more like the entire group of islands is included and I doubt if that has a chance of happening with the people…too many of them like being a state. Does make you wonder what the O-man has in mind.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    I used to party with these guys —

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