Sign Petition to Split the State ~ Food Max 8:00 AM Sunday

Thanks to Bob for the heads-up!

Out in front of the Food Max in Chico there is a guy taking signatures for the initiative to split the state. He was there around 4:15 (On Saturday) when I was there. I don’t know how long he will stay.

He will set up again at food Max starting at 8:00 A.M. on Sunday

So Pie, Crazy Pie, Humble Pie, Blue Berry Pie, Crazy Bob, Tina, Jack, Peggy, Harold, the HG guy and TR guy and alls of yous peoples get your tookusses down there and sign on the dotted line!

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6 Responses to Sign Petition to Split the State ~ Food Max 8:00 AM Sunday

  1. bob says:

    Thanks for posting this, Post Scripts.

    Here is the link to the ER story

    Here is the link to where they have petition signings. It looks like nothing north of the Bay Area, except in Chico. Nothing in Redding or Sacramento.

    We need all the who went before the board of supervisors to support Jeferson to sign this.

    If Maureen Kirk won’t let us vote on this we need to let ourselves vote on this. SO SIGN THE PETITION, PEOPLE.

  2. bob says:

    Jack or Tina, what are the odds that this makes it on the ballot?

    I spoke to the guy taking the signatures and he was optimistic, but admitted it was going to take much effort and encouraged me to spread the word.

    I am a little concerned that they don’t have signature gatherers in other North State cities.

  3. bob says:

    If you know anyone in the cities listed below encourage them to sign. This would be for cities in the Bay Area and Central ans Southern CA, mostly.

  4. Peggy says:

    Bob, I just posted it on FaceBook and sent it to my email friends.

    Thanks for letting us know.

  5. George says:

    I just signed the “One California Petition”

    • Post Scripts says:

      George or Sue, whatever, that’s is so funny! You’re quite the wit.

      If that’s how you feel, that’s you’re right, don’t support us! You don’ see a problem and I’m not surprised. But, a significant number of people in Northern CA do see a problem. We are extremely tired of the overregulation, high taxation, business unfriendly climate, failing education, high crime, the welfare magnet and worst of all, the minimal representation we’ve suffered from for years. Our pleas for better representation have fallen on deaf ears in Sacramento. However, when you consider that any one of six large cities in SoCAL has more votes in Sacramento than the entire North State, most intelligent people would agree we have a problem that is in need of a fix. There are few viable options…. revolution or division.

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