War on Women – ISIS Forms All-Female Intimidation Brigade to Subjugate Women

Posted by Tina

The Washington Times reports on a new weapon in the arsenal for the terror group ISIS:

The armed women have reportedly detained and whipped individuals for wearing veils that are too thin, wearing hair clips under veils, walking alone and exposing too much of their face, a local activist named Abu al-Hamza told the news organization Syria Deeply.

A Syrian teen who asked to be referred to as Zainab told Syria Deeply, “I was walking down the street when a car suddenly stopped and a group of armed women got out. They insulted me and yelled at me. They took me to one of their centers and kept me locked in a room.

“Nobody talked to me or told me the reason for my detention,” she said. “One of the women in the brigade came over, pointing her firearm at me. She then tested my knowledge of prayer, fasting and hijab.”

The teen said she was released after two hours and threatened with harsh punishment if she was detained again.

This should put things in perspective…at least for those not trapped in game playing from the PC box.

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2 Responses to War on Women – ISIS Forms All-Female Intimidation Brigade to Subjugate Women

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Note the F*** You All Boy is silent.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    1984 – Some day these Islamic radicals will number in the millions and they will be spreading around the world like a cancer…

    2014 – They’re here. Now what?

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