Amid The Genocide in Iraq, Syrian and Isis Declaring War on US, Obama Finds Time to Do Anothre Fund Raiser

Posted by Jack

Megyn Kelly was really up in arms tonight over President Obama fundraising around the country as the threat of ISIS grows. She learned on-air, from Ed Henry, about a fundraiser Friday, and seemed to be at a loss for words.

When she brought on guest Marc Thiessen, Kelly asked, “Really? He’s gonna take a time out from all the work he’s been doing in the Vineyard to go do some fundraising while we consider whether we need to bomb Syria?”

Thiessen agreed with Kelly and said Obama has no concrete strategy for defeating ISIS. Kelly’s next gust, Democratic strategist Penny Lee, attempted a slight defense of Obama, but Kelly was having none of it.

Lee admitted the optics aren’t great. That set off Kelly, who cried, “It isn’t just the optics! It’s the actual behavior! Get back and start governing!… What’s he doing?!”

Kelly said she has no doubt Obama’s meeting behind closed doors on ISIS, but suggested he spend “more than just a few days on it.”

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4 Responses to Amid The Genocide in Iraq, Syrian and Isis Declaring War on US, Obama Finds Time to Do Anothre Fund Raiser

  1. Dewey says:

    It is the constitutional obligation for John Boehner to call Congress into session and discuss military actions to come not put out Monkey Videos. To imply PBO is not informed is well kind of ignoramous.

    Where is congress? Campaigning on our dime? Attending the Koch Meetings and pledging to uphold the purchase of our gov for them?

    Everywhere any president goes they have an office and all the information.

    Congress is Constitutionally responsible right now let’s talk about that!

    John Boehner is in breech of duty right now

  2. Dewey says:


    • Post Scripts says:

      Only Congress can declare war? That’s a joke. Korean War, Vietnam War, Invasion of Grenada, Panama, Gulf 1, Gulf II, Afghanistan…. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck…it’s probably a duck. War is war, a declaration of war is just a piece of paper that provides a few extra benefits for those who fight the war, that’s about all.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Megyn Kelly for President!!

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