Obama Speech Dissected by Biddle

by Bud Biddle dissected


obama-205x300Speech began:…Obama bragged about bin Laden first. Lied about USA being safe. Blowhard so far…1st minute…said zip. Blah-blah…no substance after 2 minutes. Talking about all we already know. Explaining stuff we know like we are 2nd graders.

Blah-blah…3 minutes have gone by and no new news or new info. Just rehashing the entire ISIS/Iraq story we already know just to use up time. The Obama time wasting he’s so famous for. No substance at all…so sad.

“120+ Air strikes, killed ISIS fighters”…blah-blah…saying old stuff.

“We will lead a coalition now”…a systematic campaign against ISIS targets.”

6 minutes in…absolutely NOTHING new…”no safe haven for ISIS”…what BS.

More history then he said,, “in awhile I’ll send 475 more US Service members to Iraq. No combat role. Training only.”

Blah-blah…”stem flow of fighters in the Middle East”

“4th, we will help Muslin Sunni and Shi’a not to be driven out by ISIS and we will supply millions in humanitarian aid”… [ all we hear is about “humanitarian aid”…]

“It will take time to destroy ISIS in Syria and in Iraq and there are risks involved”

“It will be different this time, no US boots on the ground”.

Blah-blah…”those who threaten American interests had best beware”….

“Our approach will be similar to our approach in Somalia and Yemen”

“We are in changing times, I see the grit of the American people every single day”

“It is America that has rallied the world against Russian aggression”

“We will help with the Ebola”

“We will degrade ISIS until they are destroyed”

“We Americans welcome the responsibility to lead, standing for freedom, justice and dignity”..

“I support our pilots, we are the greatest country, I love our military, we make a difference in the world”…blah-blah-blah, gag/puke..!

“ISIS is not Islam, most of their attacks have been on Muslims”..???????? Umm. he also forgot Christians.

“May god bless our troops”…

End….14 minutes of blathering weakness.

It’s gods who have this war ongoing…allah, et al. A holy war is on folks…it’s on, Mr. Obama…wake up man..!

What tripe…weak, almost ALL BS…so weak, so bad for our nation.

Not much more to be said about our President. He sounded almost apologetic as he said, “if you threaten America you will find no safe haven”. And now he wants to ramp up support to the Syrian rebels who many have already morphed into the ISIS he’s going after..? Is he nuts…?

He needs Assad and Putin, not more weapons to idiots who screw us over in the end.

He needs a global consensus…not just the 9 countries behind this weak crapola he’s bribed with $$$ aid..

I know he has no appetite for war. Neither do I. But this man has a serious deficiency. He’s a weak, indecisive, inexperienced man. He’s been so wrong in so many ways.

So we wait…and hope that there’s a change for the better.

Yet, nothing will R E A L L Y ever change. Obama is NOT the man for any change as the national and global, negative tipping points have been exceeded by overall humanity and their holy this and that wars.

Destructive forces rule us all now…our weapons are almost totally useless and pur minds are somewhat controlled by useless rhetoric/propaganda..

The erosion of all humanity is cast in the concrete of wrongheaded history. There’s no turning back and the lunatics rule us. THINK..! Police here are our enemy we are now told by our leaders. The Human Condition has deteriorated as we are pitted against each other almost everywhere.

Politics = religion and religion = politics. An incontrovertible FACT. NOTHING changes except for styles, costs and the weather. Human beings have been making the same mistakes and explaining them for 200,000 years…

Obama has the weakest stance we’ve ever seen. Poor fellow doesn’t get it and he never will…his stance/speech is/was/is weak and his resolve is not convincing at all. He has a mental problem of sorts in that he cannot get into the reality of the day.

ISIS, like the vicious cartels on our border, both require a concerted effort for extermination. He needs to say this clearly. And even then, nothing will change the way things go. Look around…what’s better..? Uh-huh…zip, nothing….>!<

We ARE NOT SAFE folks. The rehash of this Obama BS in prime time was/is useless. ISIS is laughing and will now behead their next prisoner on live TV. S i g h ~ !

Goodnight America…I love you. 9-11/2014, begins in a few short hours. Cross your fingers…!

Bud Biddle

Bull Lake, Montana

Far From The Front Lines

And Glad Of It…..! Obama

Blew It Tonight..So Sad.!

ps…Hey Mr. Obama…call up Putin and Assad tonight and get them aboard. Wake up man..you need them.  They are not the enemy…!  Never were…what a fool we have in DC…he thinks his propaganda works.  That we actually believe Putin and Assad are true enemies.  They’re not but he needs them to be enemies to blur his own mistakes and weaknesses.

pps…This stuff tonight stretches things out past the mid-term elections here. He has this great fear of being discovered as the maker of ISIS so he keeps doing things wrong in Syria. And he will now bomb ISIS in Syria w/out Assad’s permission. He will still keep trying to overthrow another elected President like he did in Ukraine, the dictator in Libya, the elected President Mubarak in Egypt. Egypt and Obama got the radical Muslim Brotherhood for awhile but their army tossed him out and Egypt is stable again….no thanks to American influence.

ppps…Obama has been dead wrong on ALL fronts, here and abroad…we’re broke, in debt and failing internally/externally, albeit slowly and sadly. Ukraine is weaker but Putin is creating peace there now. Libya is falling apart thanks to Obama and NATO. Syria is wrongfully in Obama’s sights again…such a foolish plan.

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7 Responses to Obama Speech Dissected by Biddle

  1. Dewey says:

    LOL All Americans are concerned about the situation however the Obama bashing needs to stop on this.

    I find the post hilarious. The nut jobs act like the intel comes from Obama!

    Homeland security sat in Congress and said they are unaware of any immediate threat to USA. So if there is a liar it is the intel and that would not be new.

    Furthermore Mr Ted Cruz is out there lying so big it is inexcusable for a member of the Senate and quite frankly I would like to see sedition charges start to appear.

    LOL This will be another long war and Bottom Line although all Presidents have their war, GW Bush toppled Saddam on a lie it is proven beyond any discussion and now we have a mess. I also like how the media allows war criminal Cheney to lie out right and even be on the air.

    The profiteering criminal Cheney needs to be prosecuted. Quite frankly I would offer up Bush and Cheney for those 2 Journalists if I could. Let them pay for their profit war.

    It is time to stop the stupid game and have a real conversation. But oh no the Black Man is the whole problem with conservatives.

    If Cheney had been elected we would probably be in about 7 wars just like Bin laden wanted. Why do you guys hate America so much?

  2. Harold says:

    Garbage in and garbage out…anyone surprised, ….. No one here

  3. J. Soden says:

    Stopped listening when Obumble said it was his responsibility to “keep America safe.”
    If so, Mr. Prez, why are our borders NOT SECURED?????

    As the days go by, we’ll see that this is just another teleprompter read with more promises Obumble will never keep.

  4. Dewey says:

    You guys will never get it. Every president is pushed into a war. Bush went into Office with a plan to topple Saddam.

    Of course PBO is playing a part. Who created ISIL? WE did with Saudi Arabia, England and others.

    1/3 of them are fired Iraqi soldiers…who fired them we did (GW)! Also how many times can our military for the oil corporations get away with their oil wars? Well the end of it has come.

    How many times did the Tea Party candidates cry out for war in Syria? Every single time that is all we heard. They wanted one and made one happen. Only thing I have not figured out is why were the Koch candidates the only ones asking for Syrian war, their oil is not big so what do they want over there?

    The CIA put out propaganda for the Iraq war and they are doing it now. Of course we are being lied to and this time who knows PBO may be getting bad intel cause he would not put boots on the ground. The Military wants the profit of boots on the ground… it’s all about money.

    Democracy is gone and over 30 foreign countries have set up Lobby’s here to buy our politicians. Every Senate Republican at roll call voted against the 28th amendment going forward. Well say good bye to America… The foreign gov’s now own us.

    The 2nd journalist was sold by activists at the Border to ISIL for big bucks. They lied and said he bombed a hospital. They received a handsome sum.

    All that matters is profit for foreign corporations. How many more Americans have to die before Conservatives are willing to get the money out of politics?

    It is becoming more and more foreign money not domestic although the Koch Boyz are going for it.

    McConnell came out of the Koch meeting at Dana Point and now has threatened a President of the US? Do what I say or I will shut down the gov? Well hopefully the senate is not captured. That is sedition at the least. Conservative acting like a dictator.

    I am ashamed of the way people act and the media they believe. I do not care where you get your info the CIA spending Billions to lie to all of us. We proved it for the Iraq war, Vietnam… all documented. Welcome to the era of never ending war.

    Also tired of this Obama pulled the troops out…no GW made the deal to get them out and when we asked to keep some in Iraq told us they would be subject to their law no protection… Iraq kicked us out.

    Now Why is John McCain who talked the Saudi prince into funding ISIS a saint? We did it now we are going to help our other enemy in Syria?

    Well the Military Complex will increase their dwindling profits and that’s all that matters I guess.

    Have fun in America I hope to get out of here in a couple years. No time for all the Propaganda and destruction of Democracy.

    Ask Sweden how privatizing ruined their country and how the costs for citizens only go up for privat profits of a few.

  5. Dewey says:

    P.S. How many politicians not in the capital building speak without corporate Logo’s behind them? what does it take for people to wake up?

    Watch them stick us with Hilliary who is a Monsanto queen!

  6. Tina says:

    Dewey the plan to take out Saddam harkins back at least to GHW Bush who was targeted by Saddam for assassination. Be glad our government has contingency plans in place at all times so that when it becomes necessary to execute one of them we are not caught unprepared.

    The ignorant blame America crowd sure a number on our young people. The phony Michael Moore with his BS movies indoctrinated them by the thousands. One day they might be faced with real problems to solve…will they step up and put on their big boy pants (hat tip, Peggy) or melt in a puddle?

    Dewey you are still totally ignorant regarding private property and freedom. Sweden was a blooming success story and then it fell into socialist hell. Let a Swede enlighten you:

    On 26th February 2008, Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden, gave a talk at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The subject that he presented was: “The New Swedish Model: A Reform Agenda for Growth and the Environment”

    The speech can be read in full from the Swedish Embassy (link provided):

    The New Swedish Model

    The passage that interested me the most was the following:

    At the beginning of the 1970s Sweden also had the fourth highest GDP per capita measured in purchasing power parity. Sweden was blooming. Then came Sweden’s mad quarter of a century.

    Growth fell off. Unemployment rose. The quality of welfare declined. What, then, were the factors that made the Swedish model stop working?

    The economic downturn that followed the two oil crises in the 1970s of course had a negative impact on Sweden. Also, the financial crises and macroeconomic shocks of the early 1990s had substantial consequences for the Swedish economy. But these shocks also affected other industrial countries. And it is difficult to argue that Sweden was particularly vulnerable to the international business cycle.

    This alone cannot explain why Sweden fell from fourth place in the OECD’s ranking of member countries by GDP per capita around 1970, to eighteenth place in 1997.

    Instead, I would argue that the explanation lies in other factors. The vital balance between the institutions in the model disappeared and socialism swept over Swedish society.

    We saw budget deficits and high inflation undermine macroeconomic stability. In many respects this was the result of irresponsible and short-sighted political actions.
    We saw a sharp rise in taxes, especially on labour, together with an expansion of benefit systems that undermined the work-first principle and made it less worthwhile to work.

    The education system was distorted and Swedish schools focused less on knowledge.
    Changes in international competition were met with subsidies rather than reforms. Free enterprise was not encouraged; instead it was questioned.

    We saw a rise in unemployment and the percentage of working-age people supported by various social benefits and subsidies rose from 10 per cent in 1970 to about 20 per cent in the present decade.

    What took a hundred years to build was nearly dismantled in twenty five years.

    My personal interest arises from the number of times from the 1970’s onwards, my left-wing colleagues told me with absolute dogmatic certainty that, although Socialism had run into difficulties in most Western European countries, Sweden was a shining example of a Socialist country, with a thriving economy and with social policies the rest of the world would do well to emulate.

    See also here…lots of links at the bottom.

    And here.

    And here.

    Every time it is tried socialism leads to higher unemployment, inflation, high taxation, government debt, less prosperity in general for the people.

    Private ownership of business and property affords people the opportunity to be self sufficient, independent and strong. Socialism leads to dependency and neediness.

    Re: #5…We’ve been awake for some time Dewey. The only thing any of us can do is continue to put it out there.

  7. Tina says:

    David Solway of PJ Media reports on concerns expressed by James Inhofe, ranking GOP member of the Senate Armed Services Committee:

    “We’re in the most dangerous position we’ve ever been in as a nation,” he warns; ISIS is “rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city, and people just can’t believe that it’s happening.”

    What kind of megabomb that might be, its precise components, and how it could be conveyed to the U.S. remain open questions, but there is justifiable speculation that ISIS and other terror outfits could easily smuggle such a weapon across the porous southern border or are capable of constructing a dirty bomb, quite possibly on site. Which city would be targeted is also uncertain, though under the lax supervision of Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York is an obvious choice. A threatening Twitter post issued by ISIS is accompanied by a photo of the Old Republic Building in Obama’s home town of Chicago and another of the White House. Technology centers like Seattle or Silicon Valley are equally plum targets. I suspect, however, that the jihadists might also be aiming for some comparatively innocuous city, say Omaha or Cleveland, where a major strike would not be anticipated and defensive protocols have not been put in place.

    In a rare instance of bipartisan agreement, secretary of defense Chuck Hagel has gone on record concerning the danger posed by the Islamic State, whose leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, aka Caliph Ibrahim, was released from captivity by an administration that has placed the U.S. in imminent peril. “They marry ideology and a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess,” Hagel said. “They are tremendously well funded. This is beyond anything we have seen.” (continues)

    That’s not good news given our border situation.

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