Trouble at Post Scripts

by Jack

Ever since we started using this new blog software by Word Press we’ve had long delays when using any function. Doesn’t matter what the function, logging in, opening an article, downloading pictures and uploading articles, it’s s-l—o—-w times ten! We’re talking between 1 to 3 minutes to change from one function to another. Imagine sitting at your desk and trying to put a picture with an article and you’re waiting, and waiting, and waiting…so, you go off to another site to fill the time and when you come back you’re still waiting and then finally it loads! FRUSTRATING. This is what we go through almost every time we use this blog site, but just to mess with our minds, on some rare occasions it works just fine… for about 30 seconds! We go this waiting game about 5-6 times a day.

I’ve personally tried a number of browsers to see if that would make a difference, but there’s not much improvement. Firefox works the best, Google second and Microsoft is the slowest to load, but why? I have no idea. That’s just the way it works. Unfortunately (or maybe it’s fortunate) I can’t talk the Word Press people to air my gripes because I sure would!!!! I would give them an earful what I think of their software. However, our site administrator Scott Casagrande is the only person who can do that. So, once again I called Scott this morning to complain and he’s going to call the W-P corporate office in Colorado and see what he can do for us. Till then, this software is slower than pouring molasses in a winter blizzard. The one bright spot is the reader side is not currently affected by this.

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8 Responses to Trouble at Post Scripts

  1. Harold says:


  2. Tina says:

    There you go Harold!

    Jack if it isn’t the slow process for posting it’s the spam jam…blogging is so much fun 😉

  3. bob says:

    Yes, I’m sure it’s frustrating…but I’m also sure Mr. Bighouse will fix it right up, chop, chop.

    After all, this is the biggest blog on this here cite and with all the traffic and ad revenue you bring in they can’t afford to keep this situation up for long.

    Plus, they won’t be able to afford to pay you two the big bucks in salary and benefits if they don’t get this fixed quick.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Thank you Bob, we appreciate the thought. In the immortal words of John Kerry, “Would that it were…would that it were…” But, alas we’re in reality the impoverished, and unappreciated orphans of the journalism world. We’re beaten with sticks, kicked to the curb or thrown under buses almost every day. And this comes despite our considerable effort to have an excellent work product for our loyal readers. Of course, it would be wonderful to make a few sheckels some day, so that we might feed and clothe ourselves without standing in a soup line or shopping at the thrift store for used underwear. That’s our dream, so we cling to the hope that some day things under Obama rule might change, heck maybe we’ll get a free Obama-phone? One can only hope, right? Well, it’s been “8 years a slave” and we’ve come to accept this is just our lot in life. And so we exist, chained to our desk, compelled to work long hours so that we may keep our rating on top and the money flowing in to our overlords at corporate headquarters. But, please don’t feel sorry for us, we’ll be alright, a person can live a long time on soup and crackers. Thankfully, we still love what we do and we know our readers appreciate us, and that’s payment enough. Good thing too, because that’s all we’re likely to ever get!

  4. bob says:

    Good thing too, because that’s all we’re likely to ever get!

    Dang, I thought you two were getting six figure salaries plus benefits.

    What would happen if you started your own blog instead of being part of norcalblogs?

  5. bob says:

    Well then, you should do it. No need to make David Little rich.

  6. Dewey says:

    The new wordpress upgrade had a few probs.

    The skin they are using may not have been compatible with all plugins or skin. No big deal it all will work out

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