Attorney Cleta Mitchell: Repeal the 16th Amendment End the IRS

Posted by Tina

The attorney that is defending conservative groups in the case involving IRS targeting has heard from U.S. citizens all over the country since she took over the IRS scandal case. In remarks at The Heritage Foundation she had strong words for the government agency she says is corrupt and has been used for years to unfairly bludgeon U.S citizens:

( – Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who has represented conservative groups in lawsuits against the IRS, says we should “repeal the 16th amendment and get rid of the IRS,” which has become “a political weapon in the hands of the Democratic party.”

“What I think we should do is repeal the 16th amendment and get rid of the IRS. I do not believe this agency can be saved; I think it is corrupt to the core,” Mitchell told a recent gathering at the Heritage Foundation.

“The thing that has been the most depressing to me in all of this are the stories that I hear from people all over the country, the things that people have written to me and said, ‘This happened to me, they did this to me, they did this to my family, they did this to my business’ — and you know what, I know they’re true,” Mitchell said.

I tend to agree. In fact, rather than bloody revolution, which our Founders indicated must happen every few years for a republic to survive, perhaps a revolution of agencies. Keep the skeleton and scrap the unweildly tangled bureaucracy!

Can you imagine the explosion of entrepreneurial enterprise?

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8 Responses to Attorney Cleta Mitchell: Repeal the 16th Amendment End the IRS

  1. J. Soden says:

    Big difference in being a Democrat and being democratic.
    The Democrat party has given up its right to be called democratic with its use of goofernment agencies to attack those who disagree with their views.

  2. Dewey says:

    Tea Party is a Political organization and needs to pay taxes.

    get rid of all agencies instead of fix them?

    Who will rule? Foreign Corporations

    You realize they use inversion to avoid taxes and not all shareholders are American

    Why do you represent our citizens supporting foreigners?

    Think about who you are supporting not America

    Why should the Tea party be tax free? What does the Tea Party Do for America? The elected Politicians from the Tea Party do nothing for America they are bankrupting it

    Democratic? ya mean equality for all? Or just white men?

  3. Tina says:

    The IRS doesn’t “rule” now, or it should not.

    But it is acting a bit like the SS and has for some time now. The charges being brought against IRS employees are very serious and have to do with an arm of our government being used politically as a weapon to prevent participation in elections…voter turn out, voter registration. These are activities that Democrat 501c4 groups do in every election, groups like ACORN, black churches, and the Presidents own group, Organizing for Action.

    Unless these groups are made illegal FOR ALL POLITICAL PARTIES the tea party groups should have the same right to participate. And those that applied should have been given status in the same timely fashion and with the same level of scrutiny that any other has gotten.

    Our government should remain neutral!

    It hasn’t been suggested that we dismantle our republican government with its branches of government and balance of power.

    In America the people are supposed to “rule” through their representatives.

    This post is NOT about race, corporate power, tea party power, or foreigners…just to be clear.

    It is a post about the broken IRS and tax system. Both should be repealed and replaced with a tax system that makes reporting easier and has no gaping loop holes and eliminates the big expensive, punishing bureaucracy.

  4. Tina says:

    J Soden that’s very true. They have been governing more like the East German Stasi!

  5. Dewey says:

    We fix the IRS not get rid of it for corporate rule.

    What do they want? You to pay taxes to an Oligarchy and they pay none.

    And Politics is not a tax free business

  6. Tina says:

    Mr. One note.

    How would we get corporate “rule” by ending the current tax code in favor of something different that requires less bureaucracy, reporting headaches and expense? Explain this wild theory or please shut up.

    Our constitution and the rest of the amendments would remain in tact. The three separate branches of government would continue.

    Politics is not a business at all. Politics is expression and competition in the realm of ideas.

    “They” are citizens and as citizens “they” will still pay within whatever taxing system created.

    Business taxes are paid by consumers because the tax is included in the price of the goods we buy. So not taxing business would be good for our citizens. It would mean lower prices for products and MORE JOB OPPORTUNITIES!

    The economy would explode. And a simpler tax system without loop holes would likely mean the wealthy would pay more in taxes.

    These concepts are not that difficult to understand…give it a try.

  7. Peggy says:

    One Chart Showing Exactly Who the IRS Targeted Makes Obama’s ‘Corruption’ Claim Look Awfully Silly:

  8. Tina says:

    Peggy thanks that’s a great chart. It sure shows that conservative groups were targetd and asked more questions.

    it doesn’t show that some of the questions asked were not ethical or legal or the coordiation between IRS and Justice and IRS and FCC, OSHA, and BATF.

    The civil lawsuits will reveal the corruption more than hearings ever could. We’ll have to keep a sharp eye to get the news however 😉

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