Holder To Step Down

Posted by Tina

NPR announces that Eric Holder will step down from his post as Attorney General later today. There is much speculation in the press about what is motivating him. Drudge reminds us that Holder was taken to the hospital in February so health could be a factor. One report mentioned that he is upset about the events in Ferguson and wants to get back to his law firm to address civil rights issues. Others have suggested he could be a future Supreme court choice for the President. Questions remain for many about his handling of the IRS scandal, his intrusion in local police matters, his refusal to name a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal, his involvement in the Fast and Furious scandal and his contempt for the Congress that found him in contempt of Congress. More than one business person will not be sad to see him go. The people are not happy with Holders work and the polling numbers (23%) show it! Generally speaking Eric Holder has served his and his President’s political ideology rather that serving in the capacity of the highest law enforcement officer in the land.

Good riddance!

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26 Responses to Holder To Step Down

  1. Dewey says:

    LOL No Most people are glad he is stepping down

    You guys miss the whole point!

    As are all Politicians we seem to elect, – Holder is a corporate Monger. He did some good but not really big enough.

    As with all Attorney generals there is a revolving door. The DOJ is still full of Bush Guys as well. try doing research.

    If they want a Job after office they can not go after the big banks too hard. It is all a sham.

    He is going back to his Law firm protecting big corporations and building a huge penthouse close to work.

    Matters none whether they are Rep or Dem they are all on the same team.

    Study who is in the DOJ….

    All we hear are the same old statements and you call others boring ’round here?

    Irs, benGhazzzziii ect ect over and over

    Move on !

    Everybody is glad Holder resigned as he also forewarned us a long time ago.

    Wonder why They never prosecute the white collar criminals? Cause they are all corporate lawyers just as SCOTUS is becoming..

    Stacked up against the population. Regardless of party Mt friend

    Protect the global corps let them rip off the people

    How ya gonna feel about the next crash? This Bubble is small that crash will devastate everybody! And it is coming very soon, Humm right before an election sounds good.

  2. Tina says:

    Clue: They can only prosecute when a law has been broken. When the government writes regulations that push a political agenda rather than keeping the lenders, investors, and people within safe parameters there is no criminal avenue to pursue!”

    However Eric Holder, the President and Harry and the boys (Dodd/Frank) have created new regulations that make lending very difficult, depress business activity, cause businesses and jobs to flee, and greatly stifle the economy. A government that is unfriendly to business is NO FRIEND of the people!

    You want a socialist utopia try Venezuela!

  3. Peggy says:

    Bet he’s stepping down so Obama can get Senate approval for his replacement before the Republicans win the majority in Nov. and take control in Jan.

  4. Tina says:

    And/or…they are hoping a contentious approval process will damage the Republicans prior to the election as they paint them as obstructionist, racist, bigoted toward women, doo doo heads, or something else similarly obnoxious.

    Or it’s that time in any 2 term presidents life when his people start to bail…and with the ME blowing up…Richard Fernandez over at PJ Media talks about the state of the world and this announcement:

    Deval Patrick, asked if he would take Holder’s now vacant position said, ‘no thanks’. The Los Angeles Times asks if the president can get anybody past a Senate confirmation hearing. It’s radioactive.

    Obama’s presidency is in ruins. Holder is heading for the hills. The only question is, can he reach the safety of a “we can overcome chorus” before the terrible wave of consequences overtakes him?

    And as Dewey said, and we have talked about for some time, the nation may be (is) heading for a huge financial/stock market melt down.

    Good news all around.

  5. Tina says:

    Well now…here’s another possible motivator:

    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that on September 23, 2014, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that by October 22, the Department of Justice (DOJ) must submit a “Vaughn index” listing Fast and Furious materials Judicial Watch sought in its June 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and subsequent September 2012 FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 1:12-cv-01510)). A Vaughn index must: (1) identify each document withheld; (2) state the statutory exemption claimed; and (3) explain how disclosure would damage the interests protected by the claimed exemption.

    On July 18, Bates ordered the Department of Justice to produce the documents list by October 1. The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge John D. Bates denied a motion by the Obama DOJ that it be given until over an extra month, until November 3, to produce the Vaughn index. Judge Bates noted that the Justice Department’s request showed the Justice Department was, “at best, it means the Department has been slow to react to this Court’s previous [July 18, 2014] Order. At worst, it means the Department has ignored that Order until now.”

    In its FOIA lawsuit, Judicial Watch sought all of the documents the Obama White House was withholding from the House of Representatives under its June 20, 2012, executive privilege claims. The House had been separately litigating to obtain the documents but had gotten nowhere until after Judge Bates ruled that the DOJ finally had to disclose the document information to Judicial Watch. On September 9, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, citing Judicial Watch’s success, ordered the DOJ to begin producing information to Congress by November 3.

    In denying the DOJ’s motion for an extension until the day before the November elections, Bates ruled, “The government’s argument for even more time is unconvincing,” and granted the government just 21 additional days to produce the Vaughn index to Judicial Watch.

    Follow the link to read the judges 3 reasons…here’s more from JW:

    “The Obama administration failed to game the courts and now will have to account for its Fast and Furious lies. Two federal courts have now rejected Eric Holder’s election-related ploy to keep this information from the American people,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This is a battle that put Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, saw Nixonian assertions of executive privilege by Barack Obama, and a hapless Congress in the face of all this lawlessness. This latest court ruling shows again that Judicial Watch’s independent investigations and lawsuits are more effective than Congress and the rest of the media. We are pleased we may get some accountability for Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of others who lost their lives as a result of Obama’s Fast and Furious program.”

  6. J. Soden says:

    Anyone want to bet that there will be a signed prezidential pardon awarded to Holder along with his gold watch? ?

  7. Peggy says:

    J. Soden, If you find a sucker to take that bet against you let me know. It’s a guaranteed winner.

  8. Dewey says:

    Truth – Holder had privately given notice awhile ago but was going to leave on his terms not some Tea party Sham trying to make him quit.

    Also fast and furious occured before Holder.

    Arizona Gun laws allowed the arms to be sold. And yet crickets. Why ignore the source of the problem?

    Again attack attack is all I ever see but never the root of the problem or the solution

    My fav Holder moment is when Tea party member Louie Gohmert in committee showing his intelligence said to Holder You’re not going to “cast aspersions on my asparagus”


    Holder told Idiot Gohmert at the end “Good luck with your asparagus”

    Holder did some good and not enough but that is the DOJ in general….

    The contempt vote was a shame so bad Democrats walked out

    I guess everything is a hate game against non Tea party Americans have fun spin away!

  9. Dewey says:

    Oh curious since the fast and Furious deal started happening while GW was in office is the scandal that Eric Holder put a stop to it and the Gun manufactures lost all that profit?

    Is that why you are mad?

    Just askin

  10. Tina says:

    Dewey I don’t recall how long you’ve been with us but we posted the answer to your question some time ago.

    It is true there was a program under Bush. Bush worked with the president of Mexico to coordinate the effort. Their plan was directed at tracking guns to identify cartel members rather than actually letting guns get passed to the cartels. The plan was abandoned because they were concerned that it was too risky and difficult to track the guns and keep them out of the hands of cartel criminals. See here and here.

    So no, the programs were not only not the same they did not have the same purpose. Guns were sold to cartel members under Obama and those guns were used in hundreds of murders in Mexico and a couple of border agents in America. The purpose of the program is also suspect. There is some evidence that the program may have been a set up, evidence to use in an anti-gun campaign. I can’t think of a good reason anyone to sell guns to drug lords or to force American dealers to sell them in breach of the laws…which they did.

    No…you were not “just askin”.

    But it was good that our new readers had an opportunity to learn a few things in case they run into another obnoxious bomb tosser.

  11. Harold says:

    Re: 11
    Which possibly was part of the reason GW Bush replaced the temporarily appointed Holder after just 12 days, when Holder made inflammatory remarks about a NYC shooting of a person of color.

    As to the bomb tosser comment :), basic rule: make sure bomb is not in the hands of untrained personnel. Unless of course your just recruiting martyrs.

  12. Dewey says:

    Holder ranks as the fourth-longest tenured AG in history.

    You guys act like this is some kind of new deal for people to leave. It’s a low pay thankless job!!

    He wanted to leave but stayed after tea party started their fake scandal campaign he wanted to leave on his own terms. Why now?

    It’s politics people…. he is leaving before the election because if the Tea party takes the senate they will do nothing but harass democrats and cost taxpayers millions.

    You can not ignore the Caucus room meeting. It has been written and published and even Newt acknowledged he was there.

    GOP is an insurgency against democrats and want an authoritarian leadership of their way or the highway.

    Democracy is the enemy. Why are WI, And Kansas playing election games? Throwing people off the voter rolls and putting disclaimers on ballots?

    Cause the conservative polices can not win on merit. Americans have lived them since Reaganomics and they crushed the middle class.

    Holder as not tough enough for most of us but the DOJ is a revolving door of backroom deals. many Bushies still in DOJ.

    You hate All Democrats that is known but come on…

    If I could have a dream and put someone in office it would be Eric Spitzer

    Never will happen but why?

    Because he would fight the crook tooth and nail.

    There is a great movie called Client#9 where corporate hoodlums brag about how many fed laws they broke to take Spitzer out on sex …

    That would be a beautiful response to tea party in my dreams

    Too Bad it could never happen

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, I’m hoping we can finally have an intelligent conversation? I’m giving you credit for your previous post and hoping you will continue on that higher level.

      Eric Holder was a very selective prosecutor and because he was so political and so wrapped up in find racism behind everything and protecting and catering to Obama’s and his needs, he failed to be fair and balanced as an AG should. That’s why we are happy he’s leaving. We have many good reasons not to like this man.

      Fast & Furious: The report’s 70-pages describes how Holder during his May 15, 2013, testimony given under oath before the Judiciary Committee, he made a “deliberate effort to avoid answering for [his] questionable decisions and actions.” http://www.leaderandtimes.com/index.php?option%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D12802:lawmakers-blast-eric-holders-alleged-deceptive-testimony%26catid%3D29:opinion%26Itemid%3D58

      Attorney General Holder explicitly turned the Justice Department into a political weapon!

      “When distinct legal questions about the destruction of emails pertaining to the Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt bias against conservative groups were transferred to Mr. Holder’s Justice Department, they disappeared into the bureaucratic ethers. He also managed the unique feat of being declared in contempt of Congress.

      Mr. Holder also turned Justice into a routine instrument of social and racial policy. Under the former head of the Civil Rights Division, Thomas Perez (now Secretary of Labor), Justice used “disparate impact” analysis to force racial adjustments on cities, police and fire departments and banks. The settlements were not based on proven racial discrimination, as traditionally required, but on arcane statistical analyses.”


      I was offended when Holder sent his special DOJ team to prove the death of Trayvon Martin was murder, not to get the facts! They wanted to hang the suspect, but the final verdict was they were wrong and the suspect was not guilty. The local police dept. acted appropriately and there was no racism involved. This whole tragic investigation was exploited by many rash people jumping to wrong conclusions, from the White House on down to the New Black Panthers, and in the end they all looked like fools. But, the really bad part is, they all did it for their own agendas, including Holder and Obama, make that especially Obama and Holder! They are supposed to be representing all Americans, not just people that look like them. That’s a terrible injustice done to the American people and I can’t wait for these two politicians to leave office.

      “Among Mr. Holder’s worst overreaches was filing suit last year to block Louisiana’s private-school voucher program. That program overwhelmingly helps the state’s poorest minority families escape bad schools.” WSJ

      Dewey, if you have any sense of fairness in you, after reading these things and their links you will come to same conclusion we did, Holder was not a good AG and we are better off without him. He’s caused a lot of harm and did very little good.

  13. Tina says:

    At #8 Harold, Holders testimony reminds me of two other liberals who just did not know and just could not “recall”.

    I don’t know who is behind, The Progressive Review, but their recounting is pretty thorough. Scroll down to “Arkansas Alzheimers” and move on from there.

  14. Tina says:

    Jack good job. I too hope it encourages better discourse and conversation.

    I find it interesting that our left leaning contributors are so blind to the political attacks made by democrats. We all remember the decades of democrat abuse of power and authority to block, defeat and demean republicans in office. the attacks on Sarah Palin would never be tolerated were she a Democrat…and she’s declared herself a feminist! Also, Bill Clintons treatment of women is excused because he’s a Democrat…Republican men do not get a pass for behaviors far less offensive.

    Also remember the way the Democrats treated AG Alberto Gonzales, the first Hispanic AG who served under Bush?

    Like I said, it’s hilarious that they think our dislike of Eric Holder and disagreement of his decisions and posture is unusual or new.

  15. Peggy says:

    #15 Tina, That is one very long list on the Clinton’s corruptness. It should be updated to include Hilary’s time as Sec. of State and Benghazi.

    I would imagine when/if one is done by Obama it will be as long or even longer.

  16. Peggy says:

    From someone with first hand experience.

    Former DOJ Attorney Gives Damning Description of Role That Racial-Motivation Played Under Holder:


    J. Christain Adams at Emory University:


  17. Dewey says:

    Tea party owns most of it. Why do we call it the clown car?

    Hey maybe Palin can be president of 1400 Pennsylvania! Clearly she has no Idea where the White House is! She said that today!

    Pretend all ya want. The world laughs at these guys.

    Redistributing wealth? Hypocrisy-

    Ted Cruz is the anointed one where America to be ruled by “kings” who will take money from anyone who is not an evangelical Christian and deliver it into the hands of fundamentalist preachers and their acolytes. – On video folks his father said it Ted believes it.

    Oh yea he is also perfect for Birther scandals. Hypocrisy-

    He was Born in Canada.

    According to those who were saying Obama was born in Kenya (although he was born in Hawaii) said it was illegal. Both mothers American.

    I could go on all day.

    Come on now why do you stick up for these clowns?

  18. Peggy says:

    Watching CNN this morning to see how they are reporting the past week’s events made me want to gag.

    Avery Friedman, civil rights attorney said, “I think Eric Holder will go done in history as the greatest AJ since Bobby Kennedy.”

    How’s that for a great example of why their viewership is in the toilet along with MSNBC’s.

    Fox has twice the number of viewers than both CNN and MSNBC combined.


  19. Peggy says:

    Hearing conflicting information about the Senate vote. Heard Holder’s replacement will only require 51 votes and just now on CNN the attorney said the nuclear option didn’t apply.

    Anyone know who’s right? Will Senate approval take 2/3 or 50%+1?

  20. Tina says:

    U.S. Senate goes ‘nuclear,’ changes filibuster rules – USA Today (video):

    Fifty-two Senate Democrats and independents voted to weaken the power of the filibuster. The change reduces the threshold from 60 votes to 51 votes for Senate approval of executive and judicial nominees against unanimous GOP opposition. Three Democrats — Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Carl Levin of Michigan — opposed the change.

    The Democrats have been making a pretty sorry bed for themselves to lie in when their control is overturned. It will happen too, if not now then in some future election.

    The elephants memory is long.

  21. Tina says:

    Yeah Dewey Palin misspoke, so what.

    The President (You voted for him, didn’t you!) doesn’t know how many states are in our union…or how to prounce corpsman.

    Such petty crap is the adolescent lefty ammunition Bush endured for eight years…always with a grin.

    You also lie and lie and lie about the motivations and intentions of people you oppose, Tea Party, Kochs, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Halliburton, Cheney, Bush…

    Why all the hate Dewey? Does your version of the Bible condone it?

  22. Peggy says:

    Thanks Tina. So CNN was misinforming its viewers by saying the Republicans will try to stop Holder’s replacement approval.. The Dems already have enough votes, without a single Reps vote.

    Misinforming viewers has to be intentional as a part of the DNC’s get out the vote drive.

  23. Tina says:

    It’s the old control-the-narrative game they’ve played for years. The process is called advise and consent but there is no honor left in Congress.

    Isn’t it humorous how Democrats pretend nobody sees their game? a lot of them still do believe they are invisible…and invincible!

    They sure haven’t done much for America shoving their radical left wing agenda down our throats.

    I’m looking forward to better times…for everyone.

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