10 Really Big Lies Told by Liberals

Posted by Jack


  1. You are a special little flower: We live in an “everybody’s a winner” society.  Don’t use red ink, don’t offend anyone, participation trophies for everyone era where we build up self-esteem as much as possible. Then the college student who just went $100,000 a year in the hole to get a lesbian studies degree from a prestigious university finds that she’s not even in the running for a $10 an hour job.
  2. Social Security and Medicare will be there for you:  Not at the rate we’re going.  Young Americans are expected to pay into Medicare and Social Security, but the programs aren’t going to be there in their present forms when they get old enough to use them. In other words, we’re defrauding young Americans.
  3. The government is your friend: As a general rule the more contact you have with a government, the more miserable you will be long term.
  4. Morality means situational ethics: It’s ironic that Christianity that helped us define morality is regularly attacked. So, don’t be shocked at how degenerate we’ve become. Expect school shootings, welfare fraud, women having 10 kids out of wedlock with six different men, perverts, crooked politicians, etc., etc., etc. Our society still needs a higher power to help us govern our behavior.
  5. Politicians are investing in your future: No they’re not. Our political differences are so stark, our government is so big, our debt is so out of control and the quality of people sent to D.C. is so low that everything is about “personal” and “partisan” advantage.
  6. The world owes you a living: No it doesn’t. But, now everyone seems to believe that if he/she gets a college degree, he’s owed a cushy, fulfilling job and all the cool stuff his parents had after a lifetime of work. Ha!
  7. You can have lots of free government services, somebody else will pay for them: Think again. The 17 trillion dollar deficit will have to be paid back some day and not by the 1% alone.
  8. Take away the guns and fix crime: But by its very definition, the people who will voluntarily give up guns are the law abiding citizens – the law breaking won’t comply, why should they?  Because it’s against the law? lol
  9. Liberals help the poor: Liberalism helps the poor stay poor.  It helps with just enough food and money to survive so the poor can stay dependent on big brother.
  10. Liberals are for working class families:  False.  Liberals are generally opposed to tax reductions.  The largest obstacle to gaining wealth is taxes.  The middle class taxpayer pays close to 50% of their income when all their taxes are totaled.
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10 Responses to 10 Really Big Lies Told by Liberals

  1. More Common Sense says:

    You forgot the “CO2 causes climate change” lie!

  2. Tina says:

    Hillary Clinton is an audacious liar. Bill Clinton presided over a trickle down economy when he went along with the Republican/Gingrich “Contract with America” which promised to cut government spending, cut welfare, cut taxes, balance the budget and reduce the size and scope the federal government. In fact Bill Clinton declared, “The era of big government over” when the Republicans took over in 1994.

    It’s telling that Clinton did not go on to explain who does create jobs and wealth. She positioned herself to become extremely wealthy during the time when she and bill lived off of revenue generated by businesses. How dare she!

    Democrats take every opportunity to brag about Bill Clinton’s fabulous economy but he only presided over that great economy because of the trickle down policies the Republicans introduced in 1994.

  3. Chris says:

    Tina: “It’s telling that Clinton did not go on to explain who does create jobs and wealth.”

    It’s telling that you pretend not to know. Middle class consumers create jobs and wealth. They are the job creators, not business owners. Everyone who matters knows this at this point.

  4. Peggy says:

    Two very powerful videos from black individuals telling how harmful the Democrat party has been to them.

    Powerful video: Black folks in an abusive leadership relationship

    “Listen to Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward deliver a message to black communities across the country. Their message sheds light on who are the “real oppressors” of their community — Black liberal democrats — the overseers of the white liberal progressive socialists.”


    Black grandmother says she’s tired of Democrats and voting straight Republican [VIDEO]:

    “When I was growing up they used to say, “listen to the old folks.” Well, take just a couple of minutes to listen to this 82-year-old black grandmother from Texas who took the time to call into CSPAN’s Washington Journal. Seems the fear mongering tactics of the Democrat party in the black community didn’t convince this woman named Joyce.”


  5. Tina says:

    Chris: ” Middle class consumers create jobs and wealth. They are the job creators, not business owners. Everyone who matters knows this at this point.”

    Setting aside the petty, nasty insult….

    Where do middle class consumers get the money they spend?

    Where does the money come from to pay middle class government paid consumers, like bureaucrats and teachers?

    Which class pays the bulk of the taxes for these government workers and what is the source of their income?

    In a free and open market the relationship between the consumer and business is satisfying to both, something is given in exchange for something else. But while businesses rely on consumer purchasing power, it isn’t consumption that makes the transaction possible.

    Business owners risk their own money or depend on investors to start or expand their businesses. These people too enjoy a satisfying relationship in which something is given in exchange for something else. Without these risk takers we Americans would still be living like those in third world countries. It is business and the risk takers that create opportunity (jobs) and wealth to expand and grow.

    Chris your animosity toward business is a bit strange and unreasonable. What is the problem with acknowledging the contribution made by those who take a risk, start businesses, and ultimately create jobs making consumption and a better life possible for everyone?

    Why is it so difficult for you to see how important to our society these people are?

    How can consumers consume unless they have jobs and a paycheck? Surely you don’t think money grows on trees?

    Those interested in how wealth is created should also consider that the size of government continues to grow placing an unacknowledged drag on private sector wealth building. Remember government doesn’t produce wealth; government is a spender of wealth. It takes from the producers and redistributes what it doesn’t consume, waste, or squander. As pointed out in an article first printed in National Review and re-posted at Tea Party Economist, approximately 40 million government workers represent an additional tax burden on American businesses. This high number represents one in six employees that work for government, a non-productive, non-wealth building entity supported by taxpayers most of who also get their money from the wealth created by product producing businesses.

    Chris I’d be happy to consider your argument if you could explain how consumers produce wealth. So far all you have explained is the part they play in a working economy by spending their earned income. This participation is no small thing but to suggest that consumers represent the source of wealth and job creation, the foundation of a vibrant economy, is just flat out wrong.

  6. Peggy says:

    A lie by omission IS a lie.

    No surprise here. ABC has NOT covered ONE story on this historic election. And NBC and CBS are not much better. Hope no one is getting there news from them.


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