by Jack

Score 9-10 right: A total smartie! 6-8 Pretty darn smart 5-7 Do you vote democrat? Less than 5, congrats you are presidential material!

The answers will be in comments.

1. Originally, the Vice President was the person who received the second most votes for President in the electoral college ( t ) or ( f )
2. Adolf Hitler served in WWI ( t ) or ( f )
3. There are just five oil companies that control most of the world’s oil production ( t ) or ( f )
4. Just under 60% of the earth is covered in water ( t ) or ( f )
5. Monaco is a French city where high stakes gambling is legal ( t ) or ( f )
6. The War of 1812 was between France and the United States ( t ) or ( f )
7. Vietnam produces more coffee beans than Columbia ( t ) or ( f )
8. Robert E. Lee was asked to lead the Union Army against the Confederates ( t ) or ( f )
9. Robert E. Lee was asked to lead the Confederate against the Union ( t ) or ( f )
10. James Madison was the 2nd President of the United States ( t ) or ( f )
11. Bonus: The CIA predicts the next global crisis will be caused by a shortage of (a. water (b. oil (c. food (d. laborers

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One Response to WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Fun Quiz

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Here’s the answers, good luck and no sneaky peaky!

    1. TRUE
    2. TRUE, he was a corporal and served as a runner between leaders in the field.
    3. FALSE, state-owned national oil companies, NOCs for short, sit on 77% of the world’s oil. The biggest by far is Saudi Aramco, with the ability to pump 12.5 million bpd and boasting more than 260 billion barrels of proven reserves, much of it easily recovered for less than $3 per barrel.
    4. FALSE, 71% of the earth is covered by water.
    5. FALSE, Monaco is an independent country
    6. FALSE, the War of 1812 was between America and England, not America and France.
    7. TRUE
    8. TRUE
    9. TRUE
    10. FALSE, he was the 4th president
    11. Bonus (a. Water

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