For Our Liberal Readers On Thanksgiving

by Jack

Warning: For liberals only

Down-With-ThanksgivingOur liberal readers know what a dark day in history this is and they are resolved not to enjoy it.  They’re ever mindful of all the transgressions Pilgrims bestowed on the Indians and the historical inaccuracies we delude ourselves with.  

They understand how our early ancestors were saved from starvation by friendly Indians and their kindness was repaid by stealing their land.  They understand how our ancestors went on a rampage,  pillaging,  plundering and polluting.  The enlightened liberals must use this day to remind us ignoramuses that Thanksgiving Day is just another marketing ploy for a greedy,  capitalist, consumer driven culture.

Yes, dear liberals friends, there is so much for you to feel guilty about and we’re here to help.    As one Portland Professor said recently about this consumer holiday, “Sitting down with people and saying I’m sorry, that is the spirit of Thanksgiving.”

Your friends at Post Scripts.


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12 Responses to For Our Liberal Readers On Thanksgiving

  1. Post Scripts says:

    How to drive your liberal relatives crazy…

    1: For many liberals, even the mention of a gun will be enough to get them visibly irritated, but openly carrying all day is ideal. If circumstances prohibit the carrying of a 1911 in plain sight all day, feel free to merely bring guns up in casual conversation. Explain that next year you want to shoot your own turkey. (If they prefer tofurkey, offer to shoot that as well – just for sport.) If you can cling to a bible as the same time, that would be preferable.

    2: Explain that the official White House Turkey was not given a pardon… Obama just gave it amnesty. If you’re feeling especially obnoxious, question the Constitutionality of such actions without the consent of Congress.

    3: Words matter. Don’t “serve” the turkey… “Redistribute” food among your guests. (You can probably come up with something about “spreading the wealth around” if you think hard enough about it.) When someone expresses their preference for white or dark meat, be sure to turn it into a racial thing.

    4: Give thanks for the 70 percent of your paycheck that the government allows you to keep. (And maybe give a quick thanks to China for financing the government’s over-spending.)

    5: Seat all the liberals in your family at the kid’s table. After all, they’ll be more comfortable with their intellectual peers.

  2. Tina says:

    😀 Bless their little hearts!

  3. Tina says:

    Seth Lipsky of The Sun in NY joins in the fun.

  4. Chris says:

    This divisive crap is really petty. Do you even know any liberals?

    • Post Scripts says:

      You’re right- I just made all that petty crap up to divide you. Y’know how mean spirited us conservatives are…totally lacking in humor or sensitivity.

  5. Tina says:

    But seriously..divisive crap? Even before he was elected in 08, the President, in his books, led the way…

    July 2008, quotes taken from “Dreams of My Father”:

    “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

    “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”

    “There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.”

    “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

    “I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa , that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”

    From Audacity of Hope:

    “I will stand with the Muslim’s should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

    Speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco about Pennsylvanians:

    “…they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

    Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine, “Obama the Divider”:

    A Washington Post story from earlier this week reports, “There is a noticeably more aggressive, confrontational President Obama roaming the country these days, selling his jobs plan and attacking Republicans for standing in the way of progress by standing up only for the rich.” That report, if anything, understates things a bit. Obama has essentially given up on his governing responsibilities (at which he has shown himself to be terribly inept) in lieu of a fierce and near constant attack on his political opponents. I have my doubts as to whether that strategy will work. But the point I want to make is a different one, which is that Obama has become the most intentionally divisive president we’ve seen in quite some time.

    It’s not unusual, of course, for the policies of presidents to divide the nation. And politicians running for re-election often highlight differences. But Obama now belongs in a separate category. Each day, it seems, he and/or his supporters are seeking to divide us. The rhetoric employed by the president and his allies is meant to fan the flames of resentment, to turn Americans against one another, and to stoke up feelings of envy, grievances, and rage.

    This is not healthy for our country or good for our political culture. And while we all contribute to what constitutes public discourse, there is one officeholder, the president, who bears the greatest responsibility for creating a sense of common purpose and for reminding us that we are, in the words of the Pledge of Allegiance, “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Yet the president is trying, with almost every speech, to pry us apart. It’s a strategy he clearly believes is necessary for him to win re-election. But that doesn’t make what he’s doing any less shameful or any less hypocritical.

    Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine about the Obama 2012 strategy:

    The coalition that he committed to last year is a coalition of those who are unhappy with America, not in the last four years, but in the last two-hundred years. Its core is composed of groups that fear democracy and distrust the will of the people. There is no optimism here, but a deeply rooted pessimism about human nature and the country as a whole. It is the Democratic Party’s coalition against democracy.

    After 2010, the numbers were crunched, and it was clear that Obama and the Democrats could not win a mainstream campaign. Instead, they targeted narrow groups, stirred up conflicts over issues aimed at that group, whether it was union pensions, racism or birth control. There was no more pretense of a national election, only a frenzied rush to polarize as many groups as possible and join them together into an acrimonious coalition, not so much for anything, as against Republicans.

    There isn’t any inspiration here. Just paranoia over everything from gay marriage to abortion to racial profiling to illegal immigration. A dozen illegal benefits being handed out with the explicit threat that they will be lost if Romney wins. A dozen mini-civil wars being stirred up to divide Americans and set them at each other’s throats for the benefit of the Obama campaign.

    From Occupy Wall Street to Wisconsin, from Trayvon Martin to Chick-fil-A, the goal of these manufactured conflicts has been to divide and conquer the electorate by emphasizing group rights over individual economic welfare.

    Obama can’t win on the economy. He can’t win on foreign policy. He can’t win on any aspect of his administration. All he can do is stir up violence and then promise to heal the country in his second term while winking to all the representatives of the grievance groups. It’s not a new game, but the Democratic Party has never played it quite this baldly in a national election. And if it succeeds, then national politics will have finally been reduced to the level of a Chicago election.

    We were expected to believe that the typical Obama voter in 2008 was hoping for a better country, but in 2012 there is no more hope, only hate and fear. The typical Obama voter is not acting as an American, but as a representative of an entitled group looking to secure and expand those entitlements at the expense and the detriment of the country at large.

    This divisive stance needs to be highlighted, it needs to be remembered, it needs to be hammered home because Obama represents the radical left and they never stop, never rest, and never cease to fan the flames of division and strife.

    We are all Americans. Let us unite as Americans; Americans dedicated to freedom and opportunity.

    Progressive tax rates, progressive entitlement programs, progressive activism that demands special consideration and favor, progressive causes all undermine our unity and our freedom as Americans. We will be free of the strife and division when we free ourselves from the divisive politics and policies of the radical progressive left!

  6. Chris says:

    Tina, you have Obama Tourette’s. This post and my reply had nothing to do with Obama. I was criticizing Jack’s decision to generalize and pretend that liberals hate Thanksgiving on a day that is supposed to be about unity and gratitude. But your response to any criticism always amounts to “Well, Obama is worse, so that justifies anything we do.”

    Furthermore, you have taken most of those quotes out of context. Obama was describing his youth as a black man. I understand that is a life experience you will never even try to understand, so I don’t expect you to have any empathy for Obama’s words. But if you had actually read the book you would know that he described how his perspective changed later on in life. That doesn’t serve the dishonest narrative of whatever right wing site you go those quotes from, so they left it out. (Cue you deflecting to talk about Obama’s dishonesty in 3, 2….)

    As for the bittern lingers comment, the full context involves Obama expressing empathy for the Souths concerns

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, look it was just ribbing – trying to make light of how the liberals rant about all our terrible transgressions our white founded committed and how Thanksgiving is nothing to be thankful for…yadda yadda. You know there is truth in it and that’s what makes it funny.

  7. Chris says:

    Pressed send too early and didn’t get to fix some typos. Let me try again:

    As for the bitter clingers comment, the full context includes Obama expressing empathy for the concerns of white working class Pennsylvanians and said that he needed to work harder to win them over. That is a far cry from Romney’s comments writing off half of all Americans as people who he will “never convince to take responsibility for their own lives.” But of course you don’t believe that speech was divisive, because you agreed with it.

  8. Peggy says:


    (2 videos)

  9. Tina says:

    Chris you made a big deal out of Jack’s inside joke, calling him out for what you called “petty divisive crap.” I found your comment offensive given the petty divisive crap we’ve suffered under the leadership of BHO.

    The point isn’t that Obama is worse; the point is that you refuse, hypocritically, to recognize the divisive (often racist) crap that permeates in this man, in the activists that make up his base, and in the politics and policies that emanate from it and yet, Jacks joke was worthy of your continuing abusive invective.

    In short I suggest that you are full of crap.

    Your ridiculous assumption that because I am willing to be observant and critical of Obama I can’t possibly have empathy for his mixed racial (Not black) circumstance as a child. Your opinion is naively illogical and absurd! Were the President an honest man he would be worthy of my empathy but he has shown himself to be worthy only of scorn.

    “…had actually read the book you would know that he described how his perspective changed later on in life.”

    Were you not PC conditioned you would have the eyes-wide-open ability to see how absurd your statement is since “later in life” he became a most divisive president we’ve ever seen!

    “As for the bitter clingers comment, the full context includes Obama expressing empathy for the concerns of white working class Pennsylvanians…”

    Obama’s “empathy” rings hollow when you watch the man in action. His empathetic words are meaningless “crap” when measured against his actions.

    “…and said that he needed to work harder to win them over.”

    “Win them over” is an expression that reveals his narcissistic and hollow intent to deceive. He wants them to believe he’s in their corner but the words are only a means to win their votes. His actions through his EPA czar demonstrate his true position…he doesn’t give a second thought to the Pennsylvanians that lost their jobs.

    “That is a far cry from Romney’s comments writing off half of all Americans…”

    You are such a disengenuous jerk! Romney was speaking in campaign terms with full knowledge that his opponent had pretty much sewed up the group that depends entirely on government for their livelihood. Those people would not be impressed by his platform when compared to Obama’s pandering rhetoric. Statistics like these are cold. Statistics have nothing to do with a man’s attitude, his ability to empathize, or any position he might have that another approach would better serve that demographic.

    “…people who he will ‘never convince to take responsibility for their own lives.'”

    If you had to tell the truth you would also agree that that group, in the limited space of the campaign, would not be convinced suddenly to take a risk and get off government assistance or vote for Romney. IT WAS THE TRUTH. But you refuse to think, relying entirely on “empathy” and a sound bite as your guide to evaluating the full measure of a man.

    “But of course you don’t believe that speech was divisive, because you agreed with it.”

    I don’t believe it was “divisive” because he was speaking privately to a group of donors. His objective was to relay an honest assessment about the state of his campaign.

    His words were made public by a leftist activist whose intent was to invoke shock and offense and garner votes based on divisive politics. It worked with you because you since you are driven by emotions.

    Romney’s record of service and selfless caring over many years held no weight with you. You probably hold some resentment too for his class position…it’s built into PC conditioning.

    On the other hand, Obama has shown again and again by his actions that he serves select groups rather than the nation, that he has a racial agenda, that he serves his party first. And you have nothing to say in the face of all of this real life record. As far as you’re concerned he deserves no criticism other than an occasional token comment just to make you seem level headed and reasonable.

    Your lack of passion even now, after all of the “crap” this president and his activists have engaged in, is not to be believed. You are either a phony, hypocritical leftist or you are so brain washed that you’re incapable of honest appraisal. The way you have treated some of the posters here suggests the former is closer to the truth.

  10. Chris says:

    Tina: “I don’t believe it was “divisive” because he was speaking privately to a group of donors.”

    Look, if you don’t see anything morally objectionable about a rich guy badmouthing poor people in order to get more money from other rich people, then I can’t help you. You are morally deficient. There is nothing I can do to convince you to take responsibility for your moral failings.

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