December Retails Sales Down 1%

GrinchPosted by Tina

Looks like the Grinch really did steal Christmas this year!

Although the President recently tried to reassure the American people that things were improving in the economy, the people didn’t feel it in December. One of the “improving” statistics he could tout was better unemployment numbers. But if we dig into the underlying facts on employment the Presidents claim of improving conditions looks pretty weak. Record numbers of people have simply dropped out of the workforce and many of the jobs created are low paying and part time. We can blame Obamacare regulations for some of that.

The richest among us are doing just peachy. People with money can make money under any economic condition. But the middle class has shrunk and the ranks of those living in poverty is still very high.

This morning the retail sales numbers for December, usually one of the biggest sales periods of the year for retailers, was reported as being down 1%. Negative sales means the American people were very cautious about spending and that means they either don’t trust the direction we’re going in or they flat out don’t have the disposable income, or both!

Retailers were hoping that falling gas prices would mean higher sales rates in December. The American people are smarter than that! They know they will need the extra money for health care, food, and other necessities of life.

President Grinch! Works for me.

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3 Responses to December Retails Sales Down 1%

  1. J. Soden says:

    Tweaking the numbers with the unemployment figures and not including those that have quit looking for work, the failed “stiumlus.” the fact that more businesses are closing rather than opening, and that most people have less $$ in their paychecks than when Obumble was elected all combine to make a mockery of da Prez’s argument that our economy is getting better.

  2. Peggy says:

    It will really be interesting to see what the new employment/unemployment figures are now that the holiday seasonal workers have been let go.

    Have you seen this new site? Looks like really good information for the upcoming elections.

    Political Startup Ranks the Most Conservative, Liberal 2016 Candidates:

    “A new political startup has studied the potential 2016 presidential field—and those who donate to them.

    Researchers at Stanford University started Crowdpac, a website that not only analyzes a candidate’s voting record and statements but their history of political donations as well.

    The founders of Crowdpac say that combining these factors provides a more accurate picture of a candidate’s true political philosophy, especially when some potential candidates (such as Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson) never have held office and thus have no voting record to judge.

    They utilized an algorithm to examine the money each candidate gave and received.”

  3. barb says:

    Low wages = less sales

    People make less

    The word Jobs is just a word… The new retail models are also to blame. Cheaply made merchandise. I had a hard time finding goods made in the USA for presents. We gave just a few gifts and traveled this season.

    It is the new family model. Why should we waste money on stuff when we can go somewhere and get quality family time instead of useless gifts that do not last?

    The economy is not just dependent on retail numbers.

    That said Buy American. sell American. Create good paying jobs and the economy will flourish

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