What is the State of Our Union?

Posted by Tina

Maybe we should ask the flood of undocumented children, teens, and parents that Obama welcomed to America by the bus loads last year. I imagine America looks mighty good to them. Of course American citizens in states across the country that have to figure out how to fund the services and education these people will require might think the state of our union is under unneeded pressure given the slow sad state of the economy.

College students too could brag a bit about the state of things in America, after all the President is telling them they might not have to pay back the loans they took out for college …sweeeet! But there’s more…students headed for community college this year are being enticed by promises of a couple more years of free education!

Next up on the roster for satisfied Americans might be new parents. The Prez wants them to get “affordable child care.”And when the household has two parents who work they get an extra $300 (Or was it $500) tax credit to boot. (Buy them voted!)

The state of our union according to POTUS…cradle to grave redistributed free stuff. President’s new proposals? DOA! That’s because the O-Man’s deal is tax the rich, tax the investor, tax tax tax tax tax!

The real state of our union: Continuing death for wealth and job builders whether they be middle class business owners; owners of 401K’s and other investments; those more established but still working on a nest egg for college tuition, retirement, or to pass wealth on to their kids whose futures are being stolen as we breathe; big job creators; seniors with investment income; or anyone with an extra buck…all will take another big giant hit if Obama has his way.

What president has done more to kill a middle class? This is Obama’s great “transforming” of America. The debt, the high non-participation number in employment, high poverty rates, continuing unemployment and underemployment, low wages, stagnant wages, layoffs, and debt bubbles bubbling away under the surface.

Not to worry folks, POTUS still has a few more nails he wishes to pound into America’s coffin.

Change course? What? Not going to happen…even had to remind everyone he won “twice.”

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2 Responses to What is the State of Our Union?

  1. Peggy says:

    Agree Tina, he’s not going to change course. In his warped mind his party didn’t lose last November. He’s in control and it will be business as usual.

    Mystery. Someone posted a link to a really good article about NBC’s fact checking the SoU, but not I can’t find it.

    Here is an excellent NBC article with Brian Williams and Richard Engel where Engel blasts Obama’s foreign policy.

    Looks like the liberal msm is waking up and jumping off of the Obama bandwagon. Another pig just grew wings.

    NBC Journalist Was Asked What He Thought About Obama’s Speech — His Answer Isn’t Quite What You’d Expect:

    “Engel is a longtime foreign correspondent for NBC. After Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, anchor Brian Williams asked him what he thought of the speech, especially the foreign policy parts.

    “It sounded like the president was outlining a world that he wishes we were all living in but which is very different from the world that you just described,” Engel said.

    He went on to criticize Obama’s talk about the Islamic State, Syria and the Middle East in general, adding that Obama had “suspended disbelief” and that there are ”not a lot of success stories to be talking about in foreign policy right now.”

    Watch below:


  2. Dr Dare says:

    I do not agree with everything Obama does in fact never have for any President. But Bush is going to be the all time worst to date. Failed Conservative policies that ruined the world economy and took away our privacy rights.

    November was a combination of Fake Democrats afraid to state any message but their donors messag. Many Democrats not voting because they said, why bother both candidates say the same thing.

    There was also some cheating with thousands of people removed from the rolls wrongly.

    And the mid terms are always a low voter turnout problem.

    However it is interesting with very low voter turnout some think a minority of voters should be able to dictate policy?

    Whether I like the president or not I realize Obama won a majority in his election and the number of voters is way higher than the few who turned out in 2014. So That is a poor argument to use.

    Where were we in 2008? How did the conservative policies in the Bush Admin leave us? Free falling. Amazing you seem to forget that and want to go back to those policies!

    In my book Obama did Ok just OK with a Congress that pledged to block any and everything he wanted to do maybe he could have done more?

    State of the union is not great, the markets are out of control and going to crash. The taxpayers are now obligated to bail out the banks after the next crash because Obama agreed to the GOP budget amendment after they stuck that in there. I am not happy about that at all! I am mad Obama signed it. I do not like Obama’s curtailing to the Banks.

    But I will say we were loosing 750,000 jobs a month when Bush left and even with a Congress who never did anything at least we are adding 200,000 jobs a month back. Not great but again if we had invested in our infrastructure instead of F-35’s the military does not want things would be better.

    Congress is just as responsible for the SOTU as the whitehouse.

    Obama…. I am 50% with. Congress I am 100% against.

    Why don’t we pick candidates who do not use Congress to get rich at our expense? I do not care about these parties anymore. Both are bought out why do you?

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