Fresh Perspective for Blacks During Black History Month

Posted by Tina

I enthusiastically applaud and support the Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson after reading his remarks in the piece, “Get Over Your Blackness!”

Black History Month is dumb. And it provides no value for black Americans or anyone else.

In reality, black history is American history, and any attempt to detach the two separates blacks from their country and empowers useless black “leaders.”

Instead of celebrating Black History Month, I challenge black Americans to get over their “blackness” and start building character this month!

Over the past 50 years, blacks have been seduced away from character and truth. Their “leaders” have convinced them that their struggle is a physical battle with whites and that America is a racist nation. The truth is that there is good and bad in every race, and every human being is engaged in a spiritual battle of good versus evil.

Blacks in the United States are the freest and wealthiest group of blacks anywhere. If black America were a country, it would be the fifteenth wealthiest nation in the world. (continues)

Too often the message young black kids are getting today is destructive, divisive, and dangerous to them and others around them.

It’s time to declare civil rights victory. It’s time to inspire young black men and women so they can let go of misplaced resentment and get on with building their lives. Good role models exist they just don’t get as much face time as Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, or Eric Holder who seem to exist just to fuel racial tensions.

Thank you Rev. Peterson. Your message is one all Americans need to hear! Your message about character and truth is appropriate for all young people in America.

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29 Responses to Fresh Perspective for Blacks During Black History Month

  1. Chris says:

    It’s hard to take your “black people can do anything!” stance seriously when just yesterday you objected to both a black James Bond and to the idea that there is anything wrong with a white Moses or a white Noah. You think there is something wrong with casting a white fictional character as black, but not with casting obviously non-white historical figures (in your view) as white.

    And you didn’t notice the blatant contradiction between these two positions, or the fact that taken together, the only justification for them is white supremacy.

    Given this, how can you argue that blacks have just as much opportunity as whites? If they didn’t, you wouldn’t notice.

  2. Tina says:

    Chris you really need to expand your horizons a bit. Everything with you is reduced to race(ism).

    My objection had nothing to do with being against Elba and everything to do with the carefully crafted specific character that, especially within the time frame, would never have been anything but Caucasian.

    There are only 3 races: Negroid, Caucasiod and Mongoloid and both Middle Eastern and European people fit into the Caucasoid category. Moses and Noah were “white.”

    There is no contradiction except in your warped race conscious mind.

    It could be said that blacks in America are behind the curve but since the 1950’s they have made tremendous progress. In the entertainment field there are black writers, producers, directors and actors. There is BET. Blacks have formed their own recording companies.

    White people in America started from nothing. There is nothing in the way now for black people to do the same as many already have…except people like you keep telling them they are victims and don’t have a chance. Chris you’re despicable message is not only wrong, it is downright evil!

    Entire volumes could be written about what you fail to notice because of your extreme prejudice and, sad to say, inability to think.

  3. Chris says:

    “There are only 3 races: Negroid, Caucasiod and Mongoloid and both Middle Eastern and European people fit into the Caucasoid category. Moses and Noah were “white.””

    Even if this were technically true (it’s not, which I’ll explain in a moment), it would be absolutely no excuse for your position. Moses and Noah almost certainly looked nothing like Russel Crowe or Christian Bale. They looked like Middle Easterners. The fact that they are constantly played by light-skinned, non-Middle Eastern actors is extremely problematic when one considers how few roles there are for Middle Eastern actors in our country.

    When you also factor in your opposition to a black James Bond, your position is nonsensical. The Middle Eastern Hebrew background of Moses, and the Egyptian background of his supporting characters, are obviously FAR more relevant to those characters and their stories than James Bond’s race is to his. And yet you have a problem with one black James Bond, and not with a dozen non-Hebrew Moseses who look nothing like what the guy would have looked like in real life? That still makes no sense.

    Furthermore, your “three races” hokum is entirely incorrect. What you are describing is a very old theory that emerged from the “scientific racism” movement of the early twentieth century. It is completely obsolete.

    “Race” as a biological category does not exist. Biologists almost unanimously agree that there is no scientific basis for classification based on race. Race is instead now recognized as a cultural and social category. This is why no two American censuses have ever contained the same exact set of racial classifications.

    When the Irish originally immigrated to America, they were not considered white. It was only when they became more socially accepted that they began to be viewed as white.

    Middle Easterners are certainly not considered white by most Americans.

    Your attempt to act as if there is nothing wrong with the pattern of disenfranchising actors of color in order to favor white actors, which you base on an outdated racist theory, while at the same time arguing that white characters should never be reimagined as characters of color is…well, it’s racist. I am sure you don’t mean for it to be. I don’t believe you harbor any hatred for African-Americans or Middle Easterners. But most racism isn’t borne out of hatred. It’s born out of ignorance and carelessness. You aren’t informed on the real obstacles facing minority communities, and you’re not interested in being informed. Which, hey, fine. Not everyone can care about everything. But if you insist on remaining uninformed, to the point where you think the “three races” theory is the cutting edge in science, then it might be best to refrain from discussing the issue–especially if what you’re engaging in is less of a discussion and more of a lecture about how blacks could have just as much opportunity as blacks if they just stopped discussing racism altogether.

  4. Chris says:

    This link may help bring some up to date on the current scientific consensus regarding the notion of race. The “three races” theory was popular in the late 1800s, but is no longer relevant. Races are social groups, not biological groups.

    Race is not real, but the disenfranchisement of people based on race is VERY real. Ignoring the way that whitewashing characters in cinema upholds white supremacy and erasure of minorities is unhelpful.

  5. Tina says:

    Lord, how the left loves “consensus.”

    Let’s get passed the activist divisive crap and get behind the notion of the human race.

    Chris: “Races are social groups, not biological groups.”

    The better to invent special rights and entitlement programs.

    “…the disenfranchisement of people based on race is VERY real.”

    The so-called privileged white man scratched his way past imperial tyranny, poverty, rampant disease and conscription.

    The notion that disenfranchisement and white privilege is the reason minorities haven’t achieved is dishonest. It is a convenient tool used by radicals of the left (Marxists) who seek personal and centralized power and care little for the minorities they use. Their notion is that forced equality of outcome will bring peace.

    “Ignoring the way that whitewashing characters in cinema upholds white supremacy and erasure of minorities is unhelpful.”

    The past is what it is, stop dragging it into the present. All you do is muck up the space.

    “White supremacy” is a made up term designed to create division, dependency and resentment (And garner Dem Party loyalty and votes). Your so-called college education in this area has been nothing more than an exercise in left wing activist propaganda.

    Feminists and minorities have been convinced they have no option but to try to compete in established white organizations and businesses. But it was entrepreneurial achievement that established success and power for the majority whites in America and to a lesser degree in Europe. American’s had the added advantage of constitutional rights and freedom without the baggage of serfdom under the monarchies.

    It is the entrepreneurial spirit and achievement that created confidence, success and a sense of being established.

    Clearly people like Barry Gordy and Oprah Winfrey understood this. They did not come from a sense of dependency or a need to wait until someone offered them a chance; they depended upon themselves. Both are excellent role models for anyone to emulate. There are many others.

    The best thing minorities can do to overcome is study those of any race that have been successful and figure out how to apply those traits in their own lives.

    The activist stance of victim-hood is and has been unhelpful.

    Fifty or sixty years of affirmative action, entitlement programs and the constant drum beat of oppression by the white privileged have yielded a continuation of the same bankrupt attitudes. Teaching and preaching the victim mentality is an ugly ploy. It’s about time it was fully exposed for the sham that it is.

    “erasure of minorities”

    Would you listen to yourself!

  6. Tina says:

    It’s quite telling, Chris, that you have nothing to say about Rev. Peterson’s opinion and message.

  7. Chris says:

    Tina, I am not going to argue with you about the generalities of racism in America.

    You made a specific claim about race when you brought up the “three races” theory; that specific claim was inaccurate and based on very outdated information.

    You made that inaccurate claim in order to defend an absurd position–that the trend of white guys consistently being chosen to play Biblical characters over more historically accurate minority actors was inconsequential because “Moses and Noah were ‘white.'” This position was based on a falsehood; Moses and Noah were not “white” by the current understanding of the term, and they would have looked nothing like the actors chosen to play them.

    This trend has real-world consequences. Choosing white actors to play minority characters, when minority actors are already at a disadvantage in Hollywood, helps uphold white supremacy.

    If you are so bound and determined to ignore that, and if you are so bound and determined to make excuses for that, then you’re simply not qualified to lecture black Americans or to discuss racial issues in any intelligent manner. That’s OK; there are plenty of other topics of discussion I’m sure you can speak intelligently on. In the meantime, if you want to be involved in a conversation about race, you can do some more research from more modern sources and see if there is something you can learn.

    At least, that’s what I would do if I was informed that my theory on the differentiation of races came from the late 19th century. And if I found myself linking to white supremacist hate sites on more than one occasion.

  8. Chris says:

    I also have to once again say, using Oprah Winfrey to advance the narrative that blacks face no structural disadvantages in society is incredibly dishonest and offensive. Oprah herself has spoken passionately about systemic racism and its continued presence in American life. She certainly would not appreciate being pointed to by conservatives as some sort of gotcha, as if saying “See? This proves that systemic racism doesn’t exist and also we should eliminate welfare!”

  9. Chris says:

    As for Peterson’s comments, originally I did not address them because I felt unqualified to dismiss his experience as a black man. If he feels that it’s best to “get over” his blackness and focus on other issues that is his prerogative. I don’t find his arguments particularly persuasive, but everyone deals with oppression differently.

    Then I Googled his name and found this speech, in which he thanked God and white people for the American slave trade:

    ““I’ve often said that, ‘Thank God for slavery,’ because, you know, had not, then the blacks over here would have been stuck in Africa… Everybody and their Mama are trying to get out of Africa and come to America and so God has a way of looking out for folks and He made it possible by way of slavery to get black folks into this country.

    …I thank God that He saw fit for me to get here. Never mind that, you know, (my ancestors) were sold… by Arabs and blacks to white folks… The ride over was pretty tough but you know, it’s like riding on a crowded airplane when you’re not in First Class. It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your desitination… I thank God that he got me here and to show my appreciation to the blacks who suffered as the result of coming here, and Arabs and blacks who sold us to the white man, the white man for going there and getting us and bringing us here, I want to say, ‘Thanks.’””

    The guy is nuts, a total extremist who disrespects his own race. A black man thanking God for slavery is like a Jewish person thanking God for the Holocaust.

    Continuing to link to extremist sources to justify your assertions about race is not helpful for you.

  10. Tina says:

    Chris: “You made a specific claim about race when you brought up the “three races” theory; that specific claim was inaccurate and based on very outdated information.”

    Outdated or simple. the current theory is embellished; probably for progressive political purpose?

    You kill me Chris. Your need to slice and dice the human race so as not to offend the human race and to afford the opportunity to detect offense is a circle jerk.

    “Moses and Noah were not “white” by the current understanding of the term, and they would have looked nothing like the actors chosen to play them.”

    Your deciding what Moses and Noah looked like based on current embellishments about race. You’re playing games Chris.

    “…you’re simply not qualified to lecture black Americans or to discuss racial issues in any intelligent manner”

    A. I was not “lecturing” black Americans.

    B. You constantly “lecture” others, including me on this subject.

    C. You don’t have a clue about what my position is nor do you care to, hence your unending need to “lecture”

    D. You are not qualified to decide my qualifications.

    E. Youth is no excuse for ignorance and modern thought is often found later to be utter nonsense. This generation has racked up a museum full of nonsense.

    “…using Oprah Winfrey to advance the narrative that blacks face no structural disadvantages…”

    I did not use Oprah “to advance the narrative that blacks face no structural disadvantages”

    But you can’t think outside the victim box so there is no sense in reiterating my point.

    “Oprah herself has spoken passionately about systemic racism and its continued presence in American life.”

    She also accused a woman in a European store of racism when the woman was thinking in terms of value, demonstrating that some instances of perceived “racism” are imagined.

    “She certainly would not appreciate being pointed to by conservatives as some sort of gotcha”

    Please DO NOT put words in my mouth!

    I held her up as an example that it’s possible to overcome obstacles through vision, entrepreneurial effort and a great attitude! (Your scummy interpretation is truly offensive)

    You assume white folks had nothing to overcome. You assume white folks never experience discrimination. Your feeble single minded view assumes whites were all just handed success and privilege at birth. Such a pile of crap!

    You act like a singe instance of racism is proof the entire white populace is racist and oppressive, “systemically”. ITS JUST NOT TRUE. Pretending it is only reinforces victim-hood and negative attitudes that will not serve individuals in becoming successful.

    “This proves that systemic racism doesn’t exist and also we should eliminate welfare!”

    “Systemic” is a rotten term that the left uses. White Americans are not inherently racist and racism is not systemic in our society. The belief that there is “systemic” racism in America is perpetrated by race baiting activists, lefty politicians, and educators who want the gravy train it affords them to keep on rolling!

    Immigrants from many backgrounds and countries, including blacks, have come to this nation with nothing and prospered. How is it that they are able to come here and with a little effort move into the middle class, create businesses, and thrive if this country is so racist?

    Perhaps the difference is they don’t have a bad attitude, they haven’t been taught they are victims, they haven’t accepted the liberal meme that minorities don’t have opportunity in America.

    By the way there are plenty of whites on welfare so that little dig doesn’t add up either.

  11. Chris says:

    Tina: “Outdated or simple.”

    Outdated and disproven.

    “She also accused a woman in a European store of racism when the woman was thinking in terms of value, demonstrating that some instances of perceived “racism” are imagined.”

    To use your own words…”And you were there?”

    You constantly accuse others of acting like mind readers or unfairly interpreting the motives of others, but you are always willing to act like a mind reader yourself whenever it suits your narrative.

    “I did not use Oprah “to advance the narrative that blacks face no structural disadvantages””

    Yes, you did.

    “You assume white folks had nothing to overcome. You assume white folks never experience discrimination. Your feeble single minded view assumes whites were all just handed success and privilege at birth. Such a pile of crap!”

    And you accuse me of putting words in your mouth? This is hilarious. Recognizing that white privilege exists does not mean that individual whites have nothing to overcome or never struggle. It means that their obstacles do not come from being white.

    “You act like a singe instance of racism is proof the entire white populace is racist and oppressive, “systemically”.”

    Another strawman argument. I did not act like “a single instance of racism” is proof of systemic racism. I clearly pointed out a trend of casting white actors in non-white roles and how that has served to disenfranchise non-white actors.

    Your original response to this–“Noah and Moses were white”–was factually incorrect, which you refuse to acknowledge.

    Your arguments are ignorant and incoherent.

  12. Tina says:

    Chris I was not there. I followed the story as it unfolded including Oprah acknowledging that she wrongly assumed racism.

    ” It means that their obstacles do not come from being white.”

    The majority of obstacles blacks face TODAY do not come from being black or brown. They come from bad attitudes, resentment, thinking like a victim, failing to even try.

    “I clearly pointed out a trend of casting white actors in non-white roles and how that has served to disenfranchise non-white actors.”

    Actually you kidnapped the post!

    You completely ignored what Reverend Paterson had to say so you could make the discussion about YOU and YOUR opinions on race. What a complete arrogant a$$.

    What’s the matter Chris? Will you lose something if blacks find out they’re more capable than you ever acknowledge. Will that PC race crap fall to pieces if blacks find out they don’t have to wait for permission to be a success?

    Your education is limited and often based on liberal dogma and so called consensus thinking.

  13. Chris says:

    Tina: “The majority of obstacles blacks face TODAY do not come from being black or brown. They come from bad attitudes [from white racists], resentment [from white racists who are losing power], [white racists] thinking like a victim, [white racists] failing to even try [to understand the perspective of people who lack their privilege].”

    Fixed it for you.

    “You completely ignored what Reverend Paterson had to say”

    See Comment #9. Rev. Paterson is a complete nutjob who has said that black people should thank God and white people for slavery. Those are his own words. That is insane and racist against his own race. His other comments are not even worth addressing because of his disgusting history.

    You have once again cited a deranged racist in order to prove that racism is not a real problem in America. When will you realize that you are disproving your own point every time you do this?

  14. Chris says:

    Tina: “Chris I was not there. I followed the story as it unfolded including Oprah acknowledging that she wrongly assumed racism.”

    According to this article, Oprah did not say she was wrong to assume racism, but that she was sorry she mentioned the location of the store because it turned into a bigger deal than she had intended.

    It’s possible Oprah was wrong about this particular incident. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t dealt with similar incidents in her life that weren’t motivated by at least unconscious racism. Nearly every black person has a similar story, even those who have gained wealth and power. To act as if the conclusion of this story disproves the existence of systemic racism is gaslighting:

    “There’s a form of mental torture called “gaslighting,” its name taken from a play in which a man convinces his wife that the gas lights in their home she sees brightening and dimming are, in fact, maintaining a steady glow. His ultimate goal is to drive her into a mental institution and take all her money, and soon the woman ends up in an argument with herself about whether she’s losing her mind. American race relations have a similar narrative: An entire set of minorities confident that the everyday slights they’re seeing are real and hurtful, and an entire set of other people assuring them that they’re wrong.”

  15. Tina says:

    Just keep talking down to others Chris. You won’t learn a thing but man, will you build yourself a sizable ego.

    “An entire set of minorities confident that the everyday slights they’re seeing are real and hurtful, and an entire set of other people assuring them that they’re wrong.”

    I’ve never suggested slights “aren’t real,”

    Since you are uninterested in what I think and what I actually am saying, I’ll just leave you with your thoughts and projections.

  16. Chris says:

    Tina: “I’ve never suggested slights “aren’t real,””

    Of course you did. I explained to you that there is a trend of whitewashing characters in Hollywood and disenfranchising minority actors. This trend continues in the casting of white actors to play Noah and Moses, who were Middle Eastern, not white.

    You made a lot of excuse for this and refused to acknowledge that this type of whitewashing was a real problem. Yet you did criticize the idea of a traditionally white character being played by a minority actor.

    You even criticized the use of the term “systemic” to describe racism against minorities. Claiming now that you did not suggest that the slights faced by minorities aren’t real is ludicrous.

    I am interested in what you think and I understand your arguments very well. I’ve thought about your arguments more than you have. That’s the disadvantage of people who aren’t critical thinkers: their opponents have a better understanding of why they believe the things they do than they do themselves.

    Of course, the advantage is that non-critical thinkers don’t realize this, so they have no incentive to change.

  17. Chris says:

    Tina, any comment about Reverend Peterson’s position on slavery? Do you believe his comments, in which he said black people should thank God and white people for the slave trade, are in any way problematic or offensive?

    Do you agree with Peterson that blacks should be grateful for slavery?

  18. Libby says:

    “… are the freest and wealthiest group of blacks anywhere.”

    … group of blacks? …

    Hear it again … if you can.

    … group of blacks …

    There’s no troubling inference, here? Nothing to creep you out … just the littlest bit?

    I thought not.

    Or you would never have posted the filthy, and decidedly artless, bit of bigotry.

  19. Tina says:

    Chris: “Of course you did. I explained to you that there is a trend of whitewashing characters in Hollywood and disenfranchising minority actors. This trend continues in the casting of white actors to play Noah and Moses, who were Middle Eastern, not white”

    I’m really sick of you treating others like they were born yesterday. There was no need to “explain” anything. I’m well aware of the history of casting problems in Hollywood. Not all of it has been a result of prejudice but there’s no denying some of it is. I don’t think Moses and Noah are necessarily examples of such. There have been many versions of these stories and no all of them featured

    I also applaud the efforts of minorities to skip the usual Hollywood process by writing, directing, casting and producing on their own. There’s nothing like a little competition to break down barriers.

    Chris you IMAGINE that because I defended 007 as a white character that it means I support the disenfranchisement of minorities in Hollywood. What an intolerant bigoted a$$ you can be at times. I also would find a black Sherlock Holmes odd.

    Middle Eastern does not automatically mean dark skin and any suggestion that it does insults millions of Jews and others who look more like Benjamine Netanyahu. Semites are often olive-toned but in every shade including light-skinned. Unless you were present when Moses walked the earth I suggest you reconsider the heavy handed opinion.

    This obsession with race takes you down incredibly rigid and extremist paths.

    Regarding the Rev’s remarks thanking God, if you could calm down a bit you could hear what he is saying. He is a pastor so “thanking God” is a natural way to express gratitude that those who are the ancestors of slaves brought to America fared a lot better than most of those who remained in Africa where poverty, war, and disease have decimated and oppressed most African blacks making life miserable and opportunity slim. You have to be pretty stingy of mind to assume he was saying slavery and oppression of blacks was a good thing.

    I think it’s important to note that there were plenty of white people that were not in favor of slavery and worked against it. Yet the race activists’ position seems to condemn all whites as a group. That’s an absurdity that ignores a lot of history for blacks and whites, including the fact that dark skinned people, Arabs and Africans, kidnapped and sold blacks into the slave trade.

    You don’t communicate with people, Chris. Communication requires actually getting what another person is saying. You display a lot of preconceived, unmoving opinions that you project into what others say and you listen having already categorized and labeled them, a very closed minded approach that will never lead to understanding…you dismiss sometimes valuable points or perspectives because you’ve decided they must be racist. That makes you a lazy, closed minded person,

    Regarding how you “fixed” what I wrote about attitudes, you can add your own lousy attitude of blaming others, working toward division, projecting, and participating in the leftist smear game as a way to win politically. None of this will serve the minority community well. In fact it’s a prescription for keeping people stuck.

    I used to think you were bright.

  20. Tina says:

    No Libby there is no “creeping out” except perhaps by people like you who refuse to move beyond the sixties. A black man made that remark; “group” has no secret coded meaning:

    Over the past 50 years, blacks have been seduced away from character and truth. Their “leaders” have convinced them that their struggle is a physical battle with whites and that America is a racist nation. The truth is that there is good and bad in every race, and every human being is engaged in a spiritual battle of good versus evil.

    Blacks in the United States are the freest and wealthiest group of blacks anywhere. If black America were a country, it would be the fifteenth wealthiest nation in the world.

    Funny how you on the left want to ignore the greater message: ” blacks have been seduced away from character and truth. Their “leaders” have convinced them that their struggle is a physical battle with whites and that America is a racist nation. The truth is that there is good and bad in every race, and every human being is engaged in a spiritual battle of good versus evil.”

    It’s very important to get this message IF you have any intention at all to get the next: “Blacks in the United States are the freest and wealthiest group of blacks anywhere.”

    I’d say that’s a dang good reason to be grateful for the fate or fortune that brought you to America. (No mater what your color)

    The filth is in your own rigid bigoted mind. And liberals are supposed to be the open-minded ones…HA!

  21. Chris says:

    Tina: “Middle Eastern does not automatically mean dark skin”

    Like I said, I would have been perfectly happy if they had cast a light-skinned Middle Easterner.

    “and any suggestion that it does”

    I never suggested that it does.

    “insults millions of Jews and others who look more like Benjamine Netanyahu.”

    Russel Crowe and Christian Bale look nothing like Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu looks Jewish. Given the importance of Moses’ Hebrew ethnicity in the Exodus story–an aspect of the character that is inarguably of much larger importance to his arc than James Bond’s whiteness is to his–I would not have had any problem if Moses were cast with a Jewish actor.

    But of course, Moses is almost never cast as a Jewish or Middle Eastern actor, dark-skinned or light-skinned.

    He is almost always cast as a white man.

    I don’t expect you to see that as a problem, because you just defended that minister for thanking God for slavery. I honestly did not think you would sink that low, but once again you have proven that there is no limit to your ability to make excuses for people you identify with politically/tribally.

    “Chris you IMAGINE that because I defended 007 as a white character that it means I support the disenfranchisement of minorities in Hollywood.”

    No, I made that conclusion based on your defense of Bond’s whiteness paired with your lack of defense for Moses and Noah’s Middle Eastern/Hebrewness. It was the combination of those two arguments that was truly racist, as it showed that you only care about preserving the race of a character if that character is already white.

    “You have to be pretty stingy of mind to assume he was saying slavery and oppression of blacks was a good thing.”

    That certainly implies that he thinks slavery was a good thing.

    Surprise, he’s also a sexist who thinks women never should have gotten the right to vote, and that “most” are not “capable of making logical decisions!”

    “I think that one of the greatest mistakes America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote,” Peterson said in the sermon.

    Peterson even went so far as to associate woman in politics with evil.

    “We should’ve never turned this over to women,” he said. “It was a big mistake. … And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees (sic) with them who’re going to take us down this pathway of destruction.”

    “And this probably was the reason that they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men,” he continued. “Because men, in the good old days, understood the nature of the woman. They were not afraid to deal with it and they understood that if they let them take over, this is what would happen.

    Please listen to the whole thing so that you can’t accuse me of taking him out of context. Or, hell, you might do that anyway.

    I like the part when he falsely claims that Sandra Fluke testified for free condoms and talked so much about all the sex she was having.

    The man is insane, Tina. Insane. Please stop defending this mysoginistic, self-hating a-hole.

    “Yet the race activists’ position seems to condemn all whites as a group.”

    No, it doesn’t.

    “I used to think you were bright.”

    You think Rush Limbaugh is bright. I’ll take this as a compliment.

  22. Chris says:

    Sorry, the above should say:

    Tina: “You have to be pretty stingy of mind to assume he was saying slavery and oppression of blacks was a good thing.”

    Except that he also explicitly thanked white people for “bringing us over here,” not just God. That certainly implies that he thinks slavery was a good thing.

  23. Chris says:

    More disgusting comments by your bigoted, moronic minister:

    “One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working,” Peterson told The Huffington Post’s Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. “I’m going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work.”

    He has said that domestic violence commercials are an “attack on men;” lied about the content of a Verizon ad against domestic violence by claiming that it said “all fathers are monsters;” said that “for the most part,” “women start the violence and men respond to it;” said that “nagging, yelling, and bitching” are forms of domestic violence and compared it to physical abuse by men; said that “men represent Christ on earth;” that the National Organization of Women hates men; and suggested that men should be able to hit their wives if the woman is talking back.

    Watch the whole video. The reactions from some of the women are great. (And unfortunately some misogynistic men try to shut them down with more sexist bigotry.)

    Saying that blacks were better off under slavery and that men should be able to hit women. Yeah, what a “fresh perspective.”

  24. Libby says:

    “No Libby there is no “creeping out” ….”

    So it would seem … and it is too bad.

  25. Tina says:

    The remarks are only bigoted if you can’t think outside of that PC box. You’ve demonstrated many times that you are incapable of addressing the problems that confront real people because you’re stuck in the pat and n the PC rules constructed by activists on campus.

    You cannot and do not communicate. You are stuck making judgements and assigning labels based on the propaganda thinking of race and gender activist.

  26. Chris says:

    Tina says that arguing that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote and that blacks were better off on the plantation is only bigoted to “PC” people.

    I hope she isn’t right. I would hope all rational people would find such comments bigoted and offensive.

    It would seem the definition of “PC” has lost all meaning.

  27. Tina says:

    No Chris, that’s not at all what I wrote. But I do understand why you cannot move beyond that crappy, race baiting, PC script of yours…it’s embedded!

    Tell me Chris, however it’s expressed, is a strong work ethic a valuable thing or not? Yes or no.

    Would a strong work ethic be more valuable than a dependency ethic topped off with a victim attitude? Yes or no.

    Would a strong work ethic indicate a more personally empowering, self-actualizing attitude that actually gives individuals the grounding to choose for a better life? Yes or no?

    This article was limited to specific remarks made by Reverend Peterson.

    You chose to expand it to other subjects and then address me as if I had endorsed them. It’s a sneaky underhanded game that you radical lefties play to change the argument and discredit your opponents. That’s dishonest and a far cry from communication.

    (Yes, I now consider you part of that unthinking, power hungry, control freakish radical crowd)

    You have said you agree with some of what Louis Farrakhan stands for but don’t endorse everything he says. Apparently you enjoy privilege you do not extend to others.

    Why is it you do not allow the same latitude for others?

    I submit that you aren’t interested in the topic or the good that might come from a real discussion on the topic. Instead you are more interested in nailing me as a racist and bigot and you will use whatever underhanded means you can think of to accomplish that goal.

    I get the word “plantation” pushes all of your PC race buttons. It’s a shame you can’t let go of past injustice and get off it. If you could you would hear the Reverend’s concerns and his desires for young black men to be strong, contributing adults.

    Is the left agenda that important that you would deny the importance of this topic and the need for a workable solution in the black community? Sadly that is the legacy of the radical left since the sixties and Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.”

    Side note: A strong work ethic is needed in many communities in America. This isn’t just a black issue.

  28. Tina says:

    Chris you’re pathetic. You don’t know this black man and yet you see yourself as his superior in terms of what constitutes racism.

    You do this based on college campus PC rules regarding race which have become cartoonish and stand at the margins of speech control.

    The arrogance and haughtiness it takes to make such pronouncements about others, particularly when you do not know them, astounds me. In your world there is no room to see or express things differently. People either agree with you and comply with your rules or they are negatively labeled. The tyranny, the lack of tolerance, the shallow judgementalism this suggests is disgraceful for someone raised in this country.

    The reverend’s remarks were not “pro-slavery” but pro-work ethic! it’s really sad that you can’t see it.

    “You enjoy the exact same privilege to agree with some of his radical reverend’s statements while condemning others.”

    Except for one thing. I don’t see it the way you do. I don’t play hall monitor with you. I don’t examine every one of your quotes or sources and then make that the subject for discussion with the goal of labeling you. I don’t demand that you bend to my will when it comes to opinions about comments being racist. You are a bully in this regard, insisting that I (EVERYONE) see things your way.

    Credibility does matter. You make a great show of “calling people out” and condemning certain words and phrases but without giving a rats butt about what is being communicated. Even worse in the case of policy, when the detrimental affects involved are the topic, you give that a back seat to your need to bully and label.

    In my opinion this damages your credibility. You are nothing but a partisan PC monitor and mouthpiece. You have no interest in communication or finding better solutions to problems…particularly if the solutions are being forwarded by other than your party and challenge the failures of your parties policies.

    And once again, don’t put words in my mouth. I have never said racism doesn’t exist in America.

    I have said racism is not systemic, which implies it runs through the entire population…a leftist political LIE!

    I have also said racism exists across all races. Your party likes to pretend only white Republicans are capable of such…another political LIE! And you spend a lot of time trying to make it true by playing this stupid, pointless gotcha game.

    By the way, your party is now, and always has been, associated with bigots, extremists, manipulators, cheaters, misogynists, and liars so don’t try to act superior with me on that score. Misogynist men like Bill Clinton are defended, protected, and promoted in your party. Race baiters and racists like Jackson and Farrakhan are tolerated and pushed out in front of cameras when needed for political theater.

    Learn to think outside that PC box…whole worlds of thought will open to you. and clean up your own house before bullying others, hypocrite!

  29. Tina says:

    Chris: “I do see myself as morally and intellectually superior to someone who says “thank God for slavery…”

    Well you would because you don’t care about the point being made. You don’t care about what is being communicated. You don’t care to talk about the deleterious effect of the Great Society. You don’t want to discuss the decline in values that have led to broken families, high abortion rates, high incarceration rates, gang membership, black on black crime, etc. or the changes in character and values that are necessary to support and uplift individuals in the black community.

    You’re a game player. There is no point in discussing this further with you.

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