How Spies Entered Your Cell Phone

From RHT….

“Can it be any worse?”

Just between you, me, and the cell tower, perhaps it already is—

The Great SIM Heist

How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle

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6 Responses to How Spies Entered Your Cell Phone

  1. Harold says:

    Where as I can see a positive side of this Intel gathering procedure, but only as it applies to tracking a enemy such as those TERRORISTS (opps’ sorry Big Zero, armed insurgents), it is just one more step that Massive Government intervention forages beyond it limits into the private lives we once enjoyed.

    New era,big Government,youthful idealism and a tech savvy but dependent society and you get what we have.

  2. Georgia says:

    That is just the tip of the iceberg on what has and is going on. We need to address the privacy laws, Patriot Act ect. We need to manufacture our electronics in the USA for security as well.

    You realize smart TV’s, cell phones, and computers listen in on you as well? Everything hangs in the cloud. It was recently reported samsung did not even attempt to secure recordings of your voice recognition in smart tv info.

    The Chinese have gone as far as having spyware placed in firmware.

    If one has a Lenovo laptop check it for “Superfish”

  3. Tina says:

    Good points Harold. The person who wrote the NSA program has said it is not being administered as designed. This administration has taken liberties. The IRS scandal and administration spying on journalists tell us a lot about the character of those now in charge of this program. Any of our laws in the hands of people of low character and personal or party ambition can be exploited and used against the citizens.

  4. Georgia says:

    Miss Tina;

    The Obama and the GW administration has changed what our privacy means. It is not a partisan issue.

    The patriot act/NSA NDAA stuff will not change until the country puts up their own candidates

    All of the candidates in the media whether Democrat or Republican collect money from foreign and domestic corporations. They then owe these people. They work for them not us.

    To change this we have to ignore the media and their campaigns. Find candidates who represent the people instead of corporate interests.

    So far I have seen one Libertarian running for President. No money. not sure if he will run under GOP umbrella.

    And there may be an independent running as well. He may decide to run under Democrat Umbrella.

    To blame one administrative is to ignore the problem. The Obama administration is guilty, the Bush administration started the whole thing.

    I want my rights back.

  5. Tina says:

    Georgia I know it’s comfortable to take the position that there is no difference between the two parties. In the case of individuals within each party you are right. But the suggestion that those in power in the two parties hold the same views and are made of the same moral cloth is ludicrous!

    Bush didn’t “start the whole thing” if you are talking about abuse of the program. Our government has gathered information about us for decades through the IRS and other government agencies. It isn’t the collection of information that’s intrusive; it is the abuse of such information gathering that is troubling.

    Protection of personal information may be one of the biggest challenges of our time. Electing people who love and support our Constitution and will respect and faithfully carry out the laws of the land is key in this respect.

    Glad you want your rights back. You will never see the perfect world you seek.

  6. Peggy says:

    There are a whole bunch of other people in Chicago who want their rights back too. And you can bet if this is going on in Chicago it’s going on in other cities too. Sounding more and more like the Nazi’s before WWII.

    The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden ‘black site’:

    “Exclusive: Secret interrogation facility reveals aspects of war on terror in US

    ‘They disappeared us’: protester details 17-hour shackling without basic rights

    Accounts describe police brutality, missing 15-year-old and one man’s death

    While US military and intelligence interrogation impacted people overseas, Homan Square – said to house military-style vehicles and even a cage – focuses on American citizens, most often poor, black and brown. ‘When you go in,’ Brian Jacob Church told the Guardian, ‘nobody knows what happened to you.’ Video: Phil Batta for the Guardian; editing: Mae Ryan

    Spencer Ackerman in Chicago


    Tuesday 24 February 2015 16.43 EST Last modified on Wednesday 25 February 2015 08.13 EST

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    The Chicago police department operates an off-the-books interrogation compound, rendering Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside what lawyers say is the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site.

    The facility, a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side known as Homan Square, has long been the scene of secretive work by special police units. Interviews with local attorneys and one protester who spent the better part of a day shackled in Homan Square describe operations that deny access to basic constitutional rights.

    Alleged police practices at Homan Square, according to those familiar with the facility who spoke out to the Guardian after its investigation into Chicago police abuse, include:
    Keeping arrestees out of official booking databases.

    Beating by police, resulting in head wounds.

    Shackling for prolonged periods.
    Denying attorneys access to the “secure” facility.
    Holding people without legal counsel for between 12 and 24 hours, including people as young as 15.

    At least one man was found unresponsive in a Homan Square “interview room” and later pronounced dead.”


    Looks like the people of Chicago are getting fed up with their major Rahm Emanuel, forcing him into a runoff election for the first time in Chicago’s history. He’s loosing the black votes and even his buddy Obama showing up to help his campaign didn’t help, some say it even hurt him.

    Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel hurt by flagging black support, low turnout:

    “When President Barack Obama dropped into his hometown a few days before the city election to designate the historic Pullman district a national monument and heap praise on Rahm Emanuel, rivals decried the move as pure politics aimed at pumping up African-American support for the mayor..

    A look at the results in Tuesday’s historic election showed that political benefit didn’t materialize for Emanuel. Voters in the predominantly African-American 9th Ward, where Pullman is located, backed Emanuel with 43 percent of the vote. But four years earlier, Emanuel got nearly 60 percent there.

    The 9th Ward returns symbolized a larger and more consistent problem that Emanuel has yet to resolve as he tries to win a second term: lagging support from black voters upset by school closings, violent crime and a lack of neighborhood economic development in poorer communities.”

    How Obama has abused the Patriot Act:

    “The White House’s justification for collecting Americans’ phone data doesn’t stand up to the light of day.”

    August 19, 2013|By Jim Sensenbrenner, (Patriot Act author.)

    “Section 215 of the Patriot Act authorizes the collection of certain business records — in this case, phone records — when there are reasonable grounds to believe that the records are relevant to an authorized investigation into international terrorism. The key legal term is “relevance.”

    Under this relevance standard, the administration has collected the details of every call made by every American, even though the overwhelming majority of these calls have nothing to do with terrorism. Since first learning of the program this spring, I have been a vocal critic of such dragnet collection as a gross invasion of privacy and a violation of Section 215.

    The administration’s memo begins by acknowledging that its interpretation of the statute is at odds with the plain meaning of “relevance.” It argues there is a “particularized legal meaning” of relevance, but it ultimately concedes that it fails to meet this standard as well.”

    Georgia, you’re right both administrations have been involved, but the Bush administration wrote the Patriot Act to keep us safe and the Obama administration has abused its power and used it against us.

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