Congrats FOX and Republican Candidates

Posted by Tina

The debate run by FOX News tonight was the most refreshing I’ve seen. Megan Kelly, Chris Wallace and Brett Bear did a wonderful job of keeping the event moving, asking pointed questions and giving each candidate the floor without giving them the stage. Since Trump was the front runner in the polls he was asked the first question and for awhile it looked like he would dominate the evening. But when the field was asked if they would pledge to support the Republican nominee and not run as a third party candidate, Trump was the only person on stage to indicate he would not take that pledge. He was met with boos from the audience. In my estimation the other candidates kept Trump from dominating by telling it like it is with their own individual styles.

I looked for news articles covering the event and found very little. I should have taken notes there were some remarkable moments. The FOX team managed to cover all of the important issues and except for a few exceptions the field seemed to be pretty much in agreement about what needs to be done to get America back on track. Social issues were not in the forefront but the candidates didn’t run from the questions they were asked either. Wish I could have seen the afternoon debate, maybe Peggy can fill us in. I did see a clip of Carly Fiorina who seems to have won that debate with poised responses and an uplifting message:

“The highest calling of leadership is to challenge the status quo and unlock the potential of others. We need a leader who will lead the resurgence of this great nation and unlock its potential once again.”

Carly is one focused lady who is imminently more experienced and prepared than Hilary. The Republican Party is fortunate to have such good candidates, an abundance of candidates. And as one of our guys quipped, the Democrats “don’t even have one.” I’d like to give credit for the line but I honestly don’t recall who said it. All in all I’m very proud of our candidates…all of them…even wt a few warts and bumps!

The alternative just makes me shudder!

Closing statements were good but after listening to his fellow candidates speak about their accomplishments Dr. Ben Carson won the evening with the following (video here):

“I’m the only one to separate Siamese twins. The only one to operate on babies while they were still in their mother’s womb. The only one to take out half of a brain, although you would think if you went to Washington that someone had beat me to it. (applause) But I’m very hopeful that I’m not the only one who will pick up the torch of freedom. Because freedom is not free!”

There are a few conservative commentators that panned the event and called out Fox but I say, “well done!” As Trump has said, “We don’t have time” to bicker amongst ourselves.

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25 Responses to Congrats FOX and Republican Candidates

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Ah, once again Tina and I rush to publish at virtually the same time on the same story! However, I’m glad we both did the same story, it gives you a little more perspective.

    Tina said it and I agree, the GOP really has a field of good candidates. I was wishing that the top 3 could be elected.

  2. Dewey says:

    There will be plenty of Video of the kids table you can watch. Was not anything news breaking.

    Twitter was the place where the Democrats answered back. Hilliary did some tweeting, Bernie Sanders answered with facts, and I did not see Any MOM (O’malley) but he may have been active as well.

    Who s your fav jack? It’s early and things change, but your early favorite?

    I was disappointed, same platform nothing new or any real policy laid out. Cut Taxes for the rich, More military spending, Nothing about corporate welfare and subsidies, creating real jobs, (Santorum touched on it), Or any real substance.

    Too Many untrue facts.

    Carly was a clear winner. But that is just a sign of how weak the others were.

    You did not miss anything at the kids table.

  3. J. Soden says:

    What was interesting about the debate was the quality and specificity of the questions. Can’t ever recall a previous debate with such targeted questioning. Can you imagine $hrilLIARy getting questions like that????????
    Also glad Carly did so well and will gain more exposure due to her sharp answers.
    Can you imagine

  4. Chris says:

    I wish Carson would stop falling back on his neurosurgeon experience. It’s very impressive but it’s also largely irrelevant to the job he’s running for. It doesn’t make him qualified.

  5. Peggy says:

    I did see the 2pm debate and thought it was better than the 6pm. First, I liked the questions which were probing and not gotcha type meant to get under the skin of the contestant to bate them into a defensive response.

    Carly Fiorina was the clear winner. Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry did very well and gave good responses and left me with a positive feeling. Rick Santorum was ok, not good and not bad. He showed up. Lindsey Graham was the worst. He was the only one who kept looking down to read what he was supposed to say. Expect him to be the first to drop out. The other guys were there, but didn’t leave me wanting to hear more from them.

    Now to the 6pm debate. I’m a big time Fox News fan and believe the commentators last night were terrible. I believe the very first question asked about supporting the other candidates and pledging to not run as a third party should have been asked, but it should have been the last question, not the first. It set a negative tone for the whole debate. I wanted to hear what they were supportive of and would do, not the negative probes that put the candidates on the defensive from the very beginning.

    Trump in my opinion was the biggest loser, but the Drudge Report has him as the winner. Go figure?

    Can’t pick the winner, but there were really good answers by them all, except Trump. They all pretty much answered the questions giving insight to where they stood on the various topics. A few went off topic giving their talking points instead, but they were very few.

    The candidates who left me with a good impression were Rubio, Huckabee, Kasich, Cruz, Walker and Carson.

    Don’t have time to say why, just looking back this morning it’s my gut feeling.

    Was very surprised to see DNC Debbie was invited to be there and give her opinion of the candidates after. Was not surprised to hear her say Hillary would be our next president. Seriously, why was she there? Fox gave Hillary free air time.

    Just heard Trump explain his refusal to pledge to not go third party. He said it would depend on who was the chosen candidate and if he agreed with him. He said he didn’t commit last night, but left the door open that he would when the time to do so comes.

    • Post Scripts says:

      I felt Trump lost some ground too. I was happy to see that some media professionals that follow the political scene thought Jindal did a pretty decent job. I wish he could get some support I think he would be a great president. We’ve got at least 5 or 6 in the field that would make very good presidents.

  6. Tina says:

    Peggy you make a good case for putting that first question last so as not to begin with a negative tone. I guess the decision was made to put it first because as the current front runner, Trumps response is on everyone’s mind. His refusal turns me off because he has made a BIG point of how dire our situation is. If he believes that why would he put the nation at risk for another 4-8 years of Democrat destruction to the economy? Sour grapes?

    Apparently FOX has set a record for number of people who tuned in to see the debates. That speaks to the mood of the country.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Fox said they had 24M views. Apparently not everyone was happy with Megan Kelly’s overt attack on Trump. Many thought she was overstepping her role as a moderator and had an axe to grind with Trump. She displayed anger with her question to Trump about his alleged insults directed at certain women and I didn’t care for that. Not fair and balanced in my opine.

  7. Harold says:

    Peggy wrote: “Was very surprised to see DNC Debbie was invited to be there and give her opinion of the candidates.”

    I would also ask why? other than the “fair and balanced” mantra of Fox. But Why indeed!

    He!! Wasserman still hasn’t had a answer for Chris Matthews question of ‘what is the difference between todays democrats and a socialist’ ….

    just in case Matthews follows up, here’s some points Wasserman can fall back on:

    sustainable economy
    the greater good
    part of something larger
    shared responsibility
    living wage laws
    economic justice
    affordable housing
    giving back to the community
    everyone shared in that success
    this will require common effort
    earnings inequality
    power to the people
    the struggle
    wealth concentration
    redistribution of wealth

    All the above are catchy phrases of Liberal wants and descriptions she might have referred too.

    OOPS, now I see her problem, that does equal socialism, there is no difference.

  8. Chris says:

    Jack: “Fox said they had 24M views. Apparently not everyone was happy with Megan Kelly’s overt attack on Trump. Many thought she was overstepping her role as a moderator and had an axe to grind with Trump. She displayed anger with her question to Trump about his alleged insults directed at certain women and I didn’t care for that. Not fair and balanced in my opine.

    “Alleged” insults? They’re well documented, Jack, and Trump is proud of them–he really seems to think that calling women “fat pigs” is clever. He also thought it was clever to say “Only Rosie O’Donnel” in response to Kelly’s question, as if that justifies his behavior, and Kelly was right to call out that lie.

    I think Kelly could have expanded her question to include more than just women–Trump uses playground taunts to insult anyone who dares criticize him (see his hilarious Twitter feud with a Modern Family writer a few years back). She was right to ask him if he thought that kind of behavior was presidential. That question was perfectly relevant and valid. Trump’s response was typically juvenile and clueless–he comes across as someone incapable of admitting wrongdoing or reflecting on his behavior. This is a trait of a sociopath.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris we agree that Trump is not presidential material. However, my background investigation reveals a few things about Trump most people don’t know. He actually has a pretty nice side that is not being reported. He says things he knows will get attention and he loves to fire back at people that insult him. Sometimes its a half-hearted attempt at humor, albeit in poor taste. So we agree in basic terms…he would not be a good choice for president. He would be too divisive, just like Obama the sociopath is now.

  9. Tina says:

    Chris Dr. Carson used the opportunity to make a well placed joke knowing he has limited experience in politics. He knows he’s not likely to get the nomination but he is right on the money when he speaks about freedom. He’s even considered doing a television show that educates about the value of freedom.

    I don’t think he’s relying on his medical career, he’s just not trying to pretend he’s something he’s not.

    People are pretty fed up with the political class. Many many are calling for a fresh face, an outsiders, who they feel they can trust. Ben Carson fits that bill.

  10. Tina says:

    Chris: “Trump’s response was typically juvenile and clueless–he comes across as someone incapable of admitting wrongdoing…”

    I agree. I think he was a bit uncomfortable sharing the stage. he’s a man used to being in control and the format put him off his game.

  11. Tina says:

    Jack: “So we agree in basic terms…he would not be a good choice for president. He would be too divisive, just like Obama the sociopath is now.”

    Nice return on that volley! He’s not my choice but I confess if he won I would vote for him. We cannot suffer more Democrat policy.

    I also like Jindahl!

  12. Chris says:

    Tina: “I agree.”

    *does spit take*

    It’s been too long since either of us said that to each other. Always a pleasure.

    Fair points about Carson.

  13. Peggy says:

    I have to admit I was pissed off at Fox News last night before the 6pm debate started. I don’t know if it was Fox’s or Dish’s screw up, but last week I set my DVR to record the 6pm debate on Wed. where it was listed on the guide. When I went to check to make sure I had set it to record it wasn’t there at all. I set it to record for Thursday knowing I had set it before.

    Then when the 2pm debate was announced I set it to record. (I record most of my shows so I can fast forward through the commercials.) I’m watching the 2pm debate when at 3pm in the middle of the debate the recording ends. It was a two hour debate and not just one. Luckily, on live TV I was able to back up the 20 minutes I had missed to pickup where the first hour ended.

    So, at 5:50pm when the late debate started it was the most unprofessional awkward kill time, invite the candidates out who don’t show up and then joke around until the real show began at 6pm sharp.

    Tina, I agree the third party question needed to be asked and I’m glad they did, but it really made the MCs look like they were gunning for Trump. Hearing he’d met with Bill Clinton just before he announced he was running has my conspiracy theory mind wondering if he’s a spoiler plant. And that’s why he won’t not commit to not running.

    I heard the 24million figure too. I broke even sports event viewers like the Super Bowls. Must thank Obama for telling the Democrats to watch. Hopefully, they saw someone they liked better than Shillary and socialist Sanders.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Peggy, does it seem weird and out of place that the #2 candidate for the democrats is an avowed socialist?

      Just think, a few decades ago this would never have been possible. Just running as a socialist would have branded the man a traitor. He would have been removed from politics, but now crazy Bernie is a hero of many democrats. Go figure?

  14. Peggy says:

    Jack, Megyn Kelly is a very sharp woman, in my opinion. She’s an attorney and does come back with target follow-up questions. Watch her interview of Bill Ayer’s. She goes after him with a scalpel.

    Heard Newt Gingrich even praise her today on the Sean Hannity radio show.

    The issue I have with Trump is he reminds me of Obama with his thin skin. We’ve criticized Obama for his negative come backs when someone says something he doesn’t like or agree with. Trump is Obama on steroids. The man does know business and I’m sure he would do a hell of a job putting people back to work, but he’d be a divider as much as Obama is with his my way or the highway attitude.

    His four bankruptcies are not a big deal to me. Show me a successful man/woman who hasn’t failed at least once. He/she doesn’t exist. Scientist of every field fails. Thank you Thomas Edison for not giving up.

    We’re being told these republican candidates are the best that has ever come forward by either party. It is a great comfort to know our worst candidate is better than the Democrats best. Hillary, Joe and Bernie? What a trio. Liar, foot-in-mouth and socialist.

    After last night I have to say my picks are Cruz and Fiorina. I want Cruz because of his strong support of following our Constitution. And I want to see Carly up against Hillary to show what an incompetent, money grubbing elitist she really is.

    If you missed it watch this exchange between Fiorina
    and Chris Matthews.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Peggy, I like Megyn for the most part, but I didn’t like her performance with Trump because she didn’t treat the other candidates the same way, she became personally involved. She should have let someone else ask the question about “war on women,” if she felt too emotionally invested in the question.

      I was listening to Armstrong and Getty today and they were pretty tough on Megyn Kelly for this and more. Their point (and I guess mine) was that she was there to be a moderator and she crossed a line. It reminded me of what happened to Mitt Romney when he was debating Obama and the moderator jumped in to defend Obama.

      Her job as a moderator is supposed to be above the fray. She was not supposed to try to take Trump out for the good of the republican party. So, I really believe Megyn Kelly was not being fair and balanced. That said, I think it would have been just fine if one of the candidates said what she did. It was a reasonable question.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Thanks Peggy, I was looking for this link too.

  15. Chris says:

    Trump continued his defensive and petty streak even after the debate, retweeting tons of tweets slamming Kelly, including one calling her a “bimbo.” Because that’s a great way to prove that you’re presidential and not sexist, Donald. I look forward to watching this guy’s empire crumble.

  16. Tina says:

    Chris: “They’re well documented, Jack, and Trump is proud of them–he really seems to think that calling women “fat pigs” is clever.”

    Rosie O’Donald is no stranger to vulgar and inappropriate insults. She too thinks she’s clever and seems quite proud of the way she insults and demeans others:

    “Sarah Palin has ushered in a whole new level of ignorance as a consumerable quantity.”

    “Mitt Romney — don’t vote for him. I had a heart attack.”

    From a NY Post article (At provided link article no longer available):

    April 24, 2007 — ROSIE O’Donnell’s blue humor made faces red when she emceed the Matrix Awards in front of 2,000 feting New York’s most accomplished women in media at the Waldorf-Astoria Grand Ballroom yesterday.

    The loose-lipped lesbian dropped the F-bomb as Barbara Walters lowered her head on the dais and covered her face with her hand. O’Donnell concluded a rant about Donald Trump by grabbing her crotch and shouting, “E** m*!” …

    Also on hand were 17 sweet-faced high school girls who won scholarships to pursue their dreams of careers in media. …

    “I was offended by how vulgar and common O’Donnell was,” said Robert Zimmerman, a Democrat active in progressive causes. “It was especially inappropriate with young people present.”

    O’Donnell’s publicist, Cindi Berger, told us: “When you ask for Rosie, you know what you’re getting. She’s not a shrinking violet. She’s a stand-up comedienne. She says things that are provocative.”

    N.Y. Women in Communications was evidently happy with O’Donnell. The group’s managing director, Beth Ellen Keyes, sent an e-mail to her handlers saying, “Rosie was fabulous. Please let Rosie know how much we appreciated her being there. She was just great.”

    Editing provided by me.

    They’re New Yorker celebrities, what do you expect! My advice, not that you care to have it, consider a more balanced view!

  17. Peggy says:

    Jack, the #1 democrat candidate is also a socialist, but she won’t come right out and say it. She has no problem taking money donated for charities to fly around in private jets, pay $600 for a hair cut that looks like a hairdresser did at Super Cuts for $10, and pays herself, Bill and Chelsey $millions.

    I also agree with you about Megyn Kelly. I really liked her when she got her show on Fox, but lately she’s been acting like she’s a super star because of her ratings. She did go after Trump and Walker and I thought it was inappropriate for a moderator. That was the intent of my reference to her being an attorney. She switched hats and became a lawyer with a witness on the stand.

    After listening to the post debate talk I have to agree with explanation of why Trump’s ratings went up after the debate. People are so sick and tired of Obama’s deceitfulness and his lying administration they are willing to go with someone who speaks without a filter and tells them what he believes without any concern for what people think or if they agree with him.

    I just hope that Trump does realize that if he does go third party and put Hillary in the WH his businesses will go bankrupt along with the rest of the country. No one will be able to stay in his plush hotels and play on his golf courses. He better wake up or he’ll be the biggest looser of all.

  18. Tina says:

    Peggy after watching that clip with Mathews and Fiorina I have to say Hillary Clinton was right!

    It is time we elected a woman as president.

    She’s the first one I’ve seen with as much fire and certainty who could also take on the media!

    Thanks for sharing.

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