News Quiz

Thanks to Harold for this find:

Click here to test your awareness of media stories. This is linked to a PEW Poll – safe.

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13 Responses to News Quiz

  1. Tina says:

    Disappointed in myself I missed two.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Damn, I missed one.

  3. RHT447 says:

    Missed one as well. Are we a bunch of news junkies or what?

  4. Peggy says:

    Yahoo, I got all 12 right and scored in the top 10%.

    At my age I knew there are three women on the supreme court, but dang if I can name them.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re RHT447: I missed the number of women on the Supreme Court. Yes, I am a news junky. I often wish I were not. It is a bad habit.

    • Peggy says:

      I know the feeling Pie. A news junky has to be like a drug junky. I have to know what’s going on.

      I get together with friends who want to talk about their arts and craft projects and I’m biting my tongue thinking about all of the current event stuff that’s going on. Since they’re such good friends when it’s my turn they’ll let me talk and fill them in on what’s going on until it’s time to leave.

  6. Harold says:

    There was a 13th question, but none could answer it correctly, so they eliminated it.
    It read something like this: ” Why did Obama get re-elected for a second term ? ”

    OK, OK so it is a joke, don’t go burning up google looking to discredit it 🙂

  7. bob says:

    Here’s a news quiz for you.

    How much do DemoNcRats in Colliefornia want to raise the gas tax?

    Well, maybe want is the wrong word. They WANT to make gas cost several dollars a gallon such as in Europe.

    How much are these rats proposing to raise the gas tax? Now, remember Colliefornia already has the highest gas tax in the country when you factor in sales taxes and the AB 32 carbon tax. Colliefornia also has the worst roads in the country. (Dan Walters in the Bee wrote about this about a week ago.)

    We have the highest gas tax (and going higher guaranteed as the AB32 tax goes up every year) and worst roads.

    Doesn’t this prove that no matter how high the gas tax is it will never be high enough?

    • Post Scripts says:

      It proves that there will never be enough tax money for democrats. They never want a tax to sunset, they never want a tax to be reduced. They only know taxes must be increased so they can spend more.

      • bob says:

        That is correct and very sad.

        The middle class in this state is gradually going away. Thanks to high taxes and stifling regulation there will only be the rich and poor in this state. Colliefornia already has the highest poverty rate in the nation when adjusting for the cost of living in this state.

        And the people here are idiots if they think allowing these thieves to raise the gas tax is the answer to better roads in this state. The fact that we have the highest gas tax in the country and the worst roads proves that letting them steal even more of our money won’t solve the problems with the roads.

        The state of Jefferson is our only hope for a thriving middle class in Northern California. If the state of Jefferson does not come into existence then there is no hope at all.

      • bob says:

        More info on Taxifornia gas taxes…Jack, you are being ripped-off…

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Peggy is a very wise person.

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