Going to Extremes: Part III Facts About Blacks and Cops

Total number of arrests in 2012 for all races:

  • 9,340,000 – 2,460,000 were black Americans.
  • For the past 10 years officer involved shootings number about 340 annually and of those, about 31% are black males.
  • Of the 2.5 million annual arrests for blacks (and blacks are greatly over represented) , its estimated that only about 110 blacks will be shot and killed.  That means there are 2.5 million annual arrests where the police don’t shoot black criminals.

Statistically it would be ideal if this 110 number were zero, however the number of police shootings of black offenders is minuscule compared to the arrest rate and black on black homicides.  3 or less homicides on average per year are due to criminal behavior by police.

Sources of statistics – FBI and Dept. Justice.

Special note:

Blacks comprise about 12.61% of the total population of the United States, but commit about 49% of the murders, mostly against other Blacks.

In 2012 blacks committed 49.4% of murders,  32.5% of rapes, 54.9% of robberies, 34.1% of aggravated assaults, 39.9% of weapons charges, 42.8% of commercialized vice, 31.2% of drug violations, and 31.4% of offenses against family and children.

In the under 18 years of age category, Blacks committed 50.8% of all homicides and 68.6 of all robberies.  Black suspects represent 51.5% of all violent crime.

Between 1980 and 2008, young adult black males had the highest homicide offending rate compared to offenders in other racial and sex categories. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics Nov. 2011 NCJ-236018

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17 Responses to Going to Extremes: Part III Facts About Blacks and Cops

  1. Tina says:

    Jack you would think that black leaders would look at those numbers and realize that there is a problem in the culture. When you consider the victims lives, the gang and drug filled neighborhoods, the torn families, high abortion rates, and the disruption in education the numbers of black lives affected become even more significant.

    Some blacks are realizing this and speaking out. But it’s hard for them to win the day and change the conversation when politically correct attitudes and activist leftists push back with ccusations of racism and ugly name calling, Uncle Tom and worse.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Dare I say it? This is not a sociological effect of poverty and lack of opportunity. It is a cultural thing. A cultural thing developed by Democrats and blacks.

  3. Peggy says:

    When 35 states in 2013 paid more than the minimum wage Houston we have a problem! Even kids who didn’t graduate from high school have figured out they can get more by not working and can do what they want when they want instead of getting up and going to work to earn their own keep and stuff.

    It really does answer the illegal immigrant statement that those who are here legally won’t do the jobs the illegals come here for. We’ve created a monster and the monster has big teeth. Our teenage kids don’t/won’t get a job at Burger King so they’re not learning necessary job skills to move up. Instead their looking at their parents get that check every month and all of the extra free stuff thinking it looks like a pretty good life for themselves and the next and the next…….

    If I was queen I’d have every able bodied welfare recipient working to build a 2,000 mile long fence along our southern border and cleaning up the mess left by travelers and the homeless in every city/county/state/federal park during the day and school at night. They’d be so busy they wouldn’t have time to think about smoking dope and getting their next fix.

  4. Peggy says:

    Oops, forgot the article.

    Welfare Pays More than Minimum Wage Job in 35 States:

    “A new study from the Cato Institute, entitled “The Work vs. Welfare Trade-Off: 2013” examines welfare benefits on a state-by-state basis.
    Among it’s findings the study reveals that an individual receiving welfare currently receives more in income than they would if they were working a minimum wage job, in 35 of the 50 states.

    In fact, the study found that in 13 states, welfare pays more than $15 per hour.

    The study also determined that “…in 11 states, welfare pays more than the average pre-tax first year wage for a teacher. In 39 states it pays more than the starting wage for a secretary. And, in the 3 most generous states a person on welfare can take home more money than an entry-level computer programmer.”


    • Chris says:

      Peggy, that CATO report is completely false. Almost no one gets as much in welfare as CATO claims; they got their number through twisting data and ignoring all the welfare recipients who do work:

      “The Cato Institute recently released a wildly misleading report by Michael Tanner and Charles Hughes, which essentially claims that what low-wage workers and their families can expect to receive from “welfare” dwarfs the wages they can expect from working. Using state-level figures, their paper implies that single mothers with two children are living pretty well relying just on government assistance, with Cato’s “total welfare benefit package” ranging from $16,984 in Mississippi to $49,175 in Hawaii. They then calculate the pretax wage equivalents in annual and hourly terms and compare them to the median salaries in each state and to the official federal poverty level. Tanner and Hughes find that welfare benefits exceed what a minimum wage job would provide in 35 states, and suggest that welfare pays more than the salary for a first year teacher or the starting wage for a secretary in many states.

      So what makes this so misleading?

      For one, Tanner and Hughes make the assumption that these families receive simultaneous assistance from all of the following programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Housing Assistance Payments, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC), and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). It is this simultaneous assistance from multiple sources that lets the entire “welfare benefits package” identified by Cato add up to serious money. But it’s absurd to assume that someone would receive every one of these benefits, simultaneously.

      What’s more, their report carries the clear implication that welfare is (or should be expected to be) pulling low-wage workers out of the labor market by making life on welfare so attractive. In actuality, many low-income working families receive assistance through these programs.

      Sharon Parrott and LaDonna Pavetti at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities provide some solid evidence against some of the claims made by Tanner and Hughes. They provide detailed statistics on how little overlap there is in the assistance families receive for multiple programs, and how few eligible families actually receive any benefits at all.

      What’s striking to me is that even Cato’s overblown and exaggerated welfare benefits would leave families in eight states with incomes below the federal poverty line. I’d add that it’s a bit odd to look at hypothetical data, when real data on what low income families actually receive from welfare and work is available. The Congressional Budget Office provides comprehensive data on sources of income for households by income fifths. We looked at this in some detail in the poverty chapter of State of Working America (see here). These reputable data tell a very different story about how low-wage workers live their lives. They are getting far less from government assistance than the Cato report implies and are relying much more on income gained from working.

      In 2009, average transfer income for the lowest fifth of workers was $4,633 and average labor income was $12,871. (To be comparable with the Cato report, I’m not including Medicare and Social Security income.) Two things are clear here: government transfers are far less than what Tanner and Hughes claim, and labor income far exceeds government transfers for the lowest income group, meaning that real-world low-income families don’t feel so coddled by lavish welfare benefits that they don’t need to work.”


  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Is the rate of black on black crime related to how the current administration treats Iran, the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world whose leaders live by the motto “Death to America.”

    Why yes. It is. It is all part and parcel to the extreme moral decay and blind stupidity of progressives.

  6. Tina says:

    Peggy it is indeed a sad state of affairs when people can get more on the government “dole” than they can working to provide for themselves. The left’s answer is to force small businesses, many of them the “first job” creators to raise pay levels to match government increase. Government can print money…those businesses cannot. And as the government inflates wages and benefits prices for everything rises…it becomes a vicious circle spiraling ever downward!

    Most people are under the illusion that the United States has a “capitalist economy” today, but that simply is not accurate. At best, we have a “mixed economy” that is becoming a little bit more socialist with each passing day.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    There are a number of factors that contribute to blacks being over represented in the criminal justice system. Some things we can easily agree on, other areas are more controversial. Obviously, poverty and the overall bad environment a child grows up in will have some negative effects on their adult life. That’s a given. And this is where the agreement starts to fade.

    Then there is culture. Black culture (in broad general terms) embraces a number of things that hold them back. They often reject anything that would make them “look or sound white.” But, this also translates to less opportunity for employment and less educational opportunities. They came from thousands of years of a culture that embraced the tribal system and it was quite successful, in their original environment. Typically we see that those within the tribe are trusted and supported regardless of right or wrong. Those outside this protective bond are often treated with contempt, suspicion and ultimately rejected. Cultural tribalism creates a number of complications for today’s blacks in our modern society.

    Genetics is where we have the least agreement, but it is still very relevant. There are slight genetic differences among people that are commonly associated with anger control and aggression. It’s referred to as the warrior gene. This is a gene that codes for monoamine oxidase A — MAOA [2, 3, 4]. MAOA — an enzyme that degrades neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Neurotransmitters play a pivotal role in mood, arousal, and emotions, even affecting impulse control. Blacks have a much higher level of the “warrior gene” than whites which might contribute to lower impulse control. This gene is also referred as 2R and since its discovery 2R has been studied by researchers for its relationship to criminal behavior with surprising results.

    One group study discovered that African American males carrying 2R were more likely to be involved in extreme violence — shooting and stabbing — than African American men with other MAOA variants.

    However, it is the combination of poverty, low education, cultural deficiencies and this new find… a genetic predisposition to emotional control that could explain a large portion of the black population’s over representation in criminal behavior. Their crime statistics are high regardless of where they are located in the world, which tells us poverty and culture may play a lesser role than genetics and that makes correcting anti-social behaviors more difficult. However scientific and factual this area may be, it is not a subject that can be addressed without being labeled a racist at some point. Therefore scientific research has been greatly restrained. Once again liberal coercion wins the day. So, at this time we have no genetic test results that can positively say DNA or other genetic markers control a portion of behavior, but, research is definitely leaning that direction.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Genetics? No. Of course not. That is just silly.

      Poverty? No. There are plenty of impoverished people who do not resort to wholesale murder, criminal activity, and have no respect for others’ human rights.

      Environment? BINGO! A cultural environment of the destruction of the black family by Democrats and the bizarre evolution of a black American cultural norm where “education isn’t cool”, victimhood is a privileged status, and your fellow citizen is a ho and a fool who deserves to be gang banged.

    • Chris says:

      Jack: “Blacks have a much higher level of the “warrior gene” than whites which might contribute to lower impulse control.”

      There is absolutely no evidence of this whatsoever.

      You never answered my question, Jack; why do you think this blog does not have any black or Hispanic commenters?

      • Post Scripts says:

        Chris, with all due respect did you even look to see the evidence about the warrior gene, aka 2R, aka MAOA? No, you couldn’t have because the internet has tons of scientific articles about it. Instead you made a silly knee jerk reply: “There is absolutely no evidence of this whatsoever.”

        You said: You never answered my question, Jack; why do you think this blog does not have any black or Hispanic commenters?

        When you ask intelligent questions I will do my best to reply. When you ask a question that is more like an indictment I probably won’t bother to reply.

        Now here is but a tiny fraction of the evidence on the warrior gene:


        “Theories about inborn race-based aggression, violence, and criminality are back in the news [1]. In the ongoing search for genes underlying social behavior, none has sparked more curiosity, if not controversy, than the gene that codes for monoamine oxidase A — MAOA [2, 3, 4]. Nicknamed the “warrior gene,” a variant of the MAOA drew international attention nearly a decade ago when geneticist Rod Lea reported that it was more common in Maori — the indigenous Polynesians of New Zealand — than in whites [2]. According to one journalist, Lea suggested this gene might be the source of poor health and increased rates of violent crime in Maori [5]. The media frenzy over “bad genes causing bad behavior” didn’t stop there. A rare, seemingly even more detrimental version — the “extreme warrior gene” — has since stirred debate because it occurs more frequently in African Americans than in whites [6, 7].”



        Do you have the Warrior Gene?

        Risk-taking and success may have genetic causes.

        The MAOA-L gene variant, the so-called warrior gene, causes its carriers to be more willing to take risks while simultaneously enabling them to better assess their chances of success in critical situations.

        For a recently published study, scientists at the California Institute of Technology pitted 83 young men against one another in a financial simulation. This entailed them having to gamble and multiply their seed money, USD 25, in different games. Each man had to choose between a sure option (100% no profit, no loss) and a risky option (various risks of loss and chances of profit) 140 times.

        The findings of the study: carriers of the MAOA-L gene variant were more prone to take financial risks, but only if doing so was beneficial to them. This indicates that carriers of the warrior gene variant are in a better position to make decisions, which are beneficial to them.

        Earlier studies have shown that the MAOA-L variant can also be responsible for impulsive behaviour and aggressive behaviour, which is why this variant was given the nickname warrior gene.

        Human behaviour is complex and affected both by genes as well as by the environment or circumstances. Studies show that carriers of the warrior gene variant more likely show the described behaviour than men without the warrior gene variant.

        The warrior gene is on the X-chromosome; hence, men inherit it from their mother. Since men have only one X-chromosome, the warrior gene is fully effective if present. In contrast, women have two X-chromosomes, which is why one single warrior gene either has no or less effect. The effect of the warrior gene on women who have it on both X-chromosomes has yet to be established. The warrior gene test is available for men and women.”


  8. Peggy says:

    Ongoing coverage from every media source about 300 Black Lives Matter protesters shouting “Pigs in a Blanket” and “Fry the Bacon.” But almost nothing about 20-30,000 showing up for an All Lives Matter rally attended by members of ALL faiths and skin color. One of the original men who sat at the Woolworth lunch counter march arm and arm down the same Birmingham, AL streets MLK marched.

    There are wonderful things being done by caring people, you just have to look for it and share it with others. We can make a difference for good!




  9. Peggy says:

    Extreme is right and there is pure evil in the world. All cops need to be very careful.

    Armed Black Panthers to Texas Cops: ‘We Will Start Creeping Up on You in the Darkness’: (Two videos)

    “HOUSTON, Texas – Armed Black Panther members marched in front of the Waller County jail and shouted, “You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”


  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Less than a week after Black Lives Matter activists called for the murder of police two more officers have been shot to death.

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Given the crime and murder rate of blacks by black, black lives do not matter to blacks. Their core interest is the murder of police (regardless of skin pigmentation) and their fellow black citizens.

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