Voters Say There is a War on Police

Sep 2 – The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 58% of Likely U.S. Voters think there is a war on police in America today. Just 27% disagree, while 15% are undecided. 54% of black voters agree, there is a war on police.

Sixty percent (60%) believe comments critical of the police by some politicians make it more dangerous for police officers to do their jobs. Only 18% think those comments improve the quality of the police’s performance. Thirteen percent (13%) say the politicians’ comments have no impact.

From Louder with Crowder: “The media is too invested in their false “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative to admit that A) it was a lie and B) their biased reporting might be a part of the problem. Also C) they’re too worried about things that don’t matter, like Caitlyn Jenner’s show and/or penis. Even if the media did admit their role in spreading a false perception, most leftists dismiss concern for the police as a white person thing, anyway.”

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6 Responses to Voters Say There is a War on Police

  1. Dewey says:

    You do realize that polls are useless. That is a telephone poll. They call landlines. Mostly retired Seniors . Not representative.

    That said there is a war on Police militarization and police abuse.

    Police Reform is a election issue. Propaganda on all sides will be massive.

  2. Tina says:

    But the subject of this post, Dewey, is not ” a war on Police militarization and police abuse” or “polls.”

    It is about perceptions that a war on police officers has been declared. We have much more than polling data to illustrate this evil insanity, both in words and deeds. So if “seniors” have been polled, it’s likely they know what they’re talking about.

    And by the way, seniors also have cell phones.

    Seniors have “lived longer” and they “have more experience” (Kathy Bates as Evelyn Couch, Fried Green Tomatoes).

    But perception is secondary to the actual murders, not to mention false accusations and harassment aimed at individual officers for political reasons.

  3. Tina says:

    Jack this is good news. It seems to follow what I sense is the mood of the nation overall. People are just fed up. The 42% that are undecided or disagree are probably mostly young and uninformed 🙂

  4. Chris says:

    Well, you’re right that perception is different from reality. In reality, assaults on police are at a historic low:

    The “war on police narrative” is no more honest than “hands up, don’t shoot.” Both are lies meant to serve a political narrative.

  5. Tina says:

    An assault is not necessarily a murder/assassination.


    Preliminary statistics released today by the FBI show that 51 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2014. This is an increase of almost 89 percent when compared to the 27 officers killed in 2013 (emphasis mine). (Note: From 1980–2014, an average of 64 law enforcement officers have been feloniously killed per year. The 2013 total, 27, was the lowest during this 35-year period.) By region, 17 officers died as a result of criminal acts that occurred in the South, 14 officers in the West, eight officers in the Midwest, eight in the Northeast, and four in Puerto Rico.

    By circumstance, 11 officers died from injuries inflicted as a result of answering disturbance calls (one of which was a domestic disturbance). Ten officers were conducting traffic pursuits or stops, eight were killed as a result of ambushes (six due to entrapment/premeditated situations and two during unprovoked attacks), and six officers were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances. Five officers sustained fatal injuries while they were performing investigative activities, four while they were engaged in tactical situations, three officers were handling persons with mental illness, and one officer was slain during a drug-related matter. Three officers were killed while attempting other arrests.

    Offenders used firearms in 46 of the 51 felonious deaths. These included 32 incidents with handguns, 11 incidents with rifles, and three incidents with shotguns. Four victim officers were killed with vehicles used as weapons, and one was killed with the offender’s personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.).

    Thirty-five of the slain officers were confirmed to be wearing body armor at the times of the incidents. Five of the 51 officers killed fired their own weapons, and six officers attempted to fire their service weapons. Seven victim officers had their weapons stolen; one officer was killed with his own weapon.

    These stats are “preliminary so they could be adjusted later. But 89% is a significant INCREASE, especially when you consider that in 2013 murders of officers were down.

    We won’t have the stats for 2015, the year of “Black Lives Matter,” for some time. What we do know is that cops have been targeted and murdered of late and their deaths coincide with incited protests and violence in the black community.

    That the inciters are, among others, our nations leaders is indefensible. It does reflect the mindset of a 60’s radical, a community organizer, or mafia thug…all Saul Alinsky aligned or inspired.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    So, given the statistical and dubious early claims that the murder of officers is supposedly at a low means that there is no war on cops?


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