Speaker Boehner Steps Down – Conservative Cheer!

Posted by Tina

The world woke up this morning to the shocking news that John Boehner will step down from the Speakership and leave politics. After his crying jag yesterday, sitting behind the podium as the Pope spoke in the House, it’s possible his emotions were likely moved by more than what the Pope had to say. Read his statement here.

The speaker has been under pressure to step down from members of his party in the House, who are frustrated that he will not go to bat for those most responsible for the landslide election that put him in the speakers chair. On hearing the news, attendees at the conservative Values Voter Summit jumped to their feet and cheered. Senator Rubio made the announcement:

“Just a few minutes ago, Speaker Boehner announced that he will be resigning,” Rubio said to thunderous applause.

He told the crowd it is time for Republicans to “turn the page.”

“With all due respect to people who serve in government — it is important at this moment, with respect to him and the service he has provided to our country — it’s not about him, and I’m not here today to bash anyone, but the time has come to turn the page.”

Up next…who will replace him?

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6 Responses to Speaker Boehner Steps Down – Conservative Cheer!

  1. Peggy says:

    I’m not going to bash Boehner because I think his greatest attributes may have contributed to him not being an affective Speaker. His tear indicate his deep feelings and kind heart and he probably got involved in politics because he wanted to make a difference and serve his country.


    Those same positives did not work in the powerful position he held. He didn’t have the fight in the belly to stand his ground and fight for the conservatives issues those he represents has been demanding. His giving in to Obama, the Democrats and progressive Republicans has upset too many for him to remain in office and it was time for him to step down.

    The election results of the 2010, 2012 and 2014 election with the ever increasing conservative winning seats to increase the numbers of Republicans in Congress to a historic level should have waken him and the other leaders to let them realizing we wanted them to change course, but they didn’t bringing us to today’s resignation.

    If the past elections are an indication of future elections I hope our next speaker does not come from the current GOP establishment and will instead come from someone with the leadership skills who has the ability to fight for conservative values.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I am not so forgiving as Peggy. Boehner’s tears have always been an orchestrated fraud to gain sympathy. The man knows no real pain.

    Peggy is correct, he had no belly to fight, he was and is a capitulator to the dark side.

  3. Dewey says:

    Boehner will go down as one of the worst.

    But do not forget he was already planning to retire. He was going to leave it to Cantor. When the voters in Cantor’s district wised up and threw him out that squelched the plans. He stayed longer. Prob has a coushy job. Those congressional connections are worth millions to corporations. The system is disgusting.

    Also Boehner was no great man of ethics. He was one of if not the biggest fundraisers and passed around campaign donations like a king horse trader. Corruption is key in DC. Are you an outsider or Insider?

    As a response to the so called “Fight for Conservative Issues” That is not the job description for Speaker of the House. Also the “My way or the Highway” is called Dictatorship.

    A leader governs. Brings all sides to the table, works out solutions, and moves the country forward.

    What part of Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all dictates all Americans must bow to the “Conservative” platform? A Democracy does not mean the few dictate to the rest.

    I do not buy any of the explanations. Conservatives have bullied many Republicans to quit. Boehner’s little party was interrupted by a handful of conservatives and he was weak.

    You do not get the stomp your feet and shutdown the gov costing taxpayers billions to get your way. The word is Coup.

    Shut er down – loose the next elections. It’s just that simple. The country is tired of these games.

    Boehner gave his job description in his monkey in the room video.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey you need to check your history. Conservatives, and the nation, have been on a long misbegotten path of “bowing” to the liberal platform, often with the help of soft republicans. The man they put up for President in ’08 is the most “dictatorial” we’ve seen in decades.


      Proposals for federal programs began with Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalism and expanded with Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, John F. Kennedy’s New Frontier, and Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society.

      The programs vary in eligibility requirements and are provided by various organizations on a federal, state, local and private level. They help to provide food, shelter, education, healthcare and money to U.S. citizens through primary and secondary education, subsidies of college education, unemployment disability insurance, subsidies for eligible low-wage workers, subsidies for housing, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, pensions for eligible persons and health insurance programs that cover public employees. The Social Security system is the largest and most prominent social aid program.[1][2] Medicare is another prominent program.

      Not including Social Security and Medicare, Congress allocated almost $717 billion in Federal funds in 2010 plus $210 billion was allocated in state funds ($927 billion total) for means tested welfare programs in the United States—later (after 2010) expenditures are unknown but likely higher. Some of these programs include funding for public schools, job training, SSI benefits and medicaid.[3] As of 2011, the public social spending-to-GDP ratio in the United States was below the OECD average.[4] Roughly half of this welfare assistance, or $462 billion went to families with children, most of which are headed by single parents.[5]

      Total Social Security and Medicare expenditures in 2013 were $1.3 trillion, 8.4% of the $16.3 trillion GNP (2013) and 37% of the total Federal expenditure budget of $3.684 trillion.[6][7]

      None of these reflect the conservative ideal (platform) of limited government and individual freedom/responsibility.

      Had we spent the last 75 years pursuing the conservative platform we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in and more Americans would be strong individuals working and providing for themselves and their families!

      The Washington Post highlights the Obama record on shutting down the government. Find his 2006 Senate speech at gpo.gov:

      Mr. OBAMA. Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America …(long winded speech)…Increasing Americas debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.’’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grand-children. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

      I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase Americas debt limit.

      As President he politically sees it much differently and “regrets” his original political vote:

      NBC News:

      The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama regrets his vote as a senator in 2006 against raising the debt limit — a vote he’s now pressuring Congress to take.

      Obama “thinks it was a mistake,” presidential spokesman Jay Carney told reporters. “He realizes now that raising the debt ceiling is so important to the health of this economy and the global economy that it is not a vote that, even when you are protesting an administration’s policies, you can play around with.”

      You are right about America not being a dictatorship…now if you could just convince radical left socialists that they live in a republic!

  4. J. Soden says:

    The RINO Establishment in DC has ignored the voters wishes for CHANGE instead of Beltway Business As Usual – to their peril. And you can see that trend continuing to gain with TheDonald’s poll numbers.
    The GOP should pay attention to the adage “A House divided against itself cannot stand.” And that includes the Senate!

  5. Steve says:

    It’s been pointed out that, before he was speaker, Boehner had a pretty conservative voting record. The problem is that as a speaker he was expected of more. We have a president who is abusing his position and walking roughshod over Congress: it was Boehner’s job to rally his members and fight it. Instead they folded.
    In what rational, justice loving country could Planned Parenthood continue to receive federal funding after the atrocities they committed? This is Boehner’s parting shot to republicans, and his greatest failure.
    The next speaker had better figure this out or they won’t be there for long.

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