Remember When Debates Were Taken Seriously?

kennedy_nixonPosted by Tina

The 1960 debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon changed forever how Americans would experience debates between presidential candidates. Those who tuned in to hear the debate on the radio gave the win to Nixon; those who watched on that newfangled contraption, television, thought Kennedy won. Nixon, it was said, looked washed out and tired in his grey suit while Kennedy looked crisp and sharp in his dark suit. From that point forward, appearance became more important than substance and popularity the winning ticket. Our politicians and our media have traded serious respect for the political process for showmanship and ratings. (Media questions begin about 16.0 on the video)

Hat tip: Silvio Canto Jr., The American Thinker.

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11 Responses to Remember When Debates Were Taken Seriously?

  1. Tina says:

    “Hysteria”…one of those words used by fundamental transformers, sympathizers, and comrades to poo poo serious thoughtful freedom loving people. Concerns in the fifties about communism and the selling/sharing of our defense research were legitimate. The march of the tyrannical communist USSR was quite evident by then. Were it not for the covert ideology we would be labeling them an imperialist nation bent on colonization of the world.

    We’re pretty much stuck with this administration for another year plus. We’ll be stuck with the effects of their policies and inadequacies for years to come.

    Those who go to the front lines to fight ISIS deserve so much better…God bless them and keep them safe, they’re basically on their own.

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Concerns in the fifties about communism and the selling/sharing of our defense research were legitimate.”

      Yes. And much of the reaction to this threat, such as the tactics of McCarthy, were hysterical, over-the-top, and counter-productive. Both of those things can be–and are–true. There is no contradiction.

      • Tina says:

        Chris I’ve acknowledged that McCarthy’s tactics were extreme. The whole truth is they were no more extreme than tactics used by Democrats.

        The word hysteria is itself a bit off:

        …exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people: “the mass hysteria that characterizes the week before Christmas” synonyms: frenzy · feverishness · hysterics · fit of madness · derangement · mania · delirium · panic · alarm · distress

        You and McCarthy could be soul mates.

        “Hysteria” is more descriptive of the reaction from Hollywood where the communists and communist sympathizers rallied and became activists (especially among a group of people) against the committee making McCarthy the face of a grave “injustice.” Their hysterical response made the hearings more visible and was as responsible for the blacklisting as the inquiry.

        Robert Kennedy was strongly anti-communist and worked on the committee with McCarthy. The party you support, the party that to this day uses McCarthy to create hatred toward their opponents, ran RFK for President. (No hypocrisy there!) Hollywood was all for him.

        An excerpt of interest from PBS:

        In this excerpt from the hearing transcripts, Robert Kennedy questions Markus Kalasz, a Hungarian-born steelworker from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, about his ties to the Communist Party:

        Markus Kalasz: He and another fellow, and I don’t remember his name, they came to the house just at the time when we eat, before I would go to the afternoon shift work, and they asked me to join the party, and I said, “‘Boys, nothing doing. I am registered Democrat, and I tell you this,”‘ and I point my finger to them, and I said, “A man cannot be a Jew and a Catholic, and a man cannot be a Democrat and a Communist. It is impossible.”

        Robert F. Kennedy: When were you telling him this?

        Kalasz: That day, and they coax me, and coax me.

        Kennedy: When was this?

        Kalasz: They picked me up in his car, and took me down to the gate where I was going to work.

        Kennedy: When was this?

        Kalasz: They coaxed me to get the paper.

        Kennedy: Just answer me. When was that when you did point your finger that you can remember, when you pointed your finger at them?

        Kalasz: I don’t know the date.

        Kennedy: If you can remember when you pointed your finger at them, Mr. Kalasz, you ought to remember about what year this was, and was it a month ago, or was it ten years ago?

        Kalasz: Oh no, that was in about those years you mentioned over there, that was before we got the contract.

        Senator Potter: Would it be about 1937?

        Kalasz: No, that was later, pretty close to 1940, and after 1940, after we got the first contract, and they came many times.

        Kennedy: You can remember pointing your finger at them but you can’t remember what year it was?

        Kalasz: I am too doggone absentminded on that.

        Kennedy: Why can you remember that you pointed your finger at them?

        (Excerpt from Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations (McCarthy Hearings 1953-54). Volume 5. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C., 2003.)

        RFK said of himself and extremism:

        “People say I am ruthless. I am not ruthless. And if I find the man who is calling me ruthless, I shall destroy him.” ― Robert F. Kennedy

        “What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.” ― Robert F. Kennedy

  2. Steve says:

    I do have to wonder when are the democrats holding their debates? And do they think it will hurt their image that they so far only have candidates who are older and white?
    I also am curious about the Bernie Sanders effect. I saw a democrat talking head on the news discussing the candidates and she seemed to purposely avoid using Sanders’ name. Do democrats worry Sanders will hurt their chances nationally?

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    How not to get your ass kicked by police by Chris Rock. (The funny Chris.)

  4. Dewey says:

    America is for sale. Debates? All theater for donors campaign money. There is no debating going on all grandstanding.

    Why are there no Dem debates? Everybody knows that answer folks. There has been big discussion on it and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the answer. All Dem Candidates have asked for more debates. Hilliary pretends that she has nothing to do with it. It is all the establishment for Hilliary doing, and Wasserman Shultz is the one who did not allow them.

    Jeez you guys really do not get the real news or what? Main Stream Media is mostly boycotted by many. No one watches that controlled crap.

    The Democrat machine is as controlling as the Republican machine and Media is laundering millions upon millions. They want that superpac money and run these elections for the donors.

    Both Parties are corrupt bar none.

    Sanders is running on the Dem ticket only because Independents split the vote. Sanders is running a peoples campaign and could actually win. Anything can happen. He will not spit the national vote or run as a 3rd party. He almost did not run in fear of exactly that.

    That said Sanders has a campaign on the issues and is driving the Dem party crazy as Trump did the GOP. They all have to answer questions on real issues eventually.

    Americans want a debate on the issues. Serious issues not this media talking points and Propaganda.

    Win or Loose the Sanders Campaign is gaining with a media blackout. People are showing up and organizing a ground game. He has independent media people streaming on their own and it is amazing to see so many people take initiative.

    The GOP needs a person like that. Buck the donors and have a real debate. People are tired of the Post Citizens United Decision big money election biz.

  5. Dewey says:


    How about McCarthy admitting he broke the law on hannity last night. Did ya’all catch that? hannity cut him off quickly. It is clear in the House Ethics on using taxpayer money to rail a potential candidate. So proud of that Benghazi committee to bring Hilliary’s Numbers down…that is a crime. The clip is out there

    As long as you play Republicans and Democrats like a football game to win, Americans loose. We are loosing our freedom.

  6. Tina says:

    Dewey you are talking through your hat.

    McCarthy said Hillary Clinton’s popularity (polling numbers) would not be down if not for the Benghazi hearings. He did not say there is nothing to investigate and he did not say Hillary is an innocent woman being “witch-hunted” by Republicans.

    You hear what you want to hear not what is said!

    This is getting ridiculous.

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