Gun Violence is Your Fault

by Jack

Mr. Obama stopped just short of saying the shooting in Roseburg, Oregon was your fault because we’ve not passed more gun laws. Okay, lets face it. This shooting was done by a horrible person with no moral compass. Luckily it was a cop with a gun that responded quickly and killed the shooter. Too bad they didn’t have a campus cop with a gun or maybe a few teachers with concealed carry permits, prepared and trained to defend themselves, because it required another armed person to stop the madman, not another gun law!

shooteroregonThe shooter is shown on the left. Now here is the challenge for anyone who cares about critical thinking. Your idiot president has just lashed out at the people because we have not demanded more gun laws. Exactly what gun laws Obama had in mind wasn’t stated. So, I give you completely legislative license to tell us what law or laws would have prevented this terrible tragedy?

Let me help you with some ideas:

1. Would it be a sign saying, NO GUNS ALLOWED on campus? Nah, actually that law was already in place and guess what, a determined killer doesn’t really care about gun free zones on campus or anywhere else.

2. Maybe a background check at a gun show or how about a background check at the gun store? Oregon’s got it and so far we don’t know if the guns were legally purchased or if they were stolen. Either way, it would not have stopped this rampage.

3. Old Joe Biden went so far as to speculate that one of the weapons must have been a high capacity, semi-auto assault weapon. We know the shooter had three guns on him, that’s enough to kill 10 people. If one the weapons was the weapon shown in the picture…that’s not even an assault weapon.

The shooter could have accomplished his evil with a pump shotgun just as easily as the assault weapon, actually a shotgun at close range is more deadly. So restricting or banning .223 semi auto rifles with 30 shot magazines would have made no difference to the victims at all, they would be just as dead.

4. How about getting really tough by taking away everyone’s right to own a gun, any gun and trashing the 2nd amendment? No, not even that would have saves lives, because (1) about half the 300 million legal gun owners are going to refuse to cooperate and 100% of the criminals who rely on guns are going to refuse. We will just create a black market for firearms, followed by a bloody revolution.

So, what does President Obama propose for a new and more restrictive gun law and how would it have stopped this madman? Obviously he doesn’t have an answer nor do any of the gun grabbing lobby. Obama is just piling on this tragedy looking for any excuse or any leverage to come down harder on law abiding gun owners.

Liberals will never, never, never miss an opportunity (aka tragedy) to take away your right to keep and bear arms. Meanwhile, gun violence is on the rise because libs don’t want to impose tough prison sentences on criminals who use a gun.

Gun safes, gun locks, background checks, waiting periods, restricted magazines and clips…we’ve done all that and it does nothing to stop the criminal with a gun, but it sure as heck makes life difficult for law abiding citizens! If tough gun laws really worked, then why isn’t Washington D.C. the safest place in America instead of being known as the murder capital of America? Same could be said for New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit…they all have tough gun laws.

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17 Responses to Gun Violence is Your Fault

  1. Harold says:

    Ref your first idea, lets start by arming trained school personnel, (I’ll wager there are a few out there in secret right now) instead of a school becoming a shooting gallery (AKA’ GUN FREE ZONE’) where a coward can create havoc in a setting that’s safe for them to kill in.

    Also it time the media did their job and stopped lionizing these killers by name or actions, lets leave them nameless and obscure.

    Report the incident, help victims family losses if possible with local drives aimed at assistance, not ratings, and let it go at that.

    The murderers with their lack of self-esteem and in their twisted mind just want notoriety, why does the media find a need to promote it? Even without guns they would find a “tool” to accomplish their mindless acts of terror, and with greater loss of lives I believe.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Dana Loesch aimed the right question to Piers Morgan : “What law would have prevented yesterday’s tragedy, @piersmorgan ?”

  3. J. Soden says:

    Am reminded of a saying – When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
    I’ll keep mine, regardless of goofernment intrusion at ANY level.

  4. Tina says:

    Several things crossed my mind as I read your hard hitting piece, Jack, and it all points to the duplicity in liberal thinking and the hidden agenda in everything they do.

    Liberals in towns across America have created safe havens for people who break our immigration laws but even with strong gun laws, as Oregon has, it’s said to be inadequate to stop law breaking. Isn’t the level of enforcement really the problem in both cases? Isn’t the soft on crime position most liberals embrace more responsible? Let’s just be honest. The end goal for radical liberals is an unarmed American populace.

    Bill O’Reilly gave the President he77 on this, calling him out for his utter silence on the black on black murders in Chicago. Red Eye, a site I know nothing about, tracks Chicago murders. It hasn’t been updated since July. At that time there were 216 murders in Chicago this year.

    Murder is not a gun problem. Murder is a personal problem for shooters. Murder is a weak values problem in our society. Murder is a mental health problem that bleeding heart liberals exacerbate by forcing policies that restrict hospitalization of mental patients. Murder will occur in any society, even in Europe Mr. President, even with strong gun laws. Our President should be ashamed for using this incident politically, for shaming the US in front of the world, and for ignoring the people in cities like Chicago who live in violent communities with no relief.

    The left cries about too many people being held in our prisons. Just when will they begin to take the moral stance required to advance a more moral and civil society? Sadly the answer is never! Instead they put the blame on an inanimate object, guns, and anyone who supports the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. Liberals refuse to deal with lawbreakers and the real reasons our nation is filled with crime. Liberals never talk about morality. Idiots…control freaks…the depraved…we’re surrounded by them!

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Don’t Worry, Be Happy! Obama Has Your Back!

    Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia

    “The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.

    According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been indentified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.

    By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7 others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.”

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    No President Obama, America Is Not ‘Like’ Australia or Britain

    This is not “hysteria” or “a matter of opinion.” This is a cold, hard fact. If you praise Great Britain or Australia, you are praising confiscation.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    MRC’s Brent Bozell Slams Brian Williams, ‘Utter Narcissist’ Obama for Launching Into Gun-Control Agenda

  8. Peggy says:

    Off topic, but excellent article on southern black history. The comments are good too.

    The History of Blacks and the Republican Party: by Kenneth Raymond

  9. RHT447 says:

    On the topic of self defense, here is a blast from the past. The master himself, Jeff Cooper.

  10. Tina says:

    National Review:

    The number of guns in the United States has increased by 62% since 1994 but gun violence has decreased by 49% since 1993

  11. Dewey says:

    So I see a comment to have armed people in schools?

    A child to grow up in a police state? Armed guards everywhere? Playing right into the authoritarian fascist playbook. That is not Freedom!

    Instead of finding a solution to the rise of a violent generation just ignore what caused it and have armed guards watching our children?

    When you have a disease one must look at what caused it to fix it.

    Also who is paying for all this? America the only country where schoolchildren are greeted by Armed guards! Now that’s Freedom!

    This is not a country of the left and the right folks. Where did this self identified Republican Conservative Child get his guns? Hear this propaganda? His family. Family values?

    Also their Sheriff was a Sandy Hook conspiracy theory crazy. Says a lot about the air in that town. Responsibility needs to be taken. There are many more like him and he was egged on in social media.

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    For me it is very depressing that there are lunatics like Dewey.

  13. Tina says:

    Free, armed citizens do not constitute a “police state.”

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