Best Selling Paper Product

Thanks and hate mail may be directed to Harold for this submission. . . lol



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37 Responses to Best Selling Paper Product

  1. Tina says:

    Political humor is often “classless” and downright hatefull…so what!

    Harold there’s no need to defend yourself against the pitiful observations of the great harrumphers. šŸ˜‰

    • Harold says:

      Not to worry Tina, but thanks for the support.

      Now I need to Post to Jack, and ask him to wipe that smile off his little cheeks. šŸ™‚ LOL bud!

    • Chris says:

      The George Bush toilet paper was equally tacky. You don’t have to respect the man, but this shows disrespect for the office.

      • Tina says:

        The photo is of a young Obama without anything to suggest the office of the presidency.

        I think you have it exactly backwards, Chris.

        Some of the Bush “rolls” do suggest his time in office and therefore the office of the presidency, but even then it’s a stretch.

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “The photo is of a young Obama without anything to suggest the office of the presidency.”

          Of all the stupid, dishonest rationalizations you’ve trotted out to defend the indefensible over the years, this has got to be one of them.

          Yes, there’s nothing to suggest the office of the presidency, other than the picture of the president.

          The picture doesn’t even look that young–it could easily be a picture of Obama during his first year. Not that that would make it any less tactless and juvenile if it was a picture of him prior to becoming president. It would still be nothing to celebrate. That you and Jack thought it was worth sharing says everything about your standards.

          I don’t know when a complete abdication of manners, civility, decorum, and responsibility became a conservative value, but if it is, congratulations on living up to it.

  2. Chris says:

    And it’s not even original. You’ve shared this exact picture before, and I pointed out how uncivil and stupid it was then.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Chris sure is in a tizzy. My heart pumps cold concrete for the reprehensible jerk who mindlessly asserts that Netanyahu is “The boy who cried wolf.”

  3. Tina says:

    Chris for starters, do you REALLY want to get into a pe*%er match (even with a woman) over who has tarnished and disrespected the office of the presidency more, Obama or I? Cause I can support the position that it’s Obama who is lacking in respect all…night…long. I can illustrate the disrespect he has for his office, for the Constitution, for the various departments under him, for the opposition party generally, and for individual Congressmen in particular, for police officers and Tea Party members, and on and on! The man dies not have leadership qualities. To borrow your term he is “tactless and juvenile”…he also never misses an opportunity to Act politically as he occupies that esteemed office!

    Second, you have forgotten yourself, but I have not. I remember very well the way you gleefully joined in when articles derided and made fun of GWB…you did it without the least bit of concern for “the office of the presidency.”

    Third, preaching about our “standards” will get you nowhere here. We understand you represent the party of Alinsky with his “cruel” dubious standards.

    And finally…lighten up! I’m sure when Jack posted Harold’s email he was just looking to bring some levity to this usually quite serious CONSERVATIVE blog. You are a guest here; try to remember that!

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Chris for starters, do you REALLY want to get into a pe*%er match (even with a woman) over who has tarnished and disrespected the office of the presidency more, Obama or I?”

      No, of course not. See, unlike you, I don’t believe every single question of morality, ethics and decorum can be settled by pointing to someone else and saying “But he started it!”

      Conservatives claim to hate moral relativism, but you thrive on it. It’s your primary moral philosophy. You rely on it constantly. Any time you or anyone on your side is criticized, you always try and deflect by essentially saying “Well, the other side’s worse, so that justifies anything and everything I and my side do to fight them. Anything.”

      “We understand you represent the party of Alinsky with his ā€œcruelā€ dubious standards.”

      Try as you might, you group-thinker you, I “represent” no one but myself. Your rebuttal amounts to, “No Democrat can ever criticize me, ever, because they belong to the wrong party.” Forgive me for finding that an unpersuasive argument.

      • Tina says:

        Chris: “you always try and deflect by essentially saying ā€œWell, the other sideā€™s worse…”

        No! I point out “the other side’s” faults to illustrate hypocrisy! You aren’t even humble enough to recognize it as such!

        As is often true with juveniles, you pretend to be above the fray (better than other people) when in fact you are no better! Your constant moralizing is BS, Chris, and that is why I call you on the affiliations you have chosen. By the way you “represent” groups and individuals on the left quite often, and you “feel justified” in doing it, so get off it.

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “No! I point out ā€œthe other sideā€™sā€ faults to illustrate hypocrisy! You arenā€™t even humble enough to recognize it as such!”

          Do you realize that in my comments here, I was criticizing the behavior of certain individuals, namely Harold and those who spread this meme/thought it was funny, and not an entire political party?

          You’re conflating individual behavior with party affiliation. That’s why you responded with “Democrats did it too,” and when I said that it was also wrong when they did it, you started shouting incoherently about Saul Alinsky. You don’t really believe in individual responsibility, you believe that simply by being a Democrat, one is responsible for every bad thing any Democrat has ever done.

          “that is why I call you on the affiliations you have chosen.”

          Again with the group think. What exactly is your argument here? That no Democrat can ever criticize any Republican without it being “hypocrisy?” I mean, you won’t exactly say that–you intentionally keep your arguments as vague as possible in order to dodge accountability for your words and positions, just as in the conversation as white privilege–but that’s the only way that your argument here makes any sense.

          Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe I really am just a more moral person than you are?

        • Pie Guevara says:

          Tina, you taint nothin but a hairy, knuckle-dragging, low-foreheaded, microcephalic, amygdala brained group thinker!

      • Pie Guevara says:

        My, my, my, Chris sure thinks a lot of him self. The above positively reeks with sociopathic narcissism. Of course, he does not realize that he is exactly what he says Tina is because sociopathic narcissists do not know they are sociopathic narcissists. His mirror is of the cracked fun house variety.

        All bow to the Great Chris! The man who represents nothing but himself!

        I am not convinced by that pompous claim, Chris behaves exactly how one would expect a person who has a long history of left-wing indoctrination and absorbing left-wing propaganda behaves. He is a cookie cutter man. Welcome to the machine.

    • RHT447 says:

      “Iā€™m sure when Jack posted Haroldā€™s email he was just looking to bring some levity to this usually quite serious CONSERVATIVE blog.”

      Indeed. How about a bit of inspiration from our history as well? In light Fearless Reader’s “navy corpse man” FUBAR, I offer this—

      It looks to me that the USS Missouri barrel does not have a rifled liner in place, but the USS Arizona barrel does. Some more detail on the USS Arizona barrel here—

    • Harold says:

      So now we have a debate on TP humor, is the ā€˜Rollā€™ which we know is far from Liberal PC, unless of course as Tina points out it depicts someone of the opposition.

      So is ā€œThe Rollā€ representing classic sarcasm or lack of reverence?

      If someone makes a, joke about a subject, lighthearted or with an edge and you can only see it as an insult, I view that person as someone who is so serious/insecure that they can’t laugh with others.

      I also find that someone with a very one-dimensional type of humor lacking.

      They only seem laugh when something they despise is made fun of, or maybe at a sarcastic statements directed toward others ( such as stupid, idiot and other put downs always seem to bring a snicker to them) I find people like this tediously uncreative and unfunny.

      He!! they probably never laughed at a Seinfeld episode in their lives.

      I’ve also noticed people lacking a secure sense of themselves can go a whole day without smiling at all, whereas others, with a strong sense of self-worth even find how to laugh in their darkest moments

      Come on seriously, it ‘s only edgy humor and yes it’s been displayed prior, “butt” all jokes, are repeated more than once, isn’t that how Obama got re-elected?

    • J. Soden says:

      Well said, Tina!

  4. Libby says:

    “… do you REALLY want to get into a pe*%er match (even with a woman) over who has tarnished and disrespected the office of the presidency ….”

    Actually, we might. Some pundit was commenting just the other day about the dearth of indictments during the Obama administration. The man runs a tight ship.

    And let’s be real. Your biggest current complaint is that the O-Man does not war-monger to suit your taste. Alas, you have juvenile tastes, which are thankfully not shared by many. Harold, “The Roll” evidences the humor of an eight-year-old … heading into our second childhood, are we?

  5. More Comnmon Sense says:

    Hmmmmm… I would bet this TP wouldn’t do a very good job either!

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    I suppose Chris does not think to much of Obama urinal cakes either.

    To be honest, I am not a big fan of this sort of novelty gag humor (except for Fart spray, it is a scream at Raves), but if it sends Chris into fits of apoplexy, what is not to like?

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    I don’t know what Libby and Chris are complaining about. Look at all the fun they are having pompously strutting and sniffing at Post Scripts.

    If it were not for Post Scripts to turn their noses up at, their lives would be dreary stuff indeed. Kinda sad, if you think about it. Poor, lonely, souls, desperately seeking attention and people to admonish in a pathetic attempt to exorcize their own deep seated feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

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