Activism and Division Destroying America

Posted by Tina

Activism and division are destroying our nation and we cannot remain silent or this rabid hateful group will take control and rule as tyrants. They have already changed the nation in ways that will be difficult to repair. Breitbart reports that the UC network of campuses will be the next venue for the “million student march” sparked in Missouri this week:

The Million Student March is backed by unions, left-wing groups and the Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) presidential campaign. It has three basic demands, according to its website: free tuition at public universities; forgiveness of all student loans; and a $15 minimum wage. However, many participants have already added expressions of solidarity to the protest, including support for the "#ConcernStudent1950″ organization at Missouri, and support for the Palestinian cause.

New York City Students for Justice in Palestine, for example, posted its own version of the Million Student March manifesto on Facebook that targeted “Zionists” in the City University of New York administration:

The Zionist administration invests in Israeli companies, companies that support the Israeli occupation, hosts birthright programs and study abroad programs in occupied Palestine, and reproduces settler-colonial ideology throughout CUNY through Zionist content of education. While CUNY aims to produce the next generation of professional Zionists, SJP aims to change the university to fight for all peoples liberation.

The Democrat political machine that got Barrack Obama elected and worked for at least two years on the ground prior to that election is on the ground and working today to elect a democrat as president to continue in the divisive policies of the present administration. Big money is behind this machine. They are rabid, intolerant, agenda driven and definitely anti-America.

George Soros is behind this movement. He is well known for his support of the Palestinians and his hatred of Israel. Back in 2007 Sweetness and Light reported a disturbing bit of information:

Why is Mr. George Soros’s famously well-heeled Open Society Institute getting donations from from agencies of the US federal government, as well as the United Palestinian Appeal — which is a relief charity?

Good question. Information gleaned from tax filings show that during the Bush years Soros was receiving money from different agencies within the U.S. government (view pdf files at link). How much money? Sweetness and Light: $16,390,296 in just three years.

Ol’ George has his dirty little fingers in pies of division (probably blueberry) and support of our enemies all over America. Another article reports Soros activism within Christian churches in America to sway evangelicals away from support for Israel. PJ Media reports that Soros’ son works to organize Jews to support liberal causes including “Black Lives Matter. PJ Media further informs:

It is no secret that Papa Soros funds various PACs tied directly to the #BlackLivesMatter movement. In his announcement, Alexander Soros makes it very clear that this “civil rights” movement is his organization’s primary focus. While J Street argues for Palestinian statehood in the Jewish world, Soros’s PAC is funding a pro-Palestinian activist camp on American soil, made up of disenfranchised African Americans who are busy establishing connections with radical Palestinians.

Why make it a “Jewish” endeavor? In a political climate where a growing number of Jews are cooling to Obama, traditionally liberal, secularized Jews are ripe for the picking. Let’s hope they’re wise enough not to pour Soros’s Kool Aid into their kiddush cups.

An article published on August 19, 2014 in Ebony Magazine is titled, “The Ferguson/Palestine Connection” but you have to read all the way to the end of the article before the “Palestinian” connection is overtly addressed. The article is really about training that Ferguson police officers received when officers across America went to Israel to participate in security training. The premise for the article is that officers were trained to be racists:

The St. Louis County Police Department that killed Michael Brown and initially placed Ferguson on siege has trained with the Israeli military. Former County Police Chief Timothy Fitch was one of 15 American officials to participate in a weeklong training in Israel three years ago.

The April 2011 National Counter-Terrorism Seminar (NCTS) was sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). It brought together leaders from the largest American police departments, the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with members of the Israeli National Police, Israel Defense Forces and other intelligence organizations. …

… A spokesperson for the police department was unable to provide information about the trip’s influence on subsequent operations in the county. The ADL was unavailable for immediate comment.

Over 9,000 American officials have trained with Israeli police and military units on responding to civilian protests and terrorism. These operations reflect failure to distinguish between the apparent duty of police to protect civilians and military responses to war. This fusion has had life-costing implications for Americans, specifically black, Muslim and Arab people.

Ahhh ha! The “militarization” of America’s police department’s isn’t about military equipment being offered to police departments as some have suggested. The militarization accusation is just another avenue for organizers to create division through agitation. Ferguson was one of many organized and manufactured events. The Browns may have been in on it but if they weren’t they were used and abused by white hating groups that are he77 bent on destroying America.

Enter the Palestinian support groups found at the end of the article:

A group of Palestinian individuals and organizations circulated a statement of support to Mike Brown’s family and the residents of Ferguson last week.

“The disregard and disrespect for black bodies and black life is endemic to the white supremacist system that rules the land. Your struggles through the ages have been an inspiration to us as we fight daily for the most basic human dignities in our own homeland against the racist Zionist regime that considers us less human,” part of the statement read.

An organization representing the rights of Palestinian prisoners also published a statement of solidarity.

“Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the people of Ferguson, joins their call for justice for Michael Brown and for an end to police oppression, mass incarceration and militarization, and stands in solidarity with Black movements struggling for justice and liberation.”

This movement is attacking our nation and our Constitution on many fronts. They call the conservatives radical. If we’re radical they are like covert terrorists. I keep thinking that people who lend support to these protesters with their phony “causes” just don’t understand who the power behind them is or what their ultimate goal is. One chick on the radio today thought maybe the first amendment was a problem. The ignorance of college students today is alarming! I sure hope there are enough Americans to push jackals back in their dark holes. Am I angry? You bet I am. But it isn’t that wild-eyed anger the left imagines. It’s anger rooted in defense of our nation…determined…committed…and unwilling to settle for anything other than total defeat of these jerks.

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9 Responses to Activism and Division Destroying America

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    This is how the left and all similar fascists work. Misinformation and division so that the elite core orchestrating the confusion can appear as heroes.

    Examine Dewey and Chris comments for confirmation.

    • Dewey says:

      Pie The fascists are the corporations and Oligarchy, many of these same companies who helped Hitler. Yes American Businessmen were profiting in Nazi Germany. Ya think Hitler had Money? Built up Germany After WW1? Heck even Prescott Bush was involved. History was not as we were taught once documents were declassified.

      Soros has nothing to do with fed up citizens standing up for their rights. Bottom Line the suppressed are rising. Many people from many groups. The revolution has started. Bottom Line we are going to take on the fascists.

      You have not a clue. We will not privatize away everything to the fascist oligarchy and there is no free market. What we have are companies merging so fast everything will be in the hands of the few.

      The fascists have no party they just want the government gone, States bankrupt and to seize all public assets. Nothing including rain is to be free when they can middleman profit and control the population into compliant slaves.

      DO not speak for me as you have not one clue about what is going on.

      • Tina says:

        Unfortunately Dewey you do not have a clue in many case. You make giant leaps to affirm conspiracy theories.

        Prescott Bush is a good example. The documents you refer to reveal that Prescott Bush was on the board as director of a company doing business prior to the war. His continued involvement with the company in America after the war began does not mean he supported the Nazi’s or their horrendous crimes:

        While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen’s US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.

        Read the entire article, it has all of the ugly details most of which show others, like Thyssen, were much more personally involved than Prescott Bush.

        Another investigation of Prescott Bush’s involvement includes the following:

        In 1943, after press reports that the Polish mining interest was employing forced labor by using prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration camp, we are informed that “Prescott Bush distanced himself from UBC and had even engaged in the collection of funds for the victims of the war in his role as president of the National War Fund.” He had, in fact, taken over as head of the United Service Organizations soon after Pearl Harbor, raising “millions for the National War Fund,” according to Mickey Herskowitz, Prescott’s recent biographer.

        The declassified papers confirm questionable transactions in violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act, but, as with all examinations of corporate malfeasance, more is needed to establish individual responsibility.

        Many companies and banks doing legitimate business in peace time were caught as the world went to war. If you’re going to tell the story of Prescott Bush you should at least be willing to tell the whole story.

  2. Tina says:

    Gateway Pundit:

    Race activist Payton Head – who complains about white privilege and racial slights but was voted student body president – is linked to Barack Obama.

    Who was also elected with a white majority voting for him.

  3. J. Soden says:

    The recent protest are too well-orchestrated to be from “spontaneous” students.
    Am reminded of the “spontaneous demonstrations” set up by dictators of oppressed countries that were touted as propaganda.
    One has to wonder just how many of these protesters are actually students and who are professional race baiting agitators. Only thing missing on these protests so far is an appearance by Al Sharpton – but I expect that shortly.

  4. Tina says:

    J it reminds me of Berkley in the sixties. Many of the kids that ginned up that fat mess were red diaper baby types and they were students. They grew up in commie homes and were groomed to be activists. It’s always about revolution with these people who have no appreciation for our system of government as established. since this is all being sponsored by people like Soros you can bet that most of these kids don’t have a clue. they are simply young skulls full of mush. But I wouldn’t put it past these snakes to bring in professional protesters (ACORN) also groomed in activism.

    Just heard another resignation occurred on another campus. Talk about the lunatics running the asylum.

  5. Dewey says:

    The Revolutionary War was not because people were silent and compliant. When they saw wrong the took action. This country was built on activism. It is our duty to stand up for equal rights, justice and Liberty for all.

    You can not have a free country when a few dictate to all.

  6. Tina says:

    Activism today is not about “justice and liberty for all.”

    Clearly it is about special considerations for groups. It is about division and special “rights.” It is about intimidation. It is about silencing voices. It is about power in the hands of a few bullies. There is nothing “equal” about the trumped up protests going on today, or the bands of students shouting down speakers on campus, or the paid protesters yelling and screaming in front of a bankers home. these are thugs who believe in mob rule.

    To compare today’s agitators with those who fought for our freedom from the King of England and his tyrannical rule is an insult.

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