“Breeding Resentment” is Our President’s Hobby – No Sign He’ll Take Responsibility for the Role He’s Played in Creating the “Pitfalls.”

Posted by Tina

While the world witnessed another horrific terror incident in Mali Friday, our President was busy trashing America. This man inspires nothing but chaos resentment and division. Speaking in Malaysia he warned young people to avoid the American “pitfalls” he’s helped to create:

President Obama discussed America’s faults Friday with young Asian leaders, saying the U.S. suffers from “pitfalls” such as income inequality, a political system controlled by the wealthy and political parties divided along racial lines.

The coward didn’t bother to own his role in creating America’s “pitfalls.” Obamanomics has created an economy like America hasn’t seen since the Great Depression with economic inequality worse than ever!

Obama’s constant trashing of Wall Street and “the rich who don’t pay their fair share,” which is a lie, has created deep resentment, especially in the young inexperienced people that his economic policies have hurt the most. They are the victims of a sluggish economy that makes income inequality stark and insufferable:

income inequalityRecent Black College Grads Face Severe Underemployment

Young People: Underemployed, Earning Less and Living at Home

An entire generation is losing some of it’s most productive years in terms of establishing themselves as productive adults and growing their incomes and savings.

At the same time Obama’s race politics and prejudiced Justice Department have created a rise in black activism and tensions, often over specious, trumped up charges. His radical black power posturing has inspired young black people to commit mob violence in malls and outdoor venues and randomly on unsuspecting individuals. See also here.

This is disgraceful. Young people of all races and creeds here at home and around the world need to hear a better message from the President of the United States. George Gilder, recalling Reagan, lights the way:

Poets describe creativity as “Promethean,” referring to the mythical hero who brought fire to the earth. A Promethean era in world history, the Reagan presidency lit the fires of American creativity – and they have been roaring ever since. Reagan’s ideas transformed American finance, global economics and world politics. They reverberated through Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and China with the power of Joshua’s trumpets. They made South Korea a more economically important and promising country than France or Germany.

To the defenders of the old order – Third World despots, legal monopolies, land trusts, gold funds, oil cartels, bureaucracies and tyrannies of all kinds – the Promethean roar was an insufferable racket. They mustered all their powers to prevent the transformation from occurring. The facts reveal their failure – and Reagan’s success: Since 1980, U.S. marginal tax rates fell some 40 percent on income and 75 percent on capital gains and dividends, and the American economy added close to 36 million jobs. During the same time period, Europe and Japan created scarcely any net new employment outside of government. American companies now constitute 57 percent of global market capitalization, and the U.S. commands close to one half of the world’s economic assets.

America, responsible for one fifth of global GDP in 1980, produced one third of global GDP in 2003. That is Ronald Reagan’s legacy.

President Ronald Reagan’s contrasting message:

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price.

We hear much of special interest groups. Well, our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected. It knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic and racial divisions, and it crosses political party lines. It is made up of men and women who raise our food, patrol our streets, man our mines and factories, teach our children, keep our homes, and heal us when we’re sick—professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, clerks, cabbies, and truckdrivers. They are, in short, “We the people,” this breed called Americans.

Well, this administration’s objective will be a healthy, vigorous, growing economy that provides equal opportunities for all Americans with no barriers born of bigotry or discrimination. Putting America back to work means putting all Americans back to work. Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs. All must share in the productive work of this “new beginning,” and all must share in the bounty of a revived economy. With the idealism and fair play which are the core of our system and our strength, we can have a strong and prosperous America, at peace with itself and the world.

Resentment is terrible attitude to foster in young people. That our president seems to relish this role is very troubling.

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20 Responses to “Breeding Resentment” is Our President’s Hobby – No Sign He’ll Take Responsibility for the Role He’s Played in Creating the “Pitfalls.”

  1. J. Soden says:

    Suggested book reading list – not necessarily in this order . .
    The Amateur – Edward Klein – About our amateur prez
    Clinton Ca$h – Peter Schweitzer – self explanatory
    Unlikeable – Edward Klein – all about ShrilLIARY and again it’s self explanatory
    Blood Feud – Edward Klein – Clintons vs Obamas
    One thing Blood Feud does is explain some of Obumble’s arrogance and narcissism and gives insight as to why he’s so clueless about terror threats to the US. And also is pretty eye-opening about who really is in charge in the white house!

  2. Steve says:

    It’s liberals in general who do not want to see America returned to its former glory. What we see as success and prosperity they see as evil consumerism that is dooming the planet.
    Here in Chico our liberal state government just killed another local business, Woof & Poof, which was a part of the local economy providing over 30 jobs and paying their taxes for 40 years.
    Nationally, environmentalist Tom Steyr offered hundreds of thousands in campaign donations if Obama would kill the Keystone pipeline. Never mind that the oil that could have been piped will now continue to be moved by rail, which ultimately causes more pollution and has a greater risk of spillage, but hey, there was campaign money involved.
    Control of the democrat party by the radical left is what is driving so many voters out of their party. The most recent election saw republican victories across the nation even in Kentucky. At this point I don’t think Obama cares that he is destroying his own party. He is an ideologue who doesn’t mind the money on the side. Much unlike the Clintons who are money hungry but don’t mind throwing a bone to the ideologues sometimes.

    • Tina says:

      This says it all, Chico ER:

      Another jump in minimum wage in January, to $10 an hour on the heels of one in 2014; leaping business costs; California regulations; and consumer habits. …

      …If there was a back-breaking straw, it came via a run-in with the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

      After an inspection of the Orange Street plant, the state inspector told Hart the labels on his decorative pillows didn’t meet state regulations. They were half an inch short, Hart recounted, and there was an issue with a registry number and the type style was not an approved one.

      Reaching out to state Assemblyman Jim Gallagher, R-Nicholas and state Sen. Jim Neilsen, R-Gerber, Hart found himself on a conference call with a Department of Consumer Affairs official, pleading that his pillows were not bed pillows and should be exempt from those label regulations.

      “No one sleeps on those pillows. No one’s been injured,” he told the E-R.

      The state didn’t agree that Woof & Poof should be exempt. There are labeling requirements for decorative pillows as well, according to the department.

      “Not only that,” said Hart, “they said I should feel lucky that they were not going to fine me.

      “The state told me that if I didn’t change (the labels) they could come in and seize the inventory.”

      Preparing for Christmas sales of the popular pillows sold in more than 600 stores around the country, Hart bought new labels, and resewed his inventory.

      “It cost us thousands,” he said. But that got him thinking about all the other negatives of being in business in California.

      With many of his staff at minimum wage, the 2014 hike in the minimum wage to $9 an hour cost him an 11 percent increase in payroll. In January 2016, that payroll cost will go up again with the increase to $10. Insurance costs are up, including a hike of 40 percent for his workforce’s health insurance.

      It’s a sad state of affairs. the average citizen has no idea what it’s like to try to produce a product, create wealth and employ others when ridiculous regulations and government management become outrageous enough to put a business out of business.

      Wealth transfer strangles an economy and hurts most the people it is touted to help.

      • dewey says:

        Business it not a right it is a skill. Bottom Line $9.00 hr is food stamp wages for a family.

        No one here seems to know what it is like to live in poverty and work your butt off to do it!

        I support the $15 min wage and could run a business that would be profitable doing so.

        Slave labor leads to authoritarian fascism as we see rising in The USA today.

        I made $10.00 hr in 1980. WHat was the cost of living then vs now? People buy more when they have money. Volume reduces the cost of manufacturing.

        How about addressing the dumping of cheap products from Asia here keeping prices down?

        Rent avgs at least $1000 mo everywhere in the USA. for a dump! transportation? have to have internet and a cell to get a job and communicate! Cash is no good have to have a bank card! and oh if you do not have credit you may not get a job!

        The real problem are big corporations beating down the real small business.

        People who are living off socialist checks and pensions have no right to speak on the horrible working conditions of today. They have not worn those shoes! Working in The USA is almost slavery for many people.

  3. Steve says:

    Maybe better on another thread but I found this today, really funny


  4. Tina says:

    Very good…So good you’d think these young men and women had actually experienced the insanity of PC 😉

  5. dewey says:

    It’s liberals in general who do not want to see America returned to its former glory.

    That is the exact opposite. Which era are you talking about?

    it is conservatives who’s policies have destroyed America with the help of Modern Democrats. In the end they are very close.

    Reaganomics failed. There is not trickle down. As the elite get richer there is less for the middle class.

    A CEO use to make 40’s the worker now they make around 400 times the worker. Wages are stagnant as the costs of living are extreme. WHy is that?

    The bottom line is privatization where the investors are the #1 issue by law. people who buy some stock and earn money doing nothing are the only legal concern. The people who work are slaves to privatization. Wall street gobbled up may many businesses and that model is one to which only wall street numbers matter.

    When a small private business starts up they squash it for world dominance. That use to be my job before I said enough is enough I rather not make six figures if my job is to take out all competing small business for my employer the big wall street corp.

    Conservatives do not support the middle class and fair wages for them. They support the big international corporations as a ruling class.

    This is a populist movement that wants a gov for the people by the people and business does very well when people buy stuff cause they can.

  6. Steve says:

    Dewey, look at the democrat presidential candidates. They are bought and owned by Wall Street. Your candidate will be Hillary Clinton and she is the mother of crony capitalism. Government is now working hand in hand with large corporations to destroy small businesses. It was bad enough when bigger corporations did it, but now with governments help is downright oppressive. As a conservative, I don’t want government to have that power. Big government is what is crippling our economy. Big government is why the middle class has lost its income potential. Big government is what makes the friends of big government very rich.

    The only ones calling for an end to big government are the conservatives. The conservatives ARE the populist movement. You should try helping us and maybe we can put America back to work.

    • dewey says:

      My candidates? So now I have candidates? I am an Independent my friend.

      All of the establishment candidates are cronie capitalist bought out. You have not a clue how many people do not want Hilliary Clinton for that reason. But she remains better than any GOP Candidate.

      What do you think Romney was? Jeb bush? And Donald Trump is a dictator fascist idiot.

      The Koch Brothers network own the rest. The gov is ran by the oligarchy bar none.

      SO I want to take all power away of a gov so these guys rule? You are misguided.

      We want to clean out the government coup.

      Let’s cut out the corporate welfare. Let’s stop subsidizing big oil who make billions. Let’s break up the big banks. let’s rebuild our infrastructure.

      We want to get the ruling elite out of running the gov, not get rid of the only protection we have against the fascist coup.

      No My friend I will campaign for Senator Sanders win or loose. he is the only candidate not taking money from any of the robber barons.

      Conservatives follow the Koch propaganda. Facts are not allowed. try discussing the issues with facts. Instead it’s always Obama bashing, hate liberals, blah blah blah. Never a real policy discussion.

      The conservative Platform is not for Democracy.

    • Dewey says:

      Tina You must need an economics class. last Big tax cuts GW did. let’s look at those. He cut taxes and put 2 wars (1 on a lie) on the credit card. By the end of his term we were loosing 750,000 Jobs a month.

      They get tax cuts to move Jobs overseas.

      S. 3364 (112th): Bring Jobs Home Act

      “supported by a majority of Senators today but Senate Republicans blocked the bill with a procedural move. While Sen. Stabenow’s initiative received a majority of votes in support, 56-42, the bill was blocked by a Republican filibuster which meant the legislation required 60 votes to move forward.”



      You read too much propaganda instead of watching Congress. Conservatives do nothing to create jobs. Democrats are not much better but when there is a bill actually introduced conservatives (Koch) block it.

      Americans know better than this garbage conservatives create jobs. Bottom Line the Gov is bought out. Only bills passed are for the Mega donors. Nothing is passed for the people. get with it. Why the heck do you think I am out here in the DC area? Not because it is nicer here. I am collecting info

  7. Tina says:

    Dewey if you made six figures anywhere it explains a lot about the condition of our country.

    I have asked you before to explain what economic policies would work better for all Americans than the low tax, supply side model implemented by John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

    I have asked you to name the policies you prefer and explain how they work.

    You never do anything but complain with bumper sticker comments and left generated talking points. Idiots could do better.

    I’ve posted information from the government that show your Salon styled opinion is filled with deceptions. One of the mantras of the left is “the rich got rich under Reagan.” Well what do you know, the rich always get rich…they got rich under Clinton and Obama too but you don’t get that Obama’s policies did that. We have greater poverty levels and high levels of underemployed and unemployed and you refuse to admit what is right in front of your eyes…progressive policies are not working and do not work for the middle class and the poor!

    Income data from the U.S. Census Bureau and income tax data from the IRS reveal that the rich did get richer under Reagan. The poor and the middle class did too. A rising tide floats all boats.

    Under Obama the rich are getting richer but we have no rising tide to float the boats of the middle class and the poor.

    It’s a simple concept, any child could get. Your resentment clouds your ability to think.

    Data from Carter years, 1974-1981, and Reagan years, 1981-1988, indicate that under Reagan the richest 5 percent of taxpayers’ income’s grew 38.6 percent. Incomes for the lowest 50 percent grew 17.9 percent. Middle class incomes rose 21.4 percent. A rising tide floats all boats.

    Between 1974 and 1981, Carter, income taxes for the poorest Americans increased by 24.2 percent. Under Reagan, this group paid 12.8 percent LESS and the middle class burden fell from 57.2 percent under Carter to 48.7 percent under Reagan.

    The Reagan years saw black Americans rise from poverty like never before. Many started their own businesses and established black businesses grew. Black business receipts increased from $12.4 billion in 1982 to $18.1 billion in 1987, better than the 5% rate of growth for all other business. That impacts incomes in a big way…its called putting a big dent in income inequality! Between 1982 and 1988, total black employment increased by 2 million, a 15% increase. The number of black professionals increased by 63%. Even high school graduation rates increased.

    Reagan policies gave power to the people by allowing them to keep their own money and by providing better jobs in greater abundance. Abundance created opportunity for advancement.

    Dewey, you are full of garbage issued by liberal progressive elites to keep the corporate/big government machine well oiled…you’re a fool!

  8. dewey says:

    Tina Replace the name dewey with your own name.

    Dewey, you are full of garbage issued by liberal progressive elites to keep the corporate/big government machine well oiled…you’re a fool!

    Tina Reagan had one of the most corrupt admins til GW Bush.

    The effects of Reaganomics? We see them today. Trickle right to the Cayman’s! Privatize away to middleman profit!

    The top 1% of Americans own more than 40% of all wealth. That is the consequence of supply side economics. Reaganomics.

    The bottom 80% of Americans own 7% of the wealth.

    Individual wages have gone down.

    The median wealth for middle class has dropped 40% since the Bush Crash.

    Corporate profits are higher than they have been in 60 years and the tax loopholes have many of them paying no taxes.

    The banks even write off their fines!

    the list is long 30 years of Reaganomics has destroyed the middle class and it is time to reverse it.

    keep telling yourself the billionaires need more tax cuts and people working 2 jobs are not working hard enough as you collect a socialist gov check.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey you’re wrong.

      Individuals hiding money in the Caman’s has NOTHING to do with economic policy. It has to do with individuals wishing to avoid paying high taxes and corrupt individuals wishing to avoid detection for illegal activity.

      The top 1% have always held a high percentage of the wealth…that’s why we call them the “rich.”

      The census bureau statistics shown in the chart in my post show that income for middle and lower classes worsened under Clinton and Obama and were level under GWB who adopted Reagan style tax policies. So much for your theory that Reaganomics is responsible for lost wages.

      Take money fro billionaires and you destroy investment in the economy and give it to government where it is wasted, stolen, and spent without return on the investment. The government, especially under liberal economic policy, leads a hand to mouth existence consuming what they take in without “giving back.”

      The left media just doesn’t bother to demonize the rich as much or associate them with Democrats or Democrat policies. What a crock! The corporatism going on under this administration is blatantly obvious. Both Obama and Hillary are tied to big corporate profits and promoting one type of business while working to destroy another. That’s fascism. Both the Obama administration and the Clinton administrations have had personal relationships with Silicon Valley, the big healthcare insurance companies, the big green industry, and the big banks.

      Hillary just got caught for not reporting some very big donations to her foundation. Do you seriously think she and Billy are honest about their personal finances and how they are tied to politics?

      You are a fool! And you still have not produced an alternate workable alternative to trickle down or explained how it would work. Until you can do that you are nothing but a mouthpiece for the extreme Marxist left.

  9. dewey says:

    You seem to think the effects of these policies magically happen only when they are in office. No Tina we are still under those policies.

  10. Peggy says:

    Look at what the Egyptians think of Obama and Climate Change being our biggest threat.

    (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

    Egyptians react to Obama’s speech at a military base declaring “Climate Change” as the greatest threat to national securityPosted by Arturo Barroso on Friday, November 6, 2015

  11. Dewey says:

    BTW Tina I do not read your long winded stuff. I know the actual facts, I have lobbied here and go to DC often. Come on out and help. K street is a massive circle of foreign and domestic money that bullies and threatens politicians. This is zombie land, corruption heaven.

  12. Steve says:

    I’m sorry, but Dewey has been sucked into the anti-reality movement where the sky is perpetually falling, 2 plus 2 does not equal 4 (because math is racist), and the working class does not deserve the chocolate.
    It is pointless to argue with those who are a lost cause. I will spend my time campaigning for reasonable people to go to the polls and put and end to the socialist-democrat party in this country.

  13. Tina says:

    Dewey it sounds like your just another lobbyist, hanging out on K Street.

    Your supposed cause…taking the money out of politics…is easy to solve. Smaller government at the federal level, a simplified tax code, and regulations that make sense instead of regulations that pick winners and losers and handcuff those who create jobs.

    You know the actual facts? You found them by hanging out with lobbyists? You became this well informed by hanging out in DC?

    I’m not at all surprised that you don’t read my long comments. You have proven yourself to be uneducable or lazy.

    Fortunately you are not the center of attention. My comments can be read by anyone and, I’d wager, most are not as ego-centric in their thinking as you.

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