Tyranny Rears it’s Ugly Head…Just in Time for Christmas!

Christmas-Tree-LightingPosted by Tina

“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.” – John Philpot Curran

Free speech is under attack at the Veterans Affairs facility in Salem, Virginia. The Department of Veterans Affairs decided to ban the greeting, “Merry Christmas,” by it’s employees. This followed a banning of an the annual Christmas tree at the facility. Local media in Virginia: “Public areas may only be decorated in a manner that is celebratory of the winter season. Displays must not promote any religion. Please note that trees (regardless of the types of ornaments used) have been deemed to promote the Christian religion and will not be permitted in any public areas this year.” I expect this to be an issue all over America

Christmas tree dcThe employees complained and management relented; the Christmas trees will be allowed. But the greeting ban remains. Christmas greeting or speech is restricted to private areas where there is no danger of offending. The email directive was meant to sound menacing, in my opinion.

… private religious speech can still be banned if managers decide such speech “interfere[s] with carrying out official duties and responsibilities,” threatening penalties against people who offer religious greetings even behind closed doors.

The email also bars Christmas music, saying that if a supervisor has allowed an employee to have music in his workspace, such music must “be secular (non-religious).” (emphasis mine)

“Ho, Ho Ho,” Mr. President, “Merry Christmas!”

Christmas is an official American holiday. Depending on the poll, 77%- 80% of Americans identify with the Christian religion. See here and here.

Fear of “offense” is the idiocy driving this encroachment on individual expression. It may seem a small thing but it’s important to remember the warning of eternal vigilance. People don’t lose their freedoms, they give them up bit by bit. I say to anyone offended by a greeting well intended, “Go ahead and be offended…and, by the way, Merry Christmas.”

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47 Responses to Tyranny Rears it’s Ugly Head…Just in Time for Christmas!

  1. J. Soden says:

    Every year for quite some time we’ve seen this pc silliness slither out from under the liberal rocks. To those who just have to follow this nonsense, my gift to you for this holiday season is a big, fat, wet RAZZBERY!
    Merry Christmas to All!

  2. Libby says:

    Why does a government employee need to say Merry Christmas to anybody? This necessary in the course and scope of normal duties?

    “Have a nice day” is a perfectly adequate pleasantry, and does not promote a religion quite possibly not practiced by the person you might be speaking to.

    What IS your problem?

  3. Tina says:

    “Merry Christmas” does not “promote” a religion.

    “Merry Christmas” conveys a national greeting to anyone of any race or creed at “the most wonderful time of the year.”

    President Ulysses S. Grant declared Christmas a legal holiday in 1870 after both houses of Congress passed legislation establishing several national holidays. Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes Christmas Day, 25 December as a Federal National Holiday.

    Many Americans celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th, but other Americans celebrate the secular holiday with a tree, Santa, stocking stuffers, presents, music…the whole nine yards.

    This IS a tolerant nation, isn’t it Libby?

    For instance, since our government recognizes and celebrates other religions in various ways, why shouldn’t it portray the nativity on the steps of the Supreme Court?

    America used to be a live and let live society. We didn’t just tolerate the traditions and religious celebrations of others, we also respected them. Sometimes, when invited, we even participate in the celebrations. Then some ACLU lawyer got a bug up his bum and it’s been downhill ever since.

    I’m beginning to wonder if our liberal buds need some sensitivity training.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Who did the complaining? Really, I want to know, let them step forward. I can’t think of any religious group that be that stupid. I really think we deserve to know the source of this order. Who claims to be offended by someone saying Merry Christmas? If it was from the head of the VA, then we just fire him. I’ll bet the next guy in that chair won’t give us any trouble.

  5. J. Soden says:

    Was a Costco seasonal worker a number of years ago, and company preferred we say “happy holidays.” Decided then that I would tell merchants who refuse a “Merry Christmas” greeting that I would no longer be shopping in their stores. Costco has since rescinded that instruction.
    You can vote with your wallet much more effectively if you tell said business that YOU mean business!

  6. Dewey says:

    I see the Fox news annual war on Christmas has started. Same crap every year.

    freedom of speech! Say merry Christmas or not? It is not a required thing!

    We are not a country bound by a religion. Period. You can worship but not make others do as you say.

    What is Christmas anymore? A rash of cheap made Chinese products hitting the stores for fake sales to get those yearly numbers in for wall street? Americans working through the holidays long hours for low pay? The only time I celebrate Christmas is when Kids are present. Santa Claus is a magical moment for children. Other than That I could care less. it is all celebrating the real god the Dollar.

    How can Christmas mean anything when all we hear and see is hate? Continuous hate.

    Jesus gave us freewill and did not promote the kind of hate that is 24/7 coming from the right. So the war on Christmas? I say it is all the hate from the right that has cancelled it.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey the problem is those who tell others what they can and cannot say. You have it exactly backwards. Nobody says it’s a “required thing.”

      Your comprehensions skills are MIA.

      You seem to think you can know how people think and feel and interact at Christmas. What an ego! Maybe if you’d stop crapping on Christmas your perception would change a bit…such a scroogy fellow you are.

      • Dewey says:

        LOL I prefer the grinch

        Every year the words “merry christmas” are a topic of discussion. So tired of the stupidity

        happy Holidays Tina!

        I will not be buying any Chinese stuff this year, You?

        • Tina says:

          The Grinch? Aha! That’s pretty funny considering your position on profits and the rich.

          Scrooge is just a disgruntled, stingy old curmudgeon; the Grinch is a thief!

          Thank you for the well wishes.

          I don’t think I will be buying anything Chinese but then, it’s difficult to tell with some things. I won’t be buying “cheap” Chinese items but I also understand sometimes that’s the only option for the poor with small children. have a little heart Dewey, not everyone can afford higher priced items.

  7. Libby says:

    Tina, do you really wish a “Merry Christmas” to Jewish persons of your acquaintance? If so, there is no hope of you comprehending the problem, and I wish you a Happy Hanukkah!

    • Tina says:

      If I knew someone was Jewish I might wish him Happy Hanukkah. If I wasn’t sure I would probably say Happy Holidays…I’m not insensitive, I just resent bans being imposed based on the fear that someone “might” be offended.

      Isn’t it time to grow up and realize the power to be offended resides within. (Sticks and Stones) Most of the time in these cases nobody means to offend, they’re just happy and want to share.

      My financial adviser is Jewish. I wish him Happy Hanukkah, he wishes me Merry Christmas, but that’s because we know each other. Neither of us would take offense at either greeting.

      Michael Medved, a prominent Jewish radio talk host says he loves Christmas time, the lights, the trees, the music…and he isn’t at all offended by the greeting. He enjoys the spirit of the season that’s conveyed. I do too.

  8. Chris says:

    I personally say “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Christmas” to my students. The majority of them celebrate Christmas, but some don’t, so I say both. I also try to find out what holidays they do celebrate so I can give them a more specific wish.

    I don’t see how anyone could take a government employee saying “Merry Christmas” as a government endorsement of religion. Nativity scenes on government buildings cross the line, though; it’s the difference between someone clearly acting as an individual, and acting as the government itself.

    • Tina says:

      If it’s good enough for the White House, see also here,
      it’s good enough for me.

      People are too easily “offended” these days. The word has come to mean “someone who pouts and has the power to control others” and that’s not healthy.

      • Chris says:

        The White House is a residence, though; the decorations reflect the personality of the current residents, not the government itself. There’s a difference.

        On a completely unrelated topic: when did Ann Coulter “come out” as an open white supremacist? She tweeted this today:

        “The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: White Christians no longer a majority – politi.co/1IbGiFq”


        She didn’t elaborate on how exactly America is being destroyed by non-whites and non-Christians, but obviously her statement was both racist and intolerant toward other religions. It’s not even code at this point; there’s no other interpretation of her words.

        Between this and Trump entertaining the idea of registering Muslims and making them carry special ID cards it seems that old school, open racism is making quite the comeback.

  9. Tina says:

    Chris the White House is the people’s house…the first couples temporary residence is on the top floor (for convenience sake).

    The First Lady is usually in charge of decorating and entertaining. Her job is still to represent the people, not herself, although her artistic print will certainly be evident in her choice of theme, color and design.

    Chris, you refuse to get what Coulter is trying to communicate. You treat her with the usual hostility colored by your “racism” training. Unless you can learn to think outside that box there’s no point in discussing Coulter with you.

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Chris, you refuse to get what Coulter is trying to communicate.”

      Are you serious?

      Here is what she said:

      “The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: White Christians no longer a majority”

      That means–quite plainly and obviously–that white Christians losing majority status makes the destruction of America “almost complete.” That also means that she believes America must retain a white Christian majority in order to survive, i.e., not be destroyed. There is no other meaning of that phrase. If there is one, explain it to me, without changing or ignoring any of the words in her tweet.

      It also follows from her tweet that she believes white Christians are superior to–or, at the very least, more American than–other types of people. If she didn’t believe that, she couldn’t possibly believe that white Christians losing majority status places America in peril.

      It doesn’t take any preconceived hostility or “racism training” to see that meaning in Coulter’s words. It takes basic reading comprehension, and an unwillingness to spin just because her plain meaning is inconvenient.

      I know you like Coulter. That shouldn’t mean that you ignore and rationalize clear expressions of white supremacist sentiment. Don’t let your bias cloud your judgment. Her words are plain, and mean exactly what they say. I’m not going to twist myself into pretzels to excuse them, and neither should you.

  10. Tina says:

    I don’t have time right now to reply to your whole comment. Here’s a question.

    Is this:

    “White Christians no longer a majority”

    A fact (According to PEW which Coulter cited) or not?

    What makes this fact a threat or intimidation?

    is it a fact or a dog whistle for you?

    Good grief Chris, you’ve been crippled!

    • Chris says:

      Yes, it’s a fact.

      “What makes this fact a threat or intimidation?”

      Coulter clearly read it as a threat, as she wrote:

      ““The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: White Christians no longer a majority”

      Unless you want to pretend that those two sentences are completely unrelated, and she simply squeezed them into the same tweet for no reason, you need to acknowledge that Coulter was expressing her belief that a loss of majority status for white Christians is leading to the destruction of America.

  11. Tina says:

    Okay here’s your “explanation:

    Concentrate on the words: “almost complete.”

    From the perspective of most of us on the right, the left destructo machine has been going on for decades. Socialist government, expensive dependency programs (unsustainable and debt creating) , destruction of the family unit, promiscuity promoted (including teen aged kids), high abortion rates, drug use and abuse, high rates of crime, special rights, open borders, lack of assimilation, leadership that refuses to follow our laws. These are not indicative of the ideals and values on which America was founded which happen to be Christian ideals and values. The desire to control our borders and immigration is about preserving the things that make America unique in all the world.

    You apparently have no appreciation for the uniqueness of this nation built on a Christian foundation. For some (racist?) reason, you seem to resent that the founders were white. It’s simply a fact Chris but you keep trying to inject extra (racist) meanings that simply are not there.

    People are entering our country from other nations with much different governments and social structures. Since many of them come illegally, they are never asked if they intend to become an American…they are never introduced to the things that make America valuable and unique. Some come with the express purpose of reclaiming the southwest. Some come with the intention of taking control of the country through an explosion of offspring. It’s something to think about. How anxious are you to become a nation as corrupted by drug lords as Mexico? How anxious are you to live in a nation with people at odds with each other due to opposing values?

    It’s time to grow up a bit and look at the very real concerns we face without inserting race into it.

    You can only “comprehend” based on your training. You have been trained to think in terms of race. Gotta go.

    • Chris says:

      ” For some (racist?) reason, you seem to resent that the founders were white.”

      Wow. At this point you are just comepletely making crap up. I’ve never said or done anything to indicate resentment that the founders were white. That is one of the craziest, stupidest things you have ever said, which is saying a lot.

      “It’s time to grow up a bit and look at the very real concerns we face without inserting race into it.

      You can only “comprehend” based on your training. You have been trained to think in terms of race.”

      No, this is stupider. COULTER IS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT UP RACE, YOU FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATE. The idea that I “injected” race into it when Coulter was specifically lamenting the loss of majority status for white Christians is incomprehensible. It makes no sense, and reveals you as someone completely immune to common sense, reason, and the English language.

      Seriously, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. You deny the clear meanings of the words of people you like while making up things that your opponents never said. You are despicable.

  12. Libby says:

    “My financial advisor is Jewish ….”

    You don’t say. (I won’t take it. It’s a cheap shot.)

    But then you, yourself, point out the difference between personal and business communications … and then refuse to concede the obvious: a personal salutation is not appropriate between a government employee and a citizen.

    You want to promote a theocracy? Have I got an Islamic Republic for you!

    • Tina says:

      Libby you are a despicable person. I’ve been friends with my financial adviser for over twenty years. It’s a personal, as well as a professional, relationship. He certainly doesn’t deserve the scorn and (bigotry?) implied in your snide remark.

      And look at that, you’re stupid too. You choose to be. As I wrote, it is an official national holiday. Federal employees, any government employee should be FREE to wish others a Merry Christmas on the job.

      The possible four or five people that might actually take offense (Really?) can be offended (Boo Hoo) and grow up.

      THE POINT is the Veterans Affairs hierarchy has no business restricting speech for a national holiday! We’re talking about grown people, not kindergartners. Do they imagine that most won’t exercise a bit of discretion all on their own.

      You lefties just have to control everything. It’s sick.

  13. Chris says:

    To backtrack, here’s the conversation so far, paraphrased:

    Coulter: “The loss of majority status for white Christians is part of the left’s destruction of America.”

    Me: “That’s racist.”

    Tina: “Why you gotta bring race into it, Chris? Man, if only progressives would stop bringing race into it when all people like Coulter are saying is that white people are better and more American than other people! That has nothing to do with race!”

  14. Tina says:

    The words “part of” apparently escape you Chris. Also the word “plan” escapes your attention. The explanation I offered means nothing.

    The left, in particular this administration, bucks the law in favor of an open borders policy. That’s irresponsible…it’s un-American!

    There is absolutely no concern about whether the people coming in will assimilate. There is no concern for the burden this policy places on state governments that are MANDATED to offer healthcare, free education and other social benefits. The unintended consequences are someone else’s problem…teachers that have a classroom filled with kids that speak 23 different languages, for instance. American kids get short shrift when our schools are flooded and that is not right. School budgets have to be stretched and that is not right. Hospitals and clinics have to find ways to budget (and survive) for the increases in demand and that is not right. Quite a few in California went out of business for just this reason.

    Do you think we should have control of our borders? If you don’t you are a “FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATE.”

    Do you think people who come here should assimilate and learn our language? If you don’t you are a “FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATE.”

    Do you think it’s important for people who come here to be able to find jobs and become productive citizens? If you don’t you are a “FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATE.”

    Do you think it’s possible to have those controls if we allow our nation to be flooded willy nilly with immigrants, refugees, terrorists, criminals, drug cartels and illegal border crosser’s (70% of whom who don’t show up for court once released)? If you do you are a “FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATE”

    Coulter’s book points out the many ways leftist policies are destroying this nation, open borders policy is one of them!

    And by the way I didn’t mean you “brought” race into it; I meant you can’t hear what Coulter is communicating because you can’t think about what she’s saying without looking for words to prove she is racist, that’s a form of bigotry!. You are programmed, demonstrating an inability to think outside of what you know… a “FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATE”

    Told you there was no point. My mistake for indulging your idiocy.

  15. Chris says:


    Nothing you wrote addressed what Coulter actually said, which was that white Americans losing majority status was a tool in the destruction of America.

    But I’ll answer your four questions, so you can’t complain I didn’t: yes, yes, yes, and no.

    Now answer mine, please: you agree with Coulter that America must keep a white Christian majority to avoid being destroyed?

    • Tina says:

      Chris that is not what she is communicating.

      That is your warped interpretation of what she said.

      I have no desire to agree to your warped interpretations nor to continue in this inane conversation.

  16. Chris says:

    Another question: will you apologize and retract your false claim that I resent the founders for being white, a claim which has no basis in truth whatsoever, and makes no sense as I am, myself, white?

  17. Tina says:

    “Seem to resent” isn’t a claim; it is an impression. So no, I will not.

    Of course it’s possible for a white person to resent the founders for their whiteness. White Democrats have been known to say things like, “What could a bunch of old white men who lived two centuries ago possibly understand about our problems today?”

    • Chris says:

      Have *I* ever said that, or were you arguing with a strawman? It is ridiculous of you to claim I misinterpreted Coulter when you are the one putting words in my mouth.

      “Chris that is not what she is communicating.

      That is your warped interpretation of what she said.”

      Tina, if a liberal wrote “The right’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Pew: Gun sales at record high,” would you interpret that as saying that high gun sales are contributing the the destruction of America?

      I would. I can’t see how you wouldn’t; there’s no other interpretation of that phrase. It’s not a “warped interpretation,” it’s the only rational one. I’d also. think any liberal who tried to argue that it didn’t mean that gun sales were destroying America, and that the writer had nothing against guns, was just desperately spinning.

      If someone writes, “The left’s destruction of America is almost complete! Politico: Obamacare premiums to skyrocket,” then obviously that person believes Obamacare is destroying America.

      Similarly, the phrase “The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: White Christians no longer a majority” clearly means that Amerixa is being destroyed because white Christians are no longer the majority. That’s just how language works. There’s no escaping that.

      I’d consider an alternative interpretation but you’ve yet to offer one. yet. You said some stuff about immigrants but didn’t make the connection between that and what Coulter said clear. This seems like your usual weasel wording and back-tracking to make something offensive said by a conservative seem much more tame. Like when Dr. Be chip lied and said Obamacare bans mammograms, you said she was just “expressing concern about the possible future effects of the law,” when in fact, she was lying about what the law did at the time. The inane thing is that you always do this. It’s cowardly.

  18. Chris says:

    Lots of typos above; Dr. “Be chip” should be Dr. Vecchio.

  19. Chris says:

    Tina, not only was Coulter expressing a fear that loss of a white Christian majority was destroying America, she has been communicating that same message for years. Here is an excerpt from an article on her website from 2007:

    “In 1960, whites were 90 percent of the country. The Census Bureau recently estimated that whites already account for less than two-thirds of the population and will be a minority by 2050. Other estimates put that day much sooner.

    One may assume the new majority will not be such compassionate overlords as the white majority has been. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide. Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population.”


    This rhetoric is indistinguishable from those of white nationalists, who also hysterically cry “white genocide” at demographic change. This isn’t suprising, as Coulter is a contributor to VDARE, a white nationalist website, defended the Conservative Council of Citizens which says they oppose all efforts to mix the races, and cited white nationalist Peter Brimelow as the inspiration for her anti-immigrant book “Adios America.”

    Do you STILL want to argue that Coulter wasn’t saying we need a white Christian majority for our country to survive? Because I don’t see how that argument is defensible at this point.

    I had hoped Coulter’s influence had waned significantly among Republicans but given how much influence she clearly still has over you I’m disheartened. She says something clearly racist and you can’t even hear her over the sound of your adoration.. Hopefully the above statement will help change your mind about this nasty individual, or at least make you force yourself to acknowledge what she actually said. But given the awfulness you have already defended, I’m not holding my breath.

  20. dewey says:

    Tina calling out racist comments today is necessary. The GOP is promoting it all day long! Code to gather the base! So agree or not but your statement makes no sense!

    To say anyone resents the color of the founders seems so far gone it is hard to even comment!

    I think there is a huge problem in that statement that speaks volumes.

    Ann Coulter is a Troll who enters every election to sell books and brand herself. People need to stop looking for media Heroes to tell them what to think and use critical thinking skills.

  21. Libby says:

    It may very well pain you that public employees should be held to some minimal standard of civility. Call it “censorship,” “political correctness, or what you will, but we are talking about common courtesy and consideration, and it will always be required.

  22. Chris says:

    Coulter has repeatedly defended the white nationalist group the Conservative Council of Citizens, which has been ostracized by most in the Republican Party due to its overt racism. According to Coulter, “There is no evidence on its Web page that the modern incarnation of the CCC supports segregation..”

    No evidence? Let’s take a look:

    “The CCC’s columnists have written that black people are “a retrograde species of humanity,” and that non-white immigration is turning the U.S. population into a “slimy brown mass of glop.” Its website has run photographic comparisons of pop singer Michael Jackson and a chimpanzee. It opposes “forced integration” and decries racial intermarriage. It has lambasted black people as “genetically inferior,” complained about “Jewish power brokers,” called gay people “perverted sodomites,” and even named the late Lester Maddox, the baseball bat-wielding, arch-segregationist former governor of Georgia, “Patriot of the Century.”

    One day, the CCC ran photos on its home page of accused Beltway snipers John Muhammad and John Malvo, 9/11 conspirator Zacharias Moussaoui and accused shoe-bomber Richard Reed. “Notice a Pattern Here?” asked a caption underneath the four photos. “Is the face of death black after all?” On another occasion, its website featured a photo of Daniel Pearl, the “Jewish Wall Street Journal reporter” who had just been decapitated by Islamic terrorists. In the photo, Pearl was shown with his “mixed-race wife, Marianne.” The headline above the couple’s picture was stunning even for the CCC: “Death by Multiculturalism?” The CCC Arkansas chapter ran an essay waxing nostalgic for the days “when racial separation was the norm.”


    Huh. To any English speaker, it would appear clear that CCC promotes segregation. But according to Coulter, that’s not what they are communicating.

    Sound familiar? It’s just like how Coulter clearly said America must keep a white majority or risk destruction…yet Tina somehow thinks that’s not what she was communicating, even though it’s right there, in black and white.

    There are only so many times you can deny clear, overt racism before you become a clear, overt racist.

  23. Tina says:

    “She didn’t elaborate on how exactly America is being destroyed by non-whites and non-Christians”


    You made it up in your head.

    The Coulter tweet you referred to: ““The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete!

    The “lefts” plan. (Not non-whites and not non-Christians)

    Last time I looked the left was a “diverse” group…or so they say.

    As I have pointed out many times left policies help keep poor people, black and white, stuck on a reservation (plantation) of dependency. I could make the case that you are a bigot, even against yourself, based on that.

    There are blacks who prefer segregation, always have been. But for some reason that’s not a “problem.”

    Not everyone thinks as you do. Get off your high horse.

    And if you want to protest Coulter be responsible and do it directly yourself.

    • Chris says:

      Tina, you’re not making any sense. Very simply: how do you think the first part of Coulter’s tweet (“The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete!”) connects to the second part (“Politico: Pew: Whte Christians no longer a majority”)? I’ve explained what I think the connection is; I think it’s pretty clear that she’s saying reducing the white Christian majority is part of the left’s plan to destroy America, which only makes sense if one believes that reducing the white Christian majority actually does that. You’ve denied this, but have still provided no alternative explanation. In your last comment you addressed only the first part of the tweet, and then said a lot of vague stuff about plantations that has no clear connection to what we’re discussing.

      So again: what is the connection? Be specific, not vague.

  24. Tina says:

    Chris I’ve told you that unless you can think outside the bigotry box you can’t get Coulter. I don’t know what else to tell you.

    Try thinking in terms of the basic values this nation was built upon.

    People from other nations, including white Christians, who grew up under corrupt governments, dictatorships, or socialism, know nothing of our heritage. A nation cannot hold on to it’s heritage when it tries to absorb so many people from diverse backgrounds. It becomes impossible to assimilate them. Our nations, our republic, will collapse and it won’t be for the better.

    I know you’re not a big fan of Victor Davis Hansen but his less cutting manor, his credentials as an historian, and his personal experiences may help you to think about the serious very problem instead of reacting to what you perceive as racism or bigotry in Coulter. The article was also written back in 2002, leaving the current president and political atmosphere out of the picture. The article is about California but the problem exists for all of America.

    Do We Want Mexifornia?:

    Thousands arrive illegally from Mexico into California each year—and the state is now home to fully 40 percent of America’s immigrants, legal and illegal. They come in such numbers because a tacit alliance of Right and Left has created an open-borders policy, aimed at keeping wage labor cheap and social problems ever fresh, so that the ministrations of Chicano studies professors, La Raza activists, and all the other self-appointed defenders of group causes will never be unneeded. The tragedy is that though illegal aliens come here hoping to succeed, most get no preparation for California’s competitive culture. Instead, their activist shepherds herd them into ethnic enclaves, where inexorably they congeal into an underclass. The concept of multiculturalism is the force-multiplier that produces this result: it transforms a stubborn problem of assimilation into a social calamity….

    I hope you will read the entire article with an open mind. Hansen is a serious and thoughtful historian. He lives in Selma California eight miles from the border. So he brings first hand experience and knowledge to the discussion. Of course today the problem has expanded to include cartel members, terrorists, and those fleeing tyranny or poverty from other countries as well.

    Read more on the subject here and here.

  25. Chris says:

    First, a correction: I lived in Selma for the first 25 years of my life. I teach in Selma. It is nowhere NEAR the border; it’s in the Central Valley. So Hansen’s farm here does not give him the “firsthand experience” you assigned to him for living “eight miles from the border.”

    Second, if you can’t see the difference between what Hansen is saying vs. what Coulter is saying, I don’t know how to show it to you. Coulter didn’t say multiculturalism is destroying America. She didn’t say illegal immigration is destroying America. She didn’t say “People from other nations, including white Christians, who grew up under corrupt governments, dictatorships, or socialism” and ” know nothing of our heritage” we’re destroying America. She said America was being destroyed by the loss of a white Christian majority. I don’t like Hansen, but I doubt he would ever say this. Because he, unlike Coulter, is not a white nationalist.

    I’ve shown you Coulter’s links to white nationalist organizations and her hysterics about “white genocide.” I’ve also shown you in the past her history of racial slurs including “raghead.” There is nothing to deny at this point.

    “A nation cannot hold on to it’s heritage when it tries to absorb so many people from diverse backgrounds”

    This is what America has done for nearly two and a half centuries. I think America is stronger than you think.

  26. Chris says:

    Here is an excerpt from Peter Brimelow, the editor of VDARE, which Coulter writes for. Remember, Coulter cites Brimelow as the major influence for her book “Adios, America” and says that he changed her mind on immigration.

    “Let me give you just one brutal reason you must support VDARE.com.

    Sometime in the next few months, the Census Bureau will announce that a majority of births in the U.S. are now non-white.

    That means the U.S. will be majority non-white around 2040–when my new daughter, pictured above, will still be a young woman,

    It’s an astonishing, indeed unprecedented, transformation of a country every one of whose Founding Fathers was white–in which nine out of every ten citizens was white as late as 1960.

    And it’s all a result of government policy–specifically, the 1965 Immigration Act and the subsequent collapse, or sabotage, of law enforcement at our southern borders.

    No-one wants to talk about this. (I’m sure that even some VDARE.com readers flinched when they read it). No-one wants to think what it means.

    But at VDARE.com, we are prepared to say what it means: the end of the historic American-nation state–a nation-state being the political expression of a particular people, in this case the historic American nation as it had evolved by 1965.”

    Can you explain how Brimelow’s words here differ from Coulter’s tweet?

  27. Chris says:

    One last question, Tina.

    You’ve said you don’t believe Coulter is saying that America needs to keep a white Christian majority in order to survive.

    Regardless of what you think she was communicating, do you believe America needs to keep a white Christian majority in order to survive?

    I hope if you answer nothing else, you will answer that.

    • Tina says:

      No I do not.

      I do believe that the Christian tenets that helped shape America, the republic, and the values of freedom and justice for all are well worth preserving. I also think that is Ann’s position.

      • Chris says:

        I’m glad to see you don’t agree with what Coulter said, but remain bewildered that you can’t see that’s what she said.

        If her position was simply about the “tenets” of Christianity, as yuu say, why did she call attention to “white Christians” no longer being a majority? What does race have to do with losing the tenets of Christianity? And the headline obviously referred to individuals, not people. Your explanation of her comment still doesn’t make sense; that’s because it doesn’t require explanation. It means what it says. You’re the one assigning meanings to it that are not evident, not me.

        • Tina says:

          Chris, Chris, Chris. Another bunch of questions designed as gotcha followed by a triumphant retelling of the fantasy you concocted in your little game. Pathetic.

          I suggest you go ahead and be bewildered; it suits you.

          “…why did she call attention to “white Christians” no longer being a majority?”

          Gee, possibly because it’s just a fact? A simple fact that doesn’t require reading between the lines. Huffington Post reported on this phenomenon:

          (RNS) The notion of America as a mostly white, mostly Christian country is rapidly becoming a fact for the history books.

          “The U.S. religious landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation that is fundamentally reshaping American politics and culture,” said Dan Cox, research director for Public Religion Research Institute.

          Last week, PRRI released the American Values Atlas, an interactive online tool that compiles data about Americans’ opinions, identities, and values. One of the biggest takeaways of this years’ study was that, for the first time ever, America is not a majority Protestant nation.

          I’m not assigning meanings. I’m also not looking at it through a racist lens.

          I’m looking at it as one way to express the things that are happening in our country, things we may want to give our attention.

          And neener neener is another game I’m not interested in playing…we’re done!

          • Chris says:

            “Gee, possibly because it’s just a fact?”

            Why did she say “The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete” before announcing this fact, UNLESS she sees this fact as a sign America is being destroyed? You’ve still provided no alternative explanation; you’re acting as if the two statements are completely unconnected, which makes no sense.

            Again, if a liberal tweeted, “The right’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: Gun sales at record high,” any rational reader of that tweet would interpret that the writer thought high gun sales were killing America. And any liberal who denied it said that would be rightfully mocked by you.

            By the same token, Coulter’s tweet “The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: white Christians no longer a majority,” obviously means the writer thinks white Christians no longer being a majority is killing America.

            This is common sense and basic reading comprehension.

            You’ve had several replies to explain why I should abandon those skills and see Coulter’s tweet as saying something other than what it plainly says. You don’t want to acknowledge what’s written in black and white because you like Coulter and think she’s incapable of saying anything racist. She’s not a “bad guy,” and racists are “bad guys,” ip so facto, anything she says can be justified. It’s a childlike mindset. I’ve shown you her support for racist groups, history of racial slurs and her hysteria over losing white majority status before, and still you can’t see it. Your bias is clouding your reading comprehension and your judgment. I’ve laid out an already clear statement as clearly as I can; there’s nothing left to be said, other than I hope some day you stop choosing to deny things so blatantly obvious; its undignified and embarrassing.

  28. dewey says:

    Tina no one will argue about our Gov and military complex being corrupt. But your “radial Left” stuff is absurd. Bottom line the corruption comes from all sides.

    Jeez your favorite candidate is hanging out with a preacher who actually says all gays should be rounded up and executed. Gathering those voters. Wack a doodle politics per Rafael Cruz!

    One can not come close to caring about American Values with all this crap coming from the Top GOP candidates. Bigotry, Racism, Hitler Playbook, Violence.

    The right is not some righteous party while the Left are evil Marxist communist devils.

    The problem is the shadow Gov, The Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned us about, The secret societies JFK warned us about. The Citizens United decision putting America up for sale.

    You sit here and blindly attack the left as the whole problem while ignoring the fascist things being proposed by GOP candidates?

    Round up the Muslims and make them wear a patch? Interment camps? Border walls to keep us in? Take away more freedoms? Execute all gays, the list goes on and on and this is somehow the real America? We have a bigger problem when this sort of talk by any party’s Presidential candidates is acceptable.

    Why do you ignore these things?

    It is time to hold all politicians accountable regardless of Party affiliation. It is time to dump these corrupt parties. Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. Also we are not a country ruled by one religion

  29. Tina says:

    As I have written many times people are corrupt. Your paranoia about the entire government and “military complex” being corrupt is nuts. No doubt corruption goes on that needs to be weeded out and prosecuted when necessary. A much smaller federal government would help enormously!

    For a man worried about corruption you sure are quick to post a lot of propaganda items to our blog. The one about Rafael Cruz is a fabrication tacked on to an opinion Mr Cruz does hold.


    Origins: On 14 November 2013, the site Newslo published an article titled “Ted Cruz’s Father Suggests Placing Atheists in ‘Camps.'” The site claimed to present “hybrid” content involving real and satirical (or fake) news stories, but it differed from similar sites in its style of presentation.

    Buttons at the top of Newslo pages offered readers the ability to “show facts” or “hide facts,” and selecting the former altered the text presented to highlight the factual basis of the story in yellow. The unhighlighted portions were tacked on as an embellishment (underlined below):

    Rafael Cruz, father of Texas Senator and Tea-Party favorite Ted Cruz, spoke recently against atheism and secular humanism at a gathering of an Oklahoma Second Amendment advocacy group. He claimed that the belief systems are two of the main ills facing our society, that they lead to sexual perversion, sexual abuse, and the complete loss of hope, and that people following these two views should be rounded up and placed in special ‘camps’ to keep them separated from the rest of America.

    “If there is no God, then we are ruled by our instincts,” he said. “Of course, this leads us, when there are no moral absolutes, leads us to sexual immorality, leads us to sexual abuse, leads us to perversion and, of course, no hope. No hope!”

    As the site noted, some elements of the article were factual. Rafael Cruz spoke in November 2013 and decried secular morality, but he did not suggest atheists be rounded up into camps of any description. The gist of the article is fiction, as indicated by Newslo’s disclaimer:

    Newslo is the first hybrid News/Satire platform on the web. Readers come to us for a unique brand of entertainment and information that is enhanced by features like our fact-button, which allows readers to find what is fact and what is satire.

    By the way Snopes also deems your Anne Frank refugee story “False” on the same page.

    “The right is not some righteous party while the Left are evil Marxist communist devils.”

    What’s the matter Dewey, did I push your so-called “independent” buttons?

    It doesn’t take much to determine the platforms, goals and ideals of each party to determine which party is currently more aligned with the tenets of freedom, individual rights, adherence to the law, and justice.

    It doesn’t take much to determine that the current administration and Democrat Party leadership is more aligned with the tenets of Marxism, fascism, and socialism: Redistribution, taking from the rich to spread the wealth around; special interest group influences; control over business (Obamacare – thousands of pages of complex regulations); takeover of business (student loan program); ignoring current law (border issues, non-prosecution of blacks).

    If you can’t see it perhaps you need to brush up on the Constitution.

    “…while ignoring the fascist things being proposed by GOP candidates? Round up the Muslims and make them wear a patch? Interment camps? Border walls to keep us in? Take away more freedoms? Execute all gays, the list goes on and on…”

    Yes Dewey it “goes on and on” in your feeble brain! It seems you can’t tell the difference between identification for anyone living in our country and “wearing a patch”? Your claims are all left wing spin…complete BS designed to control YOU!

    “Also we are not a country ruled by one religion”

    Nobody has ever suggested we are “ruled” (A strange choice of words) by one religion. In addition, Christian’s who designed the Constitution put it right there in the Constitution so there would be no doubt! You’re spouting BS again!

    I’ve asked you to offer solutions to the things you gripe continuously about and all I get is crickets. How do you propose “dumping” the parties, for instance?

    Rafael Cruz knows what needs to happen, expressed from his Christian and life experiences. Morality has been dumped and it needs to be restored. You can’t fight corruption with corrupt ideas or constant griping.

    So what do YOU propose?

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