Some Humorous Gaffes by Barack Obama

Posted by Jack

“You know I taught constitutional law for 10 years, I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we’re facing right now had to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America.” Speech 2008 One word…….. HA!

“What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith…” — Obama on ABC’s This Week. 2008
“When I meet with world leaders, what’s striking — whether it’s in Europe or here in Asia…” Referring to Hawaii as Asia while holding a press conference outside Honolulu, Nov. 16, 2011

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad.” —Cincinnati, OH, Sept. 22, 2011 We have a railroad that runs under ocean?

“The reforms we seek would bring greater choice, savings and inefficiencies to our healthcare system.” Washington, DC July 20th, 2009 Well, he got one out of three right.

“My friends we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join with me as we try to change it.” Date unknown. If its not broke why fix it?

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7 Responses to Some Humorous Gaffes by Barack Obama

  1. Dewey says:

    That’s an Establishment Politician for ya! All Modern Presidents have lied by the way.

    Got some GW ones for ya!

    “My plan unlocks the door to the middle class of millions of hard-working Americans.”

    “Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

    “We found the weapons of mass destruction.”

    “It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House.”

    That is why we need to boot all establishment candidates from both parties out of the way of true democracy.

  2. Chris says:

    The first quote is more of a broken promise (or intentional lie) than a gaffe. Obama has continued Bush’s expansion of federal power, at times in defiance of the Constitution.

    The last quote is fake:

    The middle ones are pretty dumb gaffes, though.

  3. Tina says:

    Jack he’s uttered some doozies. Of course no one has bothered to make him seem like a dunce because of it.

    One of the best was early on in his campaign, ““I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?”

    Another is indicative of his own biases:

    “The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, you know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred in our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that’s just the nature of race in our society.”

    It sure is! But it isn’t exclusive to whites. In a rare moment of pure honesty, Jesse Jackson admitted when he was out after dark and heard footsteps behind him he hoped it wasn’t a black man. That was when muggings were all the rage.

  4. Harold says:

    From Special Olympics remarks on bowling to Obama’s Nancy Reagan séance gaffe, and more not listed here, Obama has consistently made remarks he later has to deny, defend or distance himself from.

    But give the man a break, its not easy traveling to 57 of the 58 States in America.

  5. J. Soden says:

    Only person with more gaffes is Bumbling Biden.
    Haven’t found an app to keep track of Obumble’s lies yet. Too many to count, perhaps?????

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