It’s Not Called Finders Keepers Losers Weepers – Its Called Theft!

by Jack

I’m sitting in Burger King around 3:30 PM today and my attention is drawn to a Hispanic man in his late 70’s, “Hey! Hey! Usted llever (you take) —- —- in Spanish. He was addressing a female companion around his age and she’s about 15 feet away so I guess he was being loud so she could hear him? Anyway, she walks to a table behind her and retrieves a zippered purse laying there in plain view.

At first I just thought it was hers and he was yelling at her because she was forgetting it. But, something struck me odd about the way she walked out with it, sort of holding it up near her chest, but not putting it away. They both walk the door together and drove off.

Not 5 minutes later a young Black girl about 12 years old, walks quickly inside and starts looking around the tables in the same area I saw the purse. I asked her, “Did you lose something?” She says yes and she’s looking for her purse…turns out its one that looks exactly like the one the Hispanic couple took off with. These nice looking old people just ripped off that little girls purse! Now, maybe in their culture, “It’s finders – keepers,” but in America you don’t take what does not belong to you…period. The right thing to do would have been to tell the manager and let him deal with it or call the police, but you don’t walk out with it.

I would love to see the Chico Police Department do a few sting operations around town, maybe similar to the situation above. During the Christmas season thefts are out of sight! So, take a hint from this story. Be careful this is the stealing season – don’t be a victim.

Appropriation of Lost Property is a crime and its defined under California Penal Code section 485 PC. This law prohibits you keeping property that you find when there are clues to identifying its true owner. You are not required to go to extremes to identify and contact the owner. But the law says you must make a reasonable attempt to do so.

Years back my daughter returned a bank bag with thousands of dollars and checks in it. It was the day’s receipts from a local pizza place. My son has returned several purses ladies were leaving behind. Yeah, I’m proud of them.

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24 Responses to It’s Not Called Finders Keepers Losers Weepers – Its Called Theft!

  1. Harold says:

    We too have found wallets and such, including two from Chico’s past city counsel members.

    Interesting side bar on this, without going into detail, we always ask some questions that are polite and simple to answer by the way, they were just intended to make sure we returned the wallets to the correct owners . Anyway one of the lost wallets belonged to a liberal counsel member, she was asked to verify the wallet was hers with more than a snippy “Don’t you know who I am” (just proves some people just arn’t happy even if you hang em with a new rope)
    The other person, more conservative was happy to provide information so allowing us to know the rightful owner was then regaining possession. In any case the wallets and their contents were reunited with their errant owners.

    But this isn’t why I responded to Jack’s Post, I responded because there is a disease coursing through the veins of society today and it is the PC infection, something that seems to cause numbness of thinking.

    Considering Jacks honest acknowledgement about sensing something but not injecting himself in the situation is helpful to awaken us all to be more proactive these days. It is also sadly telling of the how the average untrained individual dismisses things they observe and fail to report things out of the norm.

    Given Jack’s back ground, and knowing he is aware of his surroundings and tries to be vigilant, I have to applaud him for posting this, I know he thinks he could have made a difference in this outcome.

    The most recent incident of mass murders is now being highlighted the actions neighbors noticed (as claimed so far and not confirmed) about the comings and goings of the Islamic couple in San Bernardino who murdered 14. So why was it not reported?, because it better to be PC correct than report oddities? BS!

    To a person, those who are saying “they thought things seemed strange” but did nothing allowed that PC gene implanted in us by liberalism to rule their mind and not report anything to authorities.

    There is a immediate cure for this crippling condition and its called” get involved”, and today there are 14 dead and more wounded because of this aliment called PC.

    I would rather have had to apologize to someone because I was wrong , then have to live with the fact I could have been the one to prevent another murder spree.

    Hopefully not , but if it’s your turn, you have to be prepared to make a preventative decision about observances , and do so without the infectious FEAR of the PC affliction.

    Today, NOW more than ever we need to err on the side of caution, which in my thinking is the right thing to do, because these days Obama, and Government in general has caused us all to be at risk, any time, anywhere, even in your neighborhood.

    The sky is not falling folks, but that is a low hanging branch right in front of you!

  2. Libby says:

    And we all would have taken it as your sad dismay over moral decay if you could just have left off the races. But you cannot do it. You truly can not.

    P.S.: Yes, this is politically incorrect … also morally reprehensible.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Sheesh! Tell me Libby, how many times a day do people who have to put up with you on a daily basis tell you to go soak your head?

    • Chris says:

      Meh, I disagree that simply mentioning the race of someone as a descriptor is racist or “morally reprehensible.” There have definitely been times here that I’ve felt racist things were said, but this isn’t one of them IMO.

  3. Tina says:

    Libby, you will grasp at any straw to spew that heinous vitriol.

    No, it’s not PC, but it is the filth of Alinsky’s rule #5. Trouble is you’ve finally bumped into rule #7. Your tactic is a drag; you’ve been found out.

  4. Peggy says:

    Related: Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Stealing America’ is an interesting read tying street crime to theft by our gov’t. The similarities are astounding by creating an atmosphere of fear to force compliance and non resistance. I’m only a couple of chapters in to the book, but recommend it to everyone of both parties.

    Exclusive Excerpt:

    Editor’s Note: The following is part 1 of 3 exclusive Breitbart News excerpts from bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party.

  5. Libby says:

    Chris, what point was there to putting it in? Thievery is endemic in the species. To state the race of any particular practitioner serves what purpose?

    The time has come to start calling them on this c&@p.

    You know, it is Jack, Tina, Peggy, Harold, et al., what are the problem. The Donald is merely symptomatic.

  6. Tina says:

    I’m sure if any of the people involved in Jacks story were white he’d have said so. He’s an ex-cop; he’s used to identifying people with precision. Libby’s comment is ridiculous.

    “Hating” is a failing that is not exclusive to any group or race but the left has no trouble hatefully targeting Christians and right-winger’s when describing events, sometimes when they have nothing to do with the event.

    Libby loves to pretend she’s different (superior) when she is just a petty person looking for any excuse to accuse.

    • Post Scripts says:

      I used racial descriptions to help those involved know I saw what happened, it was unusual that the suspects were Hispanic and the victim was Black and its also how I did all my police reports. Got a problem with that, file it under “I don’t care.”

  7. Janet says:

    We are so lucky to have Mexico on our border and not Great Britain. Think how bad that would be? All those thieving, trouble making Brits on the border. Course we have those terrible Canadian people with all their bad habits. Look at how many Canadian-males fill up our prisons! Oh, and look at the Canadian ghetto housing projects in our inner city! Dang those Canadians, bunch of welfare abusers. They are so violent and do so much crime here. Canadian punk gangsters and drug runners are the worst. But, we got Mexico to help us like they did in WWI and WWII. Aren’t you glad? They are our true friends through thick and thin. Thick anyway.


    • Chris says:

      See, Libby? THIS is unambiguous racism, and the kind of thing that deserves to be called out.

      • Libby says:

        I have to say, Chris, you and the rest of the folk are still missing the point. Consider that I’m reasonably certain that a Hispanic maid at a Motel 6 recently swiped my watch. She did this in all probability because she, herself, is morally bereft … and because she is very poorly paid. Her racial origins are entirely beside the the point, and to mention them, thereby inferring that they are, is racist.

        • Chris says:

          I don’t think mentioning her race does imply that her racial origins are the cause or even a factor in the theft, any more than mentioning the race of the victim implies that the reason she was stolen from is because she was black.

          Now, Jack has said things before that I have found racist. But I don’t see it in this case.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Evidently, for some on the extreme left, mentioning race in connection with crime — victim or perpetrator — is taboo.


    A Stupid beyond belief.

  9. Dewey says:

    Canadians? Brits? Mexicans? OMG that was horrible janet.

    Banks who Steal from the people are smart and rich, Citizen robs a bank they are a criminal.

    Leave a man to his own devices he will rob the till and xxxxxxx your wife.

    • Peggy says:

      Don’t forget Obama helped those banks with his bailout just like he did with the auto workers’ unions. It was the “little” people and small business owners who really got hurt the worst while the big buck CEOs went home with their pockets full of cash.

  10. Libby says:

    But Janet … Your litany of Mexican offenses is mythological … and racist.

  11. Tina says:

    Dewey doesn’t do droll.

    Banks who rob from people? Banks are inanimate objects.

    But if you want information about how we got into the banking mess you might look at Bill (And Hillary’s) relationship with bankers.

    Here’s what Bill Clinton said would happen when he signed legislation that repealed Glass-Steagall in November, 1999:

    “You heard Senator Gramm characterize this bill as a victory for freedom and free markets. And Congressman LaFalce characterized this bill as a victory for consumer protection. And both of them are right…

    “It is true that the Glass-Steagall law is no longer appropriate for the economy in which we live…And today what we are doing is modernizing the financial services industry, tearing down these antiquated laws and granting banks significant new authority. This will, first of all, save consumers billions of dollars a year through enhanced competition. It will also protect the rights of consumers. It will guarantee that our financial system will continue to meet the needs of underserved communities…

    “This is a very good day for the United States. Again, I thank all of you for making sure that we have done right by the American people and that we have increased the chances of making the next century an American century…the future of our children will be very bright, indeed.”

    Instead we got the financial crisis. President Bill Clinton was wrong on every point. He wasn’t alone, some republicans thought it was a good idea as well. The repeal legislation set up conditions that echoed the crash of 1929. Between that and his expansion of Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act bankers and Wall Street securities firms made out like bandits for a time. A lot of Americans were hurt.

    These are examples of stupid regulations. It’s one thing for the fat cats to risk their money it’s quite another for government to interfere so that the small fry’s money and investments are put at risk. Bankers were not prosecuted because they were operating under the stupid regulations set forth by government…they broke no laws.

    “Leave a man to his own devices he will rob the till and xxxxxxx your wife.”

    We can’t trust anyone but you and old Bernie, eh Dewey. Ya little commie!

  12. Dewey says:

    We can’t trust anyone but you and old Bernie, eh Dewey. Ya little commie!

    That is so 1950’s, Turner diaries but says it all. So tell me is equal rights for Black people a commie plot to destroy democracy too?

    The Bankers have rigged the game. The fed is controlled by the banking Oligarchy. It really does not matter who is President from either party.

    Regulations can be wrong and those can be eliminated. No regulation? Reagan promised it would increase the competition. Well what we have is Monopolies.

    They write the laws and control everything where’s that increased competition Reagan promised?

    Conservative policies have failed and destroyed America. The Clinton’s are moderate conservatives as well. Hilliary was a Goldwater girl!

    All the hate coming from this so called tea party is more and more like WW2 Germany

    The USA Gov is not a business nor should we be controlled by it. What do we produce anymore? Part of the plan was to get rid of the middle class in America. Mission accomplished.

    You are so into this Left , Right crap, Both the DNC and The RNC are controlled by the Oligarchy. They can both Bite Me.

    You follow the propaganda like a true sheeple. You still do not realize who created ISIS and who feeds them.

    Ya know who is buying their oil even? You know about the private Contractor mercenary companies they hired to arm them and start up all this? It’s all there to see but you will not find it on Faux news or any Corporate media. You think Fox is an American station? LOL

    In the end if people do not follow the fascist leaders they are commies right? So 1950’s and quite the laugh

    But then again the fascist agenda and plan outline was written in 1970. Here’s a copy a gift you will certainly cherish. free market system = Fascism Powell Memo.pdf

    Yes I support Sanders as the only candidate running without the superpac donor money and against a Media Blackout. You got a problem with that? many Many Americans are supporting Bernie but ya will not see it on the fascist owned News media They prefer their boy T-Rump a true fascist

  13. Dewey says:

    Whoops link broke up. Here is a doc you will support but do not tell me it was not all planned this is from 1970 Powell Memo.pdf

    You can not cover up the failure of the GW Bush Admin either own it

    • Tina says:

      Both links are “broke.”

      “I support Sanders as the only candidate running without the superpac donor money”

      Bologna. Bernies supporters have plenty of money and run in superpacs.

      Most of the candidates have been “blacked out” in the media. it’s because they are not gaining in traction. Bernie is winning in Vermont…they reported that.

      Bernie is a hard core socialist of the fascist/Marxist variety, evidenced by his support from such groups. If you hate big money running government you’re a fool to think Bernie is the answer. The big money has already left the country…a 90% tax won’t stop that flow away from Bernie’s TAX MAN:

      Let me tell you how it will be
      There’s one for you, nineteen for me
      Cos I’m the taxman – yeah, I’m the taxman

      Should five percent appear too small
      Be thankful I don’t take it all
      Cos I’m the taxman – yeah, I’m the taxman

      If you drive a car I’ll tax the street
      If you try to sit I’ll tax your seat
      If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat
      If you take a walk I’ll tax your feet

      Given the current state of our economy we’d be Venezuela in a year.

  14. Tina says:

    “is equal rights for Black people a commie plot to destroy democracy too?”

    I’m in favor of equal rights for all.

    “The Bankers have rigged the game.”

    The government gave them whatever powers and advantage they have. Quit your bitchin’ and take it yup with the only body wot the power to change regulations and law.

    “No regulation? Reagan promised it would increase the competition. Well what we have is Monopolies. ”

    For a person who claims to be an independent thinker you sure did drink the radical lefts lies about Reagan and the Reagan years.

    Reagan did NOT stand for “no regulation.” Reagan sought simplification and elimination of stupid regulation. It did increase competition and new businesses were launched, particularly by in the poor and middle classes. Reagan’s policies saved America from the failures of the Carter years that brought us high inflation and an economy stuck in the mud. Yes the rich got richer under Reagan’s policies, they always do…but the poor and the middle class increased in wealth and prosperity too. Our economy soared.

    Under the progressive policies and regulations of Barack Obama our economy is again stuck in the mud, we have a lousy job market, the middle class is falling into poverty…and there have been mergers and acquisitions galore…and that, my friend, is creating monopolies. Progressive banking regulations (Dodd/Frank) has destroyed the little banks and progressive policies, like the ACA, have created insurance monopolies.

    You have it exactly backwards.

    “The USA Gov is not a business nor should we be controlled by it ”

    The USA government should not control business or the people either to the degree progressives want. You live on the side of control freaks Dewey…pull your head out. Businesses monetarily support and lobby both democrats and republicans BECAUSE they both have the power to make laws that harm business.

    A much smaller federal government is the answer. Power vested in the people is the answer. Power returned to the individual states and the people is constitutionally advised for the sake of liberty.

    Gotta go.

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