Cruz and Hillary Take Iowa

Posted by Tina

The polls were wrong, the races were tight, Cruz surprised, and Hillary won by a coin toss. Big surprise of the night? Trump took second gracefully. I’m thrilled at the Cruz win and happy with Sanders’ strong showing. It’s on to New Hampshire. I have an appointment to get to this morning so I’ll let you guys fill in the blanks.

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7 Responses to Cruz and Hillary Take Iowa

  1. J. Soden says:

    6 different coin tosses and $hrilLIARy won them all????? And what are the odds of that????????
    I smell a rat!

  2. Libby says:

    Are you never going to cease lapping mis-information up off the floor?

    I despair of you. Truly, I do.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Poor Libby, off her meds and drunk again.

    It didn’t take Hillary-serfs long to get entangled in voter fraud. HAH! Sanders is none to happy with the dirty tricks. Here is a link to a Google news search, read the reports for yourself.…0.0…1ac.2.mwbbzUpAWL0&gws_rd=ssl

    • J. Soden says:

      This subject is covered in Chapter 9 of the Demwit Get-Elected-At-All-Costs Handbook. Chapters 1-8 all deal with voter fraud . . . . .
      Get your copy today by dialing 1-888-666-LIAR. And if you call right now, we’ll include a signed copy of Obumblecare for your reading enjoyment!

  4. Tina says:

    Pie I hadn’t heard that: “According to reports, the Bernie Sanders campaign was informed by the Iowa Democratic Party that results from 90 precincts were missing.”

    No wonder Bernie is upset. Somehow Hillary wins six of six in the coin toss and 90 precincts were missing in the results?

    Reminds me a Hillary’s futures miracle:

    Under the guidance of an attorney representing Tyson Foods, Hillary Clinton made a $98,540 profit from a $1,000 initial investment in less than one year trading commodity futures. While $98,540 may not seem like much money relative to the Clinton family’s wealth today, it exceeded Bill and Hillary’s combined annual income at the time.

    When this story was revealed in the spring of 1994, Hillary Clinton’s press secretary suggested that the enormous profit was the result of the First Lady’s own research — but the Tyson-linked attorney, James Blair, admitted that he advised Clinton when to buy and sell the futures. Further, there was no evidence that Clinton had previously traded in commodity futures or knew much about the market.

    Careful readers at the time also learned that Clinton’s initial trading also had a serious irregularity. Unlike stock investments, commodity futures are almost always purchased with high levels of margin, meaning that the investor is using a substantial proportion of money borrowed from the broker to control positions. Exchanges and regulators typically require investors to keep a minimum amount of cash in their futures accounts to avoid getting into a negative position if futures prices move in the wrong direction. In Hillary Clinton’s case, her $1,000 initial investment was well below the $12,000 deposit required by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for the first trades she executed. So not only did Hillary make an extraordinary profit for a novice investor, she did so without following the rules applied to less well-connected traders.

    Hillary Clinton should never be president.

    Personal note, glad to see you’re posting again.

    • Peggy says:

      Remember all of the voter fraud going on during the Obama v. Hillary 2008 primary and the documentary, “We Will Not Be Silenced?” Looks like Hillary learned her lesson well and is doing to Bernie what Obama did to her.

      ‘We Will Not Be Silenced’: Democrats Produce Documentary Alleging Rampant Vote Fraud by Obama Campaign vs. Hillary in 2008 Primaries:

      “Referring to the controversial 2008 Democrat presidential primary, Carolyn Tackett asks, “Was Barack Obama selected rather than elected?.”

      Fox & Friends had an explosive interview with Gigi Gaston, a writer/director who has made a documentary outlining the rampant voter fraud perpetrated by the Obama campaign during the 2008 primaries against Hillary Clinton. Gaston is a lifelong Democrat whose grandfather was a Democratic governor of Massachusetts…

      Gaston is not some partisan hack but someone who cares deeply about the election process and democracy. Gaston presents compelling evidence in We Will Not Be Silenced that Barack Obama was selected by the DNC, not elected by the people.”

  5. dewster says:

    Yes as usual there were many things to scrutinize. I am not sure if anything happened on GOP side but it was not real smooth on the dem side. C-span had a look inside the Rep side who caucus’s differently than The Dem Side. C-span2 covered them. I hope you all watched a bit from both sides.

    The coin toss was not cool. I am not sure if that is or should be legal.

    Last IA caucus season the GOP cheated. They changed the numbers. Wolf Blitzer busted them live on air (CNN). Remember they had 3 different winners before they told the truth. Ron Paul won but lost the media push as Romney and Santorum each had a turn.

    Anybody see any funny biz n GOP side? Our system is one big corrupt power squeeze.

    What is funny is how Hilliary acts like she won IA when in fact it is a virtual tie with a coin toss giving her 1 more delegate. She took the victory as they were about 0.04% apart? These politicians have no humility.

    Cruz says he is not the establishment? He is actually part of the coup. He was involved in gov for years, bush v Gore, ect ect. He is not grass roots.

    They both are shady in my book.

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