Europeans Protest, Clash as Refugee Crisis Heats Up

Posted by Tina

A group calling itself, “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West,” or PEGIDA, planned and staged protests in England over the weekend after coordinating with police. The group promised a peaceful, silent protest claiming their purpose as representing, “the way the British people have been silenced and forbidden by political correctness from discussing critically important national issues like immigration and the rising influence of radical Islam.” Solihull Police Commander, Chief Superintendent Alex Murray acknowledged they had been coordinating and planning for months and said, “Our negotiations with Pegida representatives were positive and they stressed their intentions to express their views lawfully.”

Protesters carried signs reading: “Trump is Right,” “Protect Freedom Reject Hate,” “Rape Culture is Being Imported,” and, “Protect Our Children.” The group’s leader, Tommy Robison, promised there will be more protests in greater numbers, “By the end of this year, and I’m been quite serious, I want to see 100,000 decent people on the street”.

A statement on the Pegida UK website said the group was marching in Birmingham “to unite communities and tell them about our common threats – militant threats – militant Islam, sharia law and Islamic supremacism.”

One man was arrested during the protest for a “public order offence.”

Across Europe and in Australia protests were bigger and more confrontational with extreme elements from the left and the right taking part.

Full story available in the UK Sunday Express.

Next stop America?

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52 Responses to Europeans Protest, Clash as Refugee Crisis Heats Up

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    This is a big deal I do not wish to be visited here.

  2. Chris says:

    “Next stop America?”

    God, let’s hope not. PEGIDA is an extremist hate group, and its leader, Tommy Robinson, also formerly led the extremist hate group known as the English Defense League. Ironically, despite his insistence that immigrants–both legal and illegal–are ruining the West, he was arrested for illegally entering the U.S.

    These voices of hatred do nothing to help the cause of fighting radical Islam, but instead add to division and strife, and play right into the hands of groups like ISIS as they share their belief that Islam and the West are at war.

  3. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    This is all over FaceBook.

    Senior Senate Staffer Reveals the Marco Rubio Story You’ve Never Heard:

    “At that time, Miller served as the communications director for the man who organized opposition to the bill, Senator Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)


    . Miller recalled how throughout the Gang of Eight push, Sen. Rubio “directly deceived” immigration law enforcement and the American people.

    Miller recounted one story in particular about Rubio’s treatment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) union president Chris Crane, who represents thousands of ICE officers. At the time, Crane slammed Rubio for having “directly misled law enforcement.” In his Congressional testimony, Crane said, “Never before have I seen such contempt for law enforcement officers as what I’ve seen from the Gang of Eight.”

    For the first time ever, Stephen Miller explained exactly what Rubio did to Chris Crane and how he had deceived the nation’s ICE officers.

    During the Gang of Eight press conference to introduce the bill, Crane had attempted to ask a question. Miller explains that Rubio watched as Chuck Schumer repeatedly refused to allow Crane to ask his question, and Rubio eventually oversaw Crane being removed from the press conference by Capitol Hill security. Miller said that Rubio:”

    NY Times 2013

    Single-Minded Mission to Block an Immigration Bill:

    ““Americans should understand that this legislation only guarantees legal status for illegal aliens, including serious criminals,” Mr. Crane said. “It contains no promise of solving our nation’s immigration problems.”

    The Senate bill, having survived a barrage of hostile amendments in committee, is headed to the full Senate with momentum that has surprised even its supporters, driven by a coalition including Latinos, high-tech businesses, growers, labor federations and religious groups. It would create a 13-year path to citizenship for immigrants here illegally, strengthen border security and revamp legal immigration.

    Opponents, playing defense, increasingly argue that the bill is weak on enforcement and would allow a new wave of illegal immigration. Mr. Crane is the go-to guy to make that case.

    He says, in stark terms, that the Obama administration’s performance could not be worse.

    “Across the board, we’re not doing law enforcement work,” Mr. Crane said in a recent interview in Salt Lake City, where he is based. “It’s very disturbing as an employee in general to see the Department of Homeland Security lie to the American people day in and day out about who we’re arresting.”

    I wonder if Doug LaMalfa is going to still support Rubio for president.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Peggy is, as always, a wealth of information.

    • J. Soden says:

      If you really listen to any answer by Marco, he never really answers the question. He always slips into the same political speech #29 over and over and over again, which is a hallmark of anyone who has been elected to Clowngress.

      Marco lost me when he joined with the Demwits to write an amnesty bill. Should he become the nominee, I’ll have to hold my nose when voting, ’cause just about anything is better than another term of Obumblenomics from the Demwits.

  4. Tina says:

    Islam, in an extremist fundamentalist form calling itself ISIS, is seriously at war with Israel and the West. Apologists and appeasers who believe Muslims are too stupid to know that are a ridiculous and dangerous part of the problem…and the least seven years is a testament to the fact. Voices claiming widespread hatred of Muslims to smear political opponents and their supporters are creating unnecessary division and distracting from efforts to destroy this enemy that does harm to us all.

    Wikipedia has the full rundown on Tommy Robinson for anyone who cares to know his full background. He has been arrested and in trouble but he has also fought against extremist elements i the organizations he’s been involved in and has left when extremist neo-Nazi’s and communist elements were allowed to remain or took over:

    When Robinson was questioned by The Guardian newspaper about having in the past blamed “‘every single Muslim’ for ‘getting away’ with the 7 July bombings, and for calling Islam a fascist and violent religion, he held up his hands and said: ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry.'” Robinson also said that he would now give evidence to the police to help in their investigation of racists within the EDL.[57] Robinson added that “his future work would involve taking on radicalism on all fronts, although he could not support anti-fascist groups because they also subscribed to ‘communism’ or were ‘anarchists'”.[57]

    Robson is far from being a perfect human being. On the other hand, he is much less radical that our presidents friend Bill Ayers or more the covert and wealthy extremists like Mr. George Soros who spend their money to undermine and destroy sovereign nations and who abhors our Constitution and Bill of rights in favor of an elitist ruling class of an “open society”:

    Both the ACLU and HRW have long promoted one of the central contentions of Soros’s Open Society Institute: the notion that America is institutionally an oppressive nation and a habitual violator of human rights both at home and abroad—indeed, the very antithesis of the type of “open society” Soros reveres. Consider first the ACLU, whose advisory board once included the former Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn.36 The ACLU has opposed virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government, depicting those measures not only as excessively harsh and invasive generally, but also as discriminatory against Muslims in particular.37 Moreover, the organization has filed numerous lawsuits seeking to limit the government’s ability to locate, monitor, and apprehend terrorist operatives. It consistently depicts American society as one that is rife with intractable racial injustice. And it works tirelessly to protect illegal immigrants against “governmental abuse and discrimination.”38 These (and many other) ACLU activities and policy positions are entirely consistent with those of Aryeh Neier and George Soros, as evidenced by the fact that between 1999 and 2008, OSI awarded $8.69 million in grants to the ACLU Foundation.39

    Neier’s other training ground, Human Rights Watch, has a long history of pointing an accusatory finger at America’s allegedly numerous transgressions. Most notably, HRW has derided the U.S. war on terror as a foolhardy endeavor rooted in blindness to the realization that terrorism stems, in large measure, from America’s failure “to promote fundamental rights around the world.

    Talk about extremists! Talk about lies…and add narcissism!

    America has been a beacon for freedom in the world and a liberator of the oppressed. We are not perfect but we are a shining example of the basic ideals of our founders.

  5. Chris says:

    “Islam, in an extremist fundamentalist form calling itself ISIS, is seriously at war with Israel and the West.”

    Tina, this sentence literally doesn’t make sense. It’s like if I said, “Conservatism, in the form of Tina Grazier and Jack Lee, runs a blog called Post Scripts.” Except that, in addition to being just as meaningless, your sentence also serves to condemn an entire religion (it doesn’t matter that you specified ISIS AFTER making a gross generalization about “Islam;” that’s just you trying to have your cake and eat it too) and be completely counter-productive to the strategy of building relations with the wider Muslim community, a strategy that has been used by both the Obama and Bush administrations.

    You cannot say “Islam is at war with the West” and then pretend that widespread hatred and fear of Muslims isn’t a problem. It is a problem, and you are contributing to it.

    I showed you that anti-Muslim hate crimes are second only to anti-Jewish hate crimes when it comes to religion. You had no reaction to that, and still you insist that Islamophobia isn’t a problem. Why? I wouldn’t argue that anti-Semitism isn’t a problem, because that flies directly in the face of the facts. But that doesn’t seem to bother you.

    • Tina says:

      Chris: “…this sentence literally doesn’t make sense. It’s like if I said, ‘Conservatism, in the form of Tina Grazier and Jack Lee, runs a blog called Post Scripts.’”

      I think if Tina and Jack were recruiting fighters, blowing people up, beheading people, setting people on fire, shooting people and putting them in mass graves the left media, and YOU would indeed identify us as conservatives and have no problem at all condemning us roundly!

      Your blind politically correct need to run cover for the Islamist extremists is not helping. Electing someone like Obama has made sure this radical extremist group of Muslims is empowered to grow and spread like wildfire. His and your false portrayal of anyone who points out the facts of this rise in power or the danger it poses as being against all Muslims is a completely false, politically designed, deceitful narrative.

      Obama has destroyed relations with the moderate Muslim community. His “strategy of building relations with the wider Muslim community,” is a strategy that has empowered the extremist Muslim community! The evidence is right before eyes in the form of the JV team not being JV and over Obama’s term spreading, growing in strength, and creating mayhem across the world! The refugee situation is a disaster. and you and the left media act like nothing is happening.

      The left media is a disgrace and you…there is no accounting for you. Open your da*n eyes and allow your brain to work outside that box that says everything is about discrimination. YES, Chris there is a threat. It is real. It is dangerous. And it is made up of murdering fundamentalist Islamist who use the Koran both as an excuse and as a guidebook for doing what they do. There are no Hindu’s, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, or Wiccans in their midst! The group is not made up of union members, Masons, or Elks. They also do not represent moderate Muslims but that does not mean they are not dedicated followers of Islam as they understand it.

      “You cannot say “Islam is at war with the West” and then pretend that widespread hatred and fear of Muslims isn’t a problem.”

      Idiot! I did not say Islam is at war with the West. had I meant to say that I would have left out that portion of the sentence, “in the form of…”

      Changing the meaning of the sentence in this way is an attempt at willful deceit. It shows you don’t care about communication or truth but only the leftist political cause of the day.

      “I showed you that anti-Muslim hate crimes are second only to anti-Jewish hate crimes when it comes to religion.”

      I do not deny crimes aimed at Muslims are up. I deny that they represent widespread Islamaphobia. I deny that it is a result of people accurately describing the enemy. I assert that most of it is a result of the rise and spread of ISIS, the successful attacks, negotiating with supporters of terrorism, the ignorance and failure of leadership in America and the chaos that has ensued.

      “I wouldn’t argue that anti-Semitism isn’t a problem”

      The question is would you argue that it is widespread?

  6. Harold says:

    Tina writes”Islam, in an extremist fundamentalist form calling itself ISIS, is seriously at war with Israel and the West. Apologists and appeasers who believe Muslims are too stupid to know that are a ridiculous and dangerous part of the problem…”

    Excellent comment, and we need to hear more of this so that a better understanding between extremist Islamic jihadist verse the peaceful Muslims in any country can be identified. especially from with in those peaceful sects of Muslims.

    Also America could do with less of the PC spin that portrays anyone remotely aware of this problem as Islamophobia.

    • Chris says:

      Harold, do you really believe liberals aren’t “remotely aware of the problem” posed by ISIS and other radical Islam groups?

    • Tina says:

      Harold I agree. The problem with lefties today is that they purposely muddy and embellish the language to drive their political agenda. Chris seems to be a stooge of the radical left and apparently doesn’t even know it. I’m writing this after reading Chris’s question to you. Liberals like Chris are not remotely aware of what it takes to defeat a group like ISIS. They are not remotely aware of how appeasing methods empower dangerous people. They are not remotely aware of the damage they do while attempting to be inclusive. They have not noticed that it is under the leadership of a so-called “nice” president that this uptick in violence against Muslims and the expansion and growth of terrorism has occurred.

      This is what we get to deal with and it’s a huge widespread problem.

      Bush managed to wage the war, keep us safe, greatly decimate the enemy, and also make the distinction between moderates and extremists. He successfully worked with our Muslims allies in the Middle East. Today they do not trust Obama and Obama has only managed to “include” dangerous groups and regimes…while they laugh at his ignorance!

      The world needs a strong leader in America. The appeasing apologists is getting people killed, displaced, and extremely worried about what the future holds. The appeasing apologist is doing nothing to advance good relations between people and a lot to create division!

      • Harold says:

        Tina your comment about “I’m writing this after reading Chris’s question to you” My reply to you would be, Chris doesn’t ask questions he baits, That is why he has to resort to foul language and berating people, just to get the replies and attention he needs.
        The rest of us post our opinions, sometimes we are misled by the media or even posts by fools wasting everyone time.

        Chris’s claims seldom if ever hold up well under your scrutiny , and for the majority of yours and his point /counter points discussions, his arguement is either rebuffed by you or he moves on to the next opportunity to belittle someone.

    • Tina says:

      I just read a piece in Investors Business Daily that takes on the Presidents speech at the mosque. According to Paul Sperry the 5000 word, 48 minute speech contained, “20 flagrant falsehoods.” Example:

      OBAMA: “Benjamin Franklin wrote that ‘even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach to us, he would find a pulpit at his service.’ “

      FACT: Franklin was referring to a Philadelphia meeting hall being so secular in design it could accommodate any sect. Taking the quote out of context, Obama made it sound as if another founding father were eagerly embracing Islam.

      OBAMA: “By the way, Thomas Jefferson’s opponents tried to stir things up by suggesting he was a Muslim — so I was not the first. No, it’s true, it’s true. Look it up. I’m in good company.”

      FACT: Jefferson was accused of being an atheist, not a Muslim. Obama’s source is a Muslim apologist from the University of Texas who got the history wrong. She also claims Jefferson held the first “Iftar” dinner for Muslims in the White House, when in fact he merely hosted a Tunisian official for the sole purpose of negotiating the release of an American ship his Muslim pirates were holding captive.

  7. Libby says:

    No, you are branded an islamophobe when you advocate curtailing all Muslim immigration.

    • Tina says:

      Oh come on Libby, that brand was invented long before the current refugee crisis became a news story. It was invented during the Bush administration. this is the kind of crap (Alinsky) your side pulls. If the right were similarly disposed you would be continually “branded” as aiders, abettors, or traitors. Instead it’s realized that you are simply a bunch of ideologically warped, foolish Americans who become pawns in the enemies game.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Libby’s brand is stupidliberal.

  8. Libby says:

    Never mind the name calling … is that, or is that not, your position?

    Did not the Trumpster propose such a thing, and do you not approve?

    That would make you irrationally fearful of a religion, Islam, and to act on that fear makes you, not only phobic, but un-American. IMHO.

  9. Tina says:

    Yes I approve Libby of a TEMPORARY HOLD, on Muslim immigration until we have a chance to figure out what’s going on. In fact I’d prefer a halt on all immigration temporarily just like we’ve done before in our history.

    And no, it does not make anyone “fearful of religion.” It makes them sensible rather than at the effect of irrational politically correct racial/religious appeasement or pandering. The threat from radical Muslim terrorists falls on the heads of people of all races and religions…that should be OBVIOUS!

    It’s time we took this problem seriously, Libby. The approach your side has taken has been a global disaster.

    Only to left is it not. Which is interesting because your ltist efposition, Libby, requires that you make irrational, fearful judgements about others…a kind of conservaphobia, if you will. It’s un-American to malign those whose objective is the safety and well being of all Americans.

    • Chris says:

      “I approve Libby of a TEMPORARY HOLD, on Muslim immigration until we have a chance to figure out what’s going on.”

      Utterly meaningless. “Figure out what’s going on?” I thought you knew exactly what was going on, and it’s all us liberals who just won’t admit that ISIS even exists?

      • Tina says:

        Good one Chris…really smug and snarly. Learn that in college?

        Tell me, do you sense that the world is in chaos, that borders have been compromised across the world, that terror groups are growing and spreading their reach, that economies are failing? If not then you are living in dreamland and are about to be blindsided. We will be a blessed nation (world) indeed if we get through 2016 without experiencing major horrific events.

        Is it too much to ask that you take this seriously?

  10. Chris says:

    Don’t forget, Libby, that Jack and Tina also think we should abandon that whole religious freedom thing and ban Muslims from entering the military and Congress.

    But of course, they’ve “never” generalized all Muslims (except to say that all Muslims should be treated as too dangerous to serve our country) and if you call them bigots, you’re just the really real bigotier bigot TIMES INFINITY!

  11. Tina says:

    Another childish retort from the kid who refuses to communicate.

    At the PS link you provided Jack attempted several times to engage with you about the possible security threat posed by Muslims serving in the military and our government. You refused to have that discussion and instead resorted to accusations that race or bigotry was the motivation for his proposal. You may not like his suggestion but you could at least attempt to acknowledge the problem we face and approach it as a serious and difficult situation. This enemy does not wear uniforms and face us on a field of battle as in wars of the past. Instead they blend in throughout our society, intending to infiltrate into all areas: business, government, education, and the law. The grenade attack in Iraq at the start of the war – Maj Hasan – San Bernardino – Boston – 911. These were all surprise violent and deadly attacks. But there are other concerns to be faced because there are those driven by a much more covert plan of attack. Andrew McCarthy points to the attitude of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan as an example:

    Waxing metaphoric about his aggressive, ascendant ideology, he has also observed:

    The mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the cupolas our helmets, and the faithful our soldiers.

    But he is inspired to new heights of fury by the admonition that Muslims living in Europe and North America should assimilate into Western societies. He first called that suggestion a “crime against humanity” in 2008, speaking to a throng of Turkish immigrants in Cologne. It was the obligation of Muslims, he elaborated, to cling to the tenets and culture of Islam. Yes, Muslims in places like Germany must integrate, in the sense of becoming politically active, of pressuring Western societies to give Islam a wide berth. But Muslims should never assimilate — they should use that wide berth to establish Islam’s authority.

    Two years later, given an opportunity to recant during a joint press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Erdogan doubled down:

    Assimilation … [is] the permutation of the values of humans. … [It puts] pressure on individuals to leave aside their customs and traditions, and such a behavior happens to be a crime against humanity.

    The message could not have been clearer: Muslims are in the West to change the West, not to be changed by it.

    I’d ask you to read the entire article, as well as this one, from whence came the McCarthy link, in an attempt to spark a real conversation about the problems we face with these very committed ideologically driven monsters but I know you don’t care to look at it much less think about the difficulty this covert plan presents. As far as you’re concerned Islam is a religion of peace and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot. Well Islam is not just one thing and it’s followers are not all the same. It is not just a religion either, as has been pointed out to you many times. It is also political, legal, and authoritarian. You expect us to ignore both this fact and the fact that there are equally deadly radicals who are not content to assimilate but are driven to destroy our sovereignty and our notions of freedom and equality and place us under the authority of the radical Islam of Erdogan’s dreams.

    I will not engage you in discussions of bigotry as you have shown little interest in discussing the very real, very serious nature of the threat we face. Children have the kind of blind trust that you display. They have an excuse because they are still innocent and sheltered from the realities of a harsh world. I expect more from a person that claims to have grown to adulthood.

  12. Chris says:

    Tina: “At the PS link you provided Jack attempted several times to engage with you about the possible security threat posed by Muslims serving in the military and our government.”

    …Without ever once providing a single shred of evidence of a possible security threat posed by Muslims serving in the military and our government.

    “You refused to have that discussion and instead resorted to accusations that race or bigotry was the motivation for his proposal.”

    Wrong. I asked Jack several times to back up his statements that radical Muslims had infiltrated our government and military–to such a degree that banning all Muslims was a fair and prudent choice–with some kind of evidence. Jack’s response was this:

    “Short of God, nobody in this world can answer what you pose.”

    In other words, he admitted he had no evidence to support his position, but then insisted that his position was right anyway and that to even ask for evidence was somehow ridiculous and unfair. That’s not “attempting to engage in a discussion.” That’s avoidance of same.

    So it was I who tried to engage in an actual discussion with Jack, by asking for evidence of his claims, and Jack who refused to engage in any honest or rational way by denying even the need for such evidence.

    Since Jack had no evidence that radical Muslims had infiltrated our government and military–and admitted he had no evidence–I had no choice but to conclude that his proposal to ban Muslims from the military and government office was bigoted. What other conclusion is there? He can’t point to any problems that would be solved by such a policy, or any legitimate threat to our nation caused by allowing Muslim politicians and service members. So yes, his policy was motivated by bigotry and religious bias, whether he is aware of that or not. And your agreement with his policy, when you were similarly unable to point to any real evidence that it would protect our country, is just as bigoted, whether you are aware of your own bigotry or not.

    “As far as you’re concerned Islam is a religion of peace and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot.”

    I have said before that “Islam is a religion of peace” is an essentially meaningless statement, and that it therefore shouldn’t be used. But I’ll give you some credit; at least this time you didn’t misrepresent something I’ve said about Islam in this very same thread, like you usually do, so that’s an improvement.

  13. Libby says:

    …”just like we’ve done before in our history.”


    Explicitly, when?

  14. Tina says:

    Try the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

    Migration Policy Institute:

    Chinese migration to the United States is a history of two parts: a first wave from the 1850s to 1880s, halted by federal laws restricting Chinese immigration; and a second wave from the late 1970s to the present, following normalization of U.S.-Chinese relations and changes to U.S. and Chinese migration policies. … The law prohibited Chinese labor migration to the United States and barred Chinese residents from obtaining U.S. citizenship. Though the law was repealed in 1943, little Chinese immigration was permitted until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 overhauled the U.S. immigration system and significantly expanded migration opportunities for non-European immigrants.

    • Chris says:

      Are you saying the Chinese Exclusion Act is a model we should follow today? Are you saying it wasn’t based on bigotry? What exactly is your argument here? We’ve done it before, therefore we should do it again?

  15. Tina says:

    Good God Chris do you never stop!!!!!

  16. Tina says:

    Islamists Infiltration of the Obama Administration

    Retired General: The Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated the US Government (video):

    Egypt has recently charged President Obama and Hillary Clinton with conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood, and another recent report shows that the Obama administration has kept close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, as confirmed by State Department documents that are currently being declassified.

    Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of U.S. Government Responsible for Benghazi Attacks:

    Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt both had hands in the 2012 Benghazi attacks on the U.S. Mission and the CIA Annex. The extent of that involvement still remains to be determined but there are clearly individuals on the right who do not want to publicly make these connections.

    Unfortunately, indications are that some of those individuals are either part of or associated with the investigation.

    When exploring what happened in Benghazi, there are no fewer than three investigative tracks that demand to be pursued to their ends.

    Track 1: Weapons being trafficked out of Benghazi to Turkey and then on to Syria’s rebels.

    Track 2: Egyptian involvement in the attacks.

    Track 3: Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of U.S. Government playing a role.

    The Benghazi Accountability Coalition (BAC), which bills itself as an ‘asset’ and resource for the House Select Committee on Benghazi has demonstrated interest in the first track but has gone out of its way to avoid the second and third tracks.

    A ten part course by Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy:

    By allowing our attention to be focused exclusively on the danger and prevention of terrorism, we ignore the many other ways we are being attacked. This series is an introduction to ‘civilization jihad’, a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance.

    The Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration Of The American Government – The world faces its most volatile point since before the outbreak of the Great War:

    The Betrayal Papers trace the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in American foreign and domestic policies. This five-part series evidences Islamic infiltration throughout our American government designed to create a totalitarian, genocidal, global Islamic State.

    Three Star General: Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Government:

    U.S. Army Lieutenant General (Ret.) William Jerry Boykin claims that individuals with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood hold security clearances in both the Pentagon and the Department of Defense.

    • Chris says:

      Not a reliable, unbiased source in the bunch; one of them, Shoebat, I can’t even access through the school network (I’m on my lunch break, and it’s allowed) because it’s been flagged as “hate speech.”

      I’m not going to bother reading allegations from such notoriously dishonest, conspiracy-minded sites.

      Do better.

      • Chris says:

        OK, I skimmed the links.

        They’re all bullshit. McCarthyist, witch-hunting, conspiracy-minded, unsourced, unproven bullshit.

        Seriously: It’s embarassing how bad the “evidence” you provided was, and that you actually have the nerve to call it evidence. You should hide in shame.

  17. Tina says:

    Chris I will take the word of a couple of America’s top generals over you every single time.

    Big surprise a school that labels anything/anyone that dares to look at the evidence and doesn’t cover the Democrats asses as “hate speech.” You lefty educators are pathetic! No wonder parents are yanking their kids out in droves!

    Another organization with professional people that Chris thinks are less smart and less informed than he:

    Gatestone Institute

    So many people, all with the same concerns, many of them with access to sensitive information and intelligence, and all of them dismissed as “haters.”


    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Big surprise a school that labels anything/anyone that dares to look at the evidence and doesn’t cover the Democrats asses as “hate speech””

      Are you even capable of thought? You understand that I was at the school on my lunch hour when I posted that comment, right? You understand I said I was able to access the other links, right? And yet you accuse my school of censoring “anything/anyone” that “doesn’t cover the Democrats asses as hate speech?” Why would you say that? Are you a moron, or are you just hoping your readers won’t be? Do you understand that the very fact that I was able to access this site, and all the others you linked to but Shoebat, proves your baseless accusation completely false? What the hell is wrong with your mind?

      For the record, the school does not label sites as hate speech simply for being critical of Democrats.

      It’s possible that the school labeled the site as hate speech because the site claims that Muslim immigrants are sent by the Antichrist:

      You don’t recognize a bigot when you see one, Tina. Your house is on fire and you refuse to notice.

      • Tina says:

        “It’s possible that the school labeled the site as hate speech because the site claims that Muslim immigrants are sent by the Antichrist”

        And the school doesn’t recognize a person with legitimate concerns based on his reading of the Bible because they’re afraid it’s based on hate?

        What makes his heartfelt belief hate speech, Chris?


        Shoebat is a reformed Muslim (Now Catholic, I believe) and a decent man. He has interpreted a prophecy, a metaphor from the Bible, and the so-called educators consider it hate speech rather than a subject that could be used in an English or history class as a topic for study? (Just as the prophecies of the Koran could be). This is not education. This is bias in education.

        Do we want our kids educated or ignorant?

        Our schools are hog tied because of political correctness. They cannot, and do not, truly teach but are forced to limit, blunt, avoid and disavow. Sad! Pathetic!

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “And the school doesn’t recognize a person with legitimate concerns based on his reading of the Bible because they’re afraid it’s based on hate?”

          I’m trying to avoid directly calling you an idiot, but you’re making it really hard.

          Arguing that Muslim immigrants are sent by the Anti-Christ is not “a legitimate concern.” It’s insane and bigoted. This is so obvious I can’t believe I actually have to say it.

          “What makes his heartfelt belief hate speech, Chris?”

          The fact that he is saying Muslim immigrants are sent by the Anti-Christ.

          “Shoebat is a reformed Muslim (Now Catholic, I believe) and a decent man.”

          You are wrong. He is a liar and scam artist who claims to be a former terrorist to get attention, but his story has been proven false.

          Shoebat stated that he threw a bomb at Bank Leumi, an Israeli bank, in Bethlehem.[1] A 2008 Jerusalem Post article raised questions regarding the authenticity of Shoebat’s account, and reported that Bank Leumi had no record of an attack on its Bethlehem branch between 1977 and 1979.[1] In addition, Shoebat’s uncle also denied that such an attack took place.[1] Such an incident was also not reported by Israeli news outlets according to Omar Sacirbey’s 2010 Washington Post article.[6] The Jerusalem Post article reported a contradiction in Shoebat’s response to the question whether word of the bombing made the news at the time.[1] He replied, “I don’t know. I didn’t read the papers because I was in hiding for the next three days.”[1] However, according to the same article, he had told Britain’s Sunday Telegraph in 2004 that “I was terribly relieved when I heard on the news later that evening that no one had been hurt or killed by my bomb.”[1] During his telephone interview, Shoebat was unable to recall the date or time of year of the attack.[1] He told the Sunday Telegraph in 2004 that he was pressured by teachers to adopt an extreme Islamic philosophy.[1] His uncle, who still lives in Beit Sahour, said religion did not play a major role in Walid’s education, which he described as ideologically mild, and that there was no attack on Bank Leumi.[1]
          On April 9, 2008, Shoebat responded to the earlier Jerusalem Post’s report on that paper’s op-ed page. He wrote that the Jerusalem Post had been duped. According to him, the sources who disputed his own account of his upbringing (including his relatives) were themselves involved in terrorism. He said they want to see him discredited, probably because of his conversion to Christianity. He also states that reputable witnesses who could confirm the bombing operation of Bank Leumi were not interviewed.[7] He also posted a response on his website.[citation needed]
          On July 13, 2011, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° reported an investigative piece into Walid Shoebat’s claim to authority based on being a former terrorist. The report found that according to Israeli government officials, the bank that Walid Shoebat claimed to have attacked, and his own relatives, no record of his supposed terrorist history existed. Another of Shoebat’s claims, that of a two-week term in an Israeli jail, was also unsubstantiated, with Israel having no record he was ever jailed. His cousin, interviewed in the report, stated that he had never known Shoebat to have ties to any movement, and that his claims of being a former terrorist were “for his own personal reasons”. According to CNN, their reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinian territories found no evidence to support Shoebat’s claims and “neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat’s involvement in terrorism”.[2]

          “He has interpreted a prophecy, a metaphor from the Bible, and the so-called educators consider it hate speech rather than a subject that could be used in an English or history class as a topic for study?”

          Let me get this straight:

          You believe that the theory that Muslim immigrants are tools of the Anti-Christ should be presented to students in a public school? And that to not present such an extremist, bigoted, and nutjob theory is “bias in education,” and contributes to students’ ignorance?

          You are freaking insane, and I thank the Lord above that you will never be allowed to make a decision about what gets taught to children in our schools. WOW. Signature significance. You’re an idiot, and a bigoted one at that. There is no reasoning with you, ever, on any subject; your beliefs are beyond the pale of civilized discussion and normal human thought.

          • Tina says:

            First of all you have recently questioned the reality of the “Lord above” so your little prayer of thanks is meaningless.

            Second it is astounding that a teacher is so frightened of the contents of the worlds best selling non-fiction book.

            Third, just because you don’t understand a prophecy doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of study.

            Fourth, don’t pretend to know what Shoebot was saying if you have not done an in depth study of the Bible yourself.

            Fifth, I didn’t say, “…the theory that Muslim immigrants are tools of the Anti-Christ should be presented to students in a public school.”

            I said, “He has interpreted a prophecy, a metaphor from the Bible, and the so-called educators consider it hate speech rather than a subject that could be used in an English or history class as a topic for study?”

            I object to the hate speech designation. People believe all kinds of things…global warming was going to destroy the planet by last Monday…a prophecy that proved to be bogus and was taught as fact in public schools.

            You are a bit of a bigot, Chris. And a closed minded individual with a lot of rules to boot. But you and the rest of the PC people who decide who are to be discredited and labeled insane, and who are experts at “normal human thought” have ruled and that’s that!

            Got it!

  18. Harold says:

    its time for a little dark humor:

    *Two Middle East mothers are sitting in a cafe chatting over a plate
    oftabouli and a pint of goat’s milk. The older of the two pulls a small
    folder out of her handbag and starts flipping through photos. They start
    reminiscing. ”This is my oldest son, Mujibar. He would have been 24 years
    old now. ””Yes, I remember him as a baby.” says the other mother
    cheerfully. “He’s a martyr now though.” the mother confides. “Oh, so sad
    dear…” says the other. ‘
    ‘And this is my second son, Khalid. He would have been 21.”
    ”Oh, I remember him,” says the other happily, ”he had such curly hair when he was born. ””He’s a martyr too…” says the mother quietly.
    ”Oh, gracious me…” says the other.
    ”And this is my third son. My baby. My beautiful Ahmed. He would have been18”, she whispers.

    “Yes,”says the friend enthusiastically, ”I remember when he first
    started school…” ”He’s a martyr also,” says the mother, with tears in
    her eyes.

    After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks
    wistfully at the photographs and, searching for the right words, says . . .

    “They blow up so fast, don’t they?”*

  19. Libby says:

    Yes, she is saying that the bigotry of 1882 is her ideal. All them yellow devils doing virtually unpaid labor (for Republicans) on the nation’s railroads were gonna corrupt the national character.

    Easy pickin’s … she is. I really didn’t expect it to be so easy.

  20. Tina says:

    Libby I said no such thing. Your imagination, and your need to be an Alinsky a$$ has run away with you.

    About three quarters of the tech workers in silicon valley are foreigners. Do you lefties think that’s good news for American workers…young people in particular?

    Our President promoted the idea to import more of these workers. You lefties do a lousy jo of educating our kids and then make sure they have no good job prospects for the future. Then you double down and invite thousands of young male refugees and promote illegal immigration of young people on the southern border. The states are mandated to educate, house, and provide medical to these people for free to compete with American kids in the job market.

    The thing about Chris and Libby is they just talk about this stuff. They have the luxury of taking the easy position. It’s easy to say come on in. It’s easy to say America is a land based on immigration. It’s easy to say America is a compassionate country. It’s easy to SAY we can afford it. It’s easy to pretend there won’t be real problems. It’s easy to dismiss me as a racist. It’s easy to ignore the utter chaos this president’s policies have created. It’s so incredibly easy to be a Democrat!

    It’s much harder to face and deal with the consequences of such mindless faux compassion. It’s much harder to face and deal with the problems that create such

    It’s also much smarter to have policies that don’t create and invite such problems in the first place.

    America is a compassionate, welcoming nation. That doesn’t mean we should be stupid about how we approach immigration. It doesn’t mean we must never place restrictions on immigration in order to protect our own citizens. It doesn’t mean we can afford to be the world’s parents, government or charity. Better solutions for these immigrants would be freedom, stability, and economic growth in their own countries. Democrats don;t favor that either…too busy appeasing, accommodating, and pandering for votes! PATHETIC!

    Democrats care only about power and control.

  21. Chris says:

    Tina: “First of all you have recently questioned the reality of the “Lord above” so your little prayer of thanks is meaningless.”

    Wow. So agnostics can’t pray, and if we do, it’s “meaningless?” We’ll just add agnostics to the list of groups you’ve made bigoted statements against.

    “Second it is astounding that a teacher is so frightened of the contents of the worlds best selling non-fiction book.”

    The only thing astounding is how blatantly dishonest you are. I said nothing that could indicate I am “frightened” of the Bible. Can you show me where in the Bible it says Muslim immigrants are a tool of the Anti-Christ? No, you can’t, because it’s not in there. I don’t object to the Bible, you idiot, I object to a lying scam artist’s bigoted and twisted interpretation of the Bible, one he is using to justify his hatred against a group of people he has made a career out of hating.

    (Did you bother reading the part where Walid Shoebat is lying about being a former terrorist to get attention? That’s the type of person you’re defending.)

    “Third, just because you don’t understand a prophecy doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of study.”

    I never said anything about whether Biblical prophecy is worthy of study! If you call that man’s deranged rant “study,” no wonder you’re so down on education all the time; you don’t know what it requires. The article I linked to isn’t “study,” it’s conspiracy theorist nonsense.

    “Fourth, don’t pretend to know what Shoebot was saying”

    I’m not pretending to know what Shoebat was saying. Shoebat was saying that Muslim immigrants are sent by the Anti-Christ. It is a fact that he said that.

    “Fifth, I didn’t say, “…the theory that Muslim immigrants are tools of the Anti-Christ should be presented to students in a public school.”

    I said, “He has interpreted a prophecy, a metaphor from the Bible, and the so-called educators consider it hate speech rather than a subject that could be used in an English or history class as a topic for study?”

    The only possible meaning of what you said, in this context, is exactly what I said you said. You continue to deny the clear meaning of your words to weasel out of taking personal responsibility for them.

    “I object to the hate speech designation. People believe all kinds of things…global warming was going to destroy the planet by last Monday…a prophecy that proved to be bogus and was taught as fact in public schools.”

    Please show me where and when and what school ever taught that “global warming was going to destroy the planet by last Monday.”

    It’s possible that you’re using hyperbole, in which case you’re just comparing the theory of AGW–supported by virtually the entire climate science community–with a bizarre and bigoted interpretation of a religious prophecy from one lone radical anti-Islam bigot, and saying that both of those are equally worthy of study in public schools.

    Holy sh**, that’s the dumbest comparison I’ve ever heard.

    “You are a bit of a bigot, Chris.”

    This “I’m rubber and your glue” thing has to stop. I’m a bigot…because I call people who believe “Muslim immigrants are tools of the Anti-Christ” are bigots?! That doesn’t make any sense, Tina. Calling out bigotry is not, in itself, bigotry. You’re employing pretzel logic. You are working so hard to justify terrible, indefensible things, and I just don’t understand why you’d put yourself through the stress and embarrassment.

    Walid Shoebat lied about being a terrorist to get fame in right-wing circles. It worked. It worked because of gullible people like you. Stop being gullible. Think.

    • Tina says:

      “Wow. So agnostics can’t pray, and if we do, it’s “meaningless?”

      Didn’t say you “couldn’t” pray; questioned the act since you have claimed to be agnostic. Yes, it might very well be meaningless if you deny the One who would be “listener.” I don’t mind someone who questions, I’ve done it myself at times. I do mind being lectured by someone who is in the midst of questioning by wagging the Lord at me. So here, let me help you:

      The Possibly Proper Death Litany:

      Insofar as I may be heard by anything, which may or may not care what I say, I ask, if it matters, that you be forgiven for anything you may have done or failed to do which requires forgiveness. Conversely, if not forgiveness but something else may be required to insure any possible benefit for which you may be eligible after the destruction of your body, I ask that this, whatever it may be, be granted or withheld, as the case may be, in such a manner as to insure your receiving said benefit. I ask this in my capacity as your elected intermediary between yourself and that which may not be yourself, but which may have an interest in the matter of your receiving as much as it is possible for you to receive of this thing, and which may in some way be influenced by this ceremony. Amen.

      “Can you show me where in the Bible it says Muslim immigrants are a tool of the Anti-Christ?”

      I can show you a place in the Bible where a metaphor exists that could be interpreted in this way, Revelation 13: 7-10. I am not saying Shoebot’s interpretation is correct. I am saying it could be correct.

      “No, you can’t, because it’s not in there. I don’t object to the Bible, you idiot…”

      Okay Chris, we’re done. I don’t deserve, nor will I continue to tolerate and be subjected to, your narrow, opinionated, nasty arrogant mouth.

      • Chris says:

        Tina, you’ve called me an idiot many times in the past, and I rarely have responded in kind. I can see why you’d be shocked by me resorting to this language, but the things you have said in this conversation were so appalling that I had a hard time holding back. Defending the belief that Muslim immigrants are a “tool of the Anti-Christ” is disgusting, and beyond the pale. You’re also defending a man who has falsely claimed to be a former terrorist in order to gain fame. And all in the service of a bigoted agenda to keep Muslims out of the U.S., thus sabotaging the prospect of peace. The word fits, and will continue to fit until you change your stance on these issues.

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