Iowan Cries Foul on Hillary Win – Hillary Feeling the Bern

Hillary Feeling the Bern 2016-02-07Posted by Tina

As we suspected, something was rotten in Iowa where Hillary emerged as the magical winner after 6 coin tosses. The Des Moines Register reports on one delegate with a strong case for Democrat Party shenanigans favoring Hillary:

Keane Schwarz is certain he knows the outcome of the vote in his precinct: He was the lone caucusgoer in Woodbury County No. 43.

But the Iowa Democratic Party’s final results state that Hillary Clinton won one county delegate and Bernie Sanders received zero….

The circus has moved on to New Hampshire where Bernie is expected to thrash Hillary to a point that shenanigans can’t overcome.

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6 Responses to Iowan Cries Foul on Hillary Win – Hillary Feeling the Bern

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    I hope it is a good thrashing. Sanders would be a self destructing commie dork in the general election. Clinton a hardball dirty tricks candidate.

  2. Tina says:

    I wonder how long it will be until something snaps…all we can do is wait and watch.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Such a choice the Demwits have. A Socialist who isn’t even a member of the Demwit party, and a soon-to-be-indicted criminal who was practicing her fraud shenanigans in Iowa.
    Expect to see a draft Biden movement any day now.

    • Peggy says:

      Agree J. There is no way the DNC will let Bernie the Independent run on Dem’s ticket as a Democrat Socialist. They’ll get Joe in during their convention.

      We have to be careful about what we ask for. I want Hillary indicted, but not under this administration. Obama will just pardon her and she’ll walk. I’m hoping the FBI won’t bring their charges until after next January, when it will be too late for him to save her. Wishful thinking I know. Either way she’s toast. Who’s going to want to spend big bucks for speaking fees for an indicted felon?

    • Pie Guevara says:

      It doesn’t get any better than this Mr. Soden.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    I love it when Post Scripts puts up an article that completely shuts up Crass, Dorky, and Libtard.

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