Hillary Leaving New Hampshire With Escorts


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15 Responses to Hillary Leaving New Hampshire With Escorts

  1. Tina says:

    In a perfect world.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    A perp walk is something I would like to see, but this is even better. Young Rats, you know, like Dewey and Chris, think she is a corporate sellout. Works for me.

  3. RHT447 says:

    We can but hope.

    What’s the difference between the mob and the IRS?
    The interest rate.

    The Chicago Machine rolls on—


  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic — File this under All My Heroes Are Dead

    On Shaving and Death and Heroes Long Gone

    Long before the SF Comical degenerated into the the left-wing radical yuppie liberal pile of trash it is today, they hosted one of my heroes — Charles (Hard Hat) McCabe. Hard Hat died far too early in 1983 of an accident (he was probably drunk).


    McCabe was a brilliant classical liberal. I, by modern convention, often define myself as a conservative — which is a mistake. I am more of a classical liberal. In fact the conservatives I most respect defend classical liberalism and are classical liberals themselves. In my humble opinion classical liberalism is at the core of modern conservatism, but it is not the conservatism portrayed by the lame stream media or by the ignorant, uneducated, left wing morons like those who frequent these pages. Some may recall that the odious Quentin Colgan defined himself as a “classical liberal.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. Colgan’s ascendant student twit Chris is of the same cloth. But I digress …

    Back to McCabe. Charles McCabe had a five times a week workday column that featured an annual column on how to shave. My father never taught me, it was Hard Hat. I met him once in San Francisco at a Mission Street saloon across from the Chronicle building. (I forget the name and it is no longer there.) The guy was true to his nickname. I was wondering if any of the folks who visit Post Scripts remember Hard Hat and what the S.F. Chronicle used to be. The Comical has always been a left-wing rag, but it once had some truly socially redeeming qualities.

  5. J. Soden says:

    GREAT pix! Can’t come too soon!

  6. Tina says:

    I don’t remember Hard Hat but I do remember Herb Caen and the crew at KSFO…Dan Sorkin, Don Sherwood, Jack Carney…an incredibly un-PC era!

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Those were the days. I was a Jim Eason fan in the 70-80’s on KGO. He moved to KSFO before his retirement. So did the late great Lee Rodgers after he returned to the Bay Area after a move to the Washington market

      Lee once hosted the evening slot on KGO and his weekly face offs with child pornographer, phony Christian, “The Lion of the Left” (more accurately “The Liar of the Left”) Bernie Ward, were outstanding.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        I was also a denizen of the purple grotto. Al “Jazzbeaux” (aka Jazzbo, Jazzbeau) Collins.



        • Post Scripts says:

          2008: Les Crane, a provocative talk-show host who was the first to challenge the primacy of Johnny Carson on late-night television — and lose — died Sunday in Greenbrae, Calif., north of San Francisco. He was 74 and lived in Belvedere, Calif.

          Mr. Crane’s daughter, Caprice Crane, confirmed his death.

          Personable, cocky and well-attuned to the tenor of the times, Mr. Crane predated Howard Stern as a “king of all media”; his multifaceted career began in radio, moved to television and ended in computer software, with a stop in between as a Grammy-winning recording artist, though even he would have shuddered at calling his recording art.

          An early, and by later standards, tame incarnation of a shock jock, Mr. Crane was a radio star in San Francisco in the early 1960s. From a studio in the hungry i, a nightclub that was a launching pad for performers like Mort Sahl, Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand and Lenny Bruce, he took listeners’ calls from all over the West Coast, fielding their questions, sometimes with a celebrity guest, and often dismissing callers’ comments on current events and culture with brusque wit or outright disdain, simply hanging up on some in what was then a startling breach of accepted etiquette.

      • Post Scripts says:

        I know all those guys! I recall the very first talk radio show with Les Crane on KGO. He was an attack artist and shredded lefties, actually he shredded almost any caller!

        Owen Spann, Jim Eason followed…there was another guy in there for a time and he died, forget his name. It was great talk radio back then.

  7. Dewster says:

    Why are attack artists and shredding important.

    The issues, truth and facts stand alone.

    This is not a Football Game.

  8. Dewster says:

    Also why do you ignore Rick Snyders crimes? GW’s Crimes? Chris Christies crimes? Scott Walker’s Crimes?

  9. Tina says:

    Why do you ask stupid questions?

  10. RHT447 says:

    Those were the days. Lon Simmons. Lee Rodgers and Barbara Simpson at KSFO referring to “that other letter-deficient station”. Geoff Metcalf. G. Gordon Liddy.

    Good stuff.

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