ObamaCare Claims Another Victim – Colusa County Hospital

by Jack

A few days ago the Colusa Medical Center Hospital announced it was closing the doors. This is a disaster for local residents because this is the only hospital in the entire county.

Among the top three reasons for the sudden closure was Obamacare. Bet you guess that was coming, eh? If they had listed a 4th reason, it likely would have been non-payment of debt by uninsured patients who don’t speak English, or so I am told by a few of the staff who are being laid off.

The government in their infinite wisdom mandated certain capital improvements be made that hospital couldn’t afford. Then they allowed the migration of illegals into California by the hundreds of thousands. Then there was the low and slow re-payment under Obamacare. That pretty much did them in. Three strikes from our stupid government and the hospital is out!

I sure hope you don’t have a life threatening illness/injury while you’re in Colusa county, because if you do it’s going to be a long trip to Chico or Marysville, the next nearest hospitals.

To recap, here are the top 3 reasons that killed the Colusa Hospital:

• A medical paradigm shift from in- to outpatient care.

• The Affordable Care Act and its reimbursement model for Medicaid and Medicare.

• Loss of a significant amount of capital to bringing the hospital into “current-day” standards.

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17 Responses to ObamaCare Claims Another Victim – Colusa County Hospital

  1. Chris says:

    Jack: “If they had listed a 4th reason, it likely would have been non-payment of debt by uninsured patients who don’t speak English”

    So…tell me again why you don’t want these people to be able to get insurance?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris you’re not proposing a solution, you’re merely proposing we take the money out of another pocket, but nice try.

      The people in question have made no investment in our safety system. Simply giving them free subsidized health insurance just to pay the local hospital is buck passing. It’s yet one more drain on the taxpayer and one that shouldn’t happen because these indigents are here illegally and we should not be expected to cover their health insurance or any other costs associated with staying in this country… illegally. If the situation was reversed I wouldn’t expect Mexico to do that for me, would you?

  2. Tina says:

    Chris the uninsured put pressure on hospitals’ bottom lines before Obamacare. Hospitals always had to treat non-English speaking persons, all persons, lacking insurance.

    It’s more likely that added pressure from people who had insurance and low deductibles before are now unable to meet obligations because of high deductibles. Some may have lost insurance their employer provided with reasonable deductibles and have made a decision to pay the fine rather than carry insurance because they can’t afford Obamacare insurance.

    Obamacare has not solved the problems in healthcare; it has added to the problems.

    • bob says:

      Obammiecare is a disaster and it will get worse. Just wait until people see how much their Obammiecare policies go up next year and what the penalty will be next year.

      It’s like I was trying to tell you all before this became law, if you think health care was expensive back then just wait until it is free.

  3. Tina says:

    Jack this horrible law couldn’t be more destructive!

    It’s becoming more and more obvious that the radicals in charge in the Democrat Party, with their open borders, redistribution, and economic policy, are determined to bring America down. Shamefully the elitists Republicans enable them having compromised on their positions and abandoned their values. This is how our leaders imagine a world of equals…shared misery. The Democrats with vigor given their socialist ideology and the republicans like cowards given their surrender of ideals and values. Anyone who demonstrates resistance to the cabal is bullied and maligned.

    Obamacare must be flushed! Not only does it not work for too many Americans or solve the problems it’s proponents professed it would, it will add significantly to our debt and drive hospitals and many in the profession out.

  4. Libby says:

    … as opposed to the more numerous English-speaking uninsured.

    Trump is starting to get some credit for a lot of, in the long term, constructive stuff. Like, he has got you all comfortable enough to drop all the code and expose yerselves for the flaming racists that you are.


    • bob says:

      Why don’t you move to Colusa county and have a heart attack?

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Go soak your head you twit.

    • Tina says:

      Things could be worse, Libby. We could be like Mexico. Then you’d really have something to shout about.

      As it is, you are simply a typical commie, wanting unrestricted generosity…as long as it’s with other peoples money. And you turn a blind eye to the problems your “solutions” cause just so you can spit that racist epithet. Lazy thinking old girl!

      If you are going to solve the worlds problems you’ll have to do better. You’ll have to look at both sides of the ledger. You’ll have to consider all of the consequences, not just the ones you like.

      • Dewster says:

        this is starting to get hilarious.

        Those comments made to Libby Are bigoted uneducated and disgusting.

        Clueless to the actual issues. I sure hope you pay for your healthcare . If the taxpayers do it would be hypocritical.

        Bottom line we have one of the worst systems in the world because of greed.

        • Tina says:

          Dewey the dunce calls others uneducated! Hilarious!!!

          I paid into a Medicare system for decades, under duress. I also matched payments for my employees for decades. I also paid for my own and my employees health insurance for decades…still pay for theirs. I’m now on Medicare and paying for my own supplemental insurance.

          Seems like since the government got involved (1965 Medicare) all I do is pay and pay and pay at higher and higher rates with fewer choices.

          We have one of the worst systems in the world because of power hungry socialist politicians. We are forced to pay not only for government controlled health insurance but also the big fat bureaucracy that manages it. Since the customer doesn’t see the bill the incentive to deliver affordable care is lost. Big government and big insurers collude together and run smaller companies out of the business leading to monopolistic pricing which is always higher.

          Obamacare is a redistribution big government power scheme that is free for some citizens and too expensive to use for most others. Talk about an epic fail!

          • Chris says:

            Tina: “We have one of the worst systems in the world because of power hungry socialist politicians.”

            What country in the world has a better healthcare system?

  5. bob says:

    Medicare and Medicaid are ponzi schemes destined to collapse especially after throwing in Obammiecare and hordes of illegal and legal immigrants. CRM is the canary in the coal mine.

  6. bob says:

    I sure hope you don’t have a life threatening illness/injury while you’re in Colusa county, because if you do it’s going to be a long trip to Chico or Marysville, the next nearest hospitals.

    There is no doubt people will die because of this. The liberals who caused these deaths should be charged with manslaughter.

  7. Tina says:

    Thanks Pie…

    News is exploding rapidly today and as always at a time when my time is limited. I do plan to do an article on that young woman’s efforts. Like many of her more conservative fellow students she represents the voice of America’s future.

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