Cruz Thumps Trump and Hillary “Feels the Bern” in Wisconsin

Posted by Tina

The Wisconsin primary ended in disaster for the two front runners in the race for President. Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders both won in their respective primaries:

Cruz and Sanders had each led in public opinion polls leading up to Election Day. Cruz has the opportunity to take all of the state’s 42 delegates. However the Democratic race awards delegates proportionally, and Sanders is likely to earn just a handful more then Clinton.

Cruz’s win could create a roadblock in Trump’s march to attain the majority of delegates required to clinch the GOP nomination, while a big victory for Sanders could help him cut into Clinton’s significant delegate lead. But the exact number of delegates awarded to each candidate in Wisconsin won’t be known until more of the total vote has been counted.

NBC posts the win with Cruz at 63% of the vote to Trumps 29% and Kasich taking 5%. The NYT breaks it down as Cruz 49%, Trump 35% and Kasich 14% winning Cruz 33 delegates to Trumps 3 with 84% reporting.

Particulars for Cruz from the NBC exit polls: Voters “most concerned about winning in November” voted Cruz over Trump 68 percent to 19 percent. He won voters “preferring a candidate with experience in politics,” 68 percent to 8 percent. He beat Trump “comfortably” among voters who agree with the party position that “trade creates jobs,” 54 percent to 28 percent. And (This is NBC) among those making $100 K and over he beat Trump 52 to 32 percent.

On to the next round in NY.

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13 Responses to Cruz Thumps Trump and Hillary “Feels the Bern” in Wisconsin

  1. Rick Clements says:

    Tina, this is all fluff and making the media millions. California and New York finally get to mean something in an election cycle. And then there was the Supreme Court’s decision today concerning the drawing of districts. The parties and lobbies won, and the voters lost! Let’s all celebrate with an unemployment check cocktail!

  2. Tina says:

    The media is in business to make millions. People are willing to pay the price.

    Yeah it’s about time California voters got a “shot” and felt like they had “skin in the game.” 😉

    But, overall I think most voters are both discouraged about the tone of this race and determined to let the political elite and the media elite have it with both un-PC barrels.

    I wasn’t hit as hard by the SC decision as I was by the wave of $15 an hour minimum wage. Guess the good news is I’ll be retiring for good soon…don’t know what that will mean for the kids that work for me. Depends on how crooked and stupid this all comes down.

    Stupidity abounds…and I’m off to bed. Night all…Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Yeah it’s about time California voters got a “shot” and felt like they had “skin in the game.””

      If you make Hamilton references in every comment from here on out I may never argue with you again. 😉

      • Tina says:

        Chris that would be fine with me.

        The thing is Republicans are absolutely in favor of everyone having skin in the game and everyone having a shot. The proof is in the policies:

        A) The party of Lincoln has fought hard for civil rights
        B) The party supports robust growth and opportunity
        C) The party acknowledges free will
        D) The party knows “fairness” is a pipe dream

        The best thing government can do is create conditions that give everyone who is willing to participate a chance to realize their dreams and the incentive and confidence to strive. As the past 9.5 years of Democrat policies of “fairness” show, liberal policies have caused conditions that blunt the economy, reduce opportunity, spread the misery, and cause the majority of citizens to lose ground.

        Please remember to put Hamilton in the context of his time.

        Power over a man’s subsistence is power over his will. ~ Alexander Hamilton

        It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government. ~ Alexander Hamilton

        Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. ~ Alexander Hamilton

        When Hamilton spoke he could not have imagined we would create federal programs to provide what people are capable of providing for themselves. In his world that would have amounted to surrendering freedom to an oppressive system, robbing individuals of the very thing that makes them experience having skin in the game.

        If you are a US adult citizen and you are not paying taxes or preparing yourself to pay taxes you are not experiencing full citizenship or realizing full potential. America’s strength can be measured by the number of citizens that have succeeded by their own wits and grit. It’s unconscionable to encourge anything less through public policy.

        • Dewster says:

          Tina the Republican party of today is exactly the opposite of what you describe and you know it.

          Ken Emmanuelson Texas Tea Party don’t want Black people to vote

          Paul Weyrich Conservative – “I don’t want everybody to vote”

          The voter fraud this election is beyond and Both the DNC and RNC are cheating.

          Also the GOP put money behind Cruz even though they do not like him to take some delegates from trump. Politics is not some fair patriot game it is a corrupt system now for the elite. We will stop this. Hundreds of thousands of voters are being given provisional non counted ballots in the primary.

          The General will be the worst corruption we can imagine if All Republicans, Democrats, and Independents say nothing and stand idle.

          • Tina says:

            Dewey you need to distinguish between ideology and politics. I defend conservative ideology. I am critical of socialist progressive ideology.

            Two people who say blacks shouldn’t vote do not represent the Republican Party or any party. Both parties have people like this that they drag along because we live in a free country. Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panthers haven’t exactly represented the Democrat Party either.

            Vote how you like. Cruz has proved that he values the Constitution and will stand against wrongs even within his own party.

            Nobody can prevent either party from doing what they think will create a winning situation for the party. No surprise there. If I were you I’d worry more about what the democrat party and the rotten Clinton cabal will do to Bernie.

            Please be my guest and vote your conscience; that’s what I will do when I cast a vote for the very steady, very smart, very dedicated Ted Cruz…LION TED!

      • Pie Guevara says:

        “I may never argue with you again.”

        Works for me.

  3. Peggy says:

    Trump was his usual disgusting self last night. He didn’t make a concession speech like most do, instead he put out a Tweet-type statement attacking Cruz of everything under the sun.

    “Donald J. Trump withstood the onslaught of the establishment yet again. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had the Governor of Wisconsin, many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him. Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him. Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet— he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump. We have total confidence that Mr. Trump will go on to win in New York, where he holds a substantial lead in all the polls, and beyond. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who can secure the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, or whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to Make America Great Again.”

    Meanwhile his buddy Roger Stone, aka “The Dirty Trickster” is calling for “Day of Rage” in a repeat of the 1968 Chicago riots and got himself banned from MSNBC. Stone was with Nixon during the Watergate days. Trump has the same slime ball working for his campaign who was there for Nixon and McCain. I wonder if he used the same attack ads and rumors on Herb Cain accusing him of affairs that he’s using on Cruz?

    Roger Stone: “We’ll disclose the hotel room number for any delegate in Cleveland who tries to “steal” the nomination from Trump”

    Roger Stone: “The Dirty Trickster”
    “Campaign tips from the man who has done it all.

    sign inside the front door of Miami Velvet, a night club of sorts in a warehouse-style building a few minutes from the airport, states, “If sexual activity offends you in any way, do not enter the premises.” At first glance, though, the scene inside looks like a nineteen-eighties disco, with a bar, Madonna at high volume, flashing lights, a stripper’s pole, and a dancer’s cage. But a flat-screen television on the wall plays porn videos, and many clubgoers disappear into locker rooms and emerge wearing towels. From there, some of them go into a lounge, a Jacuzzi room, or one of about half a dozen private rooms to have sex—with their dates or with new acquaintances. Miami Velvet is the leading “swingers’ club” in Miami, and Roger Stone took me there to explain the role he may have played in the fall of Eliot Spitzer, the former governor of New York.

    For nearly forty years, Stone has hovered around Republican and national politics, both near the center and at the periphery. At times, mostly during the Reagan years, he was a political consultant and lobbyist who, in conventional terms, was highly successful, working for such politicians as Bob Dole and Tom Kean. Even then, though, Stone regularly crossed the line between respectability and ignominy, and he has become better known for leading a colorful personal life than for landing big-time clients. Still, it is no coincidence that Stone materialized in the midst of the Spitzer scandal—and that he had memorable cameos in the last two Presidential elections. While the Republican Party usually claims Ronald Reagan as its inspiration, Stone represents the less discussed but still vigorous legacy of Richard Nixon, whose politics reflected a curious admixture of anti-Communism, social moderation, and tactical thuggery. Stone believes that Nixonian hardball, more than sunny Reaganism, is John McCain’s only hope for the Presidency.”

    • Tina says:

      All of this leaves me disgusted and sad, Peggy.

      But why should we be surprised? Between the let it all hang out attitude of our generation, the sense of entitlement when it comes to public decorum and demand, we are a nation of rabble…there are few adults in the room.

      Add to that the purposeful left, determined to undermine everything that America stands for and we have a crazy political mixture.

      This summer is going to be a mess.

      • Dewster says:

        A nation of entitlement? Like working 3 jobs? Like having your rights taken away? Like having some religious nutjobs try to dictate how you live?

        Americans are working harder than ever for less money than ever…meanwhile the scams to hide all that money tax free just keep pouring out! How many Americans are in the Panama papers? Would love to know.

        No doubt some very big names from both the dem and rep party. How many other shell companies are out there?

        • Tina says:

          Two separate issues Dewey.

          1. Entitlement spending that is hurting workers and causing debt to soar.

          2. A lousy economy for the last ten years. Ten long years when government policy could have created a robust economy and plenty of good paying job except for the socialist tax and spend policies of this administration and the money policies of the idiotic fed.

          Most of the money in the Panama papers is held legally. The real scandal is corrupt politicians that make themselves rich on capitalism and then preach socialism to the masses, pandering for votes.

          Companies avoid taxes when rates become to burdensome. If you want more business in America and more jobs enact policies that invite investment in America! People and companies pay when tax rates are fair and workable.

          I’ve read the Clintons have been tied in some how.

  4. Libby says:

    I think the Panama Papers revelations are
    gonna give Bernie a big boost … well, a boost, anyway. It’s not getting oodles of coverage, but those who do hear get right pissed … and motivated.

  5. Tina says:

    I’m sure they do. I imagine if they dig hard enough they might even find a few accounts with Hillary’s name on them…who knows.

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