Trump Wins Big in Five States

Posted by Tina

There’s no way around it, Donald Trump won in every single county in every state. That’s yuge, as he would say. He now considers himself the Republican presumptive nominee. Trump now has 953 delegates, Cruz, 546, Rubio 171 ,and Kasich 153. As the race moves to the western states momentum will work in Trumps favor. People prefer to back a perceived winner and for some voters the other candidates don’t have a serious chance to overcome the frontrunner. The Cruz/Kasich plan to win in a contested contest at the convention has deflated. Trump has attracted much more interest than Romney, in contrast Democrats are bleeding support. Trump will speak momentarily (> 10:00 AM Pacific) on foreign policy.

Elitists in the Party are afraid Hillary will beat Trump. I think they are ridiculous in their predictions. Hillary is being seriously challenged by Bernie (1659-1348 delegate). Her negatives are high and women are not all supporting her as she imagined.

Prediction: Donald Trump is our next president.

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6 Responses to Trump Wins Big in Five States

  1. Tina says:

    I just heard Cruz will choose Carley Fiorino as his VP. Will it help?

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    The MSM, Trump, and Ann Coulter to name a few are ridiculing this move. Can it beat Trump? Sadly I think not. I think they would make a great team for executive office.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Those five states are not the deciding factor, but they are an indicator. Ted Cruz must find a way to galvanize the blue collar or die on the vine.

  4. Dewster says:

    Be happy that for once CA is in play.

    Also I think Trump could beat Hillary but not Bernie. Rest assured the DNC has the Primary slighted toward Hillary. The corruption is unprecedented.

    By 2020 Americans may wake Up. Trump? He seems to parallel Charles Lindbergh quite a bit. Racist fascist.

    I will write in unless I see a grave danger. I think maybe 4 years of a disaster called Trump is needed. With Hillary it will be more of the same organized corruption by both parties. Time for something to wake people up so in that race? I will not vote for either.

  5. Tina says:

    I hope you never run into an actual racist Dewey.

    As for fascism, you’ve shown time and again, you don’t even know what it is.

    Anything would be better for America than all of this phony “hope and change.”

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