Fair and Balanced Part II

by Peggy

I stopped watching Fox News several weeks ago when every program became a support Trump ad. I’ve switched to CNN and now my favorite program is “The Lead with Jake Tapper.” Tapper was the only one I know of who called out Trump on his lying about Cruz’s dad being involved in the JFK killing.

FNC was also replaced by CNN for the #1 rated news show so I’m not alone in my move.

CNN Destroys Fox News in April Prime Time Ratings:

“While you weren’t looking, CNN has been busy demolishing the once-invincible ratings gap between themselves and Fox News. CNN beat Fox News decisively for their prime time lineup in April, and especially in the coveted age gap of 25-54. In fact, the only demographic in which Fox News beat CNN was the over 54 demographic, which is one of the least valuable to advertisers.

Neither was April a fluke. CNN has now beaten Fox News in prime time ratings for five out of the last 8 months. They have also scored wins in weekend ratings and are closing the gap in daytime ratings as well. Overall, where CNN used to have less than half of Fox News’ overall viewership, they now are behind Fox News by a measly 9%, and they continue to dominate MSNBC.”

Here is a good related read.

The Scariest Reason Trump Won:


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15 Responses to Fair and Balanced Part II

  1. Chris says:

    That National Review article is pretty good until it starts blaming Trump’s rise on the left. It wasn’t leftists cheering when Trump announced that he was going to build a wall to keep out Mexican rapists, or totally restrict Muslim immigration.

    I do agree with Prager that Trump isn’t really a conservative. The only thing he has been consistently right-wing on is immigration, and his stances there are far to the right of what most conservatives endorse. His supporters don’t seem to care that he has said tax rates on the rich should go up, social security shouldn’t be touched, and Planned Parenthood should continue to be funded; as long as Trump hates Muslims and illegal immigrants as much as they do, his audience is content.

    Prager also makes a few blatantly false statements, such as that some schools don’t teach U.S. History (where?) and that kids no longer learn the Constitution. Every student in California must pass a Constitution test to move past eighth grade. I agree with him that civic education needs improvement, but he exaggerates the problem and blames it on “the Left” without any evidence.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, since Trump is basically a progressive, except for immigration, I take it you will be voting for him and perhaps holding fund raiser?

    • Peggy says:

      The left are just as responsible for Trump as the right, if not more so. Trump’s winning more democrats’ votes than he is loosing Christians. He’s getting about 30% of the Democrats and loosing 20% of the Christians.

      Democrats in West Virginia voted for him because Obama promised to close down coal mines and Hillary said she’d carry on his promise. The EPA has been a disaster from the water in Flint, Michigan to the King Gold mine disaster in Colorado.

      The wall is a concern for every citizen’s safety from terrorist attacks, jobs, small business owners of every ethnic make up, and the local community and state cost of providing support services for the hundreds of thousands of minors and Dreamers flooding across our borders. Even Cesar Chavez recognized the problems the “Wetbacks” (his word, not mine) created and took a militia to the border to stop them. He worked with JFK and Bobby Kennedy to enforce the border security and stop the illegal migration. Obama is involved in a lawsuit for violating our Constitution after saying for years he couldn’t do what he ended up doing.

      Voters for Trump from both the left and the right are mad at everyone responsible in DC for the mess their country is in and they don’t care if there is an R or a D after their name. They’ve learned both parties have lied to them, so they’re picking a loud mouthed bully who they think will stop the madness. They couldn’t be more wrong.

      Forecasters are now saying Trump has a good chance of being our next president. Democrats dislike Hillary and since Trump isn’t a conservative they’re going to vote for him. I won’t vote for Trump for the same reasons they are. I wouldn’t vote for Hillary either and as a conservative and a Christian I won’t vote for anyone who doesn’t share my values.

      Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders win West Virginia primaries:
      Donald Trump has delivered on a promised blowout win in the heart of Appalachian coal country, even drawing symbolic support from West Virginians who can’t vote for him until November.

      Though Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in the state, some conservative Democrats said they left the tops of their ballots blank in Tuesday’s primary, rebuking Clinton and instead pledging to support Trump in the fall.

      The choice came down to coal, several voters said.

      “I think Hillary was against the coal miners,” said 81-year-old Dorothy Burford, a Charleston retiree who left her Democratic ballot blank for president. “I think Trump has a better view on how we can get the coal miners back to work.”

      Among those voting in West Virginia’s Democratic primary, about a third said they would support Trump over either Clinton or Sanders in November. That’s according to early findings from exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and television networks by Edison Research.”


    • Harold says:

      Every student in California must pass a Constitution test to move past eighth grade.

      I for one would like to see that test or a link to it, so often I see college students interviewed that can not even name the 3 branch’s of Government.

      Given they may not all have a California education. But really College!

  2. Dewster says:

    Next up for corporate media sheeple:

    Oligarchy rigging 101

    “Controlled Opposition” Applied by corporate media rinse and repeat:

    Trump – You’ll get Hillary if ya don’t vote for me.

    Clinton – Direct your animosity at Trump by voting for me out of fear.

    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

    ― Vladimir Lenin

    Real issues? Helping the Americans suffering? No just a circus in media aimed to control the weak .

  3. Dewster says:


    Controlled Opposition The people in power within government and business, have a fail-safe plan to maintain their control over the citizens, they manage and control any and all people and groups that would attempt to bring an end to their power and wealth, this is called controlled opposition.

  4. Peggy says:

    Sit back and enjoy Dana go nuclear.

    Dana Loesch Torches Trump Mouth Piece Kayleigh McEnany:


  5. Peggy says:

    I’m shocked. The New York Times actually published a fair and balanced article about Ted Cruz.

    Ted Cruz’s Conservatism: The Pendulum Swings Consistently Right:

    “On perhaps the defining issue of the 2016 Republican primary, Senator Ted Cruz falls well to the right of Ronald Reagan, who supported granting legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants.

    He opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest, and has called for a federal amendment that would allow states to avoid performing or recognizing same-sex marriages.

    He wants to return to the gold standard, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and create a tax structure simple enough for Americans to file on postcards.

    He has criticized Donald J. Trump on deportation policy. From the right.

    Throughout his Senate career, Republican opponents have cast Mr. Cruz as a master of the ill-considered — a “wacko bird,” as Senator John McCain of Arizona once called him — whose seemingly reckless pursuits were thought to place him well outside the mainstream.

    Yet a close reading of Mr. Cruz’s policy prescriptions, influences and writings over two decades, combined with interviews with conservative intellectual leaders and Cruz allies, suggest two powerful truths about the man who might yet assume the mantle of modern conservatism.

    He would be the most conservative presidential nominee in at least a half-century, perhaps to the right of Barry Goldwater, testing the electoral limits of a personal ideology he has forged meticulously since adolescence.

    And he has, more effectively than almost any politician of his generation, anticipated the rightward tilt of the Republican Party of today, grasping its conservatism even as colleagues dismissed him as a fringe figure.

    Now, even Mr. Cruz’s staunchest Republican enemies tend to criticize him most forcefully on tactics — lamenting his leading role in the 2013 government shutdown, for instance — but not on substance, where they have generally arrived at equivalent positions.”


  6. Tina says:

    CNN bested FOX in part because of the GOP debates and primary race. The “blame” for this rise in popularity goes to Trump. Overall CNN is not besting FOX.

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