State Convention Battlegrounds

Posted by Tina

It’s become clear that the 2016 election isn’t going to be a slow walk for the candidates, the battle for president will be long, tough, and bloody. But before we get to the final battle between red and blue the parties must first slug it out from within. That process continued this weekend as state conventions were held.

It’s been said that the Republican Party is headed for destruction with irreconcilable division in the grass roots among conservatives, moderates, evangelicals, the economy minded, and the establishment elites (GOPe). But something less dramatic is happening in state after state: Unity behind the basic principle, “United we stand, divided we fall.” Politico reports:

Republican activists chose party unity over “never Trump” resistance Saturday, with party leaders in one state after another pressuring their members to fall in line behind the presumptive nominee — and even punishing those who refused.

Eleven states held annual Republican conventions or party leadership meetings Saturday, offering a platform for those who still object to Donald Trump as their party’s standard-bearer a prime opportunity to make mischief. But at almost every turn, they slammed into state leaders who closed ranks around a candidate who many once said they’d never support. (Details at the link)

The Republicans are squabbling over loyalties and details, nothing out of the ordinary in most elections. But what’s happening is a far cry from the negative predictions of desolation and doom that has persisted throughout a contentious primary. The Democrats will find their hopes for an ugly Republican death spiral shredded as the months go by, that’s my prediction. Instead, their own party may be where doom (Or BOOOM) finds a home if this weekend in Nevada is any indication:

Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs. Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign. It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.

Thomas Lifson of the American Thinker provides video as he describes Barbara Boxer being booed, fist fights breaking out, and demands from Bernie supporters for recounts in Nevada. The Sanders contingency was not happy! At one point the lights were turned off and eventually “DNC officials fled the building and called in hotel security and sheriff’s deputies.”

So far I haven’t see many of the major web news sources recounting these details.

I imagine Hillary expected a preview to her coronation at these events but the closer we get to convention time, we see it just won;t go down that way. Bernie has vowed to the fight to the bitter end and his army will be on the front lines making it happen. Will Hillary try to offer him a deal he can’t refuse? Will he take it? Would his supportersaccept it if he did? I don’t think so. I think in Bernie’s mind this is what he was born to do…revolution! The people who love him are dedicated and energized.

The Democrats didn’t expect this would happen within their own party! After all, THEY are the party of inclusion. THEY are the party of tolerance. THEY are the party that always unifies (Forgetting that one time, back in band camp…1968…the revolution never ends).

I see the Republicans unifying and the Democrats, in a state of constant riot, figuratively or literally, all summer long.

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13 Responses to State Convention Battlegrounds

  1. bob says:

    Just look at these Demonrats tearing each other apart. They even had the call in the cops and guard the stage.

    They even booed Barbara Bow-wow

    As Colonel Kilgore would say, “I love the smell of burnt Demonrat in the morning.”

  2. Post Scripts says:

    I didn’t know it got this rough, but I’m really not surprised. Too many nut jobs in the Democraps

  3. J. Soden says:

    Remember last Demwit convention when there was a motion on the floor to remove part of the platform with Villagarosa at the podium? He called for a voice vote, and it was NOT what he wanted. He asked for another vote and the negative was even louder. Then he announced “The Ayes have it, motion passed.”
    Now, look at all of the $hrilLIARy shenanigans that have occurred in the voting with Sanders getting more votes repeatedly yet she is awarded more delegates and the latest fiasco in NV.
    Why do I get the feeling this is all just practice for whopping voter fraud by the Demwits in November – regardless of who their candidate is?
    Sure are a lot of Empty Chairs in the Demwit party . . . . . .

  4. Libby says:

    Ah, Jack, you are not the first to comment. The inclination of the conservative toward jack-booted conformity and of progressives toward the admittedly messier democracy has already been noted.

    • Tina says:

      Oh give me a break. Socialism in it’s many forms is nothing if not authoritarian. You guys are more likely to wear Birkenstocks, instead of Jack Boots, but the need for absolute control is obvious in every proposal and idea you have.

      You are also nothing if not conformists, going so far as to control language and thought. Your minions work hard in our “public” schools to produce well programed socialist robots. The current crop of victims being the most shining example yet.

  5. Libby says:

    How could I have mistaken? Tina, not Jack.

  6. Libby says:

    Oh, man … cool stuff. Firstly, we Dems are not ashamed to admit to ham-handed incompetence, and flagrant electoral manipulation. I mean this is really heartening. There will be no more “administrative” Bernie delegate disqualifying. We Bernies will fight to the last woman standing! … and then, probably, vote for Hillary.

    Real Clear Politics has posted some video from the convention.

    Would that another party could revel in its democratic cred. Nope. With that party it’s all: Seig Heil !

    • Tina says:

      “…we Dems are not ashamed to admit to ham-handed incompetence, and flagrant electoral manipulation”

      This is THE FIRST TIME you have said anything like that! Glad you are awake and fighting the machine from your corner.

      “We Bernies will fight to the last woman standing! … and then, probably, vote for Hillary.”

      My bad, should have known you were being facetious.

      Bernie supporters with milk toast enthusiasm might agree with you. But a good third of them say, “Never”! They, like some Republicans, will simply not vote…some may even opt for Trump (OH NO!!!) before voting for Hillary.

      The truth is we all just have to wait and see. This is the craziest pre-election cycle we’ve seen in my lifetime. Predictions are worthless; anything can happen.

      “With that party it’s all: Seig Heil !”

      Must I repeat the months of headlines declaring the Republican Party hopelessly divided, in chaos, and headed for extinction? Must we examine the desperate attempt by our party machine to displace the choice made by the people? Some of us are not happy, but we certainly have not chosen to “Seig Heil” for Donald Trump along with party elites. We admit to defeat in the contest and rally together to defeat the black widow candidate who “controls” the attention of your party’s machinery…they owe her! Hillary and the party machine will deny Bernie, and his many supporters, his “shot.” It was written before the contest began.

      Libby you’re wearing your desperately phony hat again.

  7. Libby says:

    Also, if you want to go look for it: Perlstein, Washington Spectator, wherein he mourns the loss of the contested Repug convention. Lots of entertaining historical dirt.

  8. Libby says:

    No, Tina, I was serious. Go look at Real Clear. There was ham-fisted electoral manipulation, and a vociferous response, and most entertaining, a national washing of hands re the incident.

    It’s a shame you can’t be amused by yourselves.

  9. Tina says:

    Libby give me the link if you want me to read it.

    The so called “ham-fisted manipulation’ you refer to in the Republican race was written in black and white in the party rule book. Every candidate knew before it began how the system worked, or should have. Cruz, being legally advised, knew the rules and how to play the game. Trump had to play catch up. What went on is quite different than what we have seen in the Democrat race, but there too the rules preceded the start of the race.

    Who says I’m not amused? I find this entire process both deadly serious and outrageously funny. I mean Hillary and her coughing fits…and barking like a dog. How presidential was that?

    It’s a shame you can’t demand more of your lot.

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