Trump Has Surpassed the Delegate Count

trumpPosted by Tina

Donald Trump now has secured one delegate more that required to win the Republican nomination. ABC reports on the AP story:

Donald Trump reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president Thursday, completing an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and set the stage for a bitter fall campaign.

Trump was put over the top in the Associated Press delegate count by a small number of the party’s unbound delegates who told the AP they would support him at the national convention in July. Among them is Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard.

“I think he has touched a part of our electorate that doesn’t like where our country is,” Pollard said. “I have no problem supporting Mr. Trump.”

It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination. Trump has reached 1,238. With 303 delegates at stake in five state primaries on June 7, Trump will easily pad his total, avoiding a contested convention in Cleveland.

This is true across the spectrum of voters. People aren;t happy with the state of the country or the direction we’ve taken and they want and need relief from radical left policies that are ruining the economy, our military, and our sense of shared identity. Example: The Conservative Tree House bothered to interview Latino voters for Trump. Check out the video at the link and keep these people in mind the next time the media talks about minority groups who won’t vote for Trump. The truth is, lefty Latinos won’t vote for Trump and they, like Hillary and Bernie (Biden and Warren) represent all that’s gone wrong in America. They want to see America be great again.

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21 Responses to Trump Has Surpassed the Delegate Count

  1. Libby says:

    The Republican mindset is not confined
    to white people. Fear and greed, these are human things. There are lots of Hispanic Republicans. Lots of other ethnicities succumb. And we will see if there come to be enough of them to carry the day for Trump in November. I certainly hope not.

    • bob says:

      The self-employed middle class are getting hammered by your lord and savior’s Obammycare. (And so are the lower class as full time jobs have been reduced to part time so employers can be exempt from the burdens of Obammycare.)

      The self-employed that I know are mad as hell and these people are going to take it out on Shillary in the election.

  2. Tina says:

    How you enjoy being a smart a$$, Libby!

    In truth you do not even GET the republican mindset much less what drives it.

    However, if we’re going to play this stupid game how ’bout if I just say that vapid ignorance and covetousness are the “human things” that drive the rank and file democrat mindset and greed, deception, and narcissism those who are in leadership in your party.

  3. dewster says:

    In truth everybody hears the “Republican mindset” all day long.

    Stumpin for Trump? OK great than that means you support his ideas.

    Cool hope the market crashes so you can buy houses low to sell high. Screw the people who loose their jobs! you can make money!

    Basically he is a fascist and you just subscribed to it.

    As he flip flops it will be fun to watch what you make up trying to sell corporate greed. “Make Kmart Great Again” Stolen tagline for trump

    US needs rich people to be great again

    Suggested that Ted Cruz’s father may have been involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Fox News interview, May 3, 2016 yea right

    “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” –Donald Trump in a tweet quoting fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, February 28, 2016

    “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s, like, incredible.” –Donald Trump, rally in Sioux Center, Iowa, January 23, 2016

    He would tell the government’s creditors to accept pennies on the dollar, just like those chumps who loaned money to Trump’s failed businesses over the years.

    He wants to sell off US assets to the billionaires to lower the debt.

    Liquidate the USA is the Republican Plan and the Democrats do it too. The USA is for sale and the debt comes from profit wars while cutting revenue in taxes for the rich.

    the list is long. that is the new Republican.

    Trump will hire someone else to run the country. He wants to be CEO for his own profit.

    The game is rigged.

    • Tina, says:

      “In truth everybody hears the ‘Republican mindset’ all day long.”

      Really? What does it say, Dewey?

      “Stumpin for Trump? OK great than that means you support his ideas.”

      Not stumpin’. Just sayin’. But it’s true he does hold ideas that are more closely American and more closely like mine than either (any) of the socialist, criminal, irresponsible alternatives.

      Dewey you don’t know what a fascist is or you wouldn’t be supporting the fasicstic Bernie Sanders.

      I’ve never tried to sell corporate greed. You lefties, on the other hand, push for big government greed, control and covetous redistribution ALL the Time!

      And it’s the same old tired lefty song. When Trump and the Republicans/conservative Democrats in Congress give us 4. GDP and people can find decent work again will we still hear from you, Dewey?

      I think you should take a little trip on down to Venezuela to see how well big government socialism works out. Maduro is quite fond of ol’ Bernie, even as his people can’t find food.

      Lantino Fox news:

      Caracas – Who knew? Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro also has something to say about the U.S. presidential campaign.

      On Wednesday, not long before former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders faced off in a heavily Latino-focused debate in Miami, the socialist president praised the Vermont lawmaker and even empathized with his humble beginnings.

      “He is an emerging candidate with a renovating and revolutionary message,” Maduro told a crowd congregated in Caracas to commemorate the “Anti-Imperialism Day” — a holiday created last year to mark March 9 as the day President Obama declared Venezuela a national security threat.

      MSNBC, “Cuban, Venezuelan immigrants wrestle with Bernie Sanders’ brand of socialism”:

      Alejandra Chacon’s family had heard promises of a “political revolution” before, but they weren’t willing to stick around long enough to see how it played out.

      They bolted from Venezuela when Alejandra was a young girl. And like many other Venezuelans who relocated to Florida, along with their Cuban-American neighbors, hearing a U.S. presidential candidate press for revolutionary change conjures uncomfortable memories of the conditions they once fled.

      If under any other circumstance Chacon’s family would be drawn to Bernie Sanders’ message, for now, they’re taking a pause.

      “It’s hard for us. We’re coming from a country where people are running away from socialism, and then for it to be here?” Chacon, 22, said.

      Bono has been working to alleviate poverty and in his experience capitalism lifts people out of poverty:

      Our Research Fellow George Ayittey met the Irish rock star Bono in July 2007 during a TED conference. Professor Ayittey was speaking and in knowing that Bono would be in the audience, he explains that “I made a special effort to rip into the foreign aid establishment…. Later, Bono said he liked my speech but did not agree with me that foreign aid is not effective in ending poverty. So I gave him a copy of my book, Africa Unchained: The Blueprint for Development.”

      Bono (nee Paul David Hewson) is the lead singer in the rock group U2, one of the most successful rock groups in history. Bono also became a major proponent of greatly expanded U.S. foreign aid and other government programs (including debt cancellation) to alleviate the dire plight in the world of HIV/AIDS, malaria, abject poverty, and other issues. …

      …Just recently drawing upon his Christian faith (and possibly the economics influence of Professor Ayittey?), in a speech at Georgetown University, Bono altered his economic and political views and declared that only capitalism can end poverty.

      “Aid is just a stopgap,” he said. “Commerce [and] entrepreneurial capitalism take more people out of poverty than aid. We need Africa to become an economic powerhouse.” (see video and photos)

      The evidence is all around us in varying degrees. Whether the sad state of Venezuela, the impossible situation in places like Greece, or the sluggish state of democratic socialist states under any brand of socialism, human inspiration, urge and activity are blunted and people suffer. Only in states where capitalism, supported by the rue of law, is allowed to operate freely do people experience advancement and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

      Poverty, the poor, will always be with us. Charity will always be necessary. Capitalism makes charity possible as more people experience a better life.

      The entire world has depended on the economic strength and charity of America and the American people. Individual freedom, the rule of law, and capitalism practiced in America has been an inspiration to people all around the world…that’s why people want to come here. I don’t want to exchange that for any brand of socialism.

      Greedy corporate types and greedy political types ARE NOT shining examples of capitalism. It’s wrong to condemn capitalism because of the evil, illegal things they do. It’s like condemning everyone who loves life because a few people prefer death and destruction.

      • Chris says:

        Question, Tina:

        If democratic socialism is fascism…

        Was George Orwell a fascist?

        • Tina says:

          How you love traps thinly veiled as questions.

          I was just finishing an extensive reply to you on this question when suddenly an errant keystroke crashed my work and it was lost. In the past I’ve tried to reconstruct what I have written but it’s to late now and I’m not up to the arduous task. You’ll get the shorter version which will probably be better.

          Read Orwells essay What is Fascism to get a sense of his disdain for the word fascist being indiscriminately tossed around. His strong opinion may have come out of his experiences in the Spanish Civil War where the various factions of fascism and communism and the heated revolution were all around him. He was wounded in that war. After he returned to England he was charged in absentia, along with the leaders of the ” Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification (POUM – Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista)”, in the “Tribunal for Espionage & High Treason.” His comment on the tribunals was that they were: ” ‘—only a by-product of the Russian Trotskyist trials and from the start every kind of lie, including flagrant absurdities…circulated in the Communist press.'”

          Later on, after WWII, he committed a McCArthy sin by turning over the names of writers and actors he knew to have communist ties to a friend in a “Foreign Office unit, the Information Research Department, set up by the Labour government to publish anti-communist propaganda.”

          Orwell spent his life studying the lives of the poor and indigent and was exposed to the authoritarian zealots of both communist and fascist stripes. I wouldn’t slap a label on him without reading a direct quote where he describes himself politically but I will say leanings toward socialism are indicated in his associations. Even here, though it’s unclear, he had writer friends on the left and on the right. Like all Europeans his heritage is feudalistic. In my opinion social democracy is a natural fit and was a natural outgrowth of the feudal system as citizens demanded more freedom.

          I also wrote that America, as founded, doesn’t fit within any of the various factions or orders of communism or fascism. America was founded on the idea that certain rights were inalienable, given by a higher power, eschewing authority among men. I call attention to the fact that we are a republic to make this important distinction.

          I don’t get that Orwell was much interested in politics. He was definitely against authoritarian/totalitarian rule and acutely aware of the plight of the poor and downtrodden.

          Wikipedia was the source for the quotes above.

          • Chris says:

            “I don’t get that Orwell was much interested in politics.”

            Then you don’t get Orwell, period.

            “Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.”

            I am not saying Orwell was right, or that democratic socialism is the way. I am saying that democratic socialism isn’t fascism, that the two systems are diametrically opposed, and that it is historically and politically ignorant to claim they are in any way the same thing.

            Sweden is not a fascist country, though the extreme right-wing groups there are trying to make it so. Funny, those guys love Trump; most racists do.

  4. Libby says:

    Oh, my Lord Have Mercy … he’s trademarked the slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

    Is that man a piece of work, or what!

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    I love the smell of hippy-dippy, communist, radical-drug-addled-Rats who are left-overs from the 60’s or are the deranged offspring of hippy-dippy, communist, radical-drug-addled-Rats when they talk about the “Republican mindset” in the morning.

    It smells like victory.

  6. Tina, says:

    You could be on to something there, Pie. 🙂

  7. J. Soden says:

    Y’know, the Dems should be absolutely livid that their party’s leaders are only offering a choice between an aging hippie and an aging hippy.

  8. Tina says:

    Hippie humor…love it.

  9. bob says:

    Surprise, surprise…

    Evidence scant California’s licensed illegal immigrant drivers getting insurance

  10. bob says:

    And for the few illegals who do buy insurance you get to subsidize it so they can pay less than what you pay…

    If licensed illegal immigrants want to buy auto insurance, the state provides a low-cost option. The California Department of Insurance markets the state-sponsored, Low Cost Auto Insurance Program for low income earners through Spanish-language media. Plans provide minimal liability coverage with annual premiums as low as $241. The coverage is less than what is mandated for other drivers who purchase policies through private insurance companies, paying a statewide average of just below $2,000 per year.

  11. bob says:

    And if you get hit buy these illegals with the insurance you subsidize you will be lucky to recover the costs the illegal inflicted on you.

    Rosenberg and other critics say the subsidized insurance pays victims less than regular policies, leaving them with insufficient protection in the case of accidents caused by illegal immigrants, further undermining a major selling point of the law.

    You can bet this gives an orgasm to all the liberals who infest this blog. They are all for this and insists on millions more illegals coming into this country and insist that you pay. And you will pay, good and hard, until you can’t pay anymore and that’s just what these evil liberals want. They want to destroy you and your way of life.

  12. bob says:

    Illegal Immigrant Numbers Surge at Mexico Border

    Where will the money come from for health care, housing, food, education, not to mention auto insurance for all these people? How about the liberals who infest this blog and want all this illegal immigration have their taxes doubled or tripled? I’m sure Chris, Libby and Dewey would be more than willing to pay, right?

  13. Libby says:

    “They want to see America be great again.”

    And clink, clink into The Donald’s purse.

  14. Tina says:

    How to destroy the very concept of equality under the law…leaders in government who make exceptions, carve out a niche, sidestep and undermine. before you know it, chaos.

  15. bob says:

    A German woman wakes up.

    “It’s Unbearable” 50-Year-Old German Woman Rages “I Have Lost All My Trust In The State”

    It’s only a matter of time before the US is just like this.

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