Paul Ryan Rolls Out “A Better Way” – Where Are the Balloons and Confetti?

paul-ryan-a better wayPosted by Tina

“Our nation is on the wrong path. We can complain about it, but that won’t change things. To get America back on track we have to raise our gaze. We have to be bold. That’s what a better way is all about.

While the nation’s attention is held captive by the despicable acts of a radical Islamic terrorist the work of the House of Representatives will be pushed to the background, however, it’s important that we be made aware of “A Better Way,” a plan to Make America Great for All Americans. (Trumps expanded slogan):

The plan focuses on eradicating poverty, bolstering national security, revitalizing America’s economy, creating a patient-centered health-care system, implementing pro-growth tax reform, and returning government to its constitutional parameters. Its stated goals should delight any conservative: Reward work; tailor benefits to people’s needs; improve skills and schools; plan and save for the future; and demand results.

While it was guided by the expertise of these policymakers, “A Better Way” began with GOP lawmakers earnestly reflecting upon the recommendations of community leaders across America who are closest to the problems our country faces. One such leader is Bishop Shirley Holloway, Ryan’s close friend and CEO of House of Help City of Hope, a faith-based rehabilitation home located in one of Washington, D.C.’s roughest neighborhoods.

“First, government needs to be humble enough to realize it doesn’t have all the answers,” Chairman Price said. “Second, we need to make sure we’re measuring success by the number of individuals we are lifting up and out of poverty, not by the amount of money we’re putting into a program and not by the number of programs we create. (emphasis mine)

Thanks to Ellen Carmichael for bringing this to our attention. The MSM has certainly not seen fit to give it much of a mention to my knowledge. At the same time she offers up information about work done in the Republican House that we in the ranks may not know:

And after all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the GOP not using the “power of the purse” to stop Obamacare, these are the same folks curiously opposed to the House GOP passing its budget, which is necessary to trigger a conference committee with the Senate to employ budget reconciliation to actually defund Obamacare. It’s also chock full of things conservatives have wanted for a long time: It pays off the national debt, brings the budget into balance, creates the framework for comprehensive tax reform, sets up the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and, perhaps most importantly, reforms our broken safety-net programs, such as Medicare and Social Security, that are going bankrupt.

If Charmichael is correct I’d like to know what has kept the House Republicans from loudly and proudly communicating this information again and again on TV and talk radio, in Newspapers and on twitter? The stogy conservative right doesn’t seem to realize how very bad Republicans have been at messaging and how instead they’ve limited themselves to defensive excuse making.

balloons-and-confetti-wallpaper-6810Read the National Review editorial on “A Better Way,” here:

“…the main theme of his “Better Way” welfare-reform agenda, outlined in a draft document released on Tuesday, is linking the benefits to the pursuit of work and the skills that lead to work.”

… Ryan has delivered an intelligent vision in broad strokes. But policy is not made in broad strokes, and the nation is not governed in broad strokes. The particulars will matter a great deal, and conservatives will have to fight for them — and fight hard — against Democrats who are very heavily invested in dependency. While it is always nice to save a few bucks, this isn’t primarily a matter of the federal balance sheet: What we are after here isn’t only a balanced budget but human flourishing, with economic self-sufficiency being a general precondition of that. There is dignity and self-respect to be had from work and from self-sufficiency — and there is no real alternative except the purgatory of being reduced to a lifelong ward of the welfare state.(emphasis mine)

More here: “House Speaker Paul Ryan unveiled an anti-poverty plan Tuesday as part of a broader vision for the GOP. But all reporters wanted to hear about was his reaction to Trump’s ‘racist’ comments”

The need to launch “A Better Way” couldn’t be more necessary than it is today. Decades of dependency, fostered and encouraged by badly conceived programs has left large swaths of our population in a state of institutionalized poverty and despair. We have failed to strengthen the weakest links and it’s long past time to admit it and change course. The main stream media, in the tank for the Democrat Party, will do what it can to marginalize and discredit “A Better Way” and anyone who supports it. Be aware, they are no friend to the poor people. Instead of teaching the poverty stricken to fish, they prefer to toss them a few sardines to keep them complacent and voting Democrat. That’s partisan, cold and calculating and it need to stop.

Time to get strongly behind Ryan and Trump to “Make America Great Again for EVERYONE!”

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7 Responses to Paul Ryan Rolls Out “A Better Way” – Where Are the Balloons and Confetti?

  1. J. Soden says:

    Ryan is a card-carrying member of the GOP Establishment Ruling Class, and is one reasons TheDonald’s support continues to grow.
    Ryan is up for re-election this year. Remains to be seen if the WI voters will return him to Clowngress after his abysmal performance as Speaker for the past year.

  2. Tina says:

    You may be correct about that J.

    But I was surprised about the contents in the House Budget and the procedures mentioned that were triggered upon passing it. All I heard was that we conservatives had been sold out. Have we? Or are the Republicans still dedicated to the things that we want done?

    According to Ellen Carmichael at NR, the House GOP budget had to be passed in order to “trigger a conference committee with the Senate to employ budget reconciliation to actually defund Obamacare.” She also said it was “chock full of things conservatives have wanted for a long time: It pays off the national debt, brings the budget into balance, creates the framework for comprehensive tax reform, sets up the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and, perhaps most importantly, reforms our broken safety-net programs, such as Medicare and Social Security, that are going bankrupt.”

    This is information we were not told, or if we were told, not enough was made of it.

    This is a budget that republicans can and will pass next year when Trump is president.

    The wheels of government move slowly. It’s frustrating at times. There is no alternative and the good news is that we will hopefully maintain control and perhaps pick up a few more conservative voices.

    I am also very much interested in the reforms to welfare that Ryan has proposed. As long as we are spending the money it should produce capable contributors. That would represent a step in the right direction.

  3. Chris says:

    The Onion, as usual, nails it:

    UN Warns Trump May Be Seven Months Away From Acquiring Nuclear Weapons

    NEW YORK—According to an alarming new global risk report published Tuesday by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump may be just seven months away from acquiring nuclear weapons. “A year ago, the threat didn’t seem great enough to warrant serious concern, but at this moment, a nuclear-capable Trump is now a very real and very imminent possibility,” said UNODA high representative Kim Won-soo, adding that the agency’s current projections showed Trump potentially procuring nuclear weapons, as well as advanced ballistic missile technology, as early as January of next year. “The longer we wait to act, the closer he comes to obtaining a nuclear arsenal. The final red line for preventing him from acquiring this devastating capability comes in early November. If he is not properly dealt with before then, there will be no way to stop him from going nuclear.” While U.N. officials said the international community should prepare for the destabilizing effects of Trump acquiring such weapons, they still held out hope that citizens of his nation might yet rise up against him and topple the extremist before he posed a global existential threat.

  4. Dewster says:

    Paul Ryan wants to take away your Social Security check slowly

    Please stop cashing it when you support him

    Paul Ryan ‘s Budgets are no more than Koch BULL

  5. dewster says:


    The nation is on a bad path because all we do is Pledge more taxes to war, cut revenue for tax cuts for the 1% and create more austerity for the people. We saw austerity results in Greece.

    DId you read the plan? Did you even hear what Mr Ayn Rand Paul Ryan said?

    Same old crap. War on Poverty = fascism.

    The attack on the new deal has gone on for decades. Stop cashing your social security check and railing to cut it for others. Cutting the things for people who live in poverty helps how? They sent our jobs overseas. There are not enough good jobs to go around.

    You never mention Corporate welfare? Our taxes are for the rich and war.

    Also he said:
    Abolish the Department of Labor’s recently released “fiduciary rule,” which once it’s fully implemented in 2018 will simply require that investment professionals act in their clients’ best interests when offering advice on their retirement accounts.

    That means it is OK to rip off people in their retirement plans? They took away Pensions privatized retirement and now want to keep ripping people off?

    That is donors talking

    Capitalism has hit the fan. The tyranny of unregulated Capitalism Must GO!

    From pre-school to retirement, House Republicans’ proposal is a recipe for more poverty and less opportunity.

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