Breitbart News is #1

Posted by Tina

Imagine that! The “discredited” Breitbart is numero uno in Social media, beating Huffpo by two million interactions in a field that included big guns like WSJ and WaPo.

Breitbart had to toot it’s own horn, of course:

Breitbart has been leading the way in breaking news, opinion, and analysis of not just the build up to the 2016 presidential election, but of news around the world, with teams operating across America, the United Kingdom, and Israel.

Previous research undertaken by NewsWhip has shown that conservative news tends to perform better on social media than anything else, despite attempts from Facebook to suppress conservative voices in favour of liberal outlets, whilst Twitter continues to refuse to verify Breitbart’s official Twitter account and has suspended Breitbart News’ Milo Yiannopoulos’ account twice in the past 48 hours without explanation.

“These engagement metrics are proof positive that Breitbart Nation is leading the political conversation across social media,” said Breitbart Social Media Director and Managing Editor Wynton Hall. “Our readers have helped us cultivate a smart, vibrant, and engaged community.”

Breitbart News would like to thank all its readers for their continued interest and support.

We at Post scripts thank you!

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23 Responses to Breitbart News is #1

  1. Chris says:

    So? Two and a Half Men was the number one sitcoms for its entire duration. There is going to be a fifth Transformers movie.

    Ratings =/= quality.

    And ratings don’t change the fact that Breitbart lies, all the time, just like its namesake.

    • Tina says:

      Well the candidate you favor over Trump is the biggest fat liar this nation has ever known…what does that say about you and your nasty unfounded opinion?

        • J. Soden says:

          Quoting “politifact” doesn’t earn you any points since it’s a loonie leftie site to begin with.

          • Chris says:

            A loonie left site that has given “Lie of the Year” to Democrats several times? All evidence points to Politifact being very bipartisan. Can you show me evidence that they have a leftist bias, and that this affects their conclusions?

        • Tina says:

          Geez Chris, how utterly infantile, idiotic, and shallow!

          Hillary has a long political record of lying to the people and corrupt practices going back to Arkansas. Trump’s political record is, at this time, that of a candidate. There is no comparison

          Candidates often say things to constituencies they would not say while serving in office. Hillary has lied, said a number of stupid things, and barked like a dog on the campaign trail. This woman gives the lamest explanations for her craven criminal activity. She created a secret private server for her own email because it was “too difficult” for her to use two iPhones. She blatantly lied about Benghazi to the parents of the dead and to the nation after informing her daughter the noght of the attack that she new it was a planned terrorists attack.

          I say again, there is no comparison.

          • Chris says:

            Tina: “Hillary has a long political record of lying to the people and corrupt practices going back to Arkansas. Trump’s political record is, at this time, that of a candidate.”

            And yet, Trump has still found the time to lie even more than Hillary Clinton. Amazing, isn’t it?

          • Dewster says:

            Tina HRC did not lie the FBI and CIA redacted and wrote that statement which was not read by HRC.

            That was a CIA/FBI coverup trying to say nothing.

            Now will they tell us which rebels they were arming and why Obama Sent McCain to talk to the terrorists… There is a Picture.

            Also it is more likely she used the server to avoid FOIA. Notice all the donations to the foundation that correlate to deals done with those govs.

            Notice all those speaking Fees which are way high to wall street. ANd those favors?

            BTW they all do it. It is Bribery and both sides take them. They make it as legal as they can.

  2. Libby says:

    HuffPo’s target demographic abandoned them some time ago. Such sleaze … you don’t want the NSA to know you indulge.

    It’s like the failure of Lefty Talk Radio. We just don’t DO that.

    • Tina says:

      Yeah there’s a lot you don’t do.

      There’s also a lot you don’t do well…like running the cities of Chicago and Detroit, running the educational system, the IRS, the DHS, the EPA, the Justice Department and the partisan Antique Media.

      Time to go…time to roust out the corrupt activists and reclaim your party.

      • Dewster says:

        Oh Tina Still trying to sell the republican party as godly saints? Really?

        LOL The whole system is corrupt, Some of us are willing to admit it.

        You cover up republican crimes.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Poor Piss Chris. He cannot accept the fact Andrew James Breitbart started the Huffington Post. It was there he learned how horrid and brain-dead progressives are.

    I feel your pain.

    • Chris says:

      I didn’t know that, Pie. Thanks for the information.

      Breitbart will still be best remembered for ruining a woman’s reputation and getting her fired due to an out of context video which falsely accused her of racism. (I forget, false accusations of racism are only bad when liberals make them.) And his website continues to take things out of context to smear people, like the other day when they misrepresented a memo to make it look like the Obama administration had previously backed ISIS. (Trump fell for it, of course, because he doesn’t know how to read intelligence documents, which is a necessary skill to have. And his protege James O’Keefe continues to use the same despicable tactics.

      • Tina says:

        Always playing the victim card…the woman had a big hand in her circumstantial separation from Breitbart. As outsiders we have no real deep knowledge of all that went on internally. And it’s really none of our business.

        August 10, 2014, Salon:

        During a long and in-depth interview with the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, former secretary of state and likely future presidential candidate Hillary Clinton distanced herself from President Obama’s foreign policy, implying the Islamist extremist group ISIS would not be so powerful had the president listened to her advice and thrown American power more forcefully behind “moderate” Syrian rebel forces.

        August 14, 2014, The New American:

        From sending weapons and providing training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq, to tacitly endorsing the bankrolling of Islamic terror groups by supposed American allies, U.S. foreign policy has been critical in the emergence of the monstrously barbaric self-styled Islamic State “caliphate” formerly known as ISIS. (Formerly?)

        Now, under the guise of fighting the threat it helped create, the administration is again putting American lives and treasure at risk in violation of the Constitution. The aerial bombing campaigns have already started, supposedly aimed at halting the advance of the Islamic State and its efforts to massacre minorities such as Christians, Yazidis, and others. Despite Obama’s repeated promises of no “boots on the ground,” U.S. Special Forces were reportedly operating in northern Iraq this week as well.

        May27, 2015, Worldnet Daily, “Declassified docs: Hillary aided rise of ISIS”:

        NEW YORK – More than 100 pages of previously classified Department of Defense and Department of State documents implicate the Obama administration in a cover-up to obscure the role Hillary Clinton and the State Department played in the rise of ISIS.

        The documents were obtained in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch.

        They confirm WND reporting over the past three years of evidence that U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was involved in shipping weapons from Benghazi to support the al-Qaida-affiliated militias fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, effectively arming the Sunni jihadists who morphed into ISIS.

        The documents further confirm WND reporting that the goal of the terrorists behind the Benghazi attack that killed Stevens was to force the release of Omar Abdul Rahman, the “blind sheik” in U.S. prison serving a life sentence for his involvement in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and to avenge death of a prominent Libyan al-Qaida leader killed by a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan.

        Chris you are gullible, partisan, and ridiculously nasty toward people you do not know and have never bothered to investigate beyond the equally nasty smears of your party’s hit man hacks.

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “Always playing the victim card…the woman had a big hand in her circumstantial separation from Breitbart.”

          Huh? We must be talking about two different people. I’m talking about Shirley Sherrod.

          A redeemable blog would have learned from this experience and stopped throwing around accusations without proof. But given their recent lie about a memo showing administration support for ISIS, Breibart is not a redeemable blog.

          And good heavens, World Nut Daily certainly isn’t.

    • dewster says:

      Tina the only one who thinks they are superior is you.

      I am open as they come. I have spent many years finding out what is going on. I gave up good money to do so and move about the country. You rely on written propaganda.

      The sooner you break free of this Controlled opposition Propaganda the sooner we the people can take our political system back and have real debate.

      They keep this Right and left fight going to keep people busy while they are selling off the USA. Does it really matter if it is a Dem or Rep when they all are bought out soldiers for the Donors?

      Tina you can think anything you want. .Play the Left/Right game and we all loose ………………………….Stick to Facts

      BTW Ted Cruz Lost for a reason. Scarier yet is Charles Koch looking to support Hillary. They cross party lines all the time they live in a parallel world above all of us.

      This is a corporate coup of authoritarian fascism. They declared war against the people decades ago and took us from the inside.

    • Dewster says:

      Oh Pie get it right!

      He was a researcher for Arianna Huffington, and was present at the launch of The Huffington Post

      He did not start the Publication.

      And Huffpo has been mostly ignored since she went big time commercial as sold out useless.

  4. dewster says:


    WOW you just do not get independent news and Livestreamers. yet you ask how in the world could I have seen so many events live

    The revolution will not be televised. People are leaving corporate media in droves for real news.

    Facts are facts ratings do make something true especially when people are wakingup and not participating.

    The old people will die believing lies?

    • Tina says:

      Dewey you are certainly full of yourself and closed to the things others think. Why do you bother to come her if you are so superior?

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Good question, but I have the answer. The Dopester — and Libbya, and Piss Chris, and “bob” — come here because they are trolls and trolls get off on feeling superior and letting others know that they are superior. There are other names for this behavior — Sociopathic Narcissism, Pathological Personality Disorder, and (in the vernacular) just plain stupid ***holes.

      • Dewster says:

        No one says they are superior except you and Pie. I am just stating you fail to recognize I am telling you what I have seen. You call me a liar cause you did not read it in conservative rags.

        You make me laugh that is why I come here. How about talking real policy?

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