“See Something Say Nothing”

See Something Say NothingPosted by Tina

After 911 we were advised, “If you see something, say something.” But signals from the current White House, as well as leftist journalists, bloggers, and pundits, have made it clear that using the words Islamic, Jihad, caliphate, or other terms to describe known or suspected terrorists or a potential terror threat can mark you for derision and shame. Deroy Murdock nails the truth, our governments mixed message is killing us:

If you see something, say something. But first, shut your Islamophobic mouth.

Our government’s shame campaign helped to prevent two recent attacks, San Bernardino and Orlando, from being thwarted. We’re back at square one and the failure to connect the dots. Security agencies have been overly careful and overly sensitive to potential insult and therefore bureaucratically uninterested in reporting that involves suspicious activities or speech by Muslims. Our government has tied its own hands to the point of failure in targeting the real world enemies we face. This is unacceptable and must come out of the darkness and into the light. That’s the aim of whistle-blower, Philip Haney and his co-author, Art Moore, in writing their book which exposes the seriousness of this unbelievably corrupt situation in the Obama administration. “See Something, Say Nothing – A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad” is on sale now at Amazon, for those interested in buying a copy.

Mr. Haney was on Sean Hannity’s afternoon radio show Friday. He spoke about the solemn vow he took to keep Americans safe as one of the founding members of the Department of Homeland Security. He was one of many agents, chosen for their expertise and dedication. They took their jobs seriously and worked diligently to investigate and provide information that would assist the government in defeating the Islamic terrorists that had brought down the Twin Towers, killed 3000 people, mostly Americans, and blown a huge hole in the hearts of the American people. Philip Haney’s specific work involved research into the Muslim Brotherhood and another related organization in East Asia. In the eight years under George W. Bush our nation was kept safe and Al Qaeda was decimated.

Soon after President Obama took office big changes were made. Language was stricken from the lexicon and the focus shifted from a war mindset toward law enforcement. When the Obama administration had his Mr. Haney shred his work it bothered him greatly, so much so that he took the advantage of turning 62 to retire early rather than continue in a job he no longer felt was the job he had vowed to do. Haney supports his claims with internal memos and documents detailed in his book.

After the Paris attacks in November of 2015 a prominent Australian Muslim leader, Dr. Jamal Rifi said that the extremists behind the Paris attack and other acts of terror are “the enemy of Islam” and “only Islamic by name.” He further noted it was time to come together, “”united in our condemnation, standing together to defeat this global terrorist organization”.

A good message from an educated man of faith. His message about this Islamic terrorist scourge was to firmly denounce them as members of his religion. His call was a call for unification against an evil that plagues us all, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, atheist…

Rifi’s message did not shame anyone. It also did not pull punches. Obama could take a lesson. As could both Hillary and Trump.

The failures of the Obama, Hillary, Kerry administration are plain to see. Their desperate supporters want to convince us that we aren’t seeing what’s right in front of our noses. They want to convince us, and are even joined by some in the Republican Party, that Mr. Trump would be more dangerous than this trio that brought us a reinvigorated world wide Islamic terror threat, an uptick in terror attacks in our cities, and to top it all off, an economy so weak many nations are failing, their people desperate and in protest.

The Obama administration played right into the hands of the terrorists through unconscious, clumsy, an purposeful decision making. It’s impossible at this time to tell what exactly has motivated and shaped these decisions but examine and reverse we must. Hillary is a proven liar and a failure. She is suspected of multiple federal criminal activities. The nation does not trust her and for good reason.

I predict that whatever happens in November, Mr Haney’s and Mr. Moore’s book is just the beginning of volumes of leaked and revealed information that will prove the Obama/Hillary/Kerry years to be the nations worst ever. Thanks go out to Mr. Haney for his courage. I hope he inspires other patriots to follow in his footsteps

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14 Responses to “See Something Say Nothing”

  1. Chris says:

    “Mr. Haney was on Sean Hannity’s afternoon radio show Friday.”

    Oh, so he’s lying then. How good of him to let us know.

    ” In the eight years under George W. Bush our nation was kept safe and Al Qaeda was decimated.”

    If you ignore 9/11…

    And no, Al Qaeda was not “decimated” under Bush.

    “After the Paris attacks in November of 2015 a prominent Australian Muslim leader, Dr. Jamal Rifi said that the extremists behind the Paris attack and other acts of terror are “the enemy of Islam” and “only Islamic by name.” He further noted it was time to come together, “”united in our condemnation, standing together to defeat this global terrorist organization”.

    A good message from an educated man of faith. His message about this Islamic terrorist scourge was to firmly denounce them as members of his religion. His call was a call for unification against an evil that plagues us all, Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, atheist…

    Rifi’s message did not shame anyone. It also did not pull punches. Obama could take a lesson. As could both Hillary and Trump.”

    Crazy. This is EXACTLY what Obama says and the entire reason he doesn’t use the term “Islamic terrorists,” and you praise this guy while condemning Obama for the exact same language? You cannot think.

    • Tina says:

      Chris you are a partisan pig lacking even a drop of intellectual curiosity.

      “If you ignore 9/11…”

      Easy enough to do since Bill Clinton had the intelligence more than once to kill bin Laden and wouldn’t take the shot.

      Under the heading viable excuses: He and Hillary didn’t want to rock the boat since they needed to promote good will for their subsequent Middle Eastern cash grab.

      “Al Qaeda was not “decimated” under Bush.”

      Liberty News Online:

      In a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies yesterday, CIA director John Brennan made a startling admission: The Islamic State was “decimated” under George W. Bush and had just “700-or-so adherents left” following the surge in Iraq. Said Brennan:

      “[ISIS] was, you know, pretty much decimated when US forces were there in Iraq. It had maybe 700-or-so adherents left. And then it grew quite a bit in the last several years, when it split then from al-Qaida in Syria, and set up its own organization.”

      But in September 2014, a CIA analysis found that:

      [ISIS] can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria … This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity, and additional intelligence.

      This means that, by the CIA’s own estimate, ISIS has grown on President Obama’s watch from just 700 fighters to between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters.

      That is an increase of between 2,700 and 4,400 %.

      Moreover, Brennan tacitly acknowledged that the Obama administration had underestimated the ISIS threat. At CSIS, Brennan declared that:

      “Not content to limiting its killing fields to Iraqi and Syrian lands, and to setting up local franchises in other countries of the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, ISIL has developed an external operations agenda that is now implementing … with lethal effect.”

      “This is EXACTLY what Obama says …”

      No Chris it isn’t, because Obama doesn’t leave it there. Obama takes every opportunity afforded him to be divisive, to insinuate there is rampant Islamophobia in America, and to shame the American people, particularly his political opponents. George Bush NEVER made this a political issue even under unbelievable criticism from the likes of you and your corrupt activist party.

      Someone can’t think; it isn’t me.

      • Chris says:

        Liberty News Online: “In a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies yesterday, CIA director John Brennan made a startling admission: The Islamic State was “decimated” under George W. Bush and had just “700-or-so adherents left” following the surge in Iraq. Said Brennan:

        John Brennan: “[ISIS] was, you know, pretty much decimated when US forces were there in Iraq”

        So weird. Not you, not Liberty News, not any of the other dozen conservative websites I saw this on can tell the obvious difference between these two statements. Nor can you tell that whoever made the original paraphrase about Bush was lying. It’s a perfect example of how extreme partisanship affects reading comprehension.

  2. J. Soden says:

    In order for “see something, say something” to work, someone has to be listening. Given the multiple failures with the Orlando shooter, the FBI and DHS had their hearing aids turned off.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Tina nails it down pat. “The failures of the Obama, Hillary, Kerry administration are plain to see. Their desperate supporters want to convince us that we aren’t seeing what’s right in front of our noses.”

    So does Deroy Murdock and Phillip Haney.

    If you see something, say something. But first, shut your Islamophobic mouth — the progressive motto.

    Inside every progressive is a lunatic totalitarian screaming to get out.

    • Libby says:

      Tina lives in La-La Land. During whose administration did 9/11 occur? Which administration is accused of ignoring actionable intelligence about the “pilots”?

      And which administration pissed away obscene sums of human and monetary capital on failed military interventions, so destabilizing Iraq as to spawn ISIS?

      Eight years safe, my butt.

      • Tina says:

        George W. Bush began his presidency on January 20, 2001, after months of hanging chad idiocy that delayed and disrupted the normal sequence of transitioning. Eight and one half months later 911 shocked the entire nation. That you give this “credit” to Bush shows you are petty, bitter, vengeful and partisan.

        We had intelligence on aircraft hijacking plots. Our intelligence understanding encompassed hostage situations either for ransom or political some demand. NOBODY imagined what was actually accomplished by the evil enemy you will not name or blame.

        If you were an honest person you would find fault in the Clinton administration. You are not honest.

        Okay…we’ll cal it seven years safe. After the unimaginably shocking outrage of 911 Bush was dedicated to keeping America safe and he did. Instead of acting “cool” so he would be liked he got the job done.

        Your re-write of history, started long before Bush left office by partisan lefties who put party ahead of America, will not stand historically, as Mr. Brennen’s recent testimony for one, will attest. You lie, Libby. You lie for the progressive (Oppressive) cause. People like you have put us in this place and the most despicable part of it is that you regurgitate this garbage on the graves of the brave young men and women who won that war and deserve better than your bitter partisan lies.

        • Libby says:

          “If you were an honest person you would find fault in the Clinton administration. You are not honest.”

          Did I, or did I not nail Clinton for the repeal of Glass-Stegal on this very site a week or two back. You refuse to take in anything outside your little box, that doesn’t suit your prejudices.

    • Tina says:

      They’ve scrambled the eggs, trying to make an omelette, but they just can’t get rid of the rotten meat, cheese, and veggies they have to hide inside!

  4. Libby says:

    I love the Internet. It may be gonna precipitate the death of the nation, but I still love it.

    His publisher is WND Books, aka WorldNetDaily. Imagine my delight. And his co-author:

    Art Moore is an editor for WND.com and its monthly magazine and book-publishing division. He entered the media world as a public relations assistant for the Seattle Mariners and a sports correspondent for Associated Press Radio. Moore served for ten years in Eastern Europe with a Christian organization and earned a master’s degree in communications from Wheaton College. Before joining WND shortly after 9/11, he was a reporter for a daily newspaper and senior news writer for Christianity Today magazine.

    Perfect, absolutely perfect. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this, you understand. It’s just that adjectives like unbiased or even-handed, they are not what come to mind.

    We have to see what we can find out about these “administrative actions” taken against Mr. Haney before he was allowed to “retire”? I’m sniffing personality disorder here. There are ways to buck the bureaucracy that don’t get you “retired”.

  5. Tina says:

    “I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this, you understand. It’s just that adjectives like unbiased or even-handed, they are not what come to mind. ”

    I haven’t read the book. I haven’t claimed the book is unbiased. I can understand your partisan concerns about WND and bias, however, if whistle blowers like Mr. Haney could get their work published in the left-wing controlled book publishing arena they wouldn’t have to rely on publishers like WND. It should be noted that in the area of politics these publishers have a long list of #1 Best Sellers. The NYT doesn’t recognize them even though sales indicate they deserve it.

    Regnery is another publisher willing to publish books by conservative writers.

    Mr. Haney writes to tell the American people what he observed first hand. Having heard him speak about this, my experience is that he is unassuming, humble about his work and credentials, and disappointed and concerned for America’s sake.

    • Chris says:

      If he were honest, he wouldn’t published through World Birther Daily, period. Without evidence to substantiate his claims, they should be rejected out of hand.

  6. Libby says:

    Well, there are publishers, and then there are propaganda mills. You gotta draw the line somewhere, and, after some additional research, I’d say World Net Daily is the spot. Wild stuff. These clowns’ll print anything.

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