Well, That Didn’t Take Long – HuffPo Blames High Temps on Man Caused Global Warming

hot_summer_sunPosted by Tina

The Soutwest is experiencing extremely hot weather. Leave it to the Huffington Post to try to prop up the global warming craze: <b"Scorching Hot Southwest Is Climate Change In Action – Scientists say if we keep burning fossil fuels at the same rate, pretty soon "what we think of as extreme summer heat" will become 'typical.'"

(Never let a “crisis” go to waste):

On Sunday, the National Weather Service announced temperature records for that calendar day in Yuma at 120 degrees, Phoenix at 118, Tucson at 115 and Flagstaff at 93, NOAA spokeswoman Maureen O’Leary told The Huffington Post. Tucson’s heat tied for the third hottest day every recorded in the city.

Third highest ever recorded? Oh no!

But let’s consider this. Is 115 degrees within the typical range for Tucson in June? According to this site the average temperature in June for Tucson is 100 degrees. The record low was 43 degrees in 1908 and the record high was recorded at 117 degrees in 1990. By golly, weather patters change.

And somebody(s) is not being entirely honest.

An article that PIE brought to our attention provides something more informative and interesting to ponder:

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore took a jab at the climate change movement Monday with a study arguing that far from endangering life on Earth, increased greenhouse gas emissions may be saving it.

Mr. Moore, a Greenpeace turncoat who now challenges the catastrophic climate change narrative, said in a treatise that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere dipped so low about 18,000 years ago that plant life was threatened.

“All life is carbon-based and the primary source of this carbon is the CO2 in the global atmosphere,” Mr. Moore said in his executive summary. “As recently as 18,000 years ago, at the height of the most recent major glaciation, CO2 dipped to its lowest level in recorded history at 180 ppm, low enough to stunt plant growth.”

At about 150 ppm, plant life dies due to carbon dioxide starvation, he said in his paper, “The Positive Impact of Human CO2 Emissions on the Survival of Life on Earth,” released Monday by the Canada-based Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

“It is calculated that if the decline in CO2 levels were to continue at the same rate as it has over the past 140 million years, life on Earth would begin to die as soon as two million years from now and would slowly perish almost entirely as carbon continued to be lost to the deep ocean sediments,” according to the summary.

As a result, said Mr. Moore, “Human emissions of CO2 have restored a balance to the global carbon cycle, thereby ensuring the long-term continuation of life on Earth.”

Balance…it’s a beautiful thing.

We have so much yet to learn and so many avenues to explore when it comes to climate. It’s unconscionable that the radical environmental left foisted the warming/climate change scam on the world and continue to use it to scare little children and grab cash. Talk about playing on people’s fears! Create a crisis that will never go to waste and can always be exploited! Don’t buy it.

Instead, thank great people like Mr. Moore, and smart folks like PIE, who present us with science to counter speculation sold as truth and scams perpetrated for profit. Go ahead, break out the sunscreen and enjoy your summer! But don’t forget to hydrate, we don’t want you keeling over in the heat.

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28 Responses to Well, That Didn’t Take Long – HuffPo Blames High Temps on Man Caused Global Warming

  1. Chris says:

    Shouldn’t the title say “Scientists Blame High Temps on Man Caused Global Warming?”

    I know it’s better for the narrative to focus your ire on “liberals,” since that’s a group your audience distrusts, whereas “scientists” are viewed as more trustworthy. But it’s not like liberals are making this up out of thin air. We get our information from the vast majority of scientists who agree man caused global warming is real and affecting the earth.

    Now, there is a minority of scientists who disagree. Neither of us are scientists, so I’m going to listen to the majority of experts on this one.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Progressive liar.

    • Tina says:

      Yah dah, Yah dah, yah dah…do the warming dance! There isn’t a consensus, good science doesn’t rely on consensus, in fact it is compelled by disagreement to caution and continued investigation and research. The liberal political scheme to rush to judgement and demean dissenting opinion goes against credible, professional, ethical science. Liberal “scientist” have been complicit in the scam and manipulated data and reporting to create a political crisis.

      You are exposed as one who supports inventors of crisis and fear mongering. Most despicable of all this group of political and economic opportunists used school children to build enduring support for the scam. And you try to sit in judgement of conservatives. Take your sack of sick lies and divisive crisis mongering and blow!

      • Chris says:

        “There isn’t a consensus, good science doesn’t rely on consensus”

        The first statement is false, but the second sentence is true.
        I’m not sure why you’d need both; if there’s no consensus, why do you need to say that science doesn’t rely on consensus?

        And of course, no one is saying science relies on consensus. The consensus is a RESULT of the science. It’s also helpful in shaping public opinion among non-scientists. I put my trust in the idea that 97% of climate scientists understand the science better than I do. You don’t.

        Now, I could concede that that’s because you know more about science than I do, but we both know that isn’t true. You have in fact misrepresented science and scientists here numerous times, and when I pointed out your mistakes, you acted like you didn’t even understand them. So it can’t be that you understand science better than I do.

        It’s that you believe what your tribe tells you to believe. And because your tribe is owned by the oil companies, who your tribe tells you are persecuted businessmen just trying to survive and provide a valuable commodity, you believe that climate science is a great big scam. It’s not about the science for you, it’s about the politics. Why pretend otherwise? Who do you think you are fooling? You don’t believe in AGW because you don’t like the political consequences of AGW being accepted. Why not just say that? Your accusations about manipulated data have all been debunked years ago, but you don’t care about that.

      • Libby says:

        Yes, Tina, there is global consensus, based upon verifiable data … which you choose to ignore.

        Go ahead. We will soldier on without you.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    The Puffing Host is just like every other progressive institution, it depends on hype, lies and fear mongering to exist. I am less concerned with the Puff’s hysterical and hyperbolic declarations (which only reach and preach to a choir of fools) than I am with this mauling 0f the truth by Obama —

    Released Criminal Aliens Committed Nearly 10 Times More Crimes Than Obama Admin. Told Congress

    • Tina says:

      Thanks Pie. So much is going on it’s hard to keep up.

      Law enforcement has to deal with this madness. .Our courts are stuffed. Chaos…Obama is creating chaos!

      There was an item in the news a few ago days ago about a released Gitmo detainee in Uruguay that has disappeared. they think he crossed into Brazil without a passport…headed for America? Who knows.


      Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) released the following statement in response to reports that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee transferred to Uruguay has gone missing in neighboring Brazil:

      “The Obama administration is pushing dangerous detainees to countries that it knows can’t handle them. We’ve seen it across the globe, from Afghanistan, an active war zone, to Ghana, a country with limited security resources. And now, in Uruguay, a dangerous jihadist has gone missing in neighboring to Brazil.

      “The administration needs to stop ignoring its own security assessments of the countries accepting these detainees. In light of today’s alarming news, the administration should halt any future transfers. Already, we know that one-third of former detainees have returned — or attempted to return — to the battlefield and up to 14 have killed Americans. Rushing to release more dangerous terrorists will not make America safer.”

      NOTE: Following the administration’s release of six detainees to Uruguay in 2014, Chairman Royce expressed his concerns about the transfer in a letter to Secretary Kerry. After a firsthand assessment by Committee staff, it was found that the Obama administration sent the President of Uruguay a letter stating that none of the six detainees had ever been involved in facilitating or conducting terrorist activities – despite clear information to the contrary. This letter bolstered the Uruguayan government’s argument to not monitor the six detainees.

      According to news reports, at least 26 more detainees are scheduled to be released by the end of this summer. Chairman Royce recently introduced H.R. 4580, the Terrorist Release Transparency Act, to ensure the American people and our foreign partners have access to critical details before terrorists are released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

      This is how liberals “normalize realities,” with pure fantasy! Obama needs to keep a campaign promise for his legacy…he will do all he can to close Gitmo, even if it means making America more vulnerable to Jihadist terrorist attack!

      Sorry but everything he’s done begs the question, “Whose side is he on?” Whether consciously or unconsciously his actions and policies act as an assist to the enemies of the Western civilized world.

    • Chris says:

      Rebuttal: it’s from Breitbart, so it’s probably not true.

      • Chris says:

        Oh, lovely. And Breitbart got its info from FAIR, which is an extremist hate group with neo-Nazi ties.


        Sing it with me this time: If you don’t want to be called bigots and racists, stop linking to bigots and racists.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        ROTFLMAO! Piss does his usual specious, intellectually bankrupt/brain-dead, and idiotic rhetorical fallacy “attack the messenger” dance as a rebuttal. Thank you Piss!!! You are the champ!

        • Chris says:

          Well, the messenger is a liar. Just last week Breitbart accused the president of the United States of supporting ISIS, based on no evidence but their own inability to read. Despite every single fact checker, the former head of the CIA, and multiple military experts pointing out their accusation was false, Breitbart has not corrected or retracted their story.

          So it is absolutely fair to attack them, and to not trust anything they have to say about anything.

          Why is that not fair?

  3. Libby says:

    Off Topic … A 5/29 tweet:

    “Good news is that my campaign has perhaps more cash than any campaign in the history of politics- b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do.”

    Nobody told him? He didn’t ask?

    One thing I’ll venture is: he had no idea whether this was true or not, but he said it anyway. We all do it, of course, but we’re not running for President.

    • Tina says:

      He may turn out to be the definitive chink in Hillary’s campaign yet.

      Yammering about cash derived from the 1% and Middle Eastern and Asian entities is nothing to brag about.

      • Libby says:

        I don’t know where they got this info, but “Wait, Wait” had a funny bit about how now, unless he really wants to liquidate the empire, it’s time to start courting 1%, The ELE was handed a list of names and numbers (you want millions, you got to make the calls yourself), and told to get to work.

        He made three calls, and quit.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    The brain-dead, ignorant, progressive English major booby prize winner will never ever understand that good science is done by following the scientific method, it is not done by questionable polling or a popularity contest.

    This ignorant moron is allowed to teach in grade school??? I don’t believe it. Piss Chris has far too much time on his hands to be a K-12 teacher. Given the amount of time he spends making stupid comments in Post Scripts and attacking Tina and Jack, he does have plenty of time to be a fraud.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    A true Democrat, through and through —

    Chaka Fattah found guilty of racketeering

    How long will it take to indict Hillary? Will she ever be indicted?

    • Tina says:

      Not only that, did they throw him under the bus? When they make public statements like the following:

      White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declined to comment on the facts of the case, but said it proved the independence of federal prosecutors.

      “Congressman Fattah was a supporter of President Obama’s presidential campaigns. That’s just a fact,” Earnest said. “Obviously, I think this is pretty good evidence that the Department of Justice is faithful to their mandate to pursue justice irrespective of political affiliations.” (emphasis mine)

      …it sure looks like proving that they’re not political was the concern.

      When will Hillary be indicted?

    • Libby says:

      Take the blinders off, will you!


  6. J. Soden says:

    Wonder just how much hot air is released during an Obumble photo-op . . . . .

  7. Dewster says:

    yea the Koch bros have themselves dumped 80 million into organizations that have attacked the scientists who study climate change and interfered with virtually every proposed policy and regulation to solve global warming…

    cause they are just good guys!

    Nothing to do with their biz is dependent on fossil fuels.

    They would take a huge hit if people act. Their lack of insight and smarts to divest and move towards other energy businesses is the peoples problem not theirs.

    Some day you will have to admit you were lied to. You have been proven wrong by the world.

  8. Tina says:

    80 Million? A paltry sum compared to George Soros. Good grief Dewey, a little perspective?

    You can’t “solve” something that is not a problem. I feel for those kids who went into massive debt for a degree in this field…hope they can transition or find a good use for it.

    Koch Industries: “For two years in a row, the Environmental Protection Agency has named Koch Industries the number one U.S.-based parent company in pollution prevention initiatives.”

    See also a detailed response to a Rolling Stones hit piece, here.The errors and omissions list is long and detailed.

    You need to dig deeper if you really care about the truth.

    Koch is a good

    You are a tool of the scum that launched this international scam. Sad.

    You say you like facts, Dewey but you have no interest in the facts about Koch Industries and the Koch brothers. Instead you rely on the leftist smear machine

  9. Tina says:

    Some pigs are more equal than others…

    Daily Caller

    The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) science advisory panel tasked with reviewing ozone regulations is stacked with experts who have collectively received millions in agency funding over the years.

    Of the 20 scientific advisers sitting on EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Ozone Panel, 17 have received a total of $192 million in EPA grants, according to an analysis by the blog JunkScience.com.

    This news only fuels the argument that EPA’s science committees aren’t “independent” as required by federal law, because they are stacked with experts who rely on the very agency they are overseeing for money.

    “The EPA’s CASAC panels work on a consensus basis,” wrote Steve Milloy, the publisher of JunkScience.com and senior fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (EELI).

    So with 70% of panel members on the receiving end of $192 million in grants, a ‘consensus’ supporting the EPA was not difficult to achieve,” Milloy wrote.

    Milloy, who has been battling EPA and environmentalists for years over the quality of science used to promulgate clean air regulations, recently sued EPA over the integrity of its science panel tasked with reviewing regulations for fine particulate matter, or PM2.5.

    Milloy found EPA’s PM2.5 panel was also primarily made up of expert advisers who benefitted from EPA funding. EELI released a report that 24 of the 26 members of the PM2.5 got more than $190 million from the agency. Most of these experts were hand-picked by EPA to review federal regulations.

    EELI filed suit to try and prevent the PM2.5 panel in May, and the group asked EPA to hand over its science advisers financial disclosure forms. EPA denied EELI’s request, arguing ““the harm to the individuals … clearly outweighs the public interest in such disclosure.

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